Noam Zussman’s research while affiliated with Bank Of Israel and other places

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Publications (3)

Homeownership, Labor Supply, and Neighborhood Quality
  • Article

May 2022


14 Reads


13 Citations

American Economic Journal Economic Policy

Naomi Hausman



Noam Zussman

This paper provides evidence on the external benefits of homeownership among low-income populations. A natural experiment in Israel generated large changes in neighborhood homeownership rates while holding fixed the residents and housing stock, two primary sources of bias in traditional estimates. When public housing tenants are given the opportunity to buy their units, buyers increase labor supply. Effects are felt in the neighborhood: when homeownership rises by 10 pp, neighborhood home prices rise 1.5–2 percent. Instrumenting for purchases using government discounts generates similar results. Results are relevant for policies using financial incentives to increase homeownership among low-income populations. (JEL H24, I38, J22, R21, R23, R31, R38)

Rockets: The Housing Market Effects of a Credible Terrorist Threat

February 2017


57 Reads


30 Citations

Journal of Urban Economics

This paper explores the economic costs of conflict using a unique experiment. We analyze the effects of Hezbollah’s massive surprise rocket attack against northern Israel during the 2006 Second Lebanon War and the continued threat posed by the organization’s expanding rocket arsenal on the housing market, the labor market and patterns of migration flows and sorting. Relying on hedonic and repeat sales approaches and using a difference-in-differences identification strategy for 2000-2012, we show that the attack led to a 6-7 percent decline in house prices and rents in the most severely hit localities relative to other localities in northern Israel. These effects persisted until 2012, suggesting that the public continued to view the rocket threat as credible. In contrast, we find practically no effect on labor market conditions, migration flows and sorting.

Citations (2)

... Typically, people become homeowners in areas where their neighbors are homeowners as well. Therefore, expectations include, for example, greater neighborhood stability, stronger social capital, greater attachment to neighbors and thus greater trust than is found in renter-neighborhoods (Hausman et al., 2022;Rohe & Stewart, 1996). Using data from the US, Grinstein-Weiss et al. (2011) show that, for low-and moderate-income households, homeownership and neighborhood satisfaction are related. ...


My Home is My Burden? Homeownership, Financial Burden and Subjective Well-Being in a Unitary Rental Market
Homeownership, Labor Supply, and Neighborhood Quality
  • Citing Article
  • May 2022

American Economic Journal Economic Policy

... Even the risk of impeding political violence can trigger economic uncertainty which throttles the economy (Bloom 2009; Baker, Bloom and Davis 2016; Garcia-Uribe, Mueller and Sanz 2024). It has also been shown that the anticipation of violence distorts the economy and lowers asset prices, amplifying the human and economic cost of violence (Besley and Mueller 2018;Besley and Mueller 2012;Tapsoba 2023 Elster, Zussman andZussman 2017). Chami et al. (2021a) thus argue that the conflict trap reinforces the wellknown poverty trap, by increasing risk premia, lowering savings and investment, increasing fixed costs, and worsening the resource trap. ...

Rockets: The Housing Market Effects of a Credible Terrorist Threat
  • Citing Article
  • February 2017

Journal of Urban Economics