January 2004
300 Reads
4 Citations
A cytogenetic investigation on male and female reproductive cells of Aglaothamnion oosumiense Itono indicates that the sexuality of this species might be determined by a sex chromosome. Chromosome counts in female and male gametophytes gave 37 and 36, respectively. Sex ratio of gametophytes was 1:1. Both male-derived and female-derived bisexual plants were observed. Bisexual plants were different in gross morphology and position of carpogonial branches from normal unisexual gametophytes. The chromosome number of female-derived bisexual plants was N=37 and male-derived bisexual plants was N=36. Some male plants developed parasporangia in addition. The paraspore germlings showed the same chromosome number as the male plants. The fertilized carpogonium and gonimoblast cells had 2N = ca. 70 chromosomes.