Oce Wiriawan’s research while affiliated with Universitas Negeri Surabaya and other places

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Publications (63)

Figure 1. Physical exercise program
Sample Profile Characteristics
IL-10 Level in each group
Strength training versus high-intensity aerobic exercise: which is more effective in increasing il-10 production as an anti- inflammatory?
  • Article
  • Full-text available

February 2025


40 Reads

Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports







Background and Study Aim. Physical exercise is widely recognized as an effective strategy for improving health and quality of life. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of high-intensity and low-intensity strength training, as well as high-intensity aerobic exercise, on serum Interleukin-10 (IL-10) production. Material and Methods. Thirty college students were recruited to undergo different training programs in each group. The study employed an experimental design with three exercise groups: high-intensity strength training (STH), low-intensity strength training (STR), and high-intensity aerobic exercise (AH). Each group included 10 participants, and serum IL-10 levels were measured before exercise and 24 hours post-exercise. To assess long-term effects, participants trained three times per week for four weeks under carefully monitored conditions. Results. The results showed that all types of exercise significantly increased serum IL-10 levels. The AH group exhibited the highest increase, followed by the STR and STH groups. These findings align with previous studies demonstrating an increase in IL-10 following high-intensity aerobic exercise. The elevated IL-10 levels in the AH group can be attributed to improved cardiovascular capacity and the body's inflammatory response. Strength training, despite not increasing VO2max, also led to an IL-10 increase, though the effect was smaller compared to aerobic exercise. Conclusions. High-intensity aerobic exercise is more effective at increasing IL-10 production compared to strength training. This study suggests combining both types of exercise to maximize immunological benefits. Such an approach can also enhance post-exercise recovery. It is important to consider the duration and recovery intervals, as these factors influence the immune response.


Identification of talented athletes in finswimming through anthropometric analysis: systematic review

December 2024


36 Reads


1 Citation

Health sport rehabilitation

Background and purpose Physical and anthropometric fitness levels are important aspects in supporting performance improvement and talent development in sports, including finswimming. Measurements of physical fitness and anthropometric levels are widely used to identify talented athletes, including finswimming. However, there is still sparse literature that discusses this topic. This systematic review aims to analyze anthropometric factors related to the sport of finswimming. Material and methods The method used is Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analyses (PRISMA). The databases were taken from Pubmed/MEDLINE, Scopus, Web of Science, and Embase. Obtained 14 articles which were analyzed through objectives, topic suitability, sample size, research protocol, results, and discussion. Results The results of this study report that height, weight, arm span, upper limb length, and lower leg length are anthropometric variables that affect the performance of finswimming athletes and several other factors such as lower extremity, wrist, and arm span are anthropometric variables that also affect finswimming athletes' achievements. In addition, results can be affected by gender, exercise duration, and exercise frequency. Conclusions Based on the results of the systematic review, it was concluded that anthropometry can be used as a reference in identifying talented athletes in finswimming, especially in the bi-fins competition number by identifying upper limb length, lower leg length, arm length, arm span, age, height, weight, body mass index, body fat percentage, and lean body weight.

Characteristics of participants
The concentration and anaerobic endurance values of each group have changed.
Differences in anaerobic endurance and concentration (time) in each group
The Impact of Training Distances (20 m, 50 m, and 70 m) on Concentration and Anaerobic Endurance in Archery Sub-Elite Athletes

November 2024


48 Reads


This study aims to investigate the effects of a new training method for archery athletes with different distances, namely 20 meters, 50 meters, and 70 meters, in improving concentration and anaerobic endurance. The pre- and post-control group design was used in this study with the sample selection method using the purposive sampling technique. The criteria for participants in this study include: actively practicing archery, aged 14-20 years, having at least 5 years of archery competition experience, domiciled in East Java Province, not injured, and willing to participate in the study until the end. 40 sub-elite archery athletes (20 males, 20 females) became participants in this study and were divided into 4 groups: conventional training (CON), training with a shooting distance of 20 m (NEAR), training with a shooting distance of 50 m (MID), and training with a shooting distance of 70 m (LONG) training groups. Each group underwent a 12-week training program specific to their assigned distance. The instrument used to measure concentration is the standardised archery mirror drawing test and to measure anaerobic endurance using the RAST test instrument. The results of the paired sample t-test analysis showed that in the anaerobic endurance variable, the NEAR, MID, and LONG groups had a p-value <0.05, while the CON group had a p-value > 0.05. In the concentration variable (time), all groups had a p-value <0.05, while in the concentration variable (error), there were only two groups (NEAR and CON) that had a p-value <0.05. The Anova Test results showed a significant difference between the CON and MID groups and CON and LONG (p <0.05) in the anaerobic endurance, while in the concentration (time) there was a significant difference between the CON and LONG groups and NEAR and LONG (p<0.05). In conclusion, the MID and LONG groups significantly improve anaerobic endurance and concentration, two important factors for archery success. Longer training distances appear to have a more pronounced effect on concentration.

