Ok-Kyong Chah’s research while affiliated with Kongju National University and other places

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Publications (7)

Figure 1. Karyology of Aglaothamnion oosumiense Itono. (A, B, E) Chromosomes in carpogonial branch cell of female plant. (C, D, F) Chromosomes in spermatangial mother cell of male plant. Arrow head indicates discernible centromere (scale bar = 10 μ m). 
Figure 2. Chromosomes of Aglaothamnion oosumiense Itono. (A, C) First cell division in the fertilized carpogonium. (B, D) Intercalary division of the gonimoblast cell (Scale bar = 15 μ m). 
Figure 3. Two types of bisexual plant of Aglaothamnion oosumiense Itono. (A) Female-derived bisexual plant. (B) Male-derived bisexual plant (sc; spermatangial cluster, tr; trichogyne, scale bar = 390 μ m). 
Figure 4. Chromosomes of bisexual plants of Aglaothamnion oosumiense Itono. (A) Female-derived bisexual plant. (B) Male-derived bisexual plant (scale bar = 15 μ m). 
Figure 5. Summarized crossing experiments of Aglaothamnion oosumiense Itono.
Karyology and sex determination in Aglaothamnion oosumiense Itono (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta)
  • Article
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January 2004


300 Reads


4 Citations


Ok-Kyong Chah


In Kyu Lee


A cytogenetic investigation on male and female reproductive cells of Aglaothamnion oosumiense Itono indicates that the sexuality of this species might be determined by a sex chromosome. Chromosome counts in female and male gametophytes gave 37 and 36, respectively. Sex ratio of gametophytes was 1:1. Both male-derived and female-derived bisexual plants were observed. Bisexual plants were different in gross morphology and position of carpogonial branches from normal unisexual gametophytes. The chromosome number of female-derived bisexual plants was N=37 and male-derived bisexual plants was N=36. Some male plants developed parasporangia in addition. The paraspore germlings showed the same chromosome number as the male plants. The fertilized carpogonium and gonimoblast cells had 2N = ca. 70 chromosomes.


Cytochemical and ultrastructural studies on protoplast formation from disintegrated cells of the marine alga Chaetomorpha aerea (Chlorophyta)

August 2003


711 Reads


22 Citations

European Journal of Phycology

Regeneration of protoplasts from extruded cytoplasm and successive development of aplanospores within regenerated cells are described in the marine green alga Chaetomorpha aerea (Dillwyn) Kützing (Cladophorales, Cladophoraceae). Agglutination of cell organelles in seawater seemed to be mediated by a complementary lectin-carbohydrate system. Three carbohydrates – D-galactosamine, D-glucosamine and α-D-mannose – inhibited agglutination of cell organelles. The presence of these sugar moieties on the surface of cell organelles was verified with their complementary fluorescein isothiocyanate lectins. Agglutination assays using human erythrocytes showed the presence of lectins specific for the above sugars in the protoplasm. The fluorescent probe l-(4-trimethylammoniumphenyl)-6-phenyl-a,3,5-hexatriene revealed that the envelope initially surrounding protoplasts was not a lipid-based cell membrane. Fluorescein diacetate staining showed esterase activity in the protoplasts from the beginning of the regeneration process, suggesting that their envelopes were intact. Enzyme digestion revealed that the enclosing envelope includes polysaccharides as essential structural components and then transforms into a polysaccharide–lipid complex, before a complete plasma membrane develops within 6 h after wounding. Electron microscopic observation suggested that new plasma membrane formed by incorporation of original cell membrane into the primary envelope. An extensive agglutination of cytoplasmic vesicles was observed in the protoplasts. New cell walls developed within 24 h after wounding. Thereafter, the cells developed aplanospores or swarmers 4–10 days after wounding. The released aplanospore divided into 8 cells, which became motile biflagellate swarmers capable of germination.

