Ni Nyoman Ernita Ratnadewi’s scientific contributions

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Publications (4)

Figur 1. Lombok Island Map Source: KLU Regional Development Planning Agency (2023) KLU consists of 5 (five) sub-districts: Bayan, Kayangan, Gangga, Tanjung and Pemenang. Bayan sub-district consists of 10 villages. Kayangan sub-district consists of 10 villages. Ganngga sub-district consists of 8 villages, and Tanjung sub-district consists of 8 villages. Pemenang sub-district consists of 5 villages. The areas of the five sub-districts are shown in the following figure 17 .
Analysis of the Implementation of the Legalization of Customary Law Communities (MHA) in North Lombok RegencyAnalysis of the Implementation of the Legalization of Customary Law Communities (MHA) in North Lombok Regency
  • Article
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January 2025


2 Reads


Wihelmus Jemarut


Dwi Ratna Kamala Sari Lukman


Ni Nyoman Ernita Ratnadewi


Ni Wayan Sridiani

This study aims to analyze the implementation of Customary Law Communities (MHA) determination in North Lombok Regency (KLU), focusing on government actions, community responses, and encountered obstacles. This research employs an empirical legal research method. It was conducted from May to September 2024 through observation, interviews, and a literature review. Informants were selected using a purposive sampling technique. The study results show that determining MHA in KLU has only been completed at the Identification stage. The KLU MHA Identification Team identifies 13 (thirteen) Customary Law Communities (MHA): Bayan, Pansor, Salut, Wet Pengorong Amor-Amor, Wet Sesait, Kuripan, Pemaru Satan, Gubuk Bebekeq, Leong, Meleko, Orong Empak Pansan, Wet Sokong, and Jeliman Ireng. The thirteen aforementioned communities follow the criteria outlined in Article 6, Paragraph (6) of the North Lombok Regency Regional Regulation (PERDA KLU) No. 6 of 2020. The biggest obstacle in this process is the unavailability of technical guidance and the absence of definite work targets from the local government. The recommendation from the results of this study is that the KLU Regent who will be elected for the 2024-2029 period needs to include the MHA determination program in the KLU Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD). Incorporating this program into the Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) document will ensure structured budgeting, develop technical guidelines, and measurable targets for effective implementation.


Tinjauan Yuridis Terhadap Visum Et Repertum Dalam Pembuktian Tindak Pidana Penganiayaan: (Studi Kasus Putusan Nomor: 221/Pid.B/2022/PN.Mtr.)

July 2023


38 Reads


1 Citation

Metta Jurnal Ilmu Multidisiplin

This research was carried out with the aim of knowing and analyzing the legal force of Visum et Repertum and analyzing how the basic considerations of judges in deciding criminal cases of persecution in decision number: 221/Pid.B/2022/PN.Mtr. This is because in this decision the defendant was sentenced to imprisonment for 7 (seven) months reduced while the defendant was in detention to 5 (five) months and 10 (ten) days. According to the authors, the sentence was light enough considering that the victim did not only suffer immaterial losses in the form of pain due to the abuse but also suffered material losses which caused the victim to be unable to move for 1 (one) month and unable to carry out her job as a go-kart driver. The method used is a normative research method with legal material collection techniques through literature studies and documentation studies. Furthermore, using descriptive analysis by describing, analyzing, concluding and reporting the research results obtained. The theory used is the theory of evidence and relative theory. The results of the study show that Visum et Repertum has the same legal force as other evidence, but in making a decision the element of the Judge's belief is the most decisive thing about the guilt or innocence of the defendant with at least 2 (two) pieces of evidence as the basis for the Judge's consideration. Judge's consideration in decision Number: 221/Pid.B/2022/PN.Mtr. based on witness testimony, expert testimony, and documentary evidence in the form of the results of the Visum et Repertum examination stating that the victim was truly injured. The basis for the Visum et Repertum is Visum et Repertum Number: VER: Sket/Ver/324/XII/2021/Rumkit signed by the examining doctor, dr. Dyah Mayang Ramadhani.


June 2022


5 Reads

Widya Kerta Jurnal Hukum Agama Hindu

Virus corona merupakan varian virus yang memiliki kemampuan penyebaran yang sangat cepat sehingga oleh WHO menyatakan kasus virus corona sebagai pandemi. Pemerintah Indonesia telah melakukan berbagai mavam upaya guna menanggulangi penyebaran terhadap virus ini, misalnya dengan mengeluarkan berbagai peraturan dan kebijakan-kebijakan. Salah satunya adalah terkait kebijakan pelaksanaan vaksinasi corona virus-19. Permasalahan yang menarik disini adalah tentang bagaimanakah aspek hukum pelaksanaan proses vaksinasi corona virus-19. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif dengan metode pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan kasus kemudian pengumpulan bahan hukum dilakukan melalui studi kepustakaan dengan menganalisis bahan hukum dengan cara deskriptif kulaitatif. Aspek Hukum terhadao pelaksanaan vaksinasi corona virus-19 di Indonesia masih belum bisa dikatakan sempurna, hal ini dikarenakan pelaksanaan vaksinasi belum mencakup semua aspek yang dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat terutama terkait sanksi jika tidak mengikuti vaksinasi dan jaminan perlindungan pasca vaksinasi dilaksanakan. Sehingga sebagian anggota masyarakat masih ragu mengikuti program vaksinasi covid-19 yang diprogramkan oleh pemerintah.


November 2021


1 Read

Widya Kerta Jurnal Hukum Agama Hindu

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaturan tentang Program Keluarga Berencana (KB) Krama Bali dalam Hukum Hindu dimana diarahkan untuk mengatur kelahiran, jarak dan usia ideal melahirkan, mengatur kehamilan dengan tetap menghormati hak reproduksi Krama Bali berdasarkan kearifan lokal yang bertujuan mewujudkan manusia/Krama Bali yang unggul dan keluarga yang berkualitas dengan menghormati hak reproduksi yaitu berhak untuk melahirkan anak lebih dari 2 (dua) orang bahkan 4 (empat) orang yang penyebutannya terdiri atas Wayan, Made, Nyoman dan Ketut atau sebutan lain sesuai dengan kearifan lokal yang telah diwariskan oleh para leluhur dan tetua Krama Bali.