N. Karastathis’s research while affiliated with Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and other places

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Publications (481)

Simulating radio emission from particle cascades with CORSIKA 8
  • Article

December 2024


8 Reads

Astroparticle Physics

J.M. Alameddine


J. Albrecht


J. Ammerman-Yebra




R. Ulrich

Figure 2: Simulated average integrated power of the Galaxy for one LOFAR antenna over the sidereal day as predicted by different sky models. The sky model used in the previous absolute calibration, LFmap, is marked as a bold black line.
Figure 3: Left: the simulated star-shaped pattern, the color indicating the normalized fluence at that position, and the grey crosses in the background representing the LOFAR antenna positions that the simulation will be interpolated to. Right: The fluence interpolation shown as gradient in the background and the corresponding fluence values calculated from the interpolated pulses shown for each antenna location. Each antenna dot is filled with the to the fluence corresponding color.
Cosmic ray detection with the LOFAR radio telescope
  • Conference Paper
  • Full-text available

November 2024


7 Reads


Cosmic ray detection with the LOFAR radio telescope

October 2024


9 Reads

The LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) has successfully measured cosmic rays for over a decade now. With its dense core of antenna fields in the Netherlands, it is an ideal tool for studying the radio emission from extensive air showers in the 101610^{16} eV to 1018.510^{18.5} eV range. Every air shower is measured with a small particle detector array and hundreds of antennas, which sets LOFAR apart from other air shower arrays. We present our current achievements and progress in reconstruction, interpolation, and software development during the final phases of measurement of LOFAR 1.0, before the LOFAR array gets a significant upgrade, including also plans for the final data release and refined analyses.

Simulating radio emission from particle cascades with CORSIKA 8

September 2024


6 Reads

CORSIKA 8 is a new framework for simulations of particle cascades in air and dense media implemented in modern C++17, based on past experience with existing codes, in particular CORSIKA 7. The flexible and modular structure of the project allows the development of independent modules that can produce a fully customizable particle shower simulation. The radio module in particular is designed to treat the electric field calculation and its propagation through complex media to each observer location in an autonomous and flexible way. It already allows for the simultaneous simulation of the radio emission calculated with two independent time-domain formalisms, the "Endpoint formalism" as previously implemented in CoREAS and the "ZHS" algorithm as ported from ZHAireS. The design acts as the baseline interface for current and future development for the simulation of radio emission from particle showers in standard and complex scenarios, such as cross-media showers penetrating from air into ice. In this work, we present the design and implementation of the radio module in CORSIKA 8, along with validation studies and a direct comparison of the radio emission from air showers simulated with CORSIKA 8, CORSIKA 7 and ZHAireS. We also present the impact of simulation details such as the step size of simulated particle tracks on radio-emission simulations and perform a direct comparison of the "Endpoints" and "ZHS" formalisms for the same underlying air showers. Finally, we present an in-depth comparison of CORSIKA 8 and CORSIKA 7 for optimum simulation settings and discuss the relevance of observed differences in light of reconstruction efforts for the energy and mass of cosmic rays.

First experimental evidence of a beam-beam long-range compensation using wires in the Large Hadron Collider

July 2024


35 Reads


2 Citations

Physical Review Accelerators and Beams

In high intensity and high energy colliders, such as the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and its future high-luminosity upgrade, interactions between the two beams around the different interaction points impose machine performance limitations. In fact, their effect reduces the beam lifetime, and therefore, the collider’s luminosity reach. Those interactions are called beam-beam long-range (BBLR) interactions, and a possible mitigation of their effect using dc wires was proposed for the first time in the early 2000’s. This solution is currently being studied as an option for enhancing the HL-LHC performance. In 2017 and 2018, four demonstrators of wire compensators have been installed in the LHC. A 2-yearlong experimental campaign followed in order to validate the possibility to mitigate the BBLR interactions in the LHC. During this campaign, a proof-of-concept was completed and motivated an additional set of experiments, successfully demonstrating the mitigation of BBLR interactions effects in beam conditions compatible with the operational configuration. This paper reports in detail the preparation of the experimental campaign, including the corresponding tracking simulations and the obtained results, and draws some perspectives for the future. Published by the American Physical Society 2024

Monte-carlo simulation of the effective lunar aperture for detection of ultra-high energy neutrinos with LOFAR

December 2023


45 Reads

The European Physical Journal C

Ultra-high-energy (UHE) cosmic neutrinos interacting with the Moon’s regolith generate particle showers that emit Askaryan radiation. This radiation can be observed from the Earth using ground-based radio telescopes like LOFAR. We simulate the effective detection aperture for UHE neutrinos hitting the Moon. Under the same assumptions, results from this work are in good agreement with previous analytic parameterizations and Monte Carlo codes. The dependence of the effective detection aperture on the observing parameters, such as observing frequency and minimum detection threshold, and lunar characteristics like surface topography have been studied. Using a Monte Carlo simulation, we find that the detectable neutrino energy threshold is lowered when we include a realistic treatment of the inelasticity, transmission coefficient, and surface roughness. Lunar surface roughness at large scales enhances the total aperture for higher observation frequencies ( ν1 GHz\nu \ge 1~\textrm{GHz} ν ≥ 1 GHz ) but has no significant effect on the LOFAR aperture. However, roughness at scales small compared to the wavelength reduces the aperture at all frequencies.

Reconstructing air shower parameters with MGMR3D

October 2023


26 Reads


4 Citations

Physical Review D

Measuring the radio emission from cosmic-ray particle cascades has proven to be a very efficient method to determine their properties such as the mass composition. Efficient modeling of the radio emission from air showers is crucial in order to extract the cosmic-ray physics parameters from the measured radio emission. MGMR3D is a fast semianalytic code that calculates the complete radio footprint, i.e., intensity, polarization, and pulse shapes, for a parametrized shower-current density and can be used in a chi-square optimization to fit a given radio data. It is many orders of magnitude faster than its Monte Carlo counterparts. We provide a detailed comparative study of MGMR3D to Monte Carlo simulations, where, with improved parametrizations, the shower maximum Xmax is found to have very strong agreement with a small dependency on the incoming zenith angle of the shower. Another interesting feature we observe with MGMR3D is sensitivity to the shape of the longitudinal profile in addition to Xmax. This is achieved by probing the distinguishable radio footprint produced by a shower having a different longitudinal profile than usual. Furthermore, for the first time, we show the results of reconstructing shower parameters for Low-Frequency Array data using MGMR3D, and obtaining a Xmax resolution of 22 g/cm2 and energy resolution of 19%.

Citations (83)

... Furthermore, these measurements were performed with different configurations of Beam-Beam Compensator Wires (BBCW) [33] on LHC Beam 2. BBCWs are devices used to mitigate the adverse effects of long-range beam-beam interactions (see, e.g., [33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40] and references therein), which occur when particles in one beam exert electromagnetic forces on particles in the opposing beam. To compensate for these effects, BBCWs generate a magnetic field that counteracts the perturbations and are therefore expected to improve the beam lifetime without affecting the beam emittance. ...


Measurement of the nonlinear diffusion of the proton beam halo at the CERN LHC
First experimental evidence of a beam-beam long-range compensation using wires in the Large Hadron Collider

Physical Review Accelerators and Beams

... The shower that best reproduces the measured footprint is used to obtain the shower profile parameters [4,8,9]. Another approach is to use the MGMR3D model [10] where the charge-current cloud in the shower is parametrized and a goodness-of-fit (χ 2 ) optimization is used to find the parameters of the charge-current cloud that reproduces best the radio-footprint data [11]. Both procedures arXiv:2411.12324v1 ...

Reconstructing air shower parameters with MGMR3D
  • Citing Article
  • October 2023

Physical Review D

... The reconstruction results for this example are shown in Figure 5, and Table 1 provides a quantitative comparison in the time domain through normalized cross-correlation values between the reconstructed and simulated (Monte Carlo true) traces. We take the normalized cross-correlation from [52] which is used to check the agreement of interpolated pulse shape and is defined as: ...

A high-precision interpolation method for pulsed radio signals from cosmic-ray air showers

Journal of Instrumentation

... In a microscopic approach air showers and their radio emission are generated using a Monte Carlo based calculation, where the emission of each particle in the shower is calculated and summed. The available codes for this are CoREAS [5], ZHAireS [6], and CORSIKA8 [7]. The shower that best reproduces the measured footprint is used to obtain the shower profile parameters [4,8,9]. ...

Simulating radio emission from air showers with CORSIKA 8
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • July 2023

... Since the ICRC2021, we have made very significant progress with CORSIKA 8. Among other improvements, we point out the inclusion of FLUKA [8] as hadronic interaction model at low energies, the inclusion of photohadronic interactions in electromagnetic cascades handled through SOPHIA [9] and Sibyll [10], the treatment of the LPM effect in electromagnetic cascades, improvements in the handling of multiple scattering in electromagnetic cascades, implementation of particle thinning in electromagnetic cascades with a newly designed algorithm, improved radioemission calculations in media with realistic refractivity gradients, a proof-of-principle multithreaded CPU parallelisation of the radio-emission functionality [11] and a preliminary inclusion of Pythia 8.3 [12] as hadronic interaction model at high energies. In the following, we will showcase some current results of CORSIKA 8 in comparison in particular with CORSIKA 7. ...

Parallel processing of radio signals and detector arrays in CORSIKA 8

... Note that we are using in this work the same data production as Ref. [63], which covers the same data-taking period. Ongoing work on the FD reconstruction has led to refinements in the X max scale [64,65] that have not been considered, but remain below 5 g cm −2 in hX max i [66]. In Fig. 10, we show the event-by-event resolution of reconstructing X max using the DNN (dashed red line) after subtracting the FD resolution [62] (dashed gray line) in quadrature from the standard deviation (continuous red line), found using the hybrid data. ...

Depth of Maximum of Air-Shower Profiles above 1017.810^{17.8}eV Measured with the Fluorescence Detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory and Mass Composition Implications
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • July 2023

... However, there are further reconstruction methods under development, which depend on the pulse shape rather than the power alone (see e.g. [12]), which are relatively sensitive to noise and could be used to better effect with the electric field reconstruction detailed in this work. In the future, this method shall be developed further by using a single event-level model of the electric field, reconstructing the signal from all antennas at once. ...

Using pulse-shape information for reconstructing cosmic-ray air showers and validating antenna responses with LOFAR and SKA

... The simulations are performed with the open-source Monte-Carlo framework PROPOSAL1 [6,7], which is written in C++ and also available in Python. This tool propagates charged leptons and photons through media using state-of-the-art parametrizations and cross-sections and it is used in the simulation chain of the IceCube Neutrino Observatory [8], KM3NeT [9] and CORSIKA 8 [10]. ...

Validation of Electromagnetic Showers in CORSIKA 8

... At the heart of the modular design is the Process List which can be assembled flexibly and hosts all the relevant processes such as hadronic interactions, electromagnetic interactions [5], decays, checking for transition across media boundaries, radio-emission calculation [6], Cherenkov light calculation (optionally using GPU acceleration) [7], visualization functionality, and more. ...

Comparison and efficiency of GPU accelerated optical light propagation in CORSIKA~8