Nur Sarah Tajul Urus’s research while affiliated with Northern University of Malaysia and other places

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Publications (14)

Hisbah (Ombudsmen) is A Mechanism for Resolving Enforcement Issues in Malaysia: Changes and Difficulties
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2022


18 Reads

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Nur Sarah Tajul Urus


Md. Amin Abdul Rahman Al-Jarumi


Mohd Syahmil Samsudin


Mus’ab Yusoff

Implied contributions for jointly acquired property based on Islamic family law in Malaysia

December 2021


324 Reads


2 Citations

Linguistics and Culture Review

The Islamic Family Law Enactment for the states in Malaysia have recognized that jointly acquired property can be claimed by a Muslim woman due to death, divorce, or polygamy. It is in line with the TN50 target to empower women and elevate the dignity of women and prepare them for 2050. Besides that, the legal stipulation shows the law protects the rights of women to enables them to prepare for their future financial planning even after becoming widows or single mothers. The first objective of this study is to identify the legal provisions related to jointly acquired property. The second objective is to highlights the previous studies and cases related to jointly acquired property claims and the third is to propose a simple, quick and friendly standard procedure for jointly acquired property applications. This paper is also expected to provide an understanding regarding on jointly acquired property for future research.

Jointly acquired and heritage property in the context of FELDA's new model strategy: A family heritage innovation plan

December 2021


99 Reads


1 Citation

Linguistics and Culture Review

Nur Sarah Tajul Urus


Mus’ab Yusoff





The Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA) began its innovative concept when FELDA's New Model Strategy which went through the evolutionary process in its distinctive niche was first launched in 2020. The New Model Strategy has a significant impact on the efforts to determine FELDA's vision and direction in changing the mentality of the settlers and rejuvenating FELDA thus driving the aspect of the integrated use of modern technology, mechanisation, automation and intelligent agriculture. Besides, the implementation of the diversity of crops on farms such as pineapple, young ginger, black turmeric and herbs. FELDA is a Malaysian government agency that addresses the relocation of poor rural people to newly developed areas to improve their economic status. FELDA's original main focus was the opening of smallholder farms for contemporary crops. FELDA settlers' husband works hand-in-hand in sustaining FELDA's aspiration to increase daily household income. Typically, conflicts appear when the death or divorce of FELDA settlers occurs and their wives or heirs made property claims. FELDA land issues were discussed based on the types of land titles in the National Land Code 1965 and legal restrictions in Section 14(2) of the Group Land Act 1960.

Jointly acquired property of a working wife: A legal analysis from 'Urf perspective

December 2021


35 Reads


1 Citation

Linguistics and Culture Review

In Malaysia, jointly acquired property has been recognized due to divorce, polygamy, or death. Section 122 of the Islamic Family Law Enactment (State of Kedah Darul Aman) 2008, clearly provides the jurisdiction of Court in division of jointly acquired property. Disputes arose between Muslim’s scholars on the status of property of a working wife whether it can be regarded as a private property or jointly acquired property. Nowadays, it seems that the domestic contributions for a living are attributed to the property of the working wife. These contributions include the purchase of house, car, and expenses in upbringing the children. Therefore, the objective of this study is to identify the classification of property of the working wives and the condition of jointly acquired property that can be claimed by the husband from Islamic perspective and subsequently analyse the custom recognition on it. This study is a qualitative study in which data is collected from Islamic law books and legal sources. Data analysis completed by applying content analysis methods through a descriptive approach. The findings indicated that the custom (‘urf) recognized the classification of property of a wife to be accepted as jointly acquired property.

