Neophytos Chiras’s research while affiliated with University of Wales and other places

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Publications (14)

Frequency Domain Analysis of Nonlinear Systems Driven by Multiharmonic Signals
  • Article

May 2004


13 Reads


25 Citations

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement


David Rees


Neophytos Chiras

This paper examines the output properties of static power-series nonlinearities driven by periodic multiharmonic signals with emphasis given to their effect on linear frequency response function (FRF) measurements. The analysis is based on the classification of nonlinear distortions into harmonic and interharmonic contributions. The properties of harmonic contributions are examined in detail and explicit formulae are derived, by which the number of harmonic contributions generated at the test frequencies can be calculated for odd-order nonlinearities up to, and including, the ninth order. Although an analytic solution for any odd-order nonlinearity is still under investigation, a heuristic methodology is developed that solves this problem. It is shown that the derived formulae provide a useful tool in the examination of the behavior of FRF measurements in the presence of nonlinear distortions. Based on these formulae, different approaches in classifying nonlinear distortions are then compared with respect to their suitability in assessing the influence of system nonlinearities on linear FRF measurements.

Controller design for systems suffering nonlinear distortions

September 2003


11 Reads


1 Citation

IFAC Proceedings Volumes

The aim of the study presented in this paper is to provide some initial results over the potential use of best linear approximation models in the design of model-based linear controllers for systems suffering nonlinear distortions. This is illustrated on a nonlinear mechanical resonating system. Parametric best linear approximation models are estimated from frequency response function measurements using random phase multisines. A full nonlinear model for the system is also estimated. This provides the basis for the design of simple optimal linear controllers, and the performance obtained from the controllers based on the nonlinear model is set as the benchmark. Parametric linear models are also estimated from measurements taken using Schroeder phase multisine signals and controllers based on these models are designed. It is shown that in the presence of nonlinear distortions the choice of input excitation in estimating models that describe the best linear approximation to the nonlinear system is crucial. It is also shown that this choice will have an effect on the performance of the model-based controllers.

Optimum Gain-Scheduling PID Controllers for Gas Turbine Engines Based on NARMAX and Neural Network Models

January 2003


15 Reads


9 Citations

This paper presents PID controller designs based on NARMAX and feedforward neural network models of a Spey gas turbine engine. Both models represent the dynamic relationship between the fuel flow and shaft speed. Due to the engine non-linearity, a single set of PID controller parameters is not sufficient to control the gas turbine throughout the operating range. Gain-scheduling PID controllers are therefore used in order to obtain optimum control. A comparison between the controller designs based on the two model representations is also made.

Global Nonlinear Modelling of Gas Turbine Dynamics Using NARMAX Structures

October 2002


109 Reads


44 Citations

Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power

This paper examines the estimation of a global nonlinear gas turbine model using NARMAX techniques. Linear models estimated on small-signal data are first examined and the need for a global nonlinear model is established. A nonparametric analysis of the engine nonlinearity is then performed in the time and frequency domains. The information obtained from the linear modelling and nonlinear analysis is used to restrict the search space for nonlinear modelling. The nonlinear model is then validated using large-signal data and its superior performance illustrated by comparison with a linear model. This paper illustrates how periodic test signals, frequency domain analysis and identification techniques, and time-domain NARMAX modelling can be effectively combined to enhance the modelling of an aircraft gas turbine.

Nonlinear system modelling: How to estimate the highest significant order

February 2002


28 Reads


4 Citations

Conference Record - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference

A new method for estimating the highest significant order of nonlinearity of Volterra type systems is presented. The method is based on the use of multisine signals and the possibility of testing the system at three different amplitudes. The performance of the proposed method is demonstrated in simulation and it is shown that it is possible to estimate the highest order of nonlinearity of Volterra type systems very accurately. The method can be used to provide essential prior knowledge about the nonlinearity and thus aid the accurate representation of the system under test.

