December 2023
79 Reads
Journal of Agriculture and Value Addition
Covid-19 is a worldwide pandemic disaster that has been steadily rising mortality rates and reported cases. Until today, scientists have struggled to find a therapy that is successful to control Covid-19. It has been a tough undertaking due to the mutagenic character of the viral agent. In this situation, it is necessary to concentrate on alternative methods to boost the immunity. One of the world's oldest medical systems, Ayurvedic medicine, dates back thousands of years. Myristica fragrans, Coriandrum sativum, Coscinium fenestratum and bee honey are four main ingredients that frequently utilized in Ayurvedic heeling system, especially for immunity boosting purposes. This review emphasises the medicinal properties of the mentioned ingredients in the Ayurvedic medicinal system. The goal of this review is to encourage conservation by enhancing utilization.