Oksana Pirogova’s research while affiliated with Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University and other places

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Publications (69)

Countries ecology and transport infrastructure sustainable development based on partnership between the state and business
  • Article
  • Full-text available

November 2024


14 Reads

BIO Web of Conferences

Oksana Pirogova


Irina Androsova


Alexander Anisimov

Recently, companies operating in the global space have been applying the ESG principles in their practice, which are the basis for the sustainable development of the country. The purpose of this article is to develop recommendations on the use in domestic practice of various tools for the development of ecology and transport infrastructure on the basis of partnership between the state and business. The development of these recommendations is based on the results of studying the ESG concept and the specifics of public-business partnership in domestic and foreign practice. The objectives of the study are: to study the stages of development of the ESG concept in the global space; to conduct a comparative analysis of the development of public-business partnerships in the world and in Russia; to assess the current state of the European public- business partnership market for the implementation of projects in the field of transport and ecology; to analyze the ranking of countries according to the ESG index. The article examines the historical stages of the development of the ESG concept at the global level; presents digital data characterizing the state of the European market for the implementation of projects based on the principles of ESG; The ranking of countries according to the ESG index for 2022-2023 is analyzed. Recommendations for the sustainable development of transport infrastructure with minimal negative impact on the environment, based on methods and practices used in foreign countries, are presented.


Prospects of Human-Centric Technology's Influence on Economic and Non-Economic Aspects of Public Life: The Influence of Modern Technologies on Economic and Non-Economic Life

October 2024


14 Reads

Oksana Pirogova


Vladimir Plotnikov





Human-centric technologies are one of the emerging trends in technological progress. The problems of its formation have not been studied well enough at the moment, which opens up a field for scientific research. In particular, the question of the impact of human-centric technologies on the economic and non-economic life of society remains open. Empirical methods of scientific research are used, in particular, to give disclosure the phenomena of scientific and technological progress at the present stage in the context of the study of human-centric technologies, and include observation, description, and measurement. As a result, it was possible to form and apply a basic approach to assessing the impact of human-centric technologies on economic and social life. The characteristics of their basic directions of development are given. The authors substantiate and finally formulate the conclusion that the formation of human-centric technologies is based on subjective and economically supported objective factors.

List of cost factors. Source: (Center for State Cadastral… 2023)
Soil types within the boundaries of GNPP “Severyane”, Belgorod region. Source: (Information system… 2023)
Relief within the boundaries of GNPP “Severyane”, Belgorod region. Source: (Unified State Register…)
Algorithm for calculating the cadastral value of land plots GNPP, ANPP, individual housing construction. Source: Compiled by the authors
Location of GNPP selected for assessment on the map of the Belgorod district. Source: Compiled by the authors


Pattern determination of the territory local factors influence on the land plots’ cadastral value of gardening and horticultural non-profit partnerships

October 2024


23 Reads


2 Citations

Population and Economics

In recent decades, the state has been tasked with the effective management of natural resources, among which land resources hold particular importance due to the necessity of their rational use and sustainable development. The value of land resources and their indispensable role in ensuring the socio-economic development of the country is most clearly reflected in the state’s tax policy, specifically in land taxation. The amount of land tax depends on the cadastral value, which is often subject to methodological shortcomings and challenges. This study, using the Belgorod Region as a case study, proposes an algorithm for determining the cadastral value of land plots within gardening and horticultural non-profit partnerships, taking local factors into account. To determine the specific indicator of cadastral value (SICV) of land plots, a linear regression model was developed. The results, tested for homoscedasticity, confirmed the model’s adequacy and reliability. The findings showed that the cadastral value decreased by an average of 12.2% compared to the current results of the state cadastral assessment in the Belgorod Region, highlighting the influence of local factors and the importance of considering them in the cadastral evaluation of the land plots in question.

