Olga Monina’s research while affiliated with East-Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and other places

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Publications (6)

Illustrated Books Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: A Conversation with Eight Russian Illustrators
  • Article

January 2020

Bookbird A Journal of International Children s Literature

Olga Monina


Määeots Olga


Anastasia Arkhipova


Irina Mikhailovna Leyn

Variation range (from min to max) of the coefficients of the factors in equations (3), (5), corresponding to different values of confidence probability.
Probabilistic assessment of main factors determining the road traffic accident rate in regions of Russia
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2020


82 Reads


15 Citations

Transportation Research Procedia

This paper sets forth the findings of the research on the traffic accident rate in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, based upon respective regional statistical data for the four-year period from 2015 to 2018. In order to achieve the goal of the research — to identify the main factors affecting the accident rate, — the methods of correlation and regression analysis were used. We obtained regression equations relating the main indicators of the accident rate to the most relevant factors. The quality of the regression equations is characterized by means of the coefficients of correlation between actual and estimated values of the number of RTAs (road traffic accidents), the number of RTA fatalities and injuries. We assessed the role of each factor under consideration by means of confidence estimates and confidence probabilities, and determined factors that have both a positive and a negative influence on the accident rate.


Fig. 1. Approximation of an intensity function of time. During intersection departing, the traffic flow is determined by duration p and average intensity ' q . In such case:
Results of calculating the delay duration at the second intersection in the forward directionat various cycle shifts.
Results of calculating the delay duration at the first intersection in the opposite direction at various cycle shifts.
Methods for traffic management efficiency improvement in cities

January 2018


196 Reads


21 Citations

Transportation Research Procedia

A methodology for traffic management in cities provides for extensive use of computer technologies. Modern international experience shows that traffic management in the urban street and road network, first of all, requires a city-wide management system (intelligent transportation system, ITS). Development of a social process model is a complicated task that can be solved under rather severe restrictions. Therefore, most traffic management tasks are not formalized but solved empirically. Two basic approaches to development of network mathematical models of traffic flows, based on a set of analytical models and on microlevel simulation models, are considered by the authors. Capabilities of various software tools that allow performing modeling are reviewed. As a result, a method for forecasting network control actions affecting traffic flows, based on a piecewise-constant approximation of a traffic flow intensity function of time, is suggested. An example of forecasting control actions (cycle shifts) to ensure coordinated control on highways is given. The suggested approach to modeling of traffic flows in cities is rather simple and efficient. Therefore, it can be of practical interest and can be used when forecasting network control actions in intelligent transportation systems, including in real time and for congested sections of the street-and-road network.

Fig. 1. A picture of controlling traffic signals of the intersection. The time of the vehicle waiting in the queue does not exceed the duration of the cycle (no congestions), if the following conditions are satisfied: k: qik T Cik gk  
Fig. 2. A scheme of the intersection.  
Fig. 3. A scheme of a simple intersection.  
Fig. 4 states solution of this task:
Calculation of Traffic Capacity of Signaled Intersections

December 2017


2,651 Reads


16 Citations

Transportation Research Procedia

Alexandr Chubukov


Valeriy Kapitanov


Olga Monina




Ulrich Brannolte

In order to calculate traffic capacity of signaled intersections, it was suggested to apply an approach based on the concept of congestions. The paper states examples of traffic capacity calculation.

Fig. 1. Calculated and Actual Values of the Number of Suicides in the Russian Federation in 2011  
Fig. 3. Calculated and Actual Values of the Number of Murders in the Russian Federation in 2011  
Table 5 . The most important factors for different processes related to loss of life.
Simulation of Regional Mortality Rate in Road Accidents

December 2017


107 Reads


13 Citations

Transportation Research Procedia

The paper gives the results of scientific research, which, being based on probabilistic and statistical modeling, identifies the relationship of certain socio-economic factors and the number of people killed in road accidents in the Russian Federation regions. It notes the identity of processes in various fields, in which there is loss of life. Scientific methods and techniques were used in the process of data processing and study findings: systematic approach, methods of system analysis (algorithmization, mathematical programming) and mathematical statistics. The scientific novelty lies in the formulation, formalization and solving problems related to the analysis of regional road traffic accidents, its modeling taking into account the factors of socio-economic impact.

Citations (4)

... It should be noted that the accident rates in the statistical databases are presented for a long-term period, which in general allows us to assess the dynamics of changes in the indicators under consideration in the country and draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of the measures taken in the field of road safety. Over the years, a large number of studies in this area are based on these indicators [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11], which consider various approaches to assessing both the number of incidents and the injured and injured in them. Within the framework of this article, a study was made of accident rates in Russia for the period 2015-2022. ...


Probabilistic model for assessing accident rates
Probabilistic assessment of main factors determining the road traffic accident rate in regions of Russia

Transportation Research Procedia

... In recent years, researchers have been paying particular focus to the difficulties of road transportation and traffic congestion, especially due to the rapid development of cities and road networks (Olayode et al., 2020). Recently, advanced techniques for managing and controlling traffic have demonstrated their effectiveness in enhancing the efficiency of urban transportation and mitigating traffic congestion (Kapitanov et al., 2018). Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) use computers, big data, 5 G technology, and information systems to establish a unified transportation system that is secure, effective, and energy efficient. ...

Methods for traffic management efficiency improvement in cities

Transportation Research Procedia

... The MFP and MFP(s) diverged when they reached intersection with a large flow in the east-west direction in the rush hours. This phenomenon can be explained by the difference in traffic capacity in different directions of the intersection [30,31]. Main roads usually have greater right-of-way, so the drivers from the east tended to go straight while driving to in the Figure 12 example. ...

Calculation of Traffic Capacity of Signaled Intersections

Transportation Research Procedia

... It should be noted that the accident rates in the statistical databases are presented for a long-term period, which in general allows us to assess the dynamics of changes in the indicators under consideration in the country and draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of the measures taken in the field of road safety. Over the years, a large number of studies in this area are based on these indicators [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11], which consider various approaches to assessing both the number of incidents and the injured and injured in them. Within the framework of this article, a study was made of accident rates in Russia for the period 2015-2022. ...

Simulation of Regional Mortality Rate in Road Accidents

Transportation Research Procedia