Oleksiy Plastun’s research while affiliated with Sumy State University and other places

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Publications (13)

  • Article

July 2023


2 Reads


3 Citations

Economics and Law

O.L. Plastun


H.P. Filatova


Yu.A. Puhovkina

The pandemic has dramatically changed the global situation in terms of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (hereinafter referred to as the SDGs). Currently, the slow pace of achieving the SDGs is due to limited financial resources. In order to find ways to solve this problem, this paper analyzes responsible investment instruments (also called ESG investments) and ways to increase the efficiency of their use in the context of information transparency as an alternative to traditional financing instruments. In particular, the article proposes a scientific and methodological approach to the calculation of ESG indices by incorporating the company's position in the ESG rating (environment, social, and corporate governance) as additional weights, which, unlike the traditional approach, allows the calculation of the index to take into account not only the company's capitalization but also the level of success of its ESG activity. The effective use of responsible investment instruments will create the necessary preconditions for overcoming the existing shortage of financial resources in achieving the SDGs. It has been proven that the first step should be the concentration of regulatory efforts on the unification (standardization) of ESG information disclosure processes. The problem lies not only in the lack of ESG data, but also in the lack of their systematization. Even companies that provide information about their ESG activities use different methods, from corporate websites to annual reports or sustainability reports. That is, collecting, summarizing, systematizing ESG data in such conditions is quite a difficult task.

  • Article
  • Full-text available

September 2019


28 Reads


1 Citation

Financial and credit activity problems of theory and practice

O. L. Plastun



Y. V. Elnikova




Доведено, що одним із причинно-наслідкових механізмів деградації фондового ринку (зменшення обсягів біржових торгів, звуження пропозиції фінансових інструментів, падіння індексів фондового ринку, концентрація торгів у межах окремих організаторів) є різке зниження конкуренції на ньому. Встановлено, що особливості звуження конкуренції на фондовому ринку України проявляються на рівні емітентів, організаторів торгів, фінансових інструментів, що перебувають в обігу. Отримані результати аналізу цих особливостей повністю підтвердили висунуту гіпотезу — деградація ринку супроводжується різким падінням рівня конкуренції на ньому. Формування конкурентного середовища є першочерговим завданням і запорукою подальшого розвитку фондового ринку України як джерела забезпечення економіки фінансовими ресурсами. У зв’язку з цим розроблено низку пріоритетних для регуляторів заходів, спрямованих на підвищення рівня конкуренції фондового ринку, забезпечення чесного, прозорого та ефективного його функціонування в Україні. Заходи, зокрема, включають скасування дискримінаційних умов доступу учасників фондового ринку різних рівнів і сегментів, координація дій державних регуляторів щодо забезпечення конкурентного середовища на ринку та протидії маніпуляціям з боку учасників, просування доброчесної практики ведення операцій на фондовому ринку, подальша імплементація МСФЗ як основа розкриття зіставної інформації учасниками ринку, підвищення рівня кваліфікації та освіти учасників ринку, посилення фінансової грамотності населення і залучення його до поповнення рядів обізнаних інвесторів, розширення лінійки доступних і проведення торгів інвестиційно привабливих та ліквідних фінансових інструментів за рахунок похідних інструментів, інфраструктурних облігацій підприємств, посилення контролю за дотриманням критеріїв лістингу, тарифної політики та справедливого ціноутворення на організаторах торгів, моніторингу недобросовісних дій учасників торгів і посилення відповідальності за них.