Sustainability of ijtihad and fatwa to respond the issue of indirect contributions in matrimonial property claim: A critical assessment fiqh of property

December 2021


23 Reads


1 Citation

Linguistics and Culture Review

The issue of sustainability of ijtihad and fatwas to elaborate on polemics of indirect contributions in matrimonial property claims has become an important issue today. The selection of the right ijtihad and fatwa will ensure that critical discussions in this matter can be photographed to a knowledgeable society. There are many findings of jurisprudence writing that stated the main methods in ijtihad and fatwas used by fuqahak of the past and contemporary to draw interesting discussions on this issue, but in the context of indirect contributions in matrimonial property claims, there is still much to be clarified. The main objective of this study is to find out the method of ijtihad and fatwa in the book of fiqh applied by the jurists in this issue. This study is qualitative in which a total of 20 books of turath have been researched and understood descriptively. The main collection methods used were in-depth reading and analysis and narrative evaluation was used to analyze the findings obtained. The results of the analysis prove that the indirect contribution related to housework and outdoor work, can be done Akad al-Ijarah for the wife is eligible to take a certain wage according to the jumhur view.

protection of a wife’s rights against the elements of narcissism and gaslighting in domestic violence: The impact during COVID-19 pandemic

December 2021


92 Reads


4 Citations

Linguistics and Culture Review

This study constructively focused on the polemic in a household regarding the impact of COVID-19 pandemic that hits the world. For example, China experienced a high number of divorce cases during the emergency order period. In Malaysia, during the Movement Control Order (PKP), a number of wives lodged a significant number of complaints of conflict or domestic violence to the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (JAKIM). This indicates the existence of domestic conflict on a large scale. This study is timely to examine the causes of domestic violence conflict. The second objective is to identify the rights of wives in the household and the third, to propose a standard procedure of a nurturing household to the State Religious Affairs Department. This study used a qualitative methodology. The content analysis method was used with materials that were significantly library-sourced consisting of primary and secondary data. Primary data were collected from the book of fiqh to clarify the rights and responsibilities of the wife in the household. Secondary data is based on published material, such as textbooks, journal articles, online databases and the Internet. For analysis, this study used a combination of data analysis methods, namely descriptive, critical and comparative approaches.

Pengklasifikasikan Harta Isteri Berpekerjaan Sebagai Harta Sepencarian:Satu Analisis Hukum dari Perspekftif 'Urf: Classification of Property of a Carrier Wife as a Jointly Acquired Property:A Legal Analysis from The Perspective of 'Urf

April 2021


33 Reads

Journal of Fatwa Management and Research

In Malaysia, the law recognizes claims of jointly acquired property of spouse due to divorce, polygamy or death. For example, Section 122 of the Islamic Family Law Enactment (State of Kedah Darul Aman) 2008, clearly provides for the jurisdiction of Court’s injunction in the division of jointly acquired property. There is a disagreement among Muslim Jurists related to assets to the working wives throughout her marriage in terms of its status as a private property or jointly acquired property. However problems arise when there are situations where the vast majority of domestic contributions are attributed to the property of the wife. These contributions can be seen beginning from the purchase of house, car and upbringing costs of children which are part of wife’s obligations. Therefore, the objective of this study is to identify the classification of assets of the working spouse as a jointly acquired property that is entitled to be claimed by the husband from Islamic perspective and subsequently analyze the custom recognition on it. This study is a qualitative study in which data is collected through studies from Islamic law scriptures and legal sources. Meanwhile, data analysis is carried out using content analysis methods through a descriptive approach. The findings proved that the custom recognized the classification of property of a wife to be accepted as a jointly acquired property. However for working wives who have incurred all additional needs, their property is classified as property that cannot be claimed by the husband in full. This study hopefully will contribute to the parties involved in jointly acquired property claims such as legislators and law practitioners to assess the classification of property working spouse as jointly acquired property that can be claimed by the husband. Abstrak Di Malaysia, undang-undang mengiktiraf tuntutan harta sepencarian atas faktor perceraian, poligami atau kematian. Sebagai contoh, seksyen 122, Enakmen Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam (Negeri Kedah Darul Aman) 2008, jelas memperuntukkan berkenaan bidangkuasa Mahkamah dalam memerintah pembahagian harta sepencarian. Terdapat khilaf dalam kalangan para fuqaha’ berkaitan harta milik isteri berpekerjaan sepanjang perkahwinan dari aspek statusnya sebagai harta persendirian atau harta sepencarian. Namun, timbul masalah apabila terdapat situasi di mana sebahagian besar sumbangan rumahtangga adalah berpunca daripada harta isteri. Sumbangan ini dapat dilihat bermula daripada pembelian rumah, kereta, kos asuhan anak-anak yang menjadi sebahagian daripada tanggungan isteri. Justeru itu, objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengenalpasti pengklasifikasian harta isteri berpekerjaan sebagai harta sepencarian yang berhak dituntut oleh suami dari perspektif syarak, dan seterusnya menganalisis pengiktifaran ‘Urf ke atasnya. Kajian ini adalah kajian kualitatif di mana data kajian dikumpul melalui kajian kepustakaan daripada kitab-kitab fiqh islami dan sumber undang-undang. Sementara itu, analisis data dilakukan menggunakan kaedah analisis kandungan melalui pendekatan deskriptif. Hasil kajian membuktikan bahawa ‘Urf mengiktiraf pengklasifikasian harta isteri berpekerjaan sebagai harta sepencarian. Walau bagaimanapun, bagi isteri yang berkerjaya dan telah menanggung segala keperluan tambahan, harta mereka diklasifikasikan sebagai harta yang tidak boleh dituntut oleh suami dalam harta sepencarian. Kajian ini dapat memberi sumbangan kepada pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam tuntutan harta sepencarian seperti penggubal undang-undang dan institusi-institusi mahkamah untuk menilai pengklasifikasian harta isteri berpekerjaan sebagai harta sepencarian yang boleh dituntut oleh suami.