Modeling the Cadastral Value of Land Plots of Gardening and Horticultural Non-Profit Partnerships Taking into Account the Influence of Local Factors of the Territory

July 2024


53 Reads


8 Citations


Concerning the dependence of land taxation on the cadastral or market value of lands in developed and developing countries, the role of land resources in the system of socio-economic development is quite high. World studies show the presence of methodological problems related, among other things, to the composition of price-forming factors of mass assessment. In relation to garden and vegetable garden lands, the issue of taking into account factors related to the immediate environment and soil quality is especially relevant, which is associated with the social justice of land taxation. The current paper aims to determine the influence of factors of the immediate environment and soil fertility on the cadastral value of the lands under consideration by determining which methodological apparatus has been built. Modeling of the specific indicator of cadastral value (SICV) of land plots is performed on the example of five gardening and vegetable gardening partnerships of the Belgorod district, where 79% of the territory is occupied by agricultural lands, which are quite diverse in soil composition, relief, and other studied factors. A linear model of dependence between local factors and the UPCS is proved. The reliability of the model is confirmed by testing for homoscedasticity, autocorrelation, and statistical significance of factors. The results of determining the cadastral value demonstrated an average change of 10%.

Analysis оf ecotourism development prospects in the Northwest region

June 2024


8 Reads

BIO Web of Conferences

Today, the study of environmental and economic analysis in the hospitality industry is of great importance for the industry. Global problems associated with environmental degradation require different approaches to solution. Studying the regional market is an important strategy for the development of this industry. The relevance of the study is the influence of environmentally friendly technologies in different spheres of life. Current statistical data on environmental and economic indicators were selected for analysis. The purpose of the study is to find areas in the northwestern region for the construction of a modern eco-hotel. To achieve the goal, factors influencing the ecological state of the territory and its economic components were selected. Environmental factors will include the number of large and medium-sized reservoirs in the area, the distance of the nearest point of the areas from the airport, the number of large highways, as well as the area of greenery in the area. To compare districts, a 5-point scoring system was used, depending on the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the above factors. As a result of the study, the most suitable areas for the implementation of the project according to the selected indicators were identified.

Improving the environmental quality of life of citizens

June 2024


32 Reads

E3S Web of Conferences

At the present stage of society's development, issues related to improving the environmental quality of life of the population while maintaining the level of quality in other aspects – social and economic - are becoming increasingly developed. One of the possible solutions to this problem is a potential mechanism associated with changing the place of residence of citizens to regions and territories with a more favorable ecological and social situation while reducing the level of economic burden. This mechanism can be implemented in the context of solving the problem of early retirement of citizens, taking into account compensation payments, including at the expense of existing real estate. The purpose of the study: to develop a mechanism for improving the environmental quality of life of the population in the context of solving the problem of reducing pension costs through compensation payments of citizens. Research methods: comparison, analysis and synthesis, generalization, method of retrospective analysis and forecasting of ecosystem development. As a result of the study, approaches are proposed to choose options for improving the environmental quality of life of citizens, as well as substantiating the conditions of compensation payments due to the sale of excess value of real estate objects of citizens potentially suitable for early retirement

Analysis of Dynamics and Identification of Trends in the Development of the Service Sector in Modern Realities

January 2024


3 Reads

Changes over the past few years have affected all areas of society. The emergence of new conditions in one area is certainly reflected in others. A timely analysis of the industry allows you to anticipate possible problems and threats and prevent their spread. The purpose of the study is to identify key factors and trends in the development of the tourism industry in St. Petersburg. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved: 1. The features of the development of the tourism industry in St. Petersburg are analyzed according to various criteria and the main groups of tourists are identified. 2. An analysis and assessment of statistical indicators of the development of the tourism industry in St. Petersburg was carried out. 3. Trends in the development of the tourism industry in St. Petersburg have been identified. The following methods were used in the research process: analysis and synthesis, comparative analysis, correlation and regression analysis. As a result of the study, the main trends in the development of the tourism industry in St. Petersburg were identified, and development directions associated with minimal risk were identified.

Citations (24)

... Sudden subsidence can lead to the loss of land areas and pose dangers to cities, buildings, the functioning of railway routes, thermal power plants, and the industrial facilities of the mine located in this area, as well as increase emissions and explosions of natural gas. All these consequences are closely related to the third area-ecology [85][86][87][88]. In addition to the above, backfill based on industrial waste allows for the preservation of the environment by reducing the areas allocated for waste dumps and water and air pollution. ...


Backfill for Advanced Potash Ore Mining Technologies
Pattern determination of the territory local factors influence on the land plots’ cadastral value of gardening and horticultural non-profit partnerships

Population and Economics

... Sudden subsidence can lead to the loss of land areas and pose dangers to cities, buildings, the functioning of railway routes, thermal power plants, and the industrial facilities of the mine located in this area, as well as increase emissions and explosions of natural gas. All these consequences are closely related to the third area-ecology [85][86][87][88]. In addition to the above, backfill based on industrial waste allows for the preservation of the environment by reducing the areas allocated for waste dumps and water and air pollution. ...

