P. Srimathi’s research while affiliated with vanavarayar institute of agriculture and other places

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Publications (113)

Effect of Priming on Finger Millet Seed with Redgrambiochar as Priming Agent
Effect of Priming on Finger Millet Seed with Water Hyacinth Biochar as Priming Agent
  • Article
  • Full-text available

May 2019


700 Reads


2 Citations



P Srimathi


A study was carried out to evaluate biochars viz., redgram, soapbush wattle (Acacia holosericiae) and water hyacinthas priming agent for finger millet seed priming. The experiment was conducted with biochar extracts made to different concentrations viz., 1,2,3,4 and 5 per cent solution. The performance of biochar extracts were evaluated in terms of physiological seed quality parameters like speed of emergence, germination, root length, shoot length, dry matter production and vigour index. The individual results revealed that priming of finger millet seed with redgrambiochar @ 4% solution secured the best results in all physiological parameters when compared to control. Similarly, seed primed with soap bush wattle and water hyacinth biochars also showed greater increase in all the physiological parameters at 1% and 4% solution respectively compared to control. Among the biochars investigated, redgrambiochar primed seeds produced the vigorous seedlings followed by soapbush wattle. The biocharseed priming has a large scope in sustainable agriculture because of its significant improvement in physiological parameters for finger millet which is mostly cultivated as dryland crop.


Annual waste water discharge and consumption of industrial sector
A Review on Abiotic Stress Caused by Industrial Effluents on Seed Quality

March 2019


8 Reads

Annual Research & Review in Biology

India is one of the top ten industrialized countries of global importance. But industries release waste products, which exert negative influences by causing toxicity to biotic organisms and environment. Liquid wastes of industries termed as effluents are characterized with possession of organic and inorganic compounds that evolve with varying levels of toxicity based on the type of industry and its bi-product. Recycling of treated effluent serves as an alternative to tie over water scarcity in sustainable agriculture. On the other hand, dilutions of industrial effluents serves as growth stimulants at an optimal concentration and influences the seed and seedling quality characters and aids in improving the productivity of crops. The safe levels of dilutions expressing the seed invigourative effect are reviewed hereunder, which could serve as a solution for disposal of effluent in agriculture in an effective manner.

Correlation among physiological and histological changes in soybean seeds during storage

March 2019


116 Reads

Journal of Environmental Biology

Aim: The aim of the study was to correlate the histological changes in cotyledon and embiyonic axis in aged seeds of soybean genotypes with the physiological changes and storability. Methodology: Ten genotypes with differing, storability as predicted by accelerated ageing test, were selected and various physiological parameters viz.. germination per cent, seedling length and dry weight, seedling vigour, mobilization efficiency were studied over a period of ten months at bi-monthly interval. These were correlated with histological changes like cell arrangement and cell membrane integrity in cotyledonand embiyonic axis of seed.The findings were further supported by electrical conductivity test. Results: Good storer/performer (DSB 21) maintained comparatively better cell membrane integrity in both cotyledon and embryonic axis at the end of ten months of storage when compared to poor storer/performer (MAUS61). Interpretation: Maintenance of cell membrane integrity in good storergenotype, as revealed by scanning electron microscopy, as result of better tolerance mechanism for biochemical degradation, is the main reason for higherphysiological performance of all thegood storer/performers genotypes during storage.

Influence of genotypes and natural ageing period on malondialdehyde content and free radical scavenging activity in soybean genotypes.
Influence of genotypes and natural ageing period on lipoxygenase I & II activity in soybean genotypes.
Biochemical changes in naturally aged seeds of soybean genotypes with good and poor storability

October 2018


285 Reads


3 Citations

Legume Research - An International Journal

Seed deterioration during storage is associated with various metabolic and chemical alterations that vary among genotypes in soybean. In the present study, five genotypes with good storability viz., kalitur, MACS 1416, EC 18761, CO1 and DSB21 and five genotypes with poor storability viz., JS 71-05, DS 228, MAUS 61, NRC 93 and DSB 24 were selected and evaluated for biochemical changes to identify the best donors for storability. Among the genotypes, all the poor storer genotypes showed faster accumulation of free amino acids, free fatty acids and malondialdehyde content as a result of oxidative stress. Poor storer genotypes also showed the increased lipoxygenase I and II enzymes activity. All the good storer genotypes showed higher anti-oxidative enzymes activity causing slower lipid peroxidation. Among the good storers, kalitur showed favourable biochemical features for storability while MAUS-61 was identified as poor storer exhibiting less favourable biochemical features.

Citations (42)

... However, higher concentrations cause a decrease in seedling growth such as root and shoot length, biomass production and net primary productivity. Similar findings were also observed by Kalaiselvi, 2009;Rath et al., 2010. A decrease in chlorophyll content limits photosynthesis, which ultimately affects the growth and productivity of a plant. ...


