Oliver Čulo’s research while affiliated with Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and other places

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Publications (13)

6 Contrasting terminological variation in post-editing and human translation of texts from the technical and medical domain: New Methodological and Theoretical Traditions
  • Chapter

January 2017


84 Reads


2 Citations

Oliver Čulo



Post-editing is a rather new mode of translation production increasingly being studied from various angles. In this chapter, we contrast post-editing and human translation along the dimension of term translation within the domain of Languages for Specific Purposes. We make use of the perplexity coefficient to measure terminological variation in term translation from English into German. Our findings reveal levels of variation on the terminological level in the post-edited texts close, but not identical, to those of the machine translation outcomes. They thus indicate a shining through of the machine translations in the post-editing products, motivating further research into the properties of post-edited texts within corpus-based translation studies. On the basis of our observations, we discuss potential effects of this shining through, such as diminished quality of machine translation if post-edited texts are used for retraining, and we critically examine the applicability of the perplexity coefficient as a quality measure for term translation.

Constructions-and-frames analysis of translations: The interplay of syntax and semantics in translations between English and German

December 2013


97 Reads


13 Citations

Constructions and Frames

Translation can generally be seen as a task in which the meaning of the original should be preserved as far as possible. This paper formulates the preservation of meaning in terms of the primacy of the frame hypothesis: ideally, the frame of the original is matched by the frame of the translation. I investigate one factor overriding this principle in translations between English and German through the examination of two grammatical constructions, one in English, one in German, which are not commonly available in the other language. Picking a construction comparable in function in the target language leads to frame shifts. In addition to highlighting the interplay between construction and frame choice, the paper explores how frame-to-frame relations can be used to describe the semantic relatedness of original and translation in cases of frame divergences. Theoretical and methodological questions and implications of the cross-lingual application of frame relations are discussed at the end.

Treebanks in translation studies

October 2012


8 Reads

This volume deals with different aspects of the creation and use of multilingual corpora. The term 'multilingual corpus' is understood in a comprehensive sense, meaning any systematic collection of empirical language data enabling linguists to carry out analyses of multilingual individuals, multilingual societies or multilingual communication. The individual contributions are thus concerned with a variety of spoken and written corpora ranging from learner and attrition corpora, language contact corpora and interpreting corpora to comparable and parallel corpora. The overarching aim of the volume is first to take stock of the variety of existing multilingual corpora, documenting possible corpus designs and uses, second to discuss methodological and technological challenges in the creation and analysis of multilingual corpora, and third to provide examples of linguistic analyses that were carried out on the basis of multilingual corpora.

Figure 3: Statistics for alignment of grammatical function
Figure 4: Clause alignment statistics 
Figure 6: A possible dependency analysis for example (19a) 
Empty links and crossing lines: querying multi-layer annotation and alignment in parallel corpora
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2011


120 Reads


7 Citations

Translation shifts can be informative in various ways. Amongst other things, they can point to typological differences between languages or be indicators of properties of translated text like e.g. explicitation or normalisation. Detecting translation shifts in parallel corpora is thus a major task from the viewpoint of translation studies. This paper presents an analysis of translation shifts in a parallel corpus (English-German). It offers an operationalisation of queries which can exploit multi-layer annotation and alignment in order to detect various kinds of translation shifts across category boundary lines and empty alignment links. The paper furthermore discusses the shifts and links them to certain translation properties.


Comparing and Combining Semantic Verb Classifications †

September 2008


125 Reads


11 Citations

Language Resources and Evaluation

In this article, we address the task of comparing and combining different semantic verb classifications within one language. We present a methodology for the manual analysis of individual resources on the level of semantic features. The resulting representations can be aligned across resources, and allow a contrastive analysis of these resources. In a case study on the Manner of Motion domain across four German verb classifications, we find that some features are used in all resources, while others reflect individual emphases on specific meaning aspects. We also provide evidence that feature representations can ultimately provide the basis for linking verb classes themselves across resources, which allows us to combine their coverage and descriptive detail.

