November 2024
25 Reads
Psychological Studies
Moral disengagement is an important predictor of unethical behavior. However, there is little information about individual difference predictors of moral disengagement. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the role of moral identity, mood and intelligence in predicting moral disengagement and its mechanisms. A total of 344 Iranian undergraduate students completed scales to assess moral disengagement, moral identity, mood, intelligence and social desirability. Findings indicated that 14% of moral disengagement was predicted by low internalization of moral identity, negative mood and high symbolization of moral identity. Internalization of moral identity and positive mood negatively, and negative mood positively, correlated to moral disengagement and some of its mechanisms. Among the examined mechanisms, only moral justification demonstrated a positive correlation and was predicted by intelligence. The individual differences noted primarily exhibited small effect sizes, with predictor roles accounting for a maximum of 14%. Thus, it can be hypothesized that moral disengagement is more a situational variable than a dispositional one.