August 2008
58 Reads
1 Citation
A survey of north-eastern Sicilian biotopes allowed us to increase the number of the Pterophoridae known on the island to a total of 59 species. The genus Adaina Tutt, 1905, and seven species, Adaina microdactyla (Hübner, 1813), Wheeleria spilodactyla (Curtis, 1827), Capperia celeusi (Frey, 1866), Capperia fusca (Hofmann, 1898), Stenoptilia grisescens Schawerda, 1933, Stenoptilia mariaeluisae Bigot & Picard, 2002, and Stenoptilia pelidnodactyla (Stein, 1837), are new for Sicily, and basic ecological data are given for these species. Some old records are confi rmed and notes and comments on others are given.