Olga Liverta-Sempio’s research while affiliated with Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and other places

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Publications (8)

Figure 1. Comparison of the mean proportions of the ToM battery performances in the AD and CTR groups. 
Mapping levels of theory of mind in Alzheimer's disease: A preliminary study
  • Article
  • Full-text available

March 2011


784 Reads


105 Citations

Aging and Mental Health


Alessandra Pini





Research on Theory of Mind (ToM), the ability to understand behaviour based on mental state representation, has shifted towards a life span perspective in typical and atypical conditions (dementia). The aim of this study is to investigate the presence and the features of ToM decay in early Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients compared to healthy controls adopting a neurodevelopmental stance. Sixteen AD patients and 16 healthy controls were submitted to an increasing complexity ToM battery, tapping ToM precursors, standard first- and second-order false beliefs and advanced ToM tasks (Eyes Test and strange stories). The results underline a similar pattern of increasing difficulty of the tasks that explore ToM abilities in both the groups. They also confirm the presence of a strong gap in performance between the CTR and the AD groups, especially in the more complex ToM tasks, whereas there is no significant difference between the two groups in the first level of reasoning about beliefs (first-order false belief). The impairment in specific cognitive functions (i.e. memory and executive functions) seems to correlate with the decline in the most complex mentalistic abilities. This study identifies a specific pattern of deterioration in ToM abilities in AD patients, following backwards developmental steps typical of the acquisition of mentalizing abilities, where the most complex ToM levels are impaired, whereas the intermediate and the simplest ones are preserved.


Effects of aging on mindreading ability through the eyes: An fMRI study

May 2010


239 Reads


157 Citations


Theory of Mind--ToM, the capacity to understand one's own and other people's mental states and to refer to them to foresee and explain the behaviour--relies upon a circumscribed neural system: the posterior end of the superior temporal sulcus (pSTS), the adjacent temporo-parietal junction (TPJ), the temporal pole (TP), the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and the adjacent paracingulate cortex. To our knowledge, the neural basis of mentalizing has not yet been studied in a developmental perspective covering old age, so the aim of this work is to compare the neural basis of a specific aspect of ToM, the mindreading ability through the eyes, in healthy young and old subjects. Two groups of healthy adults (young: 25.2 years; old: 65.2 years) were submitted to an fMRI scanning while performing the Reading the Mind in the Eyes test, which requires the attribution of a mental state to the other person focussing only on the eye-gaze. There was no difference in the behavioural performances between young and old and both groups of subjects activated the pSTS and the TP, thus indicating that old people show no impairment of mentalizing circuits. However, a relevant shifting of the neural circuit implied in each group to solve the task emerged. Old subjects showed a more bilateral activation of frontal areas and a stronger involvement of the linguistic components of the mirror neuron system (i.e. area 44), as compared to young. Both young and old participants activated the non-linguistic components of the mirror neuron system, such as area 6. These findings are discussed taking into account the recent literature dealing with cognitive functions during normal aging.

Validazione italiana del “test vocale sugli stati mentali” (TVSM), un nuovo strumento avanzato di teoria della mente per bambini di scuola primaria

January 2009


1,063 Reads


1 Citation


Le ricerche sulla Teoria della Mente (capacitŕ di riconoscere e attribuire stati mentali a sé e agli altri e di ritenerli causa dei comportamenti) si sono rivolte recentemente anche allo studio della comprensione di stati mentali complessi, sia 129 epistemici che emotivi, che compaiono in etŕ successive alla comprensione della falsa credenza, acquisita intorno ai 4 anni. Gli strumenti di misura della Teoria della Mente adatti a valutare tale capacitŕ, che diventa nello sviluppo sempre piů raffinata e articolata, in bambini di etŕ scolare sono relativamente scarsi, in particolare essi riguardano la comprensione di stati mentali a partire da racconti di situazioni o da stimoli percettivi, quali la visione dell'espressione di occhi o volti. Adottando una definizione di Teoria della Mente, che ne riconosce la multicomponenzialitŕ, viene presentato un nuovo strumento, il "Test Vocale sugli Stati Mentali" (TVSM), per valutare la comprensione di un'ampia gamma di stati epistemici ed emotivi complessi nei bambini di 6-11 anni, a partire unicamente da stimoli vocali (indici non verbali della voce). Vengono presentate le fasi di costruzione, validazione (condotta su 220 bambini) e affidabilitŕ (alfa di Cronbach su un campione di 170 bambini e test-retest su 141 bambini) del test, dimostrando le buone proprietŕ psicometriche del TVSM, che si rivela un valido strumento avanzato di misura della Teoria della Mente. Si č, inoltre, verificato che la prestazione al test č influenzata dall'abilitŕ verbale (PPVT-R) e non dal quoziente intellettivo non verbale (matrici di Raven).

The Springer Series on Human Exceptionality

January 2006


33 Reads


33 Citations

Mental Language and Understanding of Epistemic and Emotional Mental States.- The Mental Verbs in Different Conceptual Domains and in Different Cultures.- The Socialization of Theory of Mind.- Relations Among Theory of Mind, Metacognitive Language, Reading Skills and Story Comprehension In L1 and L2 Learners.- Culture and Mental States.- Mind Over Grammar.- The Silent Understanding of the Mind.- Social and Intrapersonal Theories of Mind.- Discursive Practices and Mentalization Ability in Adults at Work.

Cognitive development and theories of mind: Towards a contextual approach

March 1997


51 Reads


12 Citations

European Journal of Psychology of Education

This paper suggests both theoretical and empirical reasons for proposing a joint approach to two fast-evolving research areas in developmental psychology: contextual perspective on cognition and learning and studies on children’s theories of mind. We will first review the general assumptions of contextualism and three main contextual approaches; then the more relevant perspectives on theories of mind development will be presented. The two research fields here considered are conceptually organized around two meanings of the concept of other: the “other in interaction” and the “other as culture”, on the basis of which the integration between the two fields will be justified. Finally some directions for future research will be discussed. Dans cet article, des arguments theóriques et empiriques sont avancés pour justifier un rapprochement entre deux courants de recherche actuels en psychologie du développement: l’approche contextuelle de la cognition et de l’apprentissage, d’une part, et l’étude des théories de l’esprit chez l’enfant, d’autre part. On présente d’abord les propositions majeures du contextualisme et trois approches contextuelles importantes; on présente ensuite les perspectives les plus significatives concernant le développement des théories de l’esprit. Les deux champs de recherche considérés sont organisés à partir de deux significations du concept d’autrui: “autrui partenaire interactif” et “autrui comme culture”. C’est sur la base de ces deux significations qu’une intégration des deux champs se justifie. Des directions de recherche futures sont proposées et discutées pour finir.

Citations (7)

... Over the last 50 years, resilience has been considered as a dynamic process that leads to a positive adjustment in children in the face of traumatic events. It helps them recover from a serious problem and return to normal life (Masten & Obradovic, 2008;Rutter, 1971;Saklofske & Zeidner, 2006). Therefore, resilience in children warrants special consideration, given the potential longterm effects that may develop from facing difficult experiences and adversities during this developmental period (Rutter, 1999;Traub & Boynton-Jarrett, 2017). ...


Psychometric properties and measurement invariance of the child and youth resilience measure—revised (PMK-CYRM-R) among Iranian children
The Springer Series on Human Exceptionality
  • Citing Article
  • January 2006

... Interestingly, literature on the development of language and theory of mind provides evidence that social cognition plays a role in the linguistic processing of viewpoint markers such as verbs of cognition and emotion, although this has not always been tested in narrative contexts (for a general overview on the relationship between language acquisition and theory of mind acquisition see Milligan et al., 2007). For example, comprehension of verbs of cognition in short stories has been found to be related to performance on firstorder false belief tasks, and to a lesser degree to secondorder false belief tasks in children aged between 4 and 8 years (Antonietti et al., 2006), and to second-order false belief tasks in children aged between 8 and 11 years (Grazzani and Ornaghi, 2012). Similarly, in a task that required children to make sense of spoken instructions to find an object, comprehension of modal verbs and adjectives, which can be considered markers of cognitive viewpoint (van Krieken et al., 2017;Eekhof et al., 2020), was significantly related to performance on first-order false belief tasks in four-year-olds (Moore et al., 1990). ...