Frequency domain analysis of nonlinear systems driven by multiharmonic signals

February 2002


38 Reads


19 Citations

Conference Record - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference

New insights on the frequency-domain output properties of nonlinear systems driven by multiharmonic signals will be discussed in this paper. These are based on a detailed analysis of the mechanisms at work on the generation of a class of nonlinear distortions, termed harmonic components. This leads to the derivation of formulae to calculate the number of harmonic components generated by any order of nonlinearity at the excitation frequencies during frequency response function measurements. Based on these formulae the classification of nonlinear distortions in harmonic and interharmonic components is compared against other methodologies on the classification of nonlinear distortions.

Nonlinear Gas Turbine Modeling Using Feedforward Neural Networks

January 2002


74 Reads


36 Citations

In this paper a feedforward neural network is used to model the fuel flow to shaft speed relationship of a Spey gas turbine engine. The performance of the estimated model is validated against a range of small and large signal engine tests. It is shown that the performance of the estimated models is superior to that of the estimated linear models.

Design of optimum controllers for gas turbine engines

January 2002


33 Reads


1 Citation

This paper presents controllers based on linear and nonlinear models of an aircraft gas turbine engine. These models along with the performance indexes, ITAE, IAE and IES are used to estimate the parameters of a PID controller. The parameters and hence the quality of the controllers are very much dependent on the accuracy of the models. It is shown that the Nonlinear AutoRegressive Moving Average with eXogenous (NARMAX) representation provides a comprehensive benchmark for controller design, since it models the global dynamics of the engine. However, the linear models provide an accurate representation for small signal inputs and give a reliable method for estimating the controller parameters for a limited operating range. A comparison between controllers using linear and NARMAX models is made.

Recent Developments on the Modelling of Aircraft Gas Turbines

January 2002


19 Reads

In this paper the orthogonal estimation algorithm is used to estimate a NARMAX model for an aircraft gas turbine. The performance of the model is validated using a range of small and large signal tests and by examining the model's static and dynamic characteristics. The NARMAX representation allows the direct mapping to the frequency domain by computing the Higher Order Frequency Response Functions (HOFRF) thus allowing physical interpretation to be made.

Nonlinear gas turbine modeling using NARMAX structures

September 2001


74 Reads


100 Citations

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement

The estimation of a nonlinear autoregressive moving average with exogenous inputs (NARMAX) model of an aircraft gas turbine is presented. A method is proposed whereby periodic signals with certain harmonic content are used to qualify the nature of the nonlinearity of the engine in the frequency domain. The static behavior of the engine is investigated in the time domain to approximate the order of nonlinearity and this information is used a priori to restrict the search space of the potential NARMAX models. A forward-regression orthogonal estimation algorithm is then employed to select the model terms using the error reduction ratio. The performance of the estimated NARMAX model is illustrated against a range of small- and large-signal engine tests

Citations (11)

... As engine model built in this paper is a nonlinear system, a single set of PID controller parameters is not sufficient to control the whole system throughout the operating range. One solution to solve the control of nonlinear systems is to linearize the plant around several operating points and to use linear control tools, PID and PD in this paper, to design a controller for each of these points, see Mu, J.(2003). As the engine system is nonlinear, each state operating point is different and the parameters of the controller are varies in accordance with the state of present operating point, that is, gain-scheduling PID controller. ...


Engine Speed Control During Gear Shifting of AMT HEVs with Identified Intake-to-Power Delay
Optimum Gain-Scheduling PID Controllers for Gas Turbine Engines Based on NARMAX and Neural Network Models
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • January 2003

... Lazzaretto and Toffolo [2] designed the gas turbine model using artificial neural network (ANN) methods. Chiras, Evans and Reesa estimates the gas turbine model using another black-box method called NARMAX (nonlinear auto-regressive moving average with exogenous inputs) model [9,15]. Sog-Kyun Kim builds a fuzzy modeling approach for a gas turbine using clustering and multi-objective optimization methods [8]. ...

Nonlinear Modelling and Validation of an Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine
  • Citing Article
  • July 2001

IFAC Proceedings Volumes

... In the context of turbojet modeling, Nott et al. [11] used three artificial intelligence approaches (neural networks, Bayesian belief networks, and statistical expectation) to predict sensor failures in the SR-30 turbojet engine. Chira et al. [12] implemented a neural feedforward network for modeling the correlation between turbine shaft velocity and fuel flow. It shows that the complex operating dynamics of turbojet engines must be modeled using nonlinear s-models. ...

