Oleg V. Komarov’s research while affiliated with Ural Federal University and other places

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Publications (18)

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the gas turbine in the current study
Fig. 5. Variation of dry air and the water vapor mass fraction with ambient air at relative humidity of 60%
Properties and composition of natural gas
Comparison of operational and calculated parameters for the power plant at ISO condition
Influence of Surrounding Air Temperature and Humidity upon the Performance of a Gas Turbine Power Plant
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2024


615 Reads

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences


Oleg V. Komarov





Ahmad Yousef Saleh

Nowadays, energy demand continuously rises while energy stocks are dwindling. Using current resources more effectively is crucial for the world. A wide method to effectively utilize energy is to generate electricity using thermal gas turbines (GT). One of the most important problems that gas turbines suffer from is high ambient air temperature especially in summer. The current paper details the effects of ambient conditions on the performance of a gas turbine through energy audits taking into account the influence of ambient conditions on the specific heat capacity ( , isentropic exponent ( ) as well as the gas constant of air . A computer program was developed to examine the operation of a power plant at various ambient temperatures and relative humidities. The ambient temperatures ranged from 0 to 45 ºC, with relative humidities from 10 to 90%. The obtained results show that a GT operated at increased inlet air temperatures is characterized by lower net power and thermal efficiency. At higher inlet air temperatures, increased relative humidity has a slight positive impact on the GT cycle net power and its thermal efficiency. Net output power of the GT decreased from 93.3 MW at 15 °C to 70 MW at 45 °C. Its efficiency decreased from 32.32% at 5 °C to 28.3% at 30 °C. Although fuel consumption is reduced, the heat rate as well and the specific fuel consumption (SFC) are enhanced. SFC increased by 5.36% with a 10 °C temperature rise in temperature at a constant relative humidity. Therefore, use of a gas turbine with inlet air cooling and humidification is appropriate for improved GT efficiency.


Fig. 1. The gas turbine unit diagram.
Fig. 2. Exergy dissipation in the GTU elements.
Real data for the considered process points
Values of exergy performance in the GTU elements
Comparison of study results
Thermodynamic performance of a gas turbine unit based on an exergy analysis

January 2024


123 Reads

Izvestiya MGTU MAMI

Rationale. Gas turbine units are the most widespread type of power plants used in almost all industries. Such a wide distribution in combination with a high level of energy characteristics, high power density and maneuverability determine the relevance of research in the field of assessing their operating parameters. Goal of the work. The paper presents the results of an exergy analysis of a gas turbine plant as part of the Jandar Thermal Power Plant, Syria. The aim of the work was to determine the exergy characteristics (exergy efficiency and exergy destruction factor) of a gas turbine plant and to evaluate the efficiency of energy use in a gas turbine plant, as well as to analyze the effect of ambient temperature on the selected parameters. Materials and methods. To evaluate the described parameters, the method of exergy analysis of the thermodynamic characteristics of a gas turbine plant was used based on the first and second laws of thermodynamics in conjunction with the laws of conservation of mass and energy. An important feature of the study, which also emphasizes its novelty, is taking into account the chemical exergy of combustion gases during the exergy analysis. Results. Based on the results of the work, it was found that the maximum exergy efficiency was 92.8% and was typical for a turbine as part of a gas turbine, while the highest exergy destruction was observed for the process of fuel combustion in the combustion chamber and was equal to 80% (117.3 MW). The lowest exergy values corresponded to the compressor 6.0% (9 MW). For the gas turbine unit as a whole, the total exergy destruction was 147.3 MW, and the exergy efficiency was 53.3%. In this case, the main sources of irreversibility in the gas turbine unit are the combustion chamber and combustion gases. Conclusion. Exergy analysis is a convenient method for evaluating the thermodynamic perfection of gas turbine units. As a further line of work, it is necessary to more fully evaluate the effects of various conditions, such as air humidity or compressor pressure ratio, on the exergy characteristics of the gas turbine.

Verification and Development of a Computation Methodology for Modeling the Axial Compressor Wheel Space Erosion Wear

September 2023


5 Reads

Vestnik MEI

Исследована научно-техническая задача по моделированию газоабразивного изнашивания лопаточного аппарата осевого компрессора. Цели исследования — определение актуального состояния данного направления исследований и разработка методики расчета износа. Внимание направлено на верификацию расчетной методики на основании открытых результатов экспериментов с газоабразивной эрозией в поворотном канале трубы круглого сечения. Выполнен подробный обзор отечественной и зарубежной литературы. Исследование нацелено на прогнозирование величины эрозии лопаточного аппарата с помощью методов вычислительной газовой динамики. Представлено поэтапное описание алгоритма решения задачи численным методом с историческим обзором разработанных другими исследователями моделей эрозии. Проведена отработка алгоритма по расчету абразивной эрозии в осевом компрессоре и сделан анализ возможных алгоритмов расчета газодинамических характеристик компрессора, подвергшегося газоабразивному износу. Результаты исследования можно использовать при проектировании осевых компрессоров газотурбинных установок, работающих в условиях загрязненного воздуха. Таким образом, с помощью численного метода возможно проведение качественного и количественного анализа скорости газоабразивного износа проточной части осевого компрессора. Основной вклад в точность расчета величины эрозии вносит корректная калибровка модели эрозии, поэтому для получения адекватных результатов требуются достоверные экспериментальные данные по определению свойств взаимодействия эродирующих частиц со стенкой.