Optimizing talent identification and development in finswimming athletes: Challenges and innovative solutions

October 2024


77 Reads

The main objective of this article is to highlight the components of anthropometry, biomotor abilities, and skills related to the identification and development of young athletes’ talent and to propose several possible solutions that practitioners and researchers can consider to optimize talent identification. A total of 60 Intermediate First students were recruited and tested for anthropometry, biomotor abilities, and skills. The subjects selected for this study were chosen based on the criteria that they had participated in extracurricular swimming activities and could swim freestyle for 50 meters. The results show that anthropometry is an important factor, with the following values: height (TB) 0.895a, lean body weight (BBTL) 0.832a, leg length (PTU) 0.819a, hand length (PTA) 0.738a, arm span (RL) 0.705a, and body weight (BB) 0.682a. The biomotor values are as follows: explosive power of leg muscles (DLOT) 0.896a, left ankle dorsiflexion (ADFKI) 0.797a, leg muscle strength (KOT) 0.701a, right ankle dorsiflexion (ADFKA) 0.683a, explosive power of arm muscles (DLOL) 0.638a, arm muscle strength (KOL) 0.637a, left ankle plantar flexion (APLKA) 0.514a, and right ankle plantar flexion (APLKI) 0.545a. Several skill characteristics that significantly influence bi-fin swimming athletes’ talents include breathing using a snorkel (BMS) 0.579a, swimming 100 meters using a snorkel and fins (B100) 0.532a, and underwater kicking for 15 meters (UW15) 0.500a. These findings provide proof that components of anthropometry (BB, TB, PTU, PTA, RL, and BBTL), biomotor abilities (KOT, ADFKI, ADFKA, APFKI, APFKA, KOL, DLOT, and DLOL), and skills (BMS, B100, and UW15) related to the identification and development of young athletes’ talent in finswimming (bi-fins) can provide solutions and a strong foundation to support the development of athletes’ talent. However, further research is required to confirm and validate this finding.

Mapping of Petanque Sports Research Trends for the period 2011-2024: A Bibliometric Analysis in the Scopus Database

October 2024


39 Reads

Теорія та методика фізичного виховання

Objectives. This study aimed to conduct a bibliometric analysis of the trend of petanque sports from 2011 to 2024 in the Scopus database. The research focused on productivity assessment, publication type, journal ranking, frequency of publishing, number of citations, study area focus, keywords, and co-authorship. Materials and methods. This study was carried out using a bibliometric method. The research stages comprised (1) searching for articles using the Boolean “Petanque” AND “petanque in sport”, (2) inquiry with inclusion criteria of e-books, short reports, conferences, original articles, literature reviews in English, French, and Spanish from 2011 to 2024, (3) filtering 34 articles, (4) eliminating 19 articles, leaving 15 articles that were considered worthy, (5) re-filtering and producing the same number, namely 15 articles, and (6) deciding 15 final data articles. Data collection and analysis techniques used were Mendeley, VOSviewer, and Excel. Results. In terms of productivity, 3 (20.00 %) documents were identified from 2011, 2021, and 2024; the most common type of document was original articles, with a total of 13 (86.67 %); the most journal rankings were in quartile 3 and 4 (30.00 %); the journals most frequently publishing research on petanque included the Journal of Physical Education and Sport, Ethnologie Francaise, Concurrences, and the International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, and Retos, each of which had 2 (13,00 %) documents; while the largest number of citations was from Pelana et al, with 26 citations. The majority of studies focused on physical, technical, and biomechanical aspects. The most commonly appearing keywords included performance, athlete, performance characteristic, sport, optimum group performance, and psychological training plan. Regarding collaboration, 14 researchers were found to be cooperating on the same research topic. Conclusions. Petanque sports studies still require better research productivity and innovation to improve information and knowledge.


