N.D. Setiawina’s research while affiliated with Udayana University and other places

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Publications (10)

Development of Sustainable Tourism Based on Local Community Participation
  • Article
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November 2022


709 Reads


6 Citations

Journal of Economics Finance and Management Studies

Ni Komang Ayu Rustini




Nyoman Djinar Setiawina

Sustainable tourism development is the main focus of tourism development right now. The idea of sustainability in tourism is a way to deal with the bad things that will happen as tourism grows. This article talks about how local communities can be involved in making tourism more sustainable. The method is a review of the literature, which is based on research results that have already been published on relevant topics. Based on the results of the literature review, community participation in sustainable tourism development can take the form of brainstorming participation, physical energy participation, participation skills and proficiency, and property participation. In order to make sure that local community participation works, sustainable tourism development can involve the community from the planning, overseeing, and putting plans into action stages on.


Analysis Of the Effect Of Total Production, International Price, Exchange Rate, and Inflation On the Volume Of Indonesian Rubber Exports, 1980-2018

April 2021


6 Reads

Eduvest - Journal Of Universal Studies

The purpose of this study is to partially and simultaneously analyze the influence of the variable production quantity, international prices, exchange rates, inflation on the volume of Indonesian rubber exports from 1980 to 2018. The research method uses quantitative methods. Sources of research data from publications of data collected by government officials or departments include the website of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Bank Indonesia (BI), the Ministry of Agriculture's Data and Information Center (Pusdatin), Index Mundi. The research location was conducted in Indonesia. The data method used in this study is the non-behavioral observation method. Multiple linear regression is the type of data used in this study as an econometric tool to describe this research and also uses data analysis such as descriptive statistical tests, classical assumptions test, simultaneous test (F test), and partial test (t-test). The results of the analysis in this study indicate that the amount of production, international prices, exchange rates, and both simultaneously and simultaneously have a significant effect on the volume of Indonesian rubber exports during the years 1980-2018. Partially the amount of production has a positive and significant effect on the volume of Indonesian rubber exports in 1980-2018, while international prices, exchange rates and inflation have no significant effect on the volume of Indonesian rubber exports in 1980-2018.

Analysis Of the Effect Of Total Production, International Price, Exchange Rate, and Inflation On the Volume Of Indonesian Rubber Exports, 1980-2018

April 2021


21 Reads


1 Citation

Eduvest - Journal Of Universal Studies

The purpose of this study is to partially and simultaneously analyze the influence of the variable production quantity, international prices, exchange rates, inflation on the volume of Indonesian rubber exports from 1980 to 2018. The research method uses quantitative methods. Sources of research data from publications of data collected by government officials or departments include the website of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Bank Indonesia (BI), the Ministry of Agriculture's Data and Information Center (Pusdatin), Index Mundi. The research location was conducted in Indonesia. The data method used in this study is the non-behavioral observation method. Multiple linear regression is the type of data used in this study as an econometric tool to describe this research and also uses data analysis such as descriptive statistical tests, classical assumptions test, simultaneous test (F test), and partial test (t-test). The results of the analysis in this study indicate that the amount of production, international prices, exchange rates, and both simultaneously and simultaneously have a significant effect on the volume of Indonesian rubber exports during the years 1980-2018. Partially the amount of production has a positive and significant effect on the volume of Indonesian rubber exports in 1980-2018, while international prices, exchange rates and inflation have no significant effect on the volume of Indonesian rubber exports in 1980-2018.

Figure 2 -Bronfenbrenner Ecological System of Disabilities Education (Source: Urie Bronfenbrenner, 1989 in Mantey, 2014)
Figure 3 -Research Conceptual Framework
Outer Loading Indicator Against each construct
Average Variance Extracted (AVE), Composite Reliability (CR)
R-square Values



