Núria Iranzo’s research while affiliated with Autonomous University of Barcelona and other places

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Publications (8)

Influence of Geogebra on Problem Solving Strategies
  • Chapter

January 2011


198 Reads


17 Citations

Núria Iranzo


This chapter reports on our research findings about the influence of GeoGebra use on twelve secondary students’ problem solving strategies in plane geometry. Using multiple data sources, we analyse the complex interactions among GeoGebra use, students’ prior knowledge and learning preferences, and the teacher’s role, under the theoretical perspective of instrumental genesis. We identify three levels of instrumentalization and instrumentation and provide specific cases to illustrate students’ use of GeoGebra and their evolving mathematical conceptions in relation to GeoGebra tools. In general, the use of GeoGebra helps student enhance their mathematical understanding by enabling alternative problem resolution paths, and, in some case, help diagnose their learning difficulties. We further discuss implications for future GeoGebra use and classroom-based research.

La Influencia conjunta del uso de geogebra y lápiz y papel en la adquisición de competencias del alumnado
  • Article
  • Full-text available

November 2009


217 Reads


46 Citations

Enseñanza de las Ciencias Revista de investigación y experiencias didácticas

Este estudio forma parte de una investigación1 en curso sobre la interpretación del comportamiento de los estudiantes de Bachillerato Tecnológico en la resolución de problemas de geometría plana, mediante el análisis de la relación entre el uso de GeoGebra2, la resolución en lápiz y papel y el pensamiento geométrico. El marco teórico se basa principalmente en la teoría de la instrumentación de Rabardel (2001). Proponemos un análisis de los grados de adquisición de los procesos de instrumentación e instrumentalización de los alumnos, las estrategias de resolución en ambos medios y las interacciones entre los distintos agentes involucrados. Pretendemos buscar una relación entre las concepciones de los alumnos y las técnicas que utilizan en las estrategias de resolución de problemas.


Co-influence of GeoGebra and paper and pencil use on the students'competences acquisition

November 2009


111 Reads


4 Citations

Enseñanza de las Ciencias Revista de investigación y experiencias didácticas

This study is part of ongoing research on the interpretation of students' behaviors when solving plane geometry problems by analyzing relationships among DGS (GeoGebra) use, paper-and-pencil work and geometrical thinking. Our theoretical framework is based on Rabardel's (2001) instrumental approach to tool use. We propose an analysis of the acquisition degrees of the instrumentation and instrumentalization processes, the resolution strategies in both environments and the interactions between the different agents We seek relationships between students' thinking and their use of techniques by exploring the influence of certain techniques on the students' resolution strategies.

Consideraciones metodológicas para la interpretación de procesos de interacción en el aula de matemáticas

July 2009


182 Reads


40 Citations

Revista Latinoamericana de Investigación en Matemática Educativa

En este artículo se presenta parte de un modelo de análisis para la descripción e interpretación de procesos de interacción en el aula de matemáticas. Se argumenta la importancia de introducir casos reales de aula que contribuyan a deconstruir e interpretar la clase de matemáticas, desde la doble perspectiva de los contenidos matemáticos y de la interacción social. Para ello, se plantea el uso operativo y la integración de nociones asociadas a distintas tradiciones teóricas, principalmente las de práctica matemática, norma sociomatemática y conflicto entre significados. Una vez descrito el modelo de análisis, se aplica en la transcripción de un episodio de clase ocurrido en un aula de secundaria, correspondiente a una escuela de Barcelona, España. Finalmente, se exponen reflexiones acerca del interés y la potencialidad del modelo para generar conocimiento científico sobre la interacción en situaciones de enseñanza y aprendizaje de matemáticas.

Methodological considerations for interpretation of interactions in the mathematics classroom

July 2009


7 Reads


7 Citations

Revista Latinoamericana de Investigación en Matemática Educativa

In this article, a part of model to analyze the description and interpretation of interactions inside the mathematics classroom is presented. The importance of real classroom cases that contribute to the deconstruction and interpretation of the mathematics classroom is argued from the double prospective of the mathematical content and the social interactions. To do so, the operational use and the integration of notions associated with different theoretical traditions, especially the ones related to mathematical practices, sociomathematical norms, and conflict of meanings are presented. Once the analytical model is described, its use is applied to a transcribed episode of a lesson in a secondary classroom of Barcelona, Spain. Finally, reflections about the interest and potential of the model to generate scientific knowledge about the interaction in teaching and learning mathematics situations are discussed.


