January 2008
146 Reads
9 Citations
Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Herbex-kid (HK), a polyherbal formulation was evaluated in various experimental allergic models of Type I hypersensitivity reactions. Compound 48/80 (C 48/80) has been shown to induce rat mesentery mast cell degranulation and HK (1.07, 10.75 and 107.5 mg ml(-1)) inhibited the mast cell degranulation in a dose dependent manner. HK (1.07, 10.75 and 107.5 mg kg(-1); p.o.) showed dose-dependent protection against C 48/80 induced systemic anaphylaxis in male Balb/C mice. In active anaphylaxis model, male Wistar rats orally administered with 10.75 and 107.5 mg kg(-1) of HK showed significant (P < 0.01) protection against mast cell degranulation, while in passive anaphylaxis model, only at 107.5 mg kg(-1) showed significant (P < 0.01) reduction in mast cell degranulation. HK at all dose levels was able to significantly decrease the time spent in nasal rubbing in Wistar rats sensitized to ovalbumin, while only at 107.5 mg kg(-1) it showed significant (P < 0.01) reduction in number of sneezes. In C 48/80-induced skin itch model, all dose levels of HK significantly (P < 0.001) decreased the time spent in itching and the number of itches. HK did not produce any significant inhibition in histamine induced contraction in guinea pig ileum. From the above findings we conclude that the HK possesses antiallergic activity mediated by reducing of the release mediators from mast cells and also by 5-HT antagonism without the involvement of histamine (H1) receptors.