21 Differential screening and suppression subtractive hybridization identifies genes differentially expressed in male and female plants of aglaothamnion oosumiense (rhodophyta)

June 2003


5 Reads

Journal of Phycology

Sex determination and development of reproductive structures in Aglaothamnion oosumiense were examined by cytogenetic and molecular studies. Chromosome studies of male and female reproductive cells indicated that the sexuality of this species might be determined by a sex chromosome. Chromosome counts in female and male gametophytes were 37 and 36, respectively. The sex ratio of the gametophytes was 1:1. Also male-derived bisexual plants were observed. They were different in morphology, position of carpogonial branches and chromosome number. Some male plants also developed parasporangia. Chromosome number of the paraspore germlings was the same as in the male plants. A novel method combining element of suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) with high throughput differential screening permitted an efficient and rapid cloning of rarely transcribed differentially expressed genes. Potential of the method is demonstrated by the isolation of 212 subtractive clones that were differentially expressed in male and female plants. About 18 subtractive clones were confirmed by reverse northern blotting. Two genes, AOMS-1 and AOMS-2, which showed male specific expression were analyzed. These genes seem to be involved in differentiation of male reproductive structures.


December 2000


7 Reads

Journal of Phycology

Spermatial development and fertilization processes were investigated by electron microscopy in Aglaothamnion oosumiense Itono. The spermatium is composed of two parts, an ovoidal head and two appendages projecting from each distal end. The appendages originate from spermatangial vesicles (SVs) and follow a developmental sequence beginning as amorphous material and ending as a fully-formed fibrous structure compressed within the SVs. SV formation is due to contributions initially from endoplasmic reticulum and later from dictyosome-derived vesicles. Chemical differentiation of the spermatial wall occurs early in its development. Calcofluor white does not label spermatial walls, indicating an absence of cellulose polysaccharides, which are abundant in vegetative cell walls. Liberated spermatia had a prophase arrested nucleus with a pair of polar rings. The cytoplasm of the trichogyne was connected with that of spermatia at the fertilization canal. The cytoplasm of the trichogyne was empty when the nuclear fusion between spermatium and carpogonium occurred.

Heat-shock protein 90 may be involved in differentiation of the female gametophytes in Griffithsia japonica (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta)

September 1998


59 Reads


16 Citations

Journal of Phycology


Soon Hee Kim


Choo Bong Hong




In Kyu Lee

A cDNA library from a mixed population of female and male gametophytes of Griffithsia japonica Okamura was constructed, and a cDNA clone, designated GjFP-1 (G. japonica female predominant-1), was isolated by differential screening of the cDNA library. The transcript corresponding to GjFP-1 was abundant in female gametophytes, but only basal levels of the transcript were detected in male and tetrasporangial thalli. Determination of the nucleotide sequence of GjFP-1 identified a putative open reading frame encoding 313 amino acids and a 3′ untranslated region of 116 nucleotides. The deduced amino acid sequence of GjFP-1 for the putative open reading frame shared high homology with the previously reported amino acid sequences of heat shock protein 90 (hsp90). RNA blot hybridization analysis for the transcripts of heat-shocked G. japonica and DNA hybridization analysis for the genomic DNA of G. japonica with GjFP-1 as a probe suggested that GjFP-1 is a cDNA clone for the hsp90 gene in G. japonica.In situ hybridization for the GjFP-1 transcript again showed a differential specificity of the transcript in female gametophytes. The data reported here suggest a possibility of hsp90 function linked to the development of the female gametophytes in G. japonica.

Life History and Taxonomy of Aglaothamnion oosumiense Itono (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta)

January 1998


17 Reads


3 Citations


Life history and post-fertilization process of Aglaothamnion oosumiense from Korea were studied in culture. This species showed a Polysiphonia-type life history with dioecious gametophyte as well as asexual reproduction via parasporangium on male plants. The occurrence of parasporangiate plants was not affected by environmental factors nor inherited strictly to the next generation. Most (>95%) of the paraspores developed into male plants while less than 5% of paraspores became parasporangiate male plants again. Bisexual plants were also observed. Each carpogonial branch had two auxiliary cells, which divided distally to produce the primary gonimoblast initials, respectively, before the foot cells were cut off proximately from it by intercalary divisions, Two carposporophytes resulted from a successful fertilization. Morphologically, Aglaothamnion oosumiense resembled Aglaothamnion callophyllidicola (Yamada) Boo, Lee, Rueness et Yoshida, and the taxonomic characters separating them were found to be unstable. The taxonomic relationship between the two species, therefore, should be critically reassessed with a thorough reexamination including their type specimens.

