September 2024
15 Reads
European Journal of Social Sciences Studies
This study sought to examine and evaluate the difficulties that Technical Teachers encountered in their search for employment, from obtaining licensure and competing with other graduates to securing the actual job itself. The study utilized thematic analysis and the descriptive phenomenological approach to explain the common experiences of the twelve graduates of the Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education program. This research delved into the experiences of these graduates as they navigated the job market. The past qualitative study highlighted the following: technical teachers faced significant challenges in securing employment. It was important to understand these challenges and support future technical teachers. The study also examined the challenges they faced, the coping strategies they adopted, and the insightful advice they provided for navigating the road to a fruitful teaching career. The recurring themes based on participants' coping strategies with the challenges included investing in professional development opportunities, tapping into support systems, possessing a positive mindset, and keeping the faith burning. The recurring themes based on participants' insights that they wanted to share with their fellow Technical Teacher students and graduates regarding what they had learned about their employability journey included the importance of college training and internships, the need for continuous learning in the field, and the vitality of working hard in the process. The difficulties and successes that Technical Teachers faced were highlighted by these recurrent themes. Additionally, more research on this topic could be conducted in the future to look more closely at the areas covered by the Technical Teacher Education program. Article visualizations: </p