Kelestarian Ijtihad dan Fatwa Bagi Menyantuni Isu Sumbangan Tidak Langsung Dalam Tuntutan Harta Sepencarian:Satu Penilaian Kritis Fiqh Harta: Sustainability of Ijtihad and Fatwa to Respond The Issue of Indirect Contributions in Matrimonial Property Claim:A Critical Assesment Fiqh of Property

April 2021


71 Reads

Journal of Fatwa Management and Research

The issue of sustainability of ijtihad and fatwas to elaborate on polemics of indirect contributions in matrimonial property claims has become an important issue today. The selection of the right ijtihad and fatwa will ensure that critical discussions in this matter can be photographed to a knowledgeable society. There are many findings of jurisprudence writing that stated the main methods in ijtihad and fatwas used by fuqahak of the past and contemporary to draw interesting discussions on this issue, but in the context of indirect contributions in matrimonial property claims, there is still much to be clarified. The main objective of this study is to find out the method of ijtihad and fatwa in the book of fiqh applied by the jurists in this issue. This study is qualitative in which a total of 20 books of turath have been researched and understood descriptively. The main collection methods used were in-depth reading and analysis and narrative evaluation was used to analyze the findings obtained. The results of the analysis prove that the indirect contribution related to housework and outdoor work, can be done Akad al-Ijarah for the wife is eligible to take a certain wage according to the jumhur view. It relates to the limited amount that is still pending payment and is included in the matrimonial property. The study also found that indirect contributions related to outdoor work as well, can be done Akad Syarikat al-Abdan according to the view of the school of al-Hanafiyyah and can be associated with the amount of profits that grow and put into matrimonial property. In addition, the Islamic Family Law Enactment also does not specify in detail the conditions of property ownership as determined by Islamic law. This study suggests that a guideline can be translated into the minds of the Muslim community in Malaysia continuously to ensure that this polemic can be clarified and the benefits to be fought for can be maintained. Abstrak Isu kelestarian ijtihad dan fatwa untuk merungkai polemik dan menyantuni permasalahan sumbangan tidak langsung dalam tuntutan harta sepencarian telah menjadi isu penting pada hari ini. Pemilihan ijtihad dan fatwa yang tepat akan memastikan perbincangan secara kritis dalam hal ini dapat dipotretkan kepada masyarakat yang cakna ilmu. Terdapat banyak dapatan penulisan ilmu fiqah yang menyatakan kaedah utama dalam ijtihad dan fatwa yang digunakan fuqahak zaman silam dan kontemporari untuk melakar perbincangan yang menarik dalam isu yang diketengahkan ini, namun begitu dalam konteks sumbangan tidak langsung dalam tuntutan harta sepencarian, masih banyak yang perlu diperjelaskan. Objektif utama kajian ini ialah untuk mengetahui kaedah ijtihad dan fatwa di dalam kitab fiqah yang diaplikasikan oleh para fuqahak dalam isu ini. Kajian ini berbentuk kualitatif di mana sejumlah 20 buah kitab turath telah diteliti dan difahami secara deskriptif. Kaedah pengumpulan utama yang digunakan ialah pembacaan dan analisis mendalam dan penilaian naratif telah digunakan untuk menganalisis dapatan yang diperoleh. Hasil analisis membuktikan bahawa sumbangan tak langsung yang berkait dengan hal ehwal rumah dan diluarnya, boleh dilakukan Akad al-Ijarah untuk si isteri layak mengambil upah tertentu mengikut pandangan jumhur. Ia berkaitan dengan jumlah terhad yang masih tertangguh pembayarannya dan dimasukkan ke dalam harta sepencarian. Kajian juga mendapati bahawa sumbangan tak langsung yang berkait dengan kerja luar rumah juga, boleh dilakukan Akad Syarikat al-Abdan mengikut pandangan mazhab al-Hanafiyyah dan boleh dikaitkan dengan jumlah keuntungan yang berkembang dan dimasukkan ke dalam harta sepencarian. Selain itu, Enakman Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam juga tidak mengkhususkan secara terperinci syarat-syarat pemilikan harta yang ditentukan oleh hukum syarak. Kajian ini mencadangkan supaya satu garis panduan dapat diterjemahkan dalam minda masyarakat Islam di Malaysia secara berterusan untuk memastikan polemik yang berkecamuk ini dapat diperjelaskan dan terjaga kemaslahatan yang ingin diperjuangkan.