October 2024


2 Reads


Penanganan terhadap kompleksnya permasalahan ketenagakerjaan Indonesian yang berada di Internasional khususnya Pekerja Migran Indonesia (PMI) baik dari pekerja Pria majpun pekerja Wanita (TKW) yang muncul dan berkembang dewasa ini tentunya tidak dapat ditunda dan harus segera diatasi, seiring dengan adanya perkembangan dalam revolusi industry 4.0. Adapun permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh PMI sangat kompleks meliputi permasalahan aspek pendidikan, manajemen/ekonomi, fasilitasi dan juga lingkungan. Solusi yang akan dalam mengatasi permasalahan tersebut meliputi melakukan pendampingan dalam peningkatan skill dan komptensi PMI, pendampingan peningkatan literasi dan manajemen keuangan, pendampingan dalam pengawasan PMI. Target luaran yang ingin dicapai adalah peningkatan kesejahteraan PMI baik dari aspek pendidikan, manajemen.ekonomi, fasilitasi, dan juga lingkungan. Adapun Metode atau Rencana kegiatan dalam pengabdian ini meliputi 1) observasi, 2) sosialisasi, 3) Fasilitasi dan Workshop Peningkatan Kompetensi Keahlian, 4) Pembinaan dan Workshop Peningkatan Literasi Keuangan. Adapun luaran dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah artikel pada jurnal nasional terindeks sinta 6 atau berISSN berstatus accepted; Berita pada mesia massa elektronik; Video kegiatan pengabdian; Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HaKI).

Pendampingan aktivitas fisik sebagai upaya peningkatan kesehatan dan kebugaran jasmani siswa SMAN di Kabupaten Sidoarjo

September 2024


12 Reads


1 Citation

PROMOTIF Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Pola hidup sedenter pada remaja usia sekolah dalam jangka panjang akan berakibat pada penurunan tingkat kebugaran jasmani dan akan mengganggu proses pertumbuhan dan perkembangan optimal. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan kesehatan dan kebugaran jasmani siswa SMAN di Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Mitra kegiatan PKM adalah Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri (SMAN) 1 Wonoayu dan SMAN 1 Krembung dengan jumlah seluruh peserta sebanyak 97 siswa laki-laki dan perempuan. Metode pelaksanaan program dengan kombinasi metode pendidikan kesehatan dan pendampingan serta pelatihan aktivitas fisik. Program dilaksanakan selama 4 minggu. Hasil tes kebugaran jasmani menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan pada nilai tes awal dan tes akhir (p=0,000). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa tujuan kegiatan dapat tercapai dengan baik yaitu meningkatkan kebugaran jasmani dan motivasi untuk melakukan kegiatan jasmani secara teratur dan terukur. Kegiatan serupa perlu dilakukan pada mitra yang lebih luas dan tingkat pendidikan yang berbeda.

Table 1 .
Table 3 .
The difference test of psychological well-being based on the demographic environment
Comparison of barriers to physical activity to levels of physical activity and psychological well-being based on the demographic environment in the vision impairment disability group

September 2024


58 Reads


Barriers to physical activity in vision impairment are associated with increased inactivity and psychological well-being problems. Previous research has only identified constraints in physical activity without conducting an in-depth analysis of physical activity levels and psychological well-being. This study aims to explore the differences in physical activity barriers based on three different demographic environments regarding physical activity levels and psychological well-being. The method used was quantitative inferential with a cross-sectional design approach involving 90 respondents registered with the Indonesia Association of the Blind. Data were collected using the Barrier Questionnaire for People with Vision Impairment (BPAQ-VI), the Psychological Well-Being Scale (PWBS), and General Practice Physical Activity (GPPAQ). The data was processed using the one-way ANOVA test and the Tukey HSD via SPSS version 26. The study's results stated differences in physical activity barriers, physical activity levels, and psychological well-being in vision impairment groups living in urban centres, suburbs, and rural areas (p<0.05). It was concluded that the visionly impaired disability group living in the city centre had minimal barriers compared to the vision impairment group living in suburban and rural areas. Vision impairment groups living in urban centres have better physical activity and psychological well-being than those living in suburbs and rural areas. The study contributed to an increase in the number of fitness influencers among those with vision impairment. It raised awareness among sports practitioners to design innovative and friendly exercise methods and programs for the group. Keywords: Barrier Physical Activity, health, fitness and wellness, environment, psychological well-being, blind.

Sample Profil
Data Significance Test
Determining Reaction Time and Strength in Indonesian Male Badminton Athletes: Regional, National and Olympic Levels

August 2024


32 Reads

Теорія та методика фізичного виховання

Objectives. The study aimed to analyse the difference in whole-body reaction (WBR) times and the expanding strength of badminton athletes at regional, national, and Olympic levels. Materials and methods. The study subjects consisted of 24 male athletes. Audio and visual whole-body reaction measurements were carried out, and each athlete’s pull and push strength was expanded to analyse the existing differences. The data was analysed using One-Way ANOVA to determine the differences between the three sample groups. Results. The results showed a significant difference (p < 0.05) in visual whole-body reaction and shoulder arm thrust force. Although, the audio whole body reaction variable and shoulder arm tensile strength did not significantly differ (p > 0.05). Conclusions. The study indicated that badminton athletes’ visual whole-body reaction speed was found to be better compared to their audio whole-body reaction speed ability. Additionally, Olympic athletes demonstrated enhanced strength conditions than regional and national-level athletes. The findings of this study are anticipated to help coaches in developing and implementing training programmes appropriate to the specific needs and conditions of athletes at the level of competition in which they are engaged.

