P. Denormandie’s research while affiliated with Institut de France and other places

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Publications (78)

Patient characteristics according to divergence of the second look opinion
Divergence rate by family of diseases
Class of diseases where at least four cases had divergent second opinions
Predictive factors of diagnostic and therapeutic divergence in a nationwide cohort of patients seeking second medical opinion
  • Article
  • Full-text available

September 2021


38 Reads


2 Citations

BMC Health Services Research






Laurent Degos

Objectives The aim of this study was to describe the profile of patients who sought a second medical opinion (SMO) on their therapeutic or diagnostic strategy using nationwide data from a French physician network dedicated to SMOs. Methods An observational cohort study was conducted and the study population consisted of patients residing in France or in the French overseas territories who submitted a request for an SMO through a dedicated platform between January 2016 and October 2020. Patient characteristics were compared between convergent and divergent SMOs. The divergent rate for all patients excluding those with mental diseases were described. Logistic regression was used to estimate the probability of a divergent SMO according to patient characteristics. Results and discussion In total, 1,552 adult patients over several French regions were included. The divergence rate was 32.3 % ( n = 502 patients). Gynecological [Odds Ratio (OR) and 95 % CI: 5.176 (3.154 to 8.494)], urological [OR 4.246 (2.053 to 8.782)] and respiratory diseases [OR 3.639 (1.357 to 9.758)] had the highest probability of a divergent SMO. Complex cases were also associated with a significantly higher risk of a divergent opinion [OR 2.78 (2.16 to 3.59)]. Age, sex, region and profession were not found to be predictive of a divergent second opinion. Conclusions Policymakers should encourage new research on patient outcomes such as mortality and hospitalization rates after a SMO. When proven effective, SMO networks will have the potential to benefit from specific public funding or even play a key role in national healthcare quality improvement programs.


Médecines Complémentaires et Alternatives (MCA) : proposition d’une définition et d’une catégorisation de références

April 2020


14 Reads


4 Citations

HEGEL - HEpato-GastroEntérologie Libérale

Objet : Cet article vise à proposer une définition et une catégorisation des médecines complémentaires et alternatives (MCA). En effet, l’absence de critères précis de définition limite la compréhension de ce mouvement hétérodoxe et des pratiques qui en sont issues. Objectifs : Ce travail répond à un objectif triptyque visant à apporter des repères, à la fois aux usagers, aux professionnels de santé tout en proposant un référentiel commun pour la recherche. Méthode et matériel : L’élaboration de la définition s’est appuyée sur l’analyse de 62 publications francophones issues des sciences médicales et pharmacologiques, des sciences humaines et sociales ainsi que des sciences politiques et juridiques. La mise en œuvre de la catégorisation a reposé sur l’analyse de 9 classifications nationales et internationales. Après avoir synthétisé l’ensemble des corpus, nous avons procédé à une analyse critique permettant de mettre en lumière les lignes de force et les limites des différentes définitions et classifications. Nous avons ensuite répertorié les principaux éléments structurants des MCA permettant de les conceptualiser (définition) et de les délimiter (catégorisation). Résultats : L’analyse des publications apporte des repères théoriques structurants mais pointe la logique de segmentation des approches conceptuelles et le cloisonnement de la pensée qui en découle. L’analyse des classifications montre une tentative utile d’objectivation de ces recours mais révèle la difficulté d’établir une délimitation hermétique des pratiques. Conclusion : La définition et la catégorisation proposées constituent deux outils utiles pour les usagers, les soignants et les chercheurs, contribuant ainsi à la structuration de ce champ.

Thérapeutiques non médicamenteuses et troubles neuropsychologiques en institution

November 2018


44 Reads

Soins Gérontologie

Non-pharmacological therapies are now used in many nursing homes often with residents presenting a risk of behavioural disorders. They include music therapy, animal-assisted therapy, physical activity as well as other approaches such as light therapy or aromatherapy. It requires rigorous assessment, the permanent involvement and engagement of residents as well as the staff as part of a compassionate and participative approach. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

The Scale of instantaneous wellbeing: validity in a population with major neurocognitive disorders

September 2018


106 Reads


8 Citations

Geriatrie et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement

The quality of life (QoL) of people with a neurodegenerative pathology is a major issue in the absence of curative treatment. However, validated tools, suitable for patients with major neurocognitive disorders at a severe stage are rare and time-consuming in routine. The aim of this study is to analyze the validity of convergence and the reliability over time of a visual analog scale of well-being named EVIBE (Échelle d'évaluation instantanée de bien-être). The correlation between the EVIBE and another quality of life scale, the Qol-Ad was studied. The correlation with other scales expected to vary with QoL was also studied with the EQ-5D for the measurement of the state of health felt and the NPI-ES for the measurement of behavioral disorders. The EVIBE was administered twice, a few minutes apart, to measure its reliability over time. One hundred and thirty-five patients with Alzheimer's disease or a related disorder were recruited. The results indicated a significant correlation with Qol-AD (r=0.54, p< 0.001). The correlation remained significant when the Mini mental state examination was less than 10 (r=0.39, p=0.05). Correlations between EVIBE and EQ-5D and NPI-ES indicated more mixed results with significant correlation only for the analog part of the EQ-5D (r=0.34, p=0.007). The comparison between the two EVIBEs a few minutes apart showed a satisfactory agreement (r=0.52, p> 0.001). This study shows that EVIBE present a good convergence validity and a good reliability over time to measure the QoL of patients with neurodegenerative pathology even at severe stages of the disease. The scale allows a direct and rapid assessment of the QoL of patients in routine.