Investigation of the Influence of Ambient Conditions on the Thermodynamic Characteristics of Air as a Working Fluid for Gas Turbines

June 2023


73 Reads


2 Citations

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences

The study focuses on estimating thermodynamic characteristics at constant pressure for ambient air as a working fluid for gas turbines. The objective of this paper is to carry out a thermodynamic analysis of the properties of air as a working gas for a power plant. Various values of relative humidity, as well as temperatures, were examined in this study. Code was written using EES (Engineering Equations Solver) to conduct the simulation. This code contains the necessary equation to compute the thermodynamic characteristics of the working fluid. According to the results, both temperature and relative humidity remarkably influence the specific heat capacity (C_p), isentropic exponent (γ_h) as well as the gas constant of air (R_h). According to the results, when the ambient air temperature is increased from 0 to 45 ℃ with constant relative humidity values of either 10% or 90%, the specific heat capacity increases by 5.01% and 17.6%, respectively. Furthermore, the isentropic exponent decreases by 1.07% and 4.5%, respectively. The results show that the gas constant of air increases with ambient air temperature and relative humidity. One can conclude that the ambient conditions have considerable influence on the thermodynamic characteristics of a gas turbine working fluid.

A flow field around a cylindrical probe in proximity to stator blades and its effect on the measurements

May 2023


116 Reads

Journal of Physics Conference Series

In multistage axial compressors of gas turbine engines, there is a need for a detailed understanding of the flow field in between the blade rows, which could be obtained by spanwise traversing. This requires a pneumatic probe to be immersed into the flow path between the blade rows, where the space is limited. Therefore, the probe will affect the flow field around it and in the blade channel, and the probe readings will be affected by that flow field. As a result, these probe readings cannot be translated to flow parameters based on just the freestream calibration characteristics, obtained in the idealized wind tunnel. In our paper, we provide a computational analysis of the flow field around the cylindrical probe in a constrained inter-blade-row environment at different circumferential locations and flow conditions both upstream and downstream of the stator blade row. It is shown that the flow angle measurement error can reach up to five degrees in the mid-pitch locations compared to undistorted flow, and dynamic head measurements can be up to 30% away from the actual mean values of the flow. These deviations are shown to be caused by flow field interaction inside the blade channel and, as a result, measured values, obtained during industrial compressor testing, could be corrected accordingly. The universal correction procedure is proposed for further use in the industry

Technical Condition Assessment of the Gas Turbine Units with Free Power Turbine

April 2022


24 Reads

The main difficulty in assessing the technical condition of gas turbine units as part of gas-compressor units is the accurate calculation of the effective power. This paper presents an analysis of methods for determining the effective power of a gas turbine unit with a free power turbine to assess its technical condition. The main parameters of the gas turbine unit technical condition are considered. The division of parameters into local and integral is presented. The authors have developed a method for calculating the effective power of a gas turbine unit based on the parameters of a power turbine using gas-dynamic functions. This paper presents a comparison of the results in determining the gas turbine unit’s effective power according to the developed method, the torque meter, and the power consumed by a centrifugal natural gas compressor. The issues of tracking and predicting the degradation of the technical state of gas turbine units are discussed.

Fig. 3. WSa parameter vs diffusion factor.
Fig. 7. The degree of corner separation development the blade channel, depending on the values of TIa and WSa.
Identification of corner separation modelling in axial compressor stage

January 2020


50 Reads


1 Citation

E3S Web of Conferences

The paper presents a study of corner separations in hub to blade region at various operation conditions towards compressor stall. It is known that for compressor flows with low or none separations computation fluid dynamics with RANS methods work quite well, however, for highly separated flows they are no longer entirely valid. Therefore, several criteria were applied for prediction and quantification of possible corner separation, and the main interest of this work is in predicting the separation just before it will actually happen by certain flow metrics, so these metrics can be further used as a ‘pre-stall’ criteria whilst the RANS CFD operating point still behave within its appropriate limits. Also the effect of shear lean is discussed in the presented context.