Empirical Studies on Language Contrast Using the English-German Comparable and Parallel CroCo Corpus

May 2008


256 Reads


24 Citations

This paper presents results from empirical studies on language contrasts, translation shifts and translation strategies gained by exploiting the CroCo Corpus. The aim of this paper is to show that the insights from investigating the comparable parts of the corpus can be complemented by additionally exploiting the parallel parts of the corpus using the examples of word order peculiarities and diverging part-of-speech frequencies in English and German. The exploitation of the corpus proceeds in two steps. First, contrastive differences are identified in the comparable parts of the corpus. In the second step, the solutions chosen by human translators to deal with the contrastive differences are identified. These can be used to decide between different possible translation strategies and can serve as templates for translation strategies to be adopted in the development of MT systems.

Citations (7)

... As reported in [31], manually extracting, analyzing and organizing valence information of thousands of verbs demands many man-years of work. Previous studies report on the extraction of valence properties from electronic dictionaries and other sources [34]. Digital dictionaries of Portuguese, e.g., Michaelis 5 and Caldas Aulete 6 , do assign each verb one or more basic valence patterns, i.e., whether it is transitive, intransitive or ditransitive. ...


Extracting Valences from a Dependency Treebank for Populating the Verb Lexicon of a Portuguese HPSG Grammar
Automatische Extraktion von bilingualen Valenzwörterbüchern aus deutsch-englischen Parallelkorpora
  • Citing Book
  • January 2011

... Particularly, the Arabic document set has given researchers with a giant number of data. This study has utilized two sets, first set is published online by Saad (2014) includes queries and documents that was composed from CNN Arabic website, and second set is BBC Arabic mass, which has been composed from BBC Arabic website. However, these documents set has numerous faults, such as restricted syntactic structures, outlines of nouns, and verbs and various misspelled names of natives and non-Arabic locations. ...

Applications in computational linguistics
  • Citing Chapter
  • December 2012

... The main aim of the MULTINOT project is to create a parallel English-Spanish corpus which is balanced in terms of register diversity and translation directions and whose design and enrichment with linguistic annotations focuses on quality rather than on quantity. In pursuing this aim, we have inspired ourselves in the design of other bilingual parallel corpora such as the CroCo corpus, for the English-German pair (Hansen Schirra et al. 2012, 2006; Culo et al. 2008), and the Dutch Parallel Corpus (DPC) for the Dutch-English, Dutch-French pair (Paulussen et al. 2013). ...

Empirical Studies on Language Contrast Using the English-German Comparable and Parallel CroCo Corpus
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • May 2008

... Frames spielen nicht nur in bedeutungstheoretischen Grundlagendiskussionen eine zunehmend große Rolle (Busse 2012;Löbner 2014;Ziem 2014a), auch ihr praktischer Einsatz in so unterschiedlichen Anwendungsbereichen wie der Psychiatrie (hier etwa zur Erstellung von Klassifikationssystemen, vgl. Vosgerau/ Zielasek/Soom in diesem Band), der Übersetzungswissenschaft (López 2002;Čulo 2013), der computerbasierten Sprachverarbeitung (Das et al. 2013) und der Terminologiearbeit in Fachdomänen (Faber/López Rodríguez 2012;Faber 2015) ist in der letzten Dekade vielseitiger und umfassender geworden. Das Frame-Konzept hat dabei im Zuge linguistischer, philosophischer, medien-, kognitions-und computerwissenschaftlicher Modellierungen von Wissen in zweifacher Form Eingang gefunden. ...

Constructions-and-frames analysis of translations: The interplay of syntax and semantics in translations between English and German
  • Citing Article
  • December 2013

Constructions and Frames

... The interest in verb classifications serves various research fields in theoretical and computational linguistics. In recent years within the field of computational linguistics, verb classifications have been utilized in many applications such as word sense disambiguation, information access tasks (query generalization), question answering, machine translation, psycholinguistic modelling, and statistical lexical acquisition (Čulo, Erk et al. 2008). ...

Comparing and Combining Semantic Verb Classifications †

Language Resources and Evaluation