Sumbangan Simbolik Dalam Pembahagian Aset Harta Sepencarian di Malaysia:Satu Permintaan Pasxa Perceraian: Symbolic Contribution In The Distribution of Jointly Acquired Assets in Malaysia:A Post-Divorce Demand

April 2021


110 Reads


1 Citation

Journal of Fatwa Management and Research

Islamic Family Law Act or Enactment of the States in Malaysia has recognised that such property may be demanded or claimed by the husband and wife during the normal marriage period or when the husband wishes to polygamy. Such property can also be claimed after the death of one of the spouses or the dissolution of marriage through divorce or one of the apostasy couples and the religion of other religions. The Strategic Plan to portray Malaysia's face in the Common Prosperity Vision was born after the end of the National Vision Policy 2020 and the Vision of TN50 championing the same laws to protect women's rights, so that these groups could plan their future finances even as a wife or wives of polygamous husbands (honey), wife who’s husband death (widow), widow, and single mother. Symbolic contribution to jointly acquired property claims is a form of property distribution given specifically for women and this practice is provided under Islamic family law in Malaysia. Symbolic contribution of this property can only be applied in the Syariah High Court during the period of marriage and upon divorce, polygamy or death. The first objective of this study is to identify the provisions of laws relating to jointly acquired property. The second objective is to analyze cases decided by the courts in relation to claims of jointly acquired property. The third objective is to propose a simple, fast and friendly standard operating procedure for jointly acquired property applications. The study used qualitative methodology. Content analysis methods are also applied where most of the library-sourced materials consist of primary and secondary data. The main data is collected from the book fiqh to explain how the fiqh method is applied. The provisions of the law in the Kedah State Islamic Family Law Enactment 2008 and other relevant statutes as well as related legal cases are also referred to. In addition, the method of observation and reference of the original case in court is also implemented. Secondary data is based on published materials, such as textbooks, journal articles, online databases and the Internet. For analysis, this study uses a combined method of data analysis, i.e. descriptive, critical and comparative approach. The judges' statements in each case are thoroughly examined and followed by rational justification. The results show that the harmonisation of fiqh law and legal adaptation on jointly acquired property is the best law to apply especially by islamic family law institutions. The goal of giving symbolic contributions to jointly acquired assets is to maintain the best interests for married couples according to the context of the ‘uruf in Malaysia. Therefore, the laws and guidelines in force are parallel and do not contradict the ruling of fiqh in Islam. It also guarantees that the couple will benefit from the distribution of property in marriage and after a divorce, polygamy or death. What the government has implemented is a necessity to protect the welfare of couples by introducing certain procedures to ensure justice for the husband and wife in the future in safeguarding the welfare and justice of the wife. Abstrak Akta atau Enakmen Undang-undang Keluarga Islam Negeri-negeri di Malaysia telah mengiktiraf bahawa harta sepencarian boleh diminta atau dituntut haknya oleh suami dan isteri dalam tempoh perkahwinan biasa atau ketika suami ingin berpoligami. Harta sepencarian juga boleh dituntut selepas berlakunya kematian salah satu pasangan atau pembubaran perkahwinan melalui perceraian atau salah satu pasangan murtad dan menganut agama lain. Pelan Strategik bagi mempotretkan wajah Malaysia dalam Wawasan Kemakmuran Bersama dilahirkan selepas berakhirnya Dasar Wawasan Negara 2020 dan Visi TN50 memperjuangkan undang-undang yang sama demi melindungi hak wanita, agar golongan ini boleh merancang kewangan masa depan mereka walaupun sebagai seorang isteri atau madu, balu, janda, dan ibu tunggal. Sumbangan simbolik dalam tuntutan harta sepencarian merupakan satu bentuk pembahagian harta yang diberikan khusus untuk wanita dan amalan ini diiktraf oleh undang-undang keluarga Islam di Malaysia. Sumbangan simbolik harta sepencarian ini hanya boleh dipohon di Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah ketika dalam tempoh perkahwinan dan apabila berlakunya perceraian, poligami atau kematian. Objektif pertama kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti peruntukan undang-undang yang berkaitan dengan harta sepencarian. Objektif kedua adalah untuk menganalisis kes-kes yang diputuskan oleh mahkamah berkaitan tuntutan harta sepencarian. Objektif ketiga pula adalah untuk mencadangkan satu prosedur operasi standard yang mudah, cepat dan mesra bagi permohonan harta sepencarian. Kajian ini menggunakan metodologi kualitatif. Kaedah analisis kandungan turut digunakan di mana sebahagian besar bahan-bahan bersumberkan perpustakaan yang terdiri daripada data primer dan sekunder. Data utama dikumpulkan dari kitab fiqah untuk menjelaskan bagaimana kaedah fiqah diterapkan. Peruntukan undang-undang dalam Enakmen Undang-undang Keluarga Islam Negeri Kedah 2008 dan lain-lain statut berkaitan serta kes undang-undang yang berkaitan turut dirujuk. Selain itu, kaedah pemerhatian dan rujukan kes asal di mahkamah juga dilaksanakan. Data sekunder pula adalah berdasarkan bahan yang diterbitkan, seperti buku teks, artikel jurnal, pangkalan data dalam talian dan Internet. Untuk analisis, kajian ini menggunakan kaedah gabungan analisis data, iaitu pendekatan deskriptif, kritis dan perbandingan. Pernyataan hakim dalam setiap kes diperiksa dengan teliti dan diikuti dengan justifikasi yang rasional. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa harmonisasi hukum fiqah dan adaptasi undang-undang pada harta sepencarian adalah undang-undang terbaik untuk diguna pakai terutama oleh institusi undang-undang keluarga Islam. Matlamat pemberian sumbangan simbolik harta sepencarian adalah untuk mengekalkan kepentingan terbaik bagi pasangan suami isteri mengikut konteks uruf di Malaysia. Oleh itu, undang-undang dan garis panduan yang berkuat kuasa adalah selari dan tidak bertentangan dengan hukum fiqah dalam Islam. Ia juga menjamin bahawa pasangan itu akan mendapat manfaat pembahagian harta dalam perkahwinan dan selepas berlakunya perceraian, poligami atau kematian. Apa yang telah dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan adalah satu keperluan untuk melindungi kebajikan pasangan dengan memperkenalkan prosedur tertentu bagi memastikan keadilan bagi suami dan isteri pada masa hadapan dalam menjaga kemaslahatan dan keadilan pihak isteri.

