Nibedita Pani’s research while affiliated with Sriram Chandra Bhanja Medical College Hospital and other places

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Publications (3)

Type C tracheo-esophageal fistula
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Chest radiograph of infant with diaphragmatic hernia showing hollow viscera in left chest and mediastinal shift. Nasogastric tube is in place. Radiopaque lines are electrocardiogram leads
Neonatal drug dosing
A simple intra-operative fluid regimen that requires a glucose–saline fluid, a colloid and occasionally blood
Anaesthetic consideration for neonatal surgical emergencies
  • Article
  • Full-text available

September 2012


2,323 Reads


20 Citations

Indian Journal of Anaesthesia

Nibedita Pani


A newborn requires constant vigilance, rapid recognition of the events and swift intervention during anaesthesia. The anaesthetic considerations in neonatal surgical emergencies are based on the physiological immaturity of various body systems, poor tolerance of the anaesthetic drugs, associated congenital disorders and considerations regarding the use of high concentration of oxygen. The main goal is for titration of anaesthetics to desired effects, while carefully monitoring of the cardiorespiratory status. The use of regional anaesthesia has shown to be safe and effective. Advancements in neonatology have resulted in the improvement of the survival of the premature and critically ill newborn babies. Most of the disorders previously considered as neonatal surgical emergencies in the past no longer require immediate surgery due to new technology and new methods of treating sick neonates. This article describes the common neonatal surgical emergencies and focuses on factors that affect the anaesthetic management of patients with these disorders.


Table 1 : Major complications of diabetes mellitus 
Table 4 : Plasma glucose and insulin iv fluid 
Table 5 : Intraoperative insulin regimen 
Diabetic parturient - Anaesthetic implications

September 2010


3,109 Reads


8 Citations

Indian Journal of Anaesthesia

Pregnancy induces progressive changes in maternal carbohydrate metabolism. As pregnancy advances insulin resistance and diabetogenic stress due to placental hormones necessitate compensatory increase in insulin secretion. When this compensation is inadequate gestational diabetes develops. 'Gestational diabetes mellitus' (GDM) is defined as carbohydrate intolerance with onset or recognition during pregnancy. Women diagnosed to have GDM are at increased risk of future diabetes predominantly type 2 DM as are their children. Thus GDM offers an important opportunity for the development, testing and implementation of clinical strategies for diabetes prevention. Timely action taken now in screening all pregnant women for glucose intolerance, achieving euglycaemia in them and ensuring adequate nutrition may prevent in all probability, the vicious cycle of transmitting glucose intolerance from one generation to another. Given that diabetic mothers have proportionately larger babies it is likely that vaginal delivery will be more difficult than in the normal population, with a higher rate of instrumentally assisted delivery, episiotomy and conversion to urgent caesarean section. So an indwelling epidural catheter is a better choice for labour analgesia as well to use, should a caesarean delivery become necessary. Diabetes in pregnancy has potential serious adverse effects for both the mother and the neonate. Standardized multidisciplinary care including anaesthetists should be carried out obsessively throughout pregnancy. Diabetes is the most common endocrine disorder of pregnancy. In pregnancy, it has considerable cost and care demands and is associated with increased risks to the health of the mother and the outcome of the pregnancy. However, with careful and appropriate screening, multidisciplinary management and a motivated patient these risks can be minimized.

Regional & Topical Anaesthesia of Upper Airways

December 2009


137 Reads


64 Citations

Indian Journal of Anaesthesia

SUMMARY: A combination of techniques are required to adequately anaesthetise upper airway structures for awake intubation. The widest coverage is provided by the inhalational technique. This technique, however, does not always provide a dense enough level of anaesthesia for all patients. Supplementation of this technique with any of the specific nerve blocks is an excellent way to accomplish efficacious anaesthesia for awake inubation. Anaesthetising upper airway is not a difficult skill to master and should be in the armamentarium of all practising anaesthetist.

Citations (3)

... Thorough cardiovascular system evaluation is necessary to prevent hemodynamic instability. Appropriate pain management and timely extubation aid in early discharge (Pani and Panda 2012). ...


Anesthetic management of diphallia with anorectal malformation posted for colostomy: a rare association
Anaesthetic consideration for neonatal surgical emergencies

Indian Journal of Anaesthesia

... which permits copy and redistribute the material just in noncommercial usages, provided the original work is properly cited. ating additional risk (5,6). A bilateral superior laryngeal nerve block (SLNB) can provide complete anesthesia for laryngeal sampling; even a complete and bilateral block of this nerve does not block swallowing, and the movements of the vocal cords remain untouched. ...

Diabetic parturient - Anaesthetic implications

Indian Journal of Anaesthesia

... An wide bore intravenous line was secured under local anaesthesia. All the patients were nebulized with 3ml of 4% xylocaine to obtund airway reflexes, 9 premedicated with Intravenous Midazolam 1-2 mg to allay anxiety and IV Glycopyrrolate 10mg/kg to decrease airway secretions. A fitting face mask was chosen. ...

Regional & Topical Anaesthesia of Upper Airways
  • Citing Article
  • December 2009

Indian Journal of Anaesthesia