November 2024
14 Reads
BIO Web of Conferences
Recently, companies operating in the global space have been applying the ESG principles in their practice, which are the basis for the sustainable development of the country. The purpose of this article is to develop recommendations on the use in domestic practice of various tools for the development of ecology and transport infrastructure on the basis of partnership between the state and business. The development of these recommendations is based on the results of studying the ESG concept and the specifics of public-business partnership in domestic and foreign practice. The objectives of the study are: to study the stages of development of the ESG concept in the global space; to conduct a comparative analysis of the development of public-business partnerships in the world and in Russia; to assess the current state of the European public- business partnership market for the implementation of projects in the field of transport and ecology; to analyze the ranking of countries according to the ESG index. The article examines the historical stages of the development of the ESG concept at the global level; presents digital data characterizing the state of the European market for the implementation of projects based on the principles of ESG; The ranking of countries according to the ESG index for 2022-2023 is analyzed. Recommendations for the sustainable development of transport infrastructure with minimal negative impact on the environment, based on methods and practices used in foreign countries, are presented.