Economic and Socio-political Force Majeure: a Study of the Ukrainian Stock Market Reaction

January 2019


24 Reads

Mechanism of an economic regulation

The paper analyzes the reactions on the Ukrainian stock market to force majeure events of an economic and socio-political nature. Unforeseen events are regards as force majeure events, which can not be taken into account in the value of assets in the stock market in advance. It has been established that, as a result, conditions for obtaining anomalous profit market participants may be created, until information on force majeure will be absorbed by the stock market. In this context, force majeure is seen as an anomaly of the hypothesis of effective markets. Among the most significant economic events, a number of corporate bankruptcies and cyberattacks were taken into account, and among socio-political force majeures – revolutionary, military-political events and terrorist acts. On the basis of daily data for the main index of the stock market of Ukraine (PFTS) for the period from 01.01.1997 to 31.12.2018, a hypothesis was checked regarding whether or not the force majeure events create temporary market anomalies and whether there are profitable trading strategies based on their use. The methodological basis for testing was not only the traditional t-criterion of the Student (as a hypothesis test method) but also cumulative accumulated income methods as one of the methods of studying events and trading simulations. According to the results of the audit, the Ukrainian stock market reacts very quickly to economic and socio-political force majeures and absorbs information about them. Negative profitability of the PFTS index was observed only on the day of the occurrence of a force majeure event. Despite the existence of the revealed model of the stock market reaction to force majeure events (namely, price reduction on the day of the event), it is not possible to build profitable trading strategies based on this model, since the results of simulation of these strategies do not differ from those generated random trade. Key words: stock market, force majeure event, event study.

Citations (6)

... Fostering a competitive environment provides firms with continuous incentives to enhance production and distribution efficiency, adopt superior technology, and innovate (Cook et al., 2007;Duong & Dang, 2023). In the realm of financial services, including insurance, there is a responsibility to mobilize long-term savings for building critical infrastructure assets, such as roads, ports, power plants, dams, etc., contributing significantly to economic growth (Haiss & Sümegi, 2006;Plastun et al., 2019aPlastun et al., , 2019bOnopriienko et al., 2023;Danylyshyn et al., 2023). ...


Assessing the impact of the russian invasion on the competitiveness in the Ukrainian insurance market

Financial and credit activity problems of theory and practice

... Therefore, it could be understood that anomalies are definitive features of financial markets in a wide spectrum. Caporale and Plastun (2019) strengthened this idea, according to their research, anomalies can change from country to country in terms of developed and emerging, from markets to markets in terms of Forex and stock and other market forms, from assets to assets (exchange rates, stocks, oil, gold, and many others) and in different frequencies. Also, Weeraddana et al. (2018) stated that anomalies are the product of unexpected events, shocking news, and rumors were important factors that drive the financial markets. ...

Price Overreactions in the Forex and Trading Strategies
  • Citing Article
  • January 2019

SSRN Electronic Journal

... The absence of abnormal returns indicates the market reacts quickly, that is information generated from announcements is quickly disseminated and reflected on stock prices. The results of this study are the same as those of Caporale et al., (2019), on the Ukrainian stock market that found no abnormal return around the day of the event. Overall, it seems that the stock market absorbs new information more quickly. ...

Force Majeure Events And Stock Market Reactions In Ukraine
  • Citing Article
  • January 2019

SSRN Electronic Journal

... Half of the audits were conducted by KPMG; among the companies, FTSE 350 did not meet the quality standards of FRC (FRC, 2018). Despite a slight decrease in audit market Makarenko and Plastun (2016) and is an attempt to investigate the competitive parameters of the Ukrainian audit market after its reform based on a number of specific parameters and metrics (Kneysler et al., 2019). ...

Quasi-Competitiveness of the Audit Services Market in Ukraine: The Aspect of European Integration

Visnyk of the National Bank of Ukraine

... Especially, since the VIX is regarded as a risk measure to the entire financial market, the spillover effect from VIX to the credit market is the cause of these results (Caporale et al. (2018) Liu and Gong (2020)). However, the sectoral CDS index allow us to consider the "pure" credit risk, rather than the entire market risk, and the management of the credit risk is the top priority of the financial companies. ...

Is Market Fear Persistent? A Long-Memory Analysis
  • Citing Article
  • January 2017

SSRN Electronic Journal