May 2020


333 Reads

Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences

One of the goals of a country is to prosper its people including people with disabilities. The welfare of persons with disabilities can be achieved through increased independence, the educational process, and patterns of care for people with disabilities. The education process and the burden of care to realize the independence of persons with disabilities are influenced by the level of disability, family economy, family environment, school environment, and community environment. This study aims to 1) analyze the level of disability, family economy, family environment, school environment, and community environment towards the burden of childcare; 2) analyze the level of disability, family economy, family environment, school environment, community environment, and the burden of child care for children's education; and 3) analyze the level of disability, family economics, family environment, school environment, community environment, the burden of care, and education of children towards the independence of persons with disabilities; 4) analyze whether the burden of care mediates the effect of variable levels of disability, family economy, family environment, school environment, community environment on the education of children with disabilities; and 5) analyze whether the education of children with disabilities mediates the effects of variable levels of disability, family economy, family environment, school environment, community environment on the independence of persons with disabilities in the Province of Bali. This study was designed using quantitative methods with 177 respondents with disabilities taken by probability sampling with proportionate stratified random sampling techniques. The analytical model used is Partial Least Square (PLS) with Structural Equation Modeling. The results showed that: 1) variables of the level of disability, family economy, family environment, and school environment directly had a positive and significant effect on the burden of caregiving and only the community environment had a direct but not significant effect on the burden of care; 2) variables of the level of disability, family economy, family environment, school environment, and community environment directly have a positive and significant effect on the education of children with disabilities and the independence of persons with disabilities; 3) the burden of care mediates the influence of the level of disability, family economy, family environment, and school environment significantly on the education of children with disabilities. While the influence of the community environment on the education of children with disabilities through the burden of caregiving as a mediating variable has no significant effect; 4) education of children with disabilities mediates the influence of the level of disability, family economy, family environment, school environment, and community environment significantly on the independence of persons with disabilities in the province of Bali. Based on the results of this study, it is hoped that the government, NGOs and social organizations to encourage increased access and quality of education for children with disabilities, skills training and empowerment of persons with disabilities to foster independence and fulfill the rights of persons with disabilities.

Percentage of Poor Population in Bali Province in 2012-2017
Poverty Depth Index and Poverty Severity Index In Regencies / Cities in Bali Province

December 2019


6 Reads

Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences

The inherent values, attitudes, and apathetic behavior in the lives of poor families, refusing to work hard will have implications for imbalances in family life especially in the majority of Hindu poor families. A constructive efforts is needed to overcome mental degradation, moral and cultural values, attitudes and behavior. A change in mindset of poor families that poverty can be changed with hard work is very necessary. Empowerment is an effort to increase the capacity of the community to accelerate moving out of poverty by growing awareness, confidence, and a strong desire that poverty can be changed by working hard and not solely caused by destiny. Therefore work ethic is a behavioral aspect that is to be realized in empowerment. In the holy book of the Vedas it was found that the values of the work ethic of Hindus include: creativity, hard work without knowing despair, respect for time, harmonious cooperation, satya discourse, ethical (efficient) efficiency and full of initiative. Work ethic in a person will create enthusiasm and confidence to run a business seriously to get out. In other words, among poor families there will be shame if they are always pitied and driven to live independently and are always oriented towards improving the quality of life. The higher the work ethic of a person will undoubtedly increase the quality of life, and vice versa.

Results of Test of Poverty Panel Panel Data Regulations in Bali Province 2007-2017

June 2019


2,189 Reads


2 Citations

Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences

The issue of poverty is still a strategic development issue carried out by the Bali Provincial Government. The poverty reduction efforts have been carried out by the regencies/cities of Bali Province with various development programs, but the number of poor people still shows that there is a level of poverty inequality between regencies/cities in Bali Province. This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of social and economic factors on poverty levels in the Bali Province, Indonesia. The social factors in question are population density, unemployment rate, education, and life expectancy. While several economic factors studied included investment, income distribution, and contribution of the agricultural sector. The data in this study are panel data covering socio-economic data and poverty levels in nine regencies/cities in Bali Province during the period 2007-2017. Data analysis was carried out with a quantitative approach using panel data multiple regression methods and equipped with descriptive analysis. The results of the study showed that education, investment, and the contribution of the agricultural sector has a negative effect on poverty levels. Population density, unemployment rate, life expectancy, and income distribution has a positive effect on poverty levels. Suggestions to policy makers, first, the regencies with low investment levels (Bangli, Karangasem, and Jembrana Regencies) to make innovative breakthrough efforts to attract investors to invest according to the potential of each region to support the sustainable development of Bali; and second, the consistency of pro-poor principles of social assistance spending policies.

Figure 1 -The Framework for tourism village development program
Figure 2 -The Framework of research and inter-variable relationships
Figure 3 -Full model of estimates result society participation impact, the role of regional and private governments on the success of tourism villages

March 2019


172 Reads


3 Citations

Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences

Tourism village as one of the destinations for diversifying tourism destinations increases the participation of the society in tourism activities in each region in order to realize a prosperous society. This research was conducted in Ambengan Village, Sukasada District, Buleleng Regency to analyze community participation, the role of regional government and the private sector to oppose the development of the tourism village. The results of this study indicate community participation, the role of regional government and the role of the private sector which have a positive and significant effect on the success of the tourism village. The role of regional government has a positive and significant effect on public participation and the role of the private sector. The role of regional governments is directly and positively related to the success of the tourism village through community participation. The role of regional government is directly and positively related to the success of a tourism village through the role of the private sector.