Mental Language and Understanding of Epistemic and Emotional Mental States

... A su vez, Nelson (2005) propone que es a través del lenguaje que los niños participan en las prácticas sociales, en intercambios conversacionales, en juegos de simulación y en otras interacciones que fomentan su capacidad para vincular comportamientos manifiestos con estados mentales que son inaccesibles para la observación directa del niño. En esta misma línea, Olson et al. (2006) plantean que el lenguaje cumple una función mediadora a través de dispositivos sintácticos, semánticos y pragmáticos desarrollados en distintas experiencias que le permiten al niño separar el contenido proposicional de una expresión (i. e., lo que se dice) de su fuerza ilocucionaria, la cual depende del estado mental del hablante; dicho de otro modo, para descubrir las inferencias tácitas implicadas en la conversación, el niño debe aprender a identificar los estados mentales que subyacen a las palabras y es por esto que resulta crucial entender cómo se aprende el uso de los términos mentales. ...

The Mental Verbs in Different Conceptual Domains and in Different Cultures

... Las teorías dominantes en este contexto son la teoría -teoría (Wellman, 1990(Wellman, , 2014, la teoría de la simulación (Goldman, 2006(Goldman, , 2009 con su variante de la simulación corporeizada o teoría enactiva (Ezequiel, 2016), la teoría de los módulos innatos (Leslie, 1992(Leslie, , 1999 y algunas posiciones dispersas sobre una teoría socioconstruccionista de la ToM (Liverta-Sempio, & Marchetti, 1997), cada una con conceptos e hipótesis diversas y hasta cierto punto antagónicas, que buscan dar una explicación naturalista al problema en cuestión y más que hacer una revisión detallada de cada una se plantea que todas tienen diversos puntos de encuentro, entre ellos el hecho de que soportan la construcción teórica en la investigación empírica en el dominio de la ciencia cognitiva y de este modo encontrar los correlatos funcionales de la capacidad de un ser humano de dar cuenta de las otras mentes. También la determinación de encontrar una base material en términos evolutivos, neurales y cerebrales para explicar la capacidad de un animal humano y no humano de dar cuenta de las otras mentes. ...

Cognitive development and theories of mind: Towards a contextual approach
  • Citing Article
  • March 1997

European Journal of Psychology of Education

... Although it has been reported that deaf or hard-of-hearing (DHH) children experience a delay in ToM development (Holmer et al., 2016;Marchetti et al., 2006;Meristo et al., 2012;Netten et al., 2017;O'Reilly et al., 2014;Peterson et al., 2016;Peterson & Wellman, 2019;Walker et al., 2017), studies on emotion recognition in DHH children have revealed contradictory results. For instance, while Tsou et al. (2021) stated that the emotion recognition performances of DHH children between the ages of 3 and 10 were similar to those of their hearing peers, Gray et al. (2007) reported that 7-11-year-old DHH children underperformed compared to their hearing peers in matching the characters' emotions with the picture of their facial expressions in illustrated scenarios. ...

The Silent Understanding of the Mind

... Considering ToM, previous studies consistently reported impairments in cognitive and/or affective ToM. According to some authors, these impairments may be considered as an authentic deficit of ToM processes (Freedman et al., 2013;Laisney et al., 2013;Le Bouc et al., 2012) while for others, the ToM declineespecially for cognitive ToM -depends on task content or cognitive load, suggesting that these impairments may be secondary to executive or more global cognitive deficits (Castelli et al., 2011;Gregory et al., 2002;Schild et al., 2021;Valera-Bermejo et al., 2021). Finally, few studies investigated moral cognition in AD. ...

Mapping levels of theory of mind in Alzheimer's disease: A preliminary study

Aging and Mental Health

... The finding that older adults showed clear, or even enhanced compared to the younger age groups, affective empathy responses across behavioural and neural measures is in line with research showing relatively spared affective ToM in older age (Pardini and Nichelli 2009, Castelli et al. 2010, Henry et al. 2013, Mahy et al. 2014, Bottiroli et al. 2016). There are a number of potential explanations for these results. ...

Effects of aging on mindreading ability through the eyes: An fMRI study
  • Citing Article
  • May 2010