Modeling the Cadastral Value of Land Plots of Gardening and Horticultural Non-Profit Partnerships Taking into Account the Influence of Local Factors of the Territory


... University researchers and specialists in these fields develop concepts that are practically implemented in the educational and creative process of training young specialists in their professional competence, as well as their self-improvement and the development of creative individuality. Digital technologies in education have been actively developing since the end of the 20th century, and there was a surge of interest and appeal to them during the period of distance education associated with the pandemic in the entire world community [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12]. Modern technologies are somehow being introduced into traditional education, objective circumstances create conditions for this, technological progress cannot stand still. ...

RETRACTED: Factors for sustainable development of urban areas

BIO Web of Conferences

... In general, the positions of the Novosibirsk region in various ratings are ambiguous, but it must be stated that the Novosibirsk region remains among the leaders in scientific and technological development (Table 3). In the Novosibirsk region there is potential for the emergence of breakthrough technologies in several markets at once: HealthNet, NeuroNet and AeroNet, as well as TechNet (advanced manufacturing technologies), in which Novosibirsk developers are potentially strong [13]. ...

Transformation of the Sustainability Concept in the Socioeconomic System and Labor Market

Information Sciences Letters

... The second definition, like the second type of ecohotels, is distinguished by its structural content. This type of eco-hotel is aimed not only at interconnection with the environment, but also at creating an ecofriendly environment for the guest, excluding the influence of urban factors [2]. ...

Approach to the assessment of the competitiveness of real estate objects in retail

E3S Web of Conferences

... The influence of these factors can haunt a person not only during workdays, but also during rest. That is why people are increasingly using such a direction as ecotourism for this purpose, and the concept of an eco-hotel is being modified, fitting even into the urban sphere to increase accessibility [1]. ...

Comparative analysis of digital services and their impact on the trade segment development

E3S Web of Conferences

... The growing significance of technologies in public life [8][9][10], constant interaction with smart technical means requires their understanding beyond the question of the degree of their similarity to humans and separation on human/unhuman. One of the most well-known theories that integrates technology and humans within one network of interactions is Bruno Latour's actor-network theory. ...

The impact of digitalization on the practice of determining economical cadastral valuation

... The information and empirical basis of the study are regulatory documents governing public-private partnership issues; policy documents of government bodies; data from open Internet sources. In the process of writing the article, the authors analyzed the works of the following authors: Fang Guand Chul-soo Kim [4], WeiGuo Ma [5], C. Wang [6], Fokina O. [7], Pirogova, O. [8], Berezin. A. [9] on the subject of assessing the impact of transport infrastructure on the state of the environment of countries. When considering the issues of formation and development of partnership between the state and business, the studies of such authors as: K. Othman [10], C. Cui [11], Vertakova, Yu [12], Podgorny, B. [13] and others were used. ...

Risk-based approach in the assessment of infrastructure transport projects
  • Citing Article
  • June 2022

Transportation Research Procedia

... At the national level, research on human capital through the prism of competitiveness assessment was investigated by Vo and Tran [8], Klimontowicz and Majewska [45] and Puzynya, et al. [46]. The modern methodology for assessing the effectiveness of human capital in an enterprise from different perspectives has been considered by Pirogova, et al. [47], Ahmad, et al. [48], and Dzenopoljac, et al. [49]. However, the reviewed studies [4][5][6][7][8]13,[32][33][34][35][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49] on evaluating the effectiveness of human capital took into account only certain components of the subject of our study and used the authors' methods. ...

An Approach to Assessing Construction Enterprise Intellectual Capital in the Digital Age
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2022

... Despite the Chinese government's strong policy support for the development of new energy trams The outbreak of the COVID in 2019 to now, the world economy, also led to the government's fiscal income reduction, reduced subsidies for new energy cars, also reduce the buyer's shopping enthusiasm for new energy cars [30], according to the data analysis in the future forecast China's push to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality date will be delayed with the change of the policy. Once the policy does not give financial subsidies, the price of new energy trams at the same level is much higher than that of traditional fuel planning, which will reduce the competitiveness of new energy trams in the automobile market. ...

Post-COVID 2019 sustainable economic development: a new cycle of digital development

E3S Web of Conferences