March 2020
120 Reads
10 Citations
Organic Agriculture
A promising direction in organic agriculture is the stimulation of growth and development of cultivated plants, induction of resistance to pathogens using biologically active substances of plant origin. From this point of view, the special interest presents the allelopathic active plant of the family Polygonaceae reynoutria Japanese (Reynoutria japonica Houtt.), which is an aggressive invasive species, widely spread in the countries of the Western Europe, in the USA, and the European part of Russia. Dealcoholized aqueous solutions with the concentrations of 0.5%, 1%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% which were obtained from 70% EtOH extract of green mass of R. japonica were used for the spraying of seeds of the test cultures; Triticum aestivum L., Hordeum vulgare L., and Glycine max (L.) Merr. were germinated at a temperature of 20 ± 1 °C in the planters. The studied concentrations of the extract had antifungal activity and stimulated the germination energy and the seed sprouting in comparison with the untreated control. The maximum positive effect upon the growth processes of seeds of the test cultures had the extract solutions in concentrations of 1% and 5%—the sprouting increased to 93.5–99.5%, which is higher than the control version by 7–21%. An increase in the concentration of the solution above 5% did not lead to a further increase in the efficiency of the extract. It is interesting that under the treatment of crops with the same concentrations of solutions of the extract of R. japonica, the response reaction of the allelochemicals of T. aestivum is higher than that of H. vulgare and G. max. In the laboratory experiment to study the effect of the extract of R. japonica for the viability of the fungus Septoria glycines Hemmi, it was found that 1% solution of the extract suppressed the growth of S. glycines: only 75% of the total number of spores placed into the thermostat sprouted while 90% of the spores were viable at the control.