March 2019


39 Reads

Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences

This research is motivated by the phenomenon of empowerment that does not show results in an effort to increase the working ability of fishermen. Various trainings have been carried out to improve working ability, including assistance from the government and the private sector, but still have not shown an increase in the empowerment of East Lombok fishermen. Therefore, the empowerment of East Lombok fishermen was examined in this study. This study aims to determine the effect of fishermen empowerment towards their working ability in east Lombok. Data was obtained through questionnaires to 171 fishermen respondents in East Lombok, interviews with community leaders related institutions, and field observations. The analysis was carried out descriptively and quantitatively. Descriptive analysis explains the indicators that have a score above and below the average total score for each variable. Quantitative analysis uses SEM with PLS applications to determine the level of significance between variables as mentioned in the research objectives. The results showed that empowerment had a positive and significant effect on fishermen working ability. This means that the empowerment of the East Lombok fishing community must continue to be improved to improve the empowerment of fishermen. Variables that have a significant effect must be increased to improve the welfare of fishermen in East Lombok.

The role of foreign exchange state owned banks to non oil and gas exports in Indonesia 2016

January 2017


37 Reads


1 Citation

Due to the weakening of the global economy that occur until present time, delivers a direct impact on exports of non-oil &gas commodities in Indonesia. This study analyzes the role of exchange state banks on non-oil &gas exports in Indonesia. Analysis in this study involve independent variables which consist of variables of credit risk, market risk, and liquidity risk; an intervening variable of the credit loan for export given by exchange state banks in Indonesia, a dependent variable of non-oil &gas exports amount in Indonesia and variable moderation of inflation and currency exchange rate of Indonesian Rupiah toward USD. The theory behind this study include international trade theory, several concepts of export, theories of banking in Indonesia and theories of inflation and currency exchange rates. All datas from 2005 to 2015 are analyzed in this study by using econometrics tool which are multiple regression and path analysis using Eviews software version 9. The findings in this research are as follows: (a) simultaneously, variable of credit risk, market risk and liquidity risk have a significant influence on values of credit loan for export given by exchange state banks in Indonesia, (b) partially, credit loan values for export given by state banks in Indonesia gives a significant influence toward non-oil &gas exports in Indonesia, (c) credit loan values for export given by state banks in Indonesia mediate the effect of credit risk, market risk and liquidity risk of exchange state banks toward non-oil &gas exports in Indonesia, (d) partially, a moderating variable Inflation does not mediate variable of loan credit value for export tp non-oil &gas exports in Indonesia and (e) partially, a moderating variable exchange rate Rupiah to USD provides a weakening effect to variable of loan credit value for export and non-oil &gas exports in Indonesia. The results of this research recommend: (a) maintain and supress credit risk (NPL), market risk (NIM) and liquidity risk (LDR) of exchange state banks, in order to support its role to encourage the activities of non-oil &gas exports in Indonesia, and (b) inflation and exchange rate of USD against Rupiah should be kept constantly monitored and well maintained hence supports export activities in Indonesia.

State owned foreign exchange banks analysis to import loans of non-Oil and gas sectors in Indonesia 2010 - 2015

January 2017


20 Reads


2 Citations

International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research

Imports are essential for the growth and development of micro and macro economy in Indonesia. The decline in imports from year 2010 until 2015 in Indonesia is due to currency exchange rate, inflation, the role of Indonesian state owned banks, and also depression in global market. This paper discusses the role of Indonesian state owned foreign exchange banks to the aggregate loans granted for non-oil and gas imports in Indonesia. The independent variables used are Non Performing Loan (NPL), Nett Interest Margin (NIM), Loan to Deposit Ration (LDR), while the intervening variable is the aggregate import loans granted by Indonesian state owned banks, the dependent variable is the non-oil and gas imports, with the moderating variables of inflation and exchange rate. The banking concept or system in Indonesia, inflation, exchange rate and international trade theory are used as the base support in this paper. The data used is secondary in quarterly form from year 2010 until 2015. The analysis adopted is using panel data regression analysis and path analysis using E Views software. The study in this paper has obtained the following; 1) Simultaneously NPL, NIM and LDR variables have a significant influence on the variable of aggregate import loans granted by Indonesian state owned foreign exchange banks, 2) Partially, the aggregate import loans variable to support imports, provides significant and positive effects on the variable of non-oil & gas imports in Indonesia, 3) The aggregate import loans variable mediates the effects of NPL and LDR on the variable of non-oil & gas imports in Indonesia, while NIM variable does not. 4) Interaction of inflation with the aggregate import loans granted by Indonesian state owned foreign exchange banks indicates a significant result, 5) While interaction of USD to IDR Indonesian currency rate with the aggregate import loans granted by Indonesian state owned foreign exchange banks indicates insignificant result. This is also evidenced that Indonesia is still importing raw materials for industrial basic needs although the exchange rate of domestic currency weakens. Therefore it is necessary to have balance in banks performance, inflation and exchange rate effects, with imports to maintain a healthy economic growth.