Citations (21)

... Les Mé decines Complé mentaires et Alternatives rassemblent indistinctement des mé thodes validé es et sé curisé es, insuffisamment é prouvé es, ou encore douteuses, voire dangereuses (. . .) » (A-MCA, 2021) Des critè res permettent de distinguer les diffé rents niveaux des MCA : des plus sû res, validé es et licites jusqu'aux plus douteuses, dangereuses voire interdites (Suissa et al., 2020). Dans ce champ de pratiques, particuliè rement large, il est important et même né cessaire que les pratiques soient validé es pour pré venir l'apparition de dé rives thé rapeutiques et de perte de chances pour les patients. ...


Aspects épistémologiques des méthodes qualitatives en psychologie clinique
Médecines Complémentaires ou Alternatives (MCA) : Proposition d’une définition et d’une catégorisation de références

HEGEL - HEpato-GastroEntérologie Libérale

... Le champ de la santé mentale connaît une évolution importante avec l'essor des offres de soins complémentaires et alternatives (Kessler-Bilthauer & Evrard, 2018 ;Suissa et al., 2019). Ces mutations entraînent une recomposition des frontières entre dispositifs conventionnels et non conventionnels, c'est-à-dire entre, d'une part, les dispositifs de soin publics ou privés réglementés et reconnus comme légitimes par les pouvoirs publics et, d'autre part, des offres moins bien identifiées, plutôt privées et généralement en quête de légitimité. 2 Nous allons aborder cette zone frontalière sous l'angle de l'interprofessionnalité que l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé (2010 : 10) définit comme un apprentissage et une activité qui se concrétisent lorsque des spécialistes « issus d'au moins deux professions travaillent conjointement et apprennent les uns des autres au sens d'une collaboration effective qui améliore les résultats en matière de santé ». ...

Médecines complémentaires et alternatives pour ou contre?
  • Citing Book
  • October 2019

... Le critère de jugement principal de l'étude était le bien être immédiat à l'aide de l'Échelle d'évaluation instantanée du bien être (EVIBE) [31,32]. Le bien être était évalué avant/après chaque atelier, à la fin des huit semaines d'intervention, à une semaine, deux semaines et quatre semaines de la fin de l'intervention. ...

The Scale of instantaneous wellbeing: validity in a population with major neurocognitive disorders
  • Citing Article
  • September 2018

Geriatrie et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement

... оказателями здоровья, чем с физическими показателями [Guarnizo-Herreño et. al, 2013;Vardoulakis et. al, 2016;Vozikaki et. al, 2018]. Это объясняется тем, что возможность продолжать трудовую деятельность сни-жает вероятность возникновения у пожилых людей депрессивных состояний и чувства ненужности, изолированности от общества [Gratton, et. al, 2016;Sanchez et. al, 2018]. ...

Aging in Europe: a cluster analysis of the elderly in 4 European countries according to their views on successful aging
  • Citing Article
  • March 2018

Healthy Aging Research

... The most frequent interventions from the non-outbreak setting were hand hygiene (N = 10) [21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30], an IPC bundle with several measures included (N = 7) [18,[31][32][33][34][35][36], oral hygiene (N = 6) [38][39][40][41][42][43], antimicrobial stewardship (N = 4) [13][14][15][16] as well as vaccination of residents (N = 3) [44][45][46]. Interestingly, studies from Asia mainly concentrated on oral health (N = 4) [38,39,41,43] and hand hygiene (N = 3) [22,23,28], whereas studies from North America drew their attention towards antimicrobial stewardship [13][14][15][16] and hand hygiene [21,24,25,30] (each N = 4). ...

Impact of a multicomponent hand hygiene–related intervention on the infectious risk in nursing homes: A cluster randomized trial
  • Citing Article
  • October 2017

American Journal of Infection Control

... According to a study by Toots et al., [20], a high-intensity exercise program showed a significant decrease in ADL function and improved balance in dementia patients, while the exercise program showed cognitive decline. Additionally, de Souto Barreto et al. [21] reported that the intervention group which received exercise showed a decrease in cognitive function compared to the group that received music intervention and arts and crafts. They suggested that advanced age and excessive training might have contributed to this cognitive decline. ...

Exercise or Social Intervention for Nursing Home Residents with Dementia: A Pilot Randomized, Controlled Trial
  • Citing Article
  • May 2017

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

... The most promising type of simultaneous motorcognitive trainings may be exergames [37], cognitively demanding video games, which require the player to be physically active to complete the gaming tasks [40,41]. Gamification of training and the use of virtual reality can increase the motivation for and adherence to exergame training [42][43][44], while also giving the training ecological validity [45]. ...

Exergames and elderly: A non-systematic review of the literature
  • Citing Article
  • March 2017

European Geriatric Medicine

... Therefore, surgical resection of HO is necessary and sometimes urgent, especially for restoring joint mobility, sitting, and walking, as well as for nursing. This type of surgery is not without risks such as bleeding, prolonged operating time, infections, and recurrence [2,3], and should be planned and performed appropriately. ...

Postoperative Infections after Excision of Neurogenic Heterotopic Ossifications at the Hip: Risk Factors and Causative Organisms
  • Citing Article
  • February 2017

Orthopaedics & Traumatology Surgery & Research

... However, since the learning content in the medical field is more serious, relatively few studies were found to adopt game-based learning in medical education (Graham & Williams, 2016;Sanchez et al., 2016), which mainly focuses on medical or nursing skills (Lu et al., 2018;Yoo & Lee, 2015). In particular, there is little research on game-based learning in the application of English to medical professionals. ...

Information and communication technology and health of the elderly
  • Citing Article
  • September 2016

Soins Gérontologie