Impact of Post Biomethanated Distillery Spentwash on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Dryland Crops
  • Citing Article
  • November 2009

Madras Agricultural Journal

... hypochondriacus L. (Rastogi and Shukla, 2013), entre las cuales se ha informado un rendimiento promedio de 2,000 kg ha -1 (Apaza et al., 2002;Arellano et al., 2007;Pospïsil et al., 2006), con fluctuaciones entre 1,600 y 6,700 kg ha -1 en climas mediterráneos (Alba et al. (1997) citado por Gimplenger et al., 2008). Manejos agronómicos como la densidad de plantas y la fertilización nitrogenada pueden ayudar a mejorar los rendimientos y optimizar los recursos (Manikandan et al., 2010). ...

Influence of Fertilizer and Spacing on Seed Yield and Quality of Grain Amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondriacus L.) cv. Suvarna

Madras Agricultural Journal

... The reason for that could be due to the effect of light [20] . Pods are often exposed to different levels of light as they are surrounded and covered by plant branches, and pods in shade places need more time to reach maturity [21]. In addition, different cultivars have different genetic backgrounds and need a varying number of days for setting seeds and producing pods. ...

Influence of Positional Polymorphism on Seed Yield and Seed Quality Characters in Petunia
  • Citing Article
  • June 2009

Madras Agricultural Journal

... They stated that fallen fruits tend to show low viability. These findings duly supported by the observation of Srimathi et al. (2013) in Pongamia pinnata, Gurunathan et al. (2009), Kathiravan (2004, Silva et al. (2017) in Jatropha curcas, Srimathi et al. (2001) in Jamun. Ferreira et al. (2017), Hay and Whitehouse (2017), Tetteh et al. (2018) also found a swift and significant reduction of germination percentage in the seeds obtained from immature fruits (Yellow and Green). ...

Influence of Size Polymorphism on Seed and Seedling Quality of Jatropha curcas
  • Citing Article
  • May 2009

Madras Agricultural Journal

... Pelleted seeds performed better than naked seed materials based on the overall root characteristics. Suma et al. (2010) studied the influence of nutrient pelleting on seed quality of sesame and obtained average root length in the range of 10.5 cm to 11.9 cm for pelleted seeds while control treatment (non-pelleted seeds) had 8.2 cm. Table 5, the number of capsules per plant, number of seeds per capsule, and total yield (kg/ha) were significantly (p<0.05) ...

Influence of Nutrient Pelleting on Seed Quality of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)
  • Citing Article
  • January 2010

Madras Agricultural Journal

... Singh e Arunachalam (2002), avaliando tratamentos para quebra de dormência em cinco espécies de árvores leguminosas, observaram correlação positiva entre tamanho de semente e taxa de germinação, indicando que a maior reserva inicial das sementes foi importante para a rápida germinação. Parameswari et al. (2001) verificaram que as características de vigor, comprimento da raiz e do caule e produção de matéria seca revelaram que as plântulas de tamarindeiro originadas de sementes maiores foram mais vigorosas. Arunachalam et al. (2003) também observaram que as sementes maiores da espécie Musea ferrea apresentaram germinação mais rápida e que a variação no tamanho das sementes teve substancial influência sobre o crescimento e acúmulo de biomassa dessa espécie. ...

Influence of seed size and duration of acid sacrification on seed germination of tamarind (Tamarindus indica linn.)
  • Citing Article
  • January 2001

Madras Agricultural Journal

... The seed can protect the stress which is caused by the abiotic stress and also produce equal germination, thus overall crop yields might be greatly enhanced [13][14][15][16]. It is also reported that seed hardening can be useful to develop the rapid and uniform germination and emergence of the seeds and it also increases the seeds tolerance to adverse environmental conditions [1]. ...

Evaluation of storage potential of pre-sowing seed treatment

... Rapid decline in germination and seedling vigour index might be due to the impairment in mitochondrial membrane paving to reduced energy supply necessary for metabolism to initiate germination (Gidrol et al., 1998) and increased sub-cellular membrane structure and organization changes (Shantappa et al.,2006). Similar reduction in vigour index was also reported in onion (Bhanuprakash et al. 2010), green gram, red gram and cowpea (Ananthi et al., 2015) due to seed ageing. ...

Prediction of storability of greengram seeds through accelerated ageing test

... This beetle is a very important international pest of stored grain products which have been reported in 156 countries infesting more than 60 commodities in total (Campbell et al., 2022). Infestation of stored tamarind fruits and seeds by T. castaneum has been reported in Nigeria and India (Ojo & Omoloye, 2021;Parameswari et al., 2002). Previous studies have already demonstrated this type of facilitation process in other study systems where a secondary seed predator that is unable to break the fruit epicarp gain access to the seeds through the exit hole left by a primary species of seed predator (see Janzen, 1971bJanzen, , 1975Mitchell, 1977). ...

Storability of scarified and noncarified seeds of tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.)

Madras Agricultural Journal

... It is an excellent source of easily digestible and high value protein in Indian diet. Area under green gram in India is 3.0 million hectares with an annual production of 1.5 million tones [2]. Nearly 7 per cent of the pulse area is occupied by green gram, which is the third most important pulse crop of India in terms of are a cultivated and production next to chickpea and pigeon pea. ...

Influence of seed hardening and integrated seed treatment on seed yield and quality in green gram