Nonlinear Gas Turbine Modeling Using Feedforward Neural Networks
  • Citing Article
  • January 2002

... These inputoutput time-series models predict future outputs of a system based on its historical input and output instances. NARX models have been applied extensively to model and analyse complex systems in fields such as control, fault diagnosis, structural health monitoring and the modelling and analysis of physiological and biological systems [4][5][6][7][8][9][10]. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that the NARX model has equivalence to a recurrent neural network (RNN) [11]. ...

Global Nonlinear Modelling of Gas Turbine Dynamics Using NARMAX Structures
  • Citing Article
  • October 2002

Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power

... This work gives consistent and acceptable results for the simulation and study of the performance of a turbojet. In parallel, Evans et al. [9] implemented a linear multivariate model for a twin-shaft turbofan, examining the correlation between fuel flow and turbine rotational speed. The advantage of this model is that it is very similar to a linearized thermodynamic model in terms of calculation time but offers slightly higher accuracy. ...

Multivariable Modelling of Gas Turbine Dynamics
  • Citing Article
  • June 2001

... Pengendali PID tetap merupakan pendekatan sistem kendali yang banyak digunakan pada proses industri karena kelebihannya yang dapat terus berkembang dalam teori kendali. Fakta lain adalah lebih dari 90 % lup pengendali adalah pengendali PID tidak hanya karena strukturnya yang sederhana tapi juga kemampuannya untuk diterapkan pada aplikasi proses industri [1] Penentuan konstanta pengendali yang merupakan suatu hal yang penting untuk mendapatkan kinerja pengendali yang optimum diantaranya, IAE atau Integral Absolute Error-nya minimum. IAE (Integral Absolute Error) menunjukkan luas daerah antara perbedaan grafik variabel yang dikontrol dengan grafik input dalam hal ...

Design of optimum controllers for gas turbine engines
  • Citing Article
  • January 2002

... The frequency domain analysis of nonlinear systems has been studied for many years [1][2][3]37]. For a class of nonlinear systems, a frequency domain analysis can be conducted by using the Volterra series [3,4]. ...

Frequency domain analysis of nonlinear systems driven by multiharmonic signals
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • February 2002

Conference Record - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference

... Підвищення вимог до надійності автоматів управління, двигунів та іншого складного промислового обладнання обумовив значний розвиток методів непараметричної ідентифікації таких систем у частотній області. Так, наприклад, випробування дослідного зразка авіаційної турбіни компанії Rolls-Royce та проведений аналіз впливу робочого режиму на швидкість валу дали можливість за допомогою тестових СНС розробити динамічну модель даного двигуна та прогнозувати його поведінку в майбутніх польотах [20]. Зміна робочого режиму (зменшення або збільшення потоку пального) відбувалася за законами мультисинуса, трирівневого сигналу та бінарної послідовності максимальної довжини (псевдовипадкового СНС). ...

Nonlinear system modelling: How to estimate the highest significant order
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • February 2002

Conference Record - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference

... A summary of the procedure utilized in estimating the parameters of function F of Equation (1) is given by Leontaritis and Billings [100], Chiras et al. [101], Billings and Chen [102], Aguirre and Billing [103], and Billings and Aguirre [104]. The model selection criteria are useful tools for determining the number of terms to include in the final model. ...

Nonlinear gas turbine computer modelling using NARMAX structures
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • February 2000

Conference Record - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference

... These results could indicate the variation in the insulation response when excited with a square wave voltage form, as the PWM voltage waveform contains the third harmonics. Such behaviors could be attributed to the generation and summation of inter-harmonics in nonlinear systems their overlap with the measured fundamental frequency as mentioned in [10] and [11]. ...

Frequency Domain Analysis of Nonlinear Systems Driven by Multiharmonic Signals
  • Citing Article
  • May 2004

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement