... Figure 10 suggests that there are less explored application domains, which can be investigated in the future, which include design and creative tasks, remote collaboration, and workspace applications. Manufacturing: joint assembly [21,30,43,138,289], grasping and manipulation [ [67,79,153,185,379], tutorial and simulation [52], welding [313] Maintenance: maintenance of robots [144,252], remote repair [31,48], performance monitoring [126,128], setup and calibration [352], debugging [373] Safety and Inspection: nuclear detection [15], drone monitoring [76, 114,171,482], safety feature [44,66,104,379,385], ground monitoring [211,269,479] Automation and Teleoperation: interactive programming interface [118,131,136,177,270,288,324,496] Logistics: package delivery [265] Aerospace: surface exploration [54], teleoperated manipulator [310], spacecraft maintenance [470] Household Task: authoring home automation [53,111,135,163,177,191,212,228,263,387], item movement and de-livery [76, 108, 209,265], multi-purpose table [430] Photography: drone photography [114,171], Advertisement: mid-air advertisement [317,382,418,475] Wearables Interactive Devices: haptic interaction [443], fog screens [418], head-worn projector for sharable AR scenes [168] Assistance and Companionship: elder care [65], personal assistant [239,367,368] Tour and Exhibition Guide: tour guide [295], museum exhibition guide [168,368], guiding crowds [475], indoor building guide [89], museum interactive display [112] Games: interactive treasure protection game [350], pong-like game [346,370], labyrinth game [258], tangible game [49,178,230], air hockey [91,451], tank battle [90,221], adventure game [55], role-play game [229], checker [242], domino [246], ball target throwing game [337], multiplayer game [115,404], virtual playground [272] Storytelling: immersive storytelling [328,369,395,415,467] Enhanced Display: immersive gaming and digital media [431] Music: animated piano key press [472,473], tangible tabletop music mixer [340] Festivals: festival greetings [382] Aquarium: robotic and virtual sh [240] Remote Teaching: remote live instruction [445] Training: military training for working with robot teammates [199], piano instruction [472,473], robotic environment setup [142], robot assembly guide [18], driving review [11], posture analysis and correction [183,437] ...