Olga Posilkina’s research while affiliated with National University of Pharmacy and other places

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Publications (3)

Fig. 1. The proposed algorithm for assessing the DM of PE logistics activities. Source: own development
Fig. 2. Priorities of implementing DT in logistics activities of PE depending on the degree of their DM Source: elaborated and supplemented by the authors based on [16, 17]
Results of assessment of experts' competence indicators
Harrington scale [21]
The results of an express analysis of the implementation of DT in the logistics activities of the investigated PEs
Methodological approaches to assessing digital maturity of logistics activities of pharmaceutical enterprises
  • Article
  • Full-text available

August 2023


163 Reads


1 Citation

ScienceRise Pharmaceutical Science


Olga Posilkina





Olga Gladkova

The aim: development of methodological approaches to assessing the digital maturity of the logistics activity of a pharmaceutical enterprise and elaboration of the proposed methodology on the example of those domestic enterprises that have a developed logistics system and some experience in the implementation of digital technologies in logistics activities. Materials and methods: Research was conducted using databases on the Internet: the European Center for Information Systems Research, the European Medicines Agency, and scientific and metric databases - Scopus, Web of Science. Logical, systematic analysis and synthesis, graphic methods of research, and methods of mathematical and statistical analysis (expert, pair correlation and taxonomic) were used. The results. An analysis of the state of implementation of digital technologies was carried out on the example of domestic pharmaceutical enterprises, which have been the leaders of the pharmaceutical market in recent years. It is substantiated that the assessment of digital maturity is a mandatory prerequisite for the digital transformation of pharmaceutical market entities. The existing models of digital maturity assessment are analyzed, and their shortcomings are identified. Based on this, a methodology for assessing the digital maturity of the logistics activities of pharmaceutical enterprises is proposed. An algorithm for the practical implementation of the methodology for assessing the digital maturity of the logistics activity of pharmaceutical enterprises is proposed. Based on the application of the proposed methodological approaches for assessing digital maturity using the taxonomic method, the calculation of the integral indicator of the level of digital maturity of the logistics activity of domestic pharmaceutical enterprises was carried out. The priorities for the implementation of digital technologies in the logistics activities of pharmaceutical enterprises were determined depending on the degree of their digital maturity. Conclusions. It has been proven that the digital transformation of the logistics activities of pharmaceutical enterprises is a complex process that must consider many factors of the internal and external environment of the pharmaceutical enterprise. It is impossible to form a strategy and make decisions about investing in digital technologies without first assessing your real opportunities and weak points of the enterprise. That is why the assessment of the existing level of digital maturity is an important step on the way to the systematic digitalization of the logistics activities of a pharmaceutical enterprise. The proposed methodical approaches to assessing the digital maturity of the logistics activity of pharmaceutical enterprises will allow to form a holistic view of the real level of digital maturity of a certain enterprise and its deviation from the desired state, determine the priority directions for increasing the level of digital maturity, based on the specifics of the logistics activity of a particular pharmaceutical enterprise, and develop a sound digital strategy to improve the performance of both the individual business and the pharmaceutical supply chain



November 2021


26 Reads

Economic Synergy

Наукові дослідження присвячені розробці теоретичних, методичних і науково-практичних засад управління соціально відповідальною діяльністю вітчизняних фармацевтичних компаній як найважливішої умови підвищення якості, ефективності та доступності фармацевтичного забезпечення населення, що набуває особливої актуальності в умовах світової пандемії, закриття державних кордонів і порушення бізнес зв’язків вітчизняних фармацевтичних компаній із закордонними партнерами. До того ж впровадження підходів та інструментів соціально відповідального менеджменту у діяльність вітчизняних фармацевтичних компаній сприятиме зростанню їх інвестиційної привабливості і покращенню ділової репутації, що позитивно впливатиме на підвищення їх конкурентоспроможності як на внутрішньому, так і зовнішньому фармацевтичному ринках.

Fig. 1. Model of relationships within the open logistics innovation system of a pharmaceutical company
Fig. 2 Pharmaceutical company as a converter of information and innovation flows
Scientific and practical approachеs of formation of logistic innovative systems in pharmaceutical companies

October 2020


20 Reads

ScienceRise Pharmaceutical Science

The aim of the work is to analyze and generalize the existing scientific approaches and substantiate the mechanisms of formation of the logistics innovation system of the pharmaceutical company, which is the most important condition for creating modern effective domestic drugs under optimal use of resources and time. Materials and methods. Studies were conducted using databases on the Internet: the State Expert Center, the Ukrainian Patent Office, scientific and metric databases. It has used retrospective, logical, graphic research methods, content analysis. Results. The relevance of the implementation of the logistics concept of innovation management in domestic pharmaceutical companies is substantiated. A key aspect of this concept is the integration of individual parts of the innovation process through the maximum use of information exchange between participants in this process, active innovation, use of existing and creation of new knowledge, which become the main asset of innovation-oriented pharmaceutical company. The essence of the logistics innovation system of a pharmaceutical company is determined, the model of interrelations within the open logistics innovation system of a pharmaceutical company is substantiated. It is proved that with the help of a logistics innovation system it is possible to carry out planning, management, actualization of creation and implementation of innovative medicines at the optimal level of used resources and time for the implementation of relevant innovation projects. It is determined that the logistics innovation system of a pharmaceutical company is related to the management of incoming information and innovation flow (results of basic and applied research, data on clinical and preclinical study of medicines, pharmaceutical development), internal information and innovation flow (information exchange in the internal environment - resource, scientific and informational, organizational, personnel component), the initial information and innovation flow (information for government agencies, consumers, suppliers, the public, organizations interested in using the research results). These flows are integrated and relate to various aspects of the company's innovation. Conclusions. Thus, in order to intensify and activize innovation in domestic pharmacy, it is promising to expand the scope of logistics methods for the development and implementation of innovative medicines. The purpose of the logistics innovation system is to provide the pharmaceutical company with the information necessary for completeness, relevance, reliability, timeliness at a rational cost of their provision, for effective management of material resources