Citations (6)

... The cultural tradition of perpatih, observed in Malaysia, is limited to a specific segment of the populace residing in the regions of Negeri Sembilan and Melaka (Sahid et al., 2021;Zainon et al., 2021). It is widely believed that the practise of perpatih was introduced by the Minangkabau people who migrated from Pagaruyong, Indonesia (Radzuan, 2021;Sahid et al., 2021;Sunarti et al., 2021). ...


Jointly acquired property of a working wife: A legal analysis from 'Urf perspective

Linguistics and Culture Review

... Our results indicate that abuse of love myht moderates the relationship between narcissism and mania style of love. Individuals with narcissistic traits also engage in, with the help of abuse of love myth, manipulative, socially isolative, reactive, and proactive aggressive behaviors, and verbal abuse, which are known as narcissistic abuse syndrome, especially if there is a mania style of love (Sauls et al., 2019;Ismail et al., 2021, Green et al., 2022Karandashev, 2022;March et al., 2023;Shousha, 2023;CoȘa & Visu, 2023). They tend to show partner violence (Oliver et al., 2023;Takezawa et al., 2023). ...

protection of a wife’s rights against the elements of narcissism and gaslighting in domestic violence: The impact during COVID-19 pandemic

Linguistics and Culture Review

... Which cannot be seen according to Islamic law, the minimum limit of the human body that must be covered by God's command as outlined in the Qur'an, hadith, and the thoughts of both past and present scholars. Therefore, this study wants to gain understanding by examining the three sources and arguments above (Mirza, 2013;Brown, 2006;El Saadawi, 1982;Samsudin et al., 2021). ...

Implied contributions for jointly acquired property based on Islamic family law in Malaysia

Linguistics and Culture Review

... In the enquiry of a valid fatwa, the opinion and the background of the person issuing the fatwa will be scrutinized and reviewed accordingly (Yusoff et al., 2021;Rinartha & Suryasa, 2017). ...

Sustainability of ijtihad and fatwa to respond the issue of indirect contributions in matrimonial property claim: A critical assessment fiqh of property

Linguistics and Culture Review

... Korban Konflik Rumah TanggaSeperti diketahui bahwa yang menjadi korban antara suami dan istri akibat perceraian adalah seorang istri. Oleh sebab itu, hak istri perlu diketahui dalam rumah tangga(Ismail et al. 2021). Konflik juga harus segera diselesaikan dengan mediasi untuk mencapai terselesainya konflik (Nunung Nurjanah, Bunyamin Maftuh, and Elly Malihah 2020). ...

Perlindungan Hak Isteri Terhadap Unsur Narsisisme dan Gaslighting dalam Konflik Keganasan Rumah Tangga Impak Pandemik COVID-19

Journal of Fatwa Management and Research

... Harta sepencarian in Malaysia is associated with the customs practiced by the Malay community based on the legal maxim 'Al-ʿĀdah Muḥakkamah,' which indirectly explains that custom is arbitral and does not contradict Shariah (Mohd Tahir et al., 2021). Based on Shariah law, 'Al-ʿĀdah Muḥakkamah' is a legal maxim derived from the principle of urf, and is literally defined as a custom that can be used as law (Urus et al., 2021). This implies that a societal custom can serve as a legal principle in a country, provided it aligns with Islamic principles (Bosheya, 2021). ...

Sumbangan Simbolik Dalam Pembahagian Aset Harta Sepencarian di Malaysia:Satu Permintaan Pasxa Perceraian: Symbolic Contribution In The Distribution of Jointly Acquired Assets in Malaysia:A Post-Divorce Demand

Journal of Fatwa Management and Research