Estimation of the driven gas turbine unit technical performance using the standard measuring systems

January 2020


98 Reads


9 Citations

E3S Web of Conferences

In large pipeline gas transport systems the operation and maintenance of gas pumping units are carried according to the current number of equivalent working hours of centrifugal gas compressors and gas turbines. Modern terms of lean production require the maintenance procedure to be done according to the current technical performance of equipment. The paper presents a designed and verified methodology of technical performance estimation of gas turbine units using the standard measuring systems. This method includes a verified high-order mathematical model based on the gas dynamic function for the precise analytical description of turbomachinery aerodynamics. The models are defined for different types of multi-shaft gas turbines. In this article the results of technical performance estimation of different gas turbine units are discussed.

Citations (11)

... The specific humidity is normally defined as [19,20]: ...


Influence of Surrounding Air Temperature and Humidity upon the Performance of a Gas Turbine Power Plant
Investigation of the Influence of Ambient Conditions on the Thermodynamic Characteristics of Air as a Working Fluid for Gas Turbines

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences

... Erosion effects were also included in a review of compressor fouling by Suman et al. [37]. A very recent and extensive review of compressor erosion research focusing mainly on Russian studies was presented by Blinov et al. [91]. The condition monitoring point of view was especially commented on. ...

Studies of Erosive Wear of the Blading in Axial Compressors of Gas Turbines (Review)
  • Citing Article
  • June 2023

Thermal Engineering

... These parameters, however, largely depend on the technical condition of certain GTU components [1][2][3]. For instance, the axial compressor substantially contributes to the overall condition and performance of a GTU, since the power consumed by the former significantly exceeds half of the power generated by the turbine. ...

Estimation of the driven gas turbine unit technical performance using the standard measuring systems

E3S Web of Conferences

... This approach ensures highly precise design of the initial airfoil and allows flexibly changing its geometry [6,10,11]. Moreover, it has previously proven itself in solving airfoil optimization problems [10,12,13]. The developed mathematical description uses various Bezier curves -second-order Bezier curves for edge modeling, and third-order Bezier curves for the suction and pressure sides of the blade. ...

Multi-criteria optimisation of subsonic axial compressor blading

IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering

... The vaneless diffuser radius is 338 mm as noted in [21]. In literature, these geometries are usually used in a simplified form with chosen blade thickness distribution and heel radii are not taken into account as in [47,48]. In the presented paper, however, original blade thicknesses were obtained from velocity distribution figures in [20,21] at individual cross-sections of compressors as indicated in Figure 4. ...

Validation of a CFD model of a single stage centrifugal compressor by mass-averaged parameters

The European Physical Journal Conferences

... The main requirements for all gas turbine engines, regardless of their purpose, are high efficiency, operational reliability and long life span [1,2]. One of the key factors determining the efficiency of a gas turbine engine is the performance of an axial compressor and turbine. ...

Redesign of an axial compressor with mass flow reduction of 30%

WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment

... 3 to find the position of the control points of Bezier curves (figure 1). This approach ensures highly precise design of the initial airfoil and allows flexibly changing its geometry [6,10,11]. Moreover, it has previously proven itself in solving airfoil optimization problems [10,12,13]. ...

Optimization approach and some results for 2D compressor airfoil

International Journal of Gas Turbine Propulsion and Power Systems

... The application of the VANT concept in aircraft gas turbine engines has been discussed in the various literature available in the open domain [3,[8][9][10][11]. The variable shaft power requirement has been addressed by implementing VANT concept in the power turbines of the gas turbine engines used in land-based power stations, marine applications, and other vehicular applications [12][13][14][15][16][17][18]. The improvement in the part load efficiency of the gas turbine engine used in various applications and derived from the same family has been demonstrated by Karstensen and Wiggins [19]. ...

On Technical Performance Estimation of a Gas Turbine with Variable Power Turbine Vanes

Procedia Engineering

... Therefore, use of a gas turbine with inlet air cooling and humidification is appropriate for improved GT efficiency. 23 extremely important role in power generation, marine power plants and aircraft [9][10][11][12]. They are an essential component of every combined cycle power plant. ...

Parametrical Diagnostics of Gas Turbine Performance on Site at Gas Pumping Plants Based on Standard Measurements
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • June 2014

... For now, almost all multistage compressors adopt a low aspect ratio (~1.0) in their rear stages, whereas the lack of operation range and efficiency are the main restrictions to the increment of compressor loading. Challenged by the intensification of radial mixing and boundary layer interaction at low aspect ratios, highly loaded compressors employ advanced blade profiles [5,6] and three-dimensional blading techniques [7][8][9], making the loss characteristics different from conventional designs. Currently, the design of compressors still relies largely on low-dimensional methods (1D mean-line and 2D through-flow methods), while the loss model is one of the kernel parts of the low-dimensional programs [10][11][12]. ...

Application of Optimisation Techniques for New High-Turning Axial Compressor Profile Topology Design