Antithamnion aglandum (Rhodophyta, Ceramiaceae): A new species from Korea

January 1996


135 Reads


7 Citations

Nova Hedwigia Beihefte

A new species of the genus Antithamnion Naegeli, A. aglandum sp. nov., is described from Korea. The species is similar to A. nipponicum Yamada et Inagaki in branching pattern and reproductive development, but is distinguished by having no gland cells and producing hair cells on the female frond. Isolates of A. aglandum were investigated in culture, comparing their growth and reproduction with A. nipponicum from Korea. A, aglandum showed a Polysiphonia type life history and exhibited neither mixed phases nor apomixis. In culture, under various environmental conditions, it developed hair cells consistently and did not produce any gland cells. Procarps occurred successively in pairs on upper segments of main and lateral axes. After fertilization, a connecting cell was formed between carpogonium and auxiliary cell. Hybridization attempts between A. aglandum and A. nipponicum were negative.

Citations (5)

... The genus Aglaothamnion has been accepted by many phycologists (e.g., Kylin 1956, Itono 1977, Abbott & Hollenberg 1976, Chah & Kim 1998. Aglaothamnion pseudobyssoides (P. ...


A new species of Aglaothamnion (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) from Korea, Aglaothamnion inkyui sp. nov.
Life History and Taxonomy of Aglaothamnion oosumiense Itono (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta)
  • Citing Article
  • January 1998


... Therefore, we agree with Boo and Lee's (1983) suggestion that A. sparsum and other two species are under speciation. Chromosome number has long been used as a critical taxonomic feature in red algal taxonomy (e.g. Kim et al., 1996 Kim et al., , 2004). Cytogenetic details, however, other than chromosome numbers are unavailable for most marine red algae because of the small size of nuclei, difficulty in obtaining adequate nuclear staining, and rarity of nuclear divisions in collected material (Kapraun, 1989). ...

Antithamnion aglandum (Rhodophyta, Ceramiaceae): A new species from Korea

Nova Hedwigia Beihefte

... It was shown that the reunification of cell fractions can produce viable cells (Kobayashi & Kanaizuka, 1985;Tatewaki & Nagata, 1970) and that ~15% of the original cell membrane was recycled to make new membranes (Kim et al., 2001). Cell regeneration from extruded protoplasm after injury has been reported in dozens of other coenocytic green algae (Kim et al., 2002;Kim & Klotchkova, 2004;Klotchkova et al., 2003), and some of the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying this unique cell repair have been elucidated (Klochkova et al., 2016). However, this cell repair has not been observed in other plants and is not comparable to cell repair in animal cells because new cells are generated from the protruding protoplasm, as opposed to the usual cell repair process of plugging holes in the cell membrane and repairing internal cell structures. ...

Cytochemical and ultrastructural studies on protoplast formation from disintegrated cells of the marine alga Chaetomorpha aerea (Chlorophyta)

European Journal of Phycology

... The current knowledge on Hsp90s in terrestrial plants is much less advanced, and there are relatively fewer reports about their physiological functions, which mainly included their involvement in phenotypic plasticity, developmental stability, and the buffering of genetic variation (as reviewed in Reference [2]). In algae, based on the differential screening of the cDNA library, one Hsp90 member was proposed to be involved in the differentiation of the female gametophytes in red alga Griffithsia japonica [54]. Another case work on dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella found that one Hsp90 was highly expressed at the protein level at an exponential growth stage, implying it might be related to maintain the proper order of the cell cycle progression of the species [36]. ...

Heat-shock protein 90 may be involved in differentiation of the female gametophytes in Griffithsia japonica (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta)
  • Citing Article
  • September 1998

Journal of Phycology

... Genetic studies on sex determination in some red algae have been coupled with karyological work and sex chromosome have been reported. In Aglaothamnion oosumiense, females have an extra chromosome compared to males (Chah et al. 2004). A sex-specifically expressed lectin which is involved in gamete binding was isolated from this species . ...

Karyology and sex determination in Aglaothamnion oosumiense Itono (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta)