Table 3 .
Effects of infrared sauna, traditional sauna, and warm water immersion on accelerated exercise recovery and prevention of cell damage: an experimental study

August 2024


283 Reads


4 Citations


The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of single session infrared sauna, traditional sauna, warm water immersion, and passive recovery from fatigue and muscle cell damage in athletes and nonathletes. Eight male badminton athletes and eight male nonathletes participated in this study. The study participants were treated with submaximal physical activity assessed by ergometer, then recovered with different modalities. Each treatment was separated by one week of a resting period through a randomized crossover design. The recovery modalities of infrared sauna (IRS) were 45±2°C, traditional sauna (TRS) 40±2°C, warm water immersion (WWI) 40±2°C, and passive recovery (PAS) for 20 minutes. Blood lactate, creatine kinase, blood glucose, heart rate, body temperature and level of pain were assessed, immediately after physical activity (pre), after recovery (post), and after 40 minutes of sitting (post-40min). Our findings indicated that the WWI and IRS were effective reducing fatigue in athletes and nonathletes. Moreover, PAS and TRS prevented muscle damage in nonathletes after 60 minutes of physical activity. All the thermal modalities decreased the BGL. The least amount of pain reported during the WWI modality, while the PAS modality tended to cause severe pain. Body temperature measurements were not significantly different among the modalities. According to our data, the WWI is more effective at increasing recovery and preventing muscle cell damage in athletes. Moreover, IRS and TRS are more effective for recovery in nonathletes. Further research needs to be conducted with different sports subjects, different types of exercise, different biomarkers, and physical performance tests. Keywords: infrared sauna; traditional sauna; warm water immersion; recovery; muscle cell damage

Citations (31)

... This is evidenced by their KMO Anti Image values exceeding 0.5. Our findings align with prior research, which asserts that body weight, height, leg length, arm length, arm span, and lean body weight serve as reliable indicators for identifying talented athletes in diving, particularly in finswimming competitions [23]. Additionally, other research has indicated that taller divers excel in gliding through the water and taller swimmers benefit from a greater arm reach, which enhances swimming efficiency [24][25][26]. ...


Optimizing talent identification and development in finswimming athletes: Challenges and innovative solutions
Identification of talented athletes in finswimming through anthropometric analysis: systematic review

Health sport rehabilitation

... Peningkatan keterampilan dapat terlihat pada peserta pendampingan dengan dapat melaksanakan praktek beberapa jenis tes kebugaran jasmani seperti tes IMT, tes sit-up, tes squat trush, v-site, dan PACER tes, tentunya dengan keterampilan yang telah dimiliki dapat menjadi langkah awal untuk menerapkan tes kebugaran jasmani ini pada sekolah masing-masing di Kabupaten Lahat. Kegiatan pengabdian yang serupa juga dilakukan oleh Fauzi et al. (2023) dimana pengabdian ini melakukan pelatihan penerapan tes kebugaran Jasmani dengan menggunakan TKPN pada guru PJOK di Kota Samarinda, serta Tes Kebugaran Jasmani Unesa dan SMAN 1 Wonoayu dan SMAN 1 Krembung (Kaharina et al., 2023). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pentingnya adanya sebuah pendampingan tentang tes kebugaran jasmani dengan menggunakan TKPN di berbagai provinsi di Indonesia. ...

Pendampingan aktivitas fisik sebagai upaya peningkatan kesehatan dan kebugaran jasmani siswa SMAN di Kabupaten Sidoarjo

PROMOTIF Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

... his method has been used to study the recovery time of calf muscle oxygen saturation after exercise, with potential application in diagnosing vascular disease. Similarly, a muscle tissue spectrophotometer has been used to measure the recovery time of hemoglobin and myoglobin desaturation in the quadriceps muscles of elite competitive rowers (Chance et al., 1992;Wiriawan et al., 2024). The slow increase in oxygen consumption during vigorous exercise has been associated with a progressive decrease in muscle oxygen saturation (Belardinelli et al., 1995;Julianti et al., 2024;Risnawati et al., 2024;Ritonga et al., 2024). ...

