May 2019
700 Reads
2 Citations
A study was carried out to evaluate biochars viz., redgram, soapbush wattle (Acacia holosericiae) and water hyacinthas priming agent for finger millet seed priming. The experiment was conducted with biochar extracts made to different concentrations viz., 1,2,3,4 and 5 per cent solution. The performance of biochar extracts were evaluated in terms of physiological seed quality parameters like speed of emergence, germination, root length, shoot length, dry matter production and vigour index. The individual results revealed that priming of finger millet seed with redgrambiochar @ 4% solution secured the best results in all physiological parameters when compared to control. Similarly, seed primed with soap bush wattle and water hyacinth biochars also showed greater increase in all the physiological parameters at 1% and 4% solution respectively compared to control. Among the biochars investigated, redgrambiochar primed seeds produced the vigorous seedlings followed by soapbush wattle. The biocharseed priming has a large scope in sustainable agriculture because of its significant improvement in physiological parameters for finger millet which is mostly cultivated as dryland crop.