Citations (6)

... Pariwisata merupakan sektor yang memiliki potensi besar dalam memberikan kontribusi terhadap pembangunan ekonomi suatu daerah (Laut et al., 2021;Scheyvens, 2002;Xu et al., 2020). Sektor pariwisata saat ini telah menjadi isu global, dimana dalam pengelolannya didorong untuk melibatkan masyarakat lokal dalam industi pariwisata sebagai upaya mewujudkan konsep pembangunan pariwisata berkelanjutan (Pololikashvili, 2019;Sharpley & Telfer, 2014;et al., 2022). ...


Pembinaan Wawasan Pariwisata Berkelanjutan: Upaya Mewujudkan Desa Wisata di Desa Erelembang, Kecamatan Tombolo Pao, Kabupaten Gowa
Development of Sustainable Tourism Based on Local Community Participation

Journal of Economics Finance and Management Studies

... Perdagangan internasional memberikan harapan bagi suatu negara untuk mengatasi keterbatasan tabungan dalam negeri yang menjadi kunci dalam pembentukan modal guna meningkatkan produktivitas ekonominya. Fenomena ini mengakibatkan integrasi negara ke dalam dunia internasional, menjalin hubungan ekonomi dengan negara-negara lain di seluruh dunia [2]. Pada era modern saat ini hampir semua negara mengikuti strategi pembangunan yang mengandalkan ekspor sebagai salah satu faktor utama dalam mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi mereka. ...

Analysis Of the Effect Of Total Production, International Price, Exchange Rate, and Inflation On the Volume Of Indonesian Rubber Exports, 1980-2018
  • Citing Article
  • April 2021

Eduvest - Journal Of Universal Studies

... This lack of evidence makes it difficult to assess whether current strategies are adequately addressing the needs of smallholder farmers or if adjustments are necessary to enhance their effectiveness. Consequently, this study seeks to evaluate the role of the UNFFE in promoting sustainable agriculture and achieving Zero Hunger among smallholder farmers in Uganda, aiming to provide insights that can inform policy and practice in the agricultural sector (Yoga et al., 2019). ...


Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences

... Information often fails to reach the necessary parties or is not regularly updated. Furthermore, disseminating information via traditional media takes longer, making it unable to always meet the community's needs for current news (Meylin, Djinar, Murjana, & Igede, 2019). ...


Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences

... Masa Orde Baru, faktor kebijakan makro politik ekonomi telah mewarnai semua kerangka pemikiran dan operasionalisasi di bidang bisnis pertanian. Misalnya menurut Kurniawan et al. (2017); Murthi et al. (2019); Artini & Murthi et al. (2019); Marta et al. (2019;2020;2021) adalah kebijakan ekspor impor, kendali perdagangan monopolis, lingkungan sosial budaya masyarakat (sebagai faktor eksternal), sikap mental seluruh rakyat Indonesia khususnya masyarakat agribisnis, pendidikan petani sangat rendah, tingkat pengetahuan dan keterampilan petani, kemampuan manajemen dan profesionalisme bisnis, serta kemampuan petani dalam mengakses teknologi, informasi Verawati et al. (2023); Prastyadewiet al. ...

State owned foreign exchange banks analysis to import loans of non-Oil and gas sectors in Indonesia 2010 - 2015
  • Citing Article
  • January 2017

International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research

... Human capital is measured with two items: the first refers to technical teams with knowledge in international business (Chemmanur et al., 2019), the second to the bank's international business experience (Liu and Hsu, 2006). Organizational capital is measured with three items: the first inquires into the existence of branches abroad (Bronzini and D'Ignazio, 2017), the second denotes the bank's commercial relationships abroad (Mention and Bontis, 2013), and the third refers to the bank's prestige abroad (Wikatama et al., 2016). ...

The role of foreign exchange state owned banks to non oil and gas exports in Indonesia 2016
  • Citing Article
  • January 2017