January 1999
110 Reads
6 Citations
The FAMAS-Newcon project aims at developing new logistic control structures for a container terminal capable of handling jumbo container ships within 24 hours. In one of the subprojects stacking aspects is studied. This report describes a generator model in which on the basis of a global description arrival and departure moments of individual containers are generated for a medium term (15 weeks). The global description consists of a specification of the modal split in terms of containers handled by jumbo's, deepsea, shortsea, rail, barge and trucks, next a specification of the number and type of containers transported by an individual jumbo and deepsea and finally a specification of the dwell time. The output of the generator program is a file with the following container information: arrival and departure times, import/export modality and the import/export ship in case that is a deepsea or jumbo. This file serves as the input of a stacking program which is described in a sequel report. The advantage of this construction is that several stacking strategies can be compared with the same arrival and departures of containers.