Effects of infrared sauna, traditional sauna, and warm water immersion on accelerated exercise recovery and prevention of cell damage: an experimental study


... The training program consist of a swissball hamstring curl and stiff-leg deadlift movements that are performed alternately right and left (Table 1). This is aimed at ensuring that the effect of the exercise is equal between the right and left legs so that there is no asymmetry (Wiriawan et al. 2024). In addition, the practice has applied the principle of progressive resistance training by increasing sets, repetitions, intensity and reducing rest times (Grgic et al. 2018;Paluch et al. 2024). ...

Unilateral Hamstring Muscle Strengthening Exercises Can Improve Hamstring Asymmetry and Increase Jumping Performance in Sub-Elite Badminton Athletes


... The effects of infrared radiation in the medical field have been researched for a long time. Many infrared devices have been used for medical therapy, but infrared research on sports recovery is still limited, and the results are conflicting (Kaharina et al., 2017;Mero et al., 2015;Wahjuni et al., 2019;Wiriawan et al., 2022Wiriawan et al., , 2024. One type of infrared device is the infrared sauna, which is a type of far infrared (FIR) device. ...

Far-Infrared Radiation with Sauna Method Improves Recovery of Fatigue and Muscle Damage in Athletes After Submaximal Physical Exercise


... A research instrument is a tool used by a researcher to collect data, measure phenomena, and analyze data that corresponds to the problem faced by the subject or sample (Kurniawan, 2021). The instruments to measuring body height used stadiometer , arm length used Measuring Tape , palm length used Measuring Tape , arm muscle strength used Back and Leg Dynamometer (Abi et al., 2022;Akbar Harmono et al., 2024;Wahyono et al., 2024), trunk flexibility used Sit And Reach (Pereira et al., 2024), grip strength used Hand Grip Dynamometer (Pedro et al., 2023), static balance used Stork Balance Stand Test (Sunanto et al., 2024), eye-hand coordination used Throw And Catch Test (Sunanto et al., 2024), and endurance used Multistage Fitness Test (Jatmiko et al., 2024). ...

The effect of ladder drill exercises on some physical abilities in male junior high school students

SPORT TK-Revista EuroAmericana de Ciencias del Deporte

... Long-term resistance training was carried out with maximum intensity, and frequency 3x/week for 6 weeks (Akbar et al., 2024;Putera et al., 2023). Long-term resistance training in this study uses 12 training models, namely (1) one in ladder drill training model, (2) two in the ...

Increased leg muscle strength and power after 6 weeks of trapping exercise in male college students

SPORT TK-Revista EuroAmericana de Ciencias del Deporte

... They compared plyometrics with resistance training and stated that plyometrics is more effective. Wiriawan et al. (2024) in their research reported that high-intensity plyometric training was proven to be effective in increasing muscle strength and power in young males. Likewise, the study by Putera et al. (2023) reported that high-intensity plyometric training was effective in increasing muscle power in adolescent males. ...

Positive Effect of Sand-Based Plyometric Jump Training on Increasing Muscle Power and Strength: Experiment Study on Student-Athletes

International Journal of Disabilities Sports & Health Sciences

... Adapun upaya yang dilakukan untuk mendapatkan tubuh yang prima yaitu seorang atlet memerlukan latihan peningkatan kemampuan fisik dan teknik. Karena dengan melakukan latihan dapat memberikan penekanan fisik yang teratur, sistematis, dan berkesinambungan sedemikian rupa sehingga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan fisik serta teknik dan meningkatkan kebugaran jasmani sehingga tubuh menjadi prima (Imam Haromain, 2024). Dengan demikian, untuk mencapai hasil yang optimal, atlet harus konsisten dalam latihan dan meningkatkan intensitasnya secara bertahap. ...

Pengaruh Latihan Plyometric Barrier Hops, Front Cone Hops, Jump To Box, dan Depth Jumps terhadap Peningkatan Power, Kekuatan, dan Kecepatan Siswa Ekstrakulikuler
  • Citing Article
  • November 2023

EduInovasi Journal of Basic Educational Studies

... In the long jump branch, the main elements, such as speed, strength, agility, and coordination, are the main focus that must be trained through varied and interesting methods, especially for young age groups. Studies byFatchurrahman et al. (2019) and Labib Siena ArRasyid et al. (2023) mentioned that exercises that incorporate both anaerobic and aerobic components, such as dynamic sports, can greatly increase agility and speed. ...

Combination of plyometric and ladder drill: Its impact on improving speed, agility, and leg muscle power in badminton

Jurnal SPORTIF Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran