Oya Mercan’s research while affiliated with University of Toronto and other places

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Publications (62)

Displacement and acceleration control design approach for an isolated industrial building structure with hysteretic and viscous damping devices
  • Article

February 2025


18 Reads

Engineering Structures



Oya Mercan


This paper presents a comprehensive investigation on the seismic control efficiency and response prediction for a hybrid isolation system, incorporating hysteretic damping (HD) and viscous damping (VD) devices. Based on a set of full-scale dynamic tests on a representative industrial building structure, the efficiency of two typical base isolation systems (BISs), namely, BIS with HD (BIS-HD) and VD (BIS-VD), is first validated and seismically compared. A three-dimensional finite element model along with a simplified single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) model are subsequently developed and verified under various earthquake scenarios. The novelty of this study primarily lies in the development of a consistent design procedure that facilitates a parametric comparison on the seismic performance of both BIS-HD and BIS-VD systems using the validated SDOF model. The results confirm the superior isolation performance of BIS-VD when designed with a short period and high nonlinear damping exponent. Conversely, the BIS-HD exhibits superior acceleration control and moderate displacement control efficiency, albeit with the drawback of excessive permanent residual displacement. Secondly, this study proposes a simplified prediction method for an optimal hybrid isolation technique combining HD and VD devices, aimed at enhancing the structural response control efficiency and prediction accuracy. Nonlinear time history analyses validate this method, showing high fidelity in capturing the peak relative displacement absolute acceleration responses. With the comparison and combination of HD and VD devices, the design procedure and prediction method provide alternative options for improving the seismic design of a typical industrial building structure with hybrid isolation systems.

Structural properties of the analytical substructure (1-storey structure).
Investigating Large-Scale Tuned Liquid Dampers through Real-Time Hybrid Simulations
  • Article
  • Full-text available

July 2024


27 Reads


As buildings become taller and slenderer, managing their vibrational response and mitigating it pose significant challenges in design. Tuned liquid dampers (TLDs) are liquid (usually water)-filled tanks that can mitigate structural vibrations by leveraging the sloshing motion of the contained fluid. However, the dynamic behavior of TLDs and their interaction with structures is complex. While most research on TLDs has focused on mitigating wind-induced vibrations, less attention has been paid to their seismic control of structural responses. Moreover, existing literature on the experimental research involving TLDs mostly pertains to small-scale models. This study aims to experimentally explore the effectiveness of large-scale TLDs in mitigating vibrations in both linear and nonlinear structures under seismic loads. A real-time hybrid simulation is employed as the experimental method, where only the TLD is physically constructed and tested, while the rest of the system is simulated numerically in a coupled manner, allowing for obtaining the dynamic response of the structure equipped with the TLD in real time. This approach offers the flexibility to significantly scale up the TLD size for physical testing while exploring various TLD-structure scenarios by numerically adjusting the structural properties within the simulation.


A hybrid buckling-restrained brace for enhancing the seismic performance of steel moment resisting frames

March 2024


47 Reads


9 Citations

Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering



Oya Mercan




Fulin Zhou

Buckling-restrained braces (BRBs) are effective and widely used devices to enhance the seismic performance of steel moment resisting frames (SMRF), but they might fail to prevent significant structural damage or structural collapse under unexpectedly high seismic loads. To address this issue, a novel hybrid BRB (HBRB) composed of a conventional BRB and a friction damper in series is proposed, where the activated force/displacement of the friction damper could be adjusted to protect the HBRB from failure. The paper begins by providing a detailed explanation of the configuration and working principle of the proposed HBRB. The cyclic behavior of the HBRB is thoroughly analyzed both theoretically and numerically. Building on this, a performance-based design approach is developed, focusing on enhancing the seismic response of SMRF using the HBRB. To assess the effectiveness of the proposed HBRB and design method, two typical SMRFs, one with 9 stories and the other with 20 stories, are enhanced with the HBRB. Comprehensive numerical models are established, considering the bare SMRFs, HBRB-enhanced SMRFs, and conventionally BRB-enhanced SMRFs. Nonlinear static and dynamic analyses are conducted to evaluate the seismic performance of these steel frames. Special attention is given to the performance comparison between HBRB-enhanced SMRFs and conventionally BRB-enhanced SMRFs, specifically under the extremely rare earthquake (ERE) scenario. The results highlight that the HBRB can achieve comparable energy dissipation capacity to conventional BRB while displaying superior energy dissipation efficiency. Moreover, the proposed design method achieves the predefined seismic performance objectives for the enhanced SMRFs in a straightforward and time-efficient manner. Furthermore, the HBRB proves effective in eliminating the failure risk associated with conventional BRB under ERE conditions, effectively mitigating structural damage and preventing collapse.

Multi‐rate real‐time hybrid simulation with adaptive discrete feedforward controller‐based compensation strategy

December 2023


67 Reads


3 Citations

Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics

Real‐time hybrid simulation (RTHS) is an innovative experimental testing technique that tests only some structural components for which accurate numerical models do not exist (i.e., experimental substructure), while modeling the rest of the structure numerically (i.e., numerical substructure). Conventionally, the two substructures in RTHS are executed at the same rate and interact in real time. Multi‐rate real‐time hybrid simulation (mrRTHS) is a modification of RTHS where different time step sizes are applied to the numerical substructure computation and the actuator control. This configuration provides a larger allowance for real‐time execution, thereby enabling the use of higher‐fidelity numerical models in RTHS. However, it complicates the data transmission between the substructures and introduces an additional time delay. The increased delay consists of communication and computational delays, which are independent of actuator dynamics. This study compares the data transmission within RTHS and mrRTHS configurations and confirms that mrRTHS experiences a larger delay error. To improve the accuracy of mrRTHS, a time‐varying interpolation built with Chebyshev polynomials is used. Additionally, a compensation strategy based on an adaptive discrete feedforward controller is introduced to compensate for actuator‐induced tracking errors and the increased time delay in mrRTHS. A demonstrative experimental study is conducted to investigate the seismic behavior of a large‐scale base‐isolated structure equipped with gyromass dampers. The results indicate that the proposed mrRTHS compensation strategy facilitates a more realistic assessment of the dynamic performance of structural systems by employing higher‐fidelity numerical substructures in mrRTHS.

Implementation and Verification of Real-Time Hybrid Simulation for the Dynamic Performance Assessment of Base-Isolated Structures

September 2023


27 Reads

Real-time hybrid simulation (RTHS) is an economical and reliable method for the evaluation of structural dynamic performances, and the fixed analytical substructure model is often used in RTHS which may affect the accuracy of results. In this study, a real-time hybrid simulation platform (RTHSP) developed by configuring a generic National Instruments (NI) controller with hybrid programming strategy is presented in detail. The dynamic performances of a scaled base isolated structure, where the unscented Kalman filter (UKF) was used to update the analytical substructure Bouc–Wen model during the RTHSs was evaluated by presented RTHSP. RTHS of a base-isolated structure was performed where a lead rubber bearing (LRB) was tested physically as the experimental substructure of a part of the isolation layer and the superstructure with the rest of the isolation layer model updated by UKF was considered as the analytical substructure. Under the excitation of three natural earthquakes, the RTHSs with and without UKF updating were compared and analyzed the differences between the two. The results indicated that the displacements of experimental substructure generated by RTHS with UKF updating are the largest, while the relative displacements and acceleration of superstructure are the smallest overall, and the dynamic characteristics of the isolation layer of the analysis substructure updated by UKF are different from that without updated, which reflected the more authentic dynamic mechanical performance of the base-isolated structure under earthquake excitation. In addition, the RTHSP and the hybrid programming strategy are verified to be reliable in tests and experiments, and the components and implementation of a RTHSP for base-isolated structures is described in detail, providing a reference for research on RTHS method.

Citations (50)

... However, it has the shortcoming of requiring calibration for each individual spring. An interesting application of concentrated plastic hinge models has been done by Tao et al. [43] in real-time hybrid simulation (RTHS), which corresponds to the real time coupling of numerical and experimental substructures. Due to evident time constraints, it is fundamental to use efficiently reduced time-consuming models for obtaining a high-fidelity response in real time. ...


Numerical modeling of beam plastic hinges in steel moment resisting frames including local buckling and stiffness/strength degradation
Improved implementation of concentrated plasticity models in real-time hybrid simulation
  • Citing Article
  • June 2024


... Among these, metal is widely used due to its stable hysteretic behavior, excellent fatigue resistance and economic efficiency. Scholars have developed various types of metal dampers, including strip dampers with shear and bending yield mechanisms [27], buckling-restrained braces with an axial tension-compression yield mechanism [28] and torsion dampers with a torsion yield mechanism [29]. ...

A hybrid buckling-restrained brace for enhancing the seismic performance of steel moment resisting frames
  • Citing Article
  • March 2024

Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering

... Commands are updated by solving the matrix system every 10 ms. A multi-rate hybrid testing strategy [52,53] then continuously interpolates the displacements to control the actuators at a sampling rate of 1024 Hz. In addition, an α-operator splitting (α-OS) time integration method allows simulating the nonlinear model without iterating nor being dependent on its largest natural frequency, which is possible with softening mechanisms [41,54]. ...

Multi‐rate real‐time hybrid simulation with adaptive discrete feedforward controller‐based compensation strategy
  • Citing Article
  • December 2023

Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics

... The annual and daily amplitudes are 15 °C and 7.5 °C, respectively. As for the structural vibration simulation, the vibration data from the LA Hollywood Stor FF station during the San Fernando earthquake are applied as the seismic load to both intact and damaged structures [55]. The simulated displacement signals, as well as acceleration, with a total length of 9600 are recorded by 80 virtual sensors installed on the bottom chords. ...

A seismic resilient design method for structures equipped with two-level yielding dampers, accounting for extremely rare earthquakes
  • Citing Article
  • November 2023

Engineering Structures

... Similarly, Ni, Zhang, and Noori [18] utilized a one-dimensional Convolutional Neural Network (1D CNN) to detect abnormal behaviors in bridge structures, corroborated by data from a Structural Health Monitoring system in China. Shi et al. [19] introduced a real-time damage detection method using deep support vector domain description, tested with data from laboratory shake table experiments. These studies underscore the significant potential of machine learning algorithms in the realm of infrastructure monitoring. ...

A novel unsupervised real‐time damage detection method for structural health monitoring using machine learning

... Their results showed that D3 viscous dampers can decrease the occurrence of moat wall contact and residual displacement for considerable earthquakes, without compromising the efficacy of base isolation during moderate earthquakes. Also to reduce impact force due to pounding, Zhong et al. [19] proposed a cost-effective, easy-to-build, passive bumper device, called Flexible Limit Protective Device (FLPD) to act as a shock absorber. Hubballi and Jangid [20] conducted a study on the impact of pounding in different combinations of structures. ...

Investigations of the effects of a passive bumper on the seismic response of base-isolated buildings: Experimental study and parameter optimization
  • Citing Article
  • April 2022

Journal of Vibration and Control

... Moreover, given the discretised nature of volumetric modular buildings with multiple, repetitive connection points at the interfaces of stacked or adjacent modules, there is ample scope in aiming to spread the efforts developed under lateral load throughout the building by engaging the numerous inter-module connections more effectively in the global damage distribution mechanism. In this regard, there has been increasing interest among researchers to enhance the mechanical response of IMCs by exploiting various energydissipating and self-centring parts [20][21][22][23][24][25][26]. In a recent study [27], the authors have introduced a novel hybrid IMC made with high-damping rubber (HDR) and superelastic shape-memory alloy (SMA) parts, developed to reduce the permanent damage in the members of the volumetric module. ...

Seismic performance of modular steel buildings (MSBs) equipped with resilient slip friction joints (RSFJs)
  • Citing Article
  • December 2021

Journal of Building Engineering

... Structural vibrations, external disturbances and parameter uncertainties of the servofeed system are the main factors that lead to the inability of the classical controller to meet the requirements of high precision control [6]. In response to these challenges, a range of advanced control strategies and advanced technologies are required to develop faster and higher tracking performance servo-feed systems [7]. The literature [8,9] investigated various control issues of servo position systems, including their stability, output regulation capability, and interference immunity. ...

Adaptive discrete feedforward controller for tracking error compensation of servo‐hydraulic actuators in real‐time hybrid simulation
  • Citing Article
  • November 2021

... The LRB analytical models have been developed since the first implementation of the device in New Zealand. A number of research works have contributed to a better understanding of the global dynamic response of the LRB (see, among others, Robinson 1982, Kalpakidis & Constantinou 2009a, b, Kumar et al.2014, Eem & Hahm 2019, Liu et al. 2021. Some earlier theories still find their application (Bouc 1967, Wen 1976. ...

A new nonlinear model to describe the degradation law of the mechanical properties of lead‐rubber bearings under high‐speed horizontal loading
  • Citing Article
  • August 2021

... In this survey, the residual drift of the PT-SCYBS was compared with those of moment-resisting frame (MRF) systems. Comparing the results of the PT-SCYBSs and MRFs, it can be concluded that the residual drift decreased by 96% and 77% for the 3-and 9-story buildings, respectively [9]. Liu et al., in 2020, conducted an experimental study on component performance in steel plate shear walls with self-centering energy dissipation braces (SPSW-SCEDB) [10]. ...

Optimal placement of post-tensioned self-centering yielding braced systems for braced frame structures
  • Citing Article
  • October 2019

Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering