October 2006
15 Reads
2 Citations
Physica C Superconductivity
The real part of the optical in-plane conductivity of p-- and n--type cuprates thin films at various doping levels was deduced from highly accurate reflectivity measurements. We present here a comprehensive set of optical spectral weight data as a function of the temperature ), for underdoped and overdoped samples. The temperature dependence of the spectral weight is not universal. Using various cut-off frequencies for the spectral weight, we show that n--type PrCeCuO and p--type BiSrCaCuO exhibit both similarities and striking differences. The Fermi surface is closed in overdoped metallic samples. In underdoped PrCeCuO samples, it clearly breaks into arcs, giving rise to a "pseudogap" signature. It is argued that such a signature is subtle in underdoped BiSrCaCuO. Comment: Proceedings M2SHTSCVIII, to appear in Physica C