N. A. Petrova’s research while affiliated with Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences and other places

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Publications (55)

Larval Morphology and Karyotype Structure of Chironomus sp. (Diptera, Chironomidae) from the Novaya Zemlya Archipelago (Russia)
  • Article

November 2019


18 Reads


1 Citation

Entomological Review

N. A. Petrova


S. V. Zhirov


Larval morphology and karyotype characters of Chironomus sp. from Yuzhnyi Island of the Novaya Zemlya Archipelago (70°32'N, 55°10'E) are described. This species is close to Ch. tuvanicus described from Tuva (Siberia, Russia) and belongs to the riihimakiensis group. Its chromosome set is 2n = 6: AB, CD, FEG, with the latter chromosome produced by joining of the small chromosome G with arm E. The studied Chironomus sp. has an Arctic distribution and is a primitive member of the genus.

Dr. Sergey V. Zhirov (8.VI.1966 – 26.X.2017).
In Memoriam: Dr. Sergey V. Zhirov (1966–2017)
  • Article
  • Full-text available

October 2019


87 Reads


1 Citation



Ninel Petrova





Firuz Akhrorov (1937-2012) and his contributions to the study of Chironomidae in Tajikistan

July 2018


76 Reads


2 Citations

Journal of Limnology

The paper is dedicated to the memory of Firuz Akhrorov (1937-2012), noted Tajik hydrobiologist and chironomid researcher. The contributions of F. Akhrorov to chironomid research are reviewed briefly. A list of Akhrorov's published works on Chironomidae (35 titles) is provided, as is a list of taxa he described in Chironomidae (18 species names).

Professor Iya Kiknadze (1930–2017). Photo credit: AG Istomina.
In Memoriam: Professor Iya Kiknadze (1930–2017)

March 2018


88 Reads

With very deep sympathies and very great regret we announce that our best friend, the dearest colleague and excellent researcher Professor Iya Kiknadze passed away in Novosibirsk on December 17, 2017. She was a scientist who made a great and very valuable contribution in the field of cytology – structure and function of the eukaryotic chromosome, cytogenetics and karyotype evolution of family Chironomidae. (14) (PDF) In Memoriam: Professor Iya Kiknadze (1930–2017). Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323968759_In_Memoriam_Professor_Iya_Kiknadze_1930-2017 [accessed Dec 12 2018].

Fig. 1. Pictures of live adult individuals. Polypedilum vanderplanki: (A) male; (B) female. Polypedilum pembai: (C) male; (D) female. Scale bars represent 1 mm. 
Fig. 2. Polypedilum pembai adult genitalia. (A) Microphotograph; (B) drawing of male genitalia with detailed dorsal (C), inner lateral (D) and outer lateral (E) views of the superior volsella. A morphological variant of superior volsella (F) is shown in dorsal view. Female genitalia are shown in (G) ventral and (H) lateral view. 
Fig. 3. Polypedilum pembai adult female wings with details showing different patterns of setae alignment on the vein R 4+5 . 
Fig. 4. Pupa morphology. Polypedilum pembai pupa: (A) abdominal tergites I to V; (B) abdominal tergites VI to IX; (C, D) dorsal (C) and ventral (D) views of the posterolateral comb. Polypedilum vanderplanki pupa: (E) head with frontal setae; (F) thorax with wing sheaths; (G) abdominal tergites IV and V; (H-J) thoracic horn (H), dorsal (I) and ventral (J) views of the posterolateral comb.
Fig. 5. Polypedilum pembai larva morphology. Head capsule: (A) dorsal view; (B) ventral view. Details of: (C) labro-epipharyngeal region, (D) mentum, (E) labrum, (F) mandible and (G) antenna. 
A new anhydrobiotic midge from Malawi, Polypedilum pembai sp.n. (Diptera: Chironomidae), closely related to the desiccation tolerant midge, Polypedilum vanderplanki Hinton

October 2017


1,351 Reads


23 Citations

Systematic Entomology

The sleeping chironomid (Polypedilum vanderplanki Hinton) lives on temporary rock pools in the semi-arid tropical regions of Africa. Its larvae are able to survive the dry season in a completely desiccated ametabolic state known as anhydrobiosis. So far, P. vanderplanki was the only species among all insects showing demonstrated anhydrobiotic ability. Here, we show that a new related species originating from Malawi, Polypedilum pembai sp.n., is also anhydrobiotic and that its desiccation tolerance mechanism is probably similar to what is observed in P. vanderplanki. The new species, P. pembai sp.n., is described with special attention to the common and different morphological features, compared with P. vanderplanki. Phylogenetic analysis showed that both species are closely related, suggesting that anhydrobiosis evolved only once in their common ancestor about 49 Ma somewhere in Africa, before the divergence of two species, one in the sub-Saharan area and another in southeastern Africa.