8 Reads


2 Citations

This study is part of an ongoing research 1 on the interpretation of students' behaviors when solving plane geometry problems in Dynamic Geometry Software and paper-and-pencil media. Our theoretical framework is based on Rabardel's (2001) instrumental approach to tool use. We seek for synergy relationships between students' thinking and their use of techniques by exploring the influence of techniques on the resolution strategies. Our findings point to the existence of different acquisition degrees of geometrical abilities concerning the students' process of instrumentation when they work together in a computational and paper-and-pencil media. In this report we focus on the case of a student.


7 Reads


4 Citations

This paper presents a report on how a group of immigrant bilingual students use their languages in the learning of mathematics. We have developed our research with immigrant bilinguals in Catalonia, Spain, that arrived at a young age from South-American countries. We propose a critical sociolinguistic approach, which draws on social theory in the analysis of how language is involved in the construction of teaching and learning opportunities. Our data points to the differences that the Spanish dominant bilingual students have in the use of Catalan and Spanish during their engagement in mathematical activity. They tend to use the two languages for different purposes, depending on the complexity of the mathematical practices, and in relation to different social settings that coexist within the classroom.

Citations (5)

... No obstante, es necesario analizar el papel del docente a la hora de utilizar GeoGebra en el aula para poder asegurar la consecución de los beneficios que esta herramienta puede aportar (Iranzo y Fortuny, 2009). De hecho, como señalan Arnal-Bailera y Oller-Marcén (2020). ...


El uso de GeoGebra en la enseñanza de conceptos matemáticos: prácticas, barreras y percepciones docentes
La Influencia conjunta del uso de geogebra y lápiz y papel en la adquisición de competencias del alumnado

Enseñanza de las Ciencias Revista de investigación y experiencias didácticas

... In the field of mathematics education, MathGPT [42], developed by the TAL Education Group in 2021, focuses on addressing math-related problems and delivering lectures for users worldwide. The use of visualization software to obtain graphics and animations of mathematical representations can enhance students' imagination and problem-solving skills [43]. Integrating AI technologies into educational settings enables AI-based learning systems to function as intelligent tutors, mathematical tools, or student aids and facilitate policy-making. ...

Influence of Geogebra on Problem Solving Strategies
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2011

... Several contributions examine aspects of students' mathematics learning in the context of language diversity, looking at how their mathematical understanding is linked to practices like code-switching (e.g., Manu, 2005;Planas, Iranzo, & Setati, 2009;Planas & Civil, 2010) and the challenges of word problems given in an 'imported' language (Verzosa & Mulligan, 2012). There has also been work seeking to understand students' perspectives on learning mathematics in a language other than their home language (Setati, 2006), and the perspectives of 'local' students on practices designed to support immigrant learners in their mathematics classes (Planas & Civil, 2008). ...

  • Citing Article

... In their paper Iranzó and Fortuny (Iranzo & Fortuny, 2010) presented students' investigative activities in a DGS environment. Their research showed that the software allowed students to identify dependent and independent objects while manipulating them. ...

  • Citing Article

... As interações em sala de aula são de particular interesse, especialmente no ensino e aprendizagem de disciplinas como Ciência, Tecnologia, Engenharia e Matemática (STEM) (O'Halloran, 2005;Farsani, 2015a). Estudos realizados em Planas e Iranzo (2009) e Falsetti e Rodríguez (2005) buscam analisar, em particular, como ocorre os processos interativos nas aulas de matemática. Neste artigo, examinamos diferentes dimensões de interação, particularmente aquelas de natureza não-verbal, como as proxêmicas, que tradicionalmente recebem menos atenção, tanto nas pesquisas relacionadas à área de Educação, como à área de Educação Matemática. ...

Consideraciones metodológicas para la interpretación de procesos de interacción en el aula de matemáticas

Revista Latinoamericana de Investigación en Matemática Educativa