January 2019
3,478 Reads
26 Citations
Journal of Science Technology and Environment Informatics
Article Information ABSTRACT Key Words: Air pollution, Exceedance factors, Pollutants standard, sensitive groups and Health hazards. For any information: ask.author@journalbinet.com A study on the evaluation of pollutant standard index and air quality index in Choba campus of the University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria based on particulate matter were assessed. Aeroqual-PM10/PM2.5 and CW-HAT200 particulate sampler instruments that measure particulate matter by a method of light scattering were used. Pollutant standard index and air quality index were computed using measure concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 particulate matter. The study shows that a positive linear relationship exists between pollutant standard index and air quality index, the relationship is highly significant (p-values < 0.0001, R2 = 99.1 %). Statistical result indicates that PM2.5 constitutes 52.68% of the concentrations of PM10. PM2.5 fine particle was found to be the predominant particulate pollutant in the University Campus. Computed air quality index shows good air quality 17% of the days, moderate air quality 79% of the days and unhealthy air quality for sensitive groups 4% of the days. Sensitive groups on the campus may be experiencing coughing, shortness of breath sneezing, asthma attacks, coughing, reduced lung function and wheezing. The management of the university should communicate the air quality indices in this study to the students and public so that precautionary measures can be taken to reduce prolong exposure.