Karyotype characteristics of Chironomus fraternus Wülker and Ch. beljaninae Wülker (Diptera, Chironomidae) from Northern Russia

September 2017


5 Reads


4 Citations

Entomological Review

Karyotypes of Chironomus fraternus Wülker (2n = 8) (cytocomplex thummi) and Ch. beljaninae Wülker (2n = 6) (cytocomplex modified thummi) from the aberratus group are described. Both species are recorded for the first time for the Russian fauna. Their karyotypes are similar in the banding sequences of chromosome arms A, C, D, E, and F, which suggests that Ch. fraternus and Ch. beljaninae are sister species. Besides the chromosome number, the two species differ in some karyotype markers, the amount of heterochromatin in the centromeres, and the chromosome arm combinations (AB, CD, EF, G in Ch. fraternus and GAB, CD, EF in Ch. beljaninae).

Karyotype and morphology of the midge Stictochironomus crassiforceps (Kieffer) (Diptera, Chironomidae) from several parts of the Palaearctic

December 2015


42 Reads


3 Citations

Entomological Review

The karyotype characteristics of Stictochironomus crassiforceps (Kieffer) from several parts of the Palaearctic were studied. The polythene chromosomes were mapped, the main markers were described, and cytophotomaps of the populations from Armenia and Russia (Kabardino-Balkaria and the Middle Volga region) were compared. The karyotypes of S. crassiforceps from these three populations were found to differ in the nucleoli number, homo- and heterozygous inversions, and paracentromeric heterochromatin content. The larval, pupal, and adult male morphology of S. crassiforceps from Armenia and Kabardino-Balkaria is briefly described.

Karyotypes and larval morphology of three species of midges (Diptera, Chironomidae) from lakes in the southern part of Kunashir Island

October 2015


6 Reads


2 Citations

Entomological Review

Karyotypes of polytene chromosomes and larval morphology are described for three chironomid species from Kunashir Island (the Far East of Russia): Nilothauma sasai Adam et Saether, 1999 (2n = 8), Demicryptochironomus gr. vulneratus (Zett.) (2n = 6) from Lake Lagunnoe and Polypedilum (Uresipedilum) gr. cultellatum Goetghebuer (2n = 8) from Lake Goryachee. Karyotypes with B-chromosomes were found in some specimens of N. sasai.

Citations (32)

... In this book, Ninel together with her former Ph. D. student, the late Sergey V. Zhirov (Kuznetsova et al. 2019), reviewed the data on the polytene chromosomes in larvae belonging to five subfamilies of Chironomidae. This book is mostly based on the authors' original materials and contains original microphotographs of polytene chromosomes. ...


In Memoriam: Cytogeneticist Dr. Sc. Ninel A. Petrova (1940–2024) — life and scientific heritage
In Memoriam: Dr. Sergey V. Zhirov (1966–2017)

... В пределах одного вида общее число В-хромосом остаётся постоянным, но оно варьирует от личинки к личинке. Это подтверждается данными, полученными на ядрах слюнных желёз, мальпигиевых сосудов, делящихся гониальных и ганглиозных клеток одной личинки [Petrova, Zhirov, 2017]. ...

Karyotype characteristics of Chironomus fraternus Wülker and Ch. beljaninae Wülker (Diptera, Chironomidae) from Northern Russia
  • Citing Article
  • September 2017

Entomological Review

... This subfamily, the largest in the family, is almost exclusively aquatic although some immature stages can survive dry conditions by construction of larval or pupal cocoons or by desiccation tolerance, resuming development when rehydrated (Cranston 2014, Cornette et al. 2017. These exceptional taxa are not reported yet from south-east Asia. ...

A new anhydrobiotic midge from Malawi, Polypedilum pembai sp.n. (Diptera: Chironomidae), closely related to the desiccation tolerant midge, Polypedilum vanderplanki Hinton

Systematic Entomology

... She has made a remarkable contribution to the use of polytene chromosomes of model chironomid species to trace metal pollution in various aquatic ecosystems. Because of her authority as a brilliant expert on chironomid cytogenetics, she was invited to participate in two NATO projects named, respectively, "Polytene chromosomes as a model for heavy metal-induced genome instability" (2004)(2005)(2006) and "Pollution of water resources assessed by genome alterations in midges (2008)(2009)(2010)". As part of these projects carried out jointly with Bulgarian and Italian colleagues (Fig. 3), Ninel studied the influence of heavy metals on the structural and functional organization of chromosomes of model species of chironomids collected in Russia, Bulgaria and Italy. ...

Characteristic features of karyotypes in common species of blackflies (Diptera, Simuliidae) from the northwestern region of Russia
  • Citing Article
  • November 2004

Зоологический журнал

... По данным Чубаревой и Петровой [1984], весной 1964 г. в популяции этого вида из района Петергофа Ленинградской области, 23,3 % особей имели В-хромосомы, а осенью их число увеличилось до 61,8 %. В популяции этого вида из ущелья Азат (Армения) за период с 1972 по 1992 гг. доля особей с В-хромосомами увеличилась в 2,9 раза [Kachvoryan et al., 1996]. Количество мошек с B-хромосомами в крупных загрязнённых реках с разнообразными экологическими нишами оказалось больше, чем в популяциях из ручьёв и малых рек [Chubareva, Petrova, 1984]. ...

Frequency Changes of B Chromosomes in Synanthropic Species of Bloodsucking Blackflies (Diptera, Simuliidae)
  • Citing Article
  • May 1996

Russian Journal of Genetics

... Only a few cases of natural hybrids were recorded: Ch. plumosus x Ch. entis (Shobanov, 1989); Ch. plumosus x Ch. muratensis (Ryser, Scholl and Wülker, 1983) [23]; and Ch. riparius (Meigen, 1804) x Ch. piger (Strenzke, 1959) [24,25]. It is noted that hybridization occurs between a few members of the Chironomus oppositus (Walker, 1856) group [26]. ...

[On the possibility of spontaneous interspecific hybridization in the nature of representatives of sibling-Species Chironomus riparius Kieffer and Chironomus piger Strenzke (Diptera, Chironomidae) from Armenia]
  • Citing Article
  • December 2014


... P. vanderplanki has four chromosomes (2n = 8) (23), of which Chromosome 4 has the highest karyotypic diversity and genetic distance in comparison with the recently described anhydrobiotic close relative Polypedilum pembai (23)(24)(25). This chromosome differs from the 'dot chromosome' found in Drosophila, as they are highly repetitive, heterochromatic and harbors very few genes. ...

Karyotypical characteristics of two allopatric African populations of anhydrobiotic Polypedilum Kieffer, 1912 (Diptera, Chironomidae) originating from Nigeria and Malawi

... rosenschoeldi (Kiknadze et al. 1991). Detailed information of all stages of the metamorphosis of S. crassiforceps and its karyotype can be found in Karmokov et al. (2014). Cytogenetic markers for this species and Stictochironomus gr. ...

Karyotype and morphology of the midge Stictochironomus crassiforceps (Kieffer) (Diptera, Chironomidae) from several parts of the Palaearctic
  • Citing Article
  • December 2015

Entomological Review

... As part of these projects carried out jointly with Bulgarian and Italian colleagues (Fig. 3), Ninel studied the influence of heavy metals on the structural and functional organization of chromosomes of model species of chironomids collected in Russia, Bulgaria and Italy. She has been actively involved in the development of these projects and has established the presence of both multiple heritable and a number of somatic chromosomal rearrangements (Michailova et al. 1996(Michailova et al. , 1998(Michailova et al. , 2012Petrova and Michailova 2002;Petrova 2013;Michailova and Petrova 2015). During these years, Ninel conducted classes and lectures for students from Turin and Milan. ...

Polytene chromosomes of Chironomidae (Diptera) as a bioassay of trace-metal-induced genome instability

Fauna Norvegica

... Ninel studied the structural and functional organization of polytene chromosomes of chironomids originating from different regions of Russia and from other countries, including Mongolia, Lithuania, Italy, Bulgaria, Belarus, Ukraine and others (Petrova 1990;Petrova et al. 1986Petrova et al. , 1992Petrova et al. , 2000Petrova et al. , 2013Petrova et al. , 2014a. During her life, she participated in many scientific expeditions to collect the material, e.g. to the European North, the Caucasus, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan ( Fig. 2A ...

Characteristics of the Karyotypes of three subfamilies of chironomids (Diptera, Chironomidae: Tanypodinae, Diamesinae, Prodiamesinae) of the world fauna
  • Citing Article
  • April 2014

Entomological Review