January 2025
61 Reads
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing
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January 2025
61 Reads
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing
November 2024
77 Reads
1 Citation
The carbonatite-alkaline rock suites are quite unique for hosting high grade critical metals including rare earth elements (REE), niobium (Nb), tantalum (Ta), thorium (Th) and uranium (U). Most of these rock suites are generally associated with continental rifting in overthickened Precambrian cratonic environments. In Turkey, despite majority of magmatism is quite young, a few number of carbonatite intrusions were identified in Central Anatolian Crystalline block. However, the scientific literature which focused on the magmatic activities of NW Anatolia with its numerous articles involving magmatic intrusions and their extrusive counterparts lacked genuine magmatic carbonatite data until the present day. The Arıklı carbonatite intrusion is the first magmatic carbonatite identified in NW Anatolia, and also interesting for its unusual mineralogical and geochemical features. The carbonatite body is generally composed of multiple phases of calcite and apatite mineralizations. Carbonatitic rocks of Arıklı show a highly evolved nature with considerable Mg and Ca contents accompanied by Th (up to 0.36 wt%), U (up to 373.6 ppm) and heavy rare earth elements (HREE) (up to 194.7 ppm). The δ13C (PDB) and δ18O (SMOW) values show that fractional crystalization and hydrothermal activities effected the composition of initial carbonatitic melt. The metasomatic halo of Arıklı carbonatites are enriched in terms of K (up to 12 wt%), P (up to 9 wt%), Th (248 ppm), and U (up to 0.27 wt%). However, the LREE values of both carbonatites and metasomatic rocks are pretty low compared to other carbonatite-fenite complexes. The effects of magmatic and post-magmatic events (partial melting, fractional crystalization, liquid immiscibility, and fenitization) played an important role in the formation of Arıklı carbonatite intrusion.
August 2024
82 Reads
1 Citation
This paper presents new field, petrographic, geochemical, Srsingle bondNd isotopic and geochronological data from Kestanbol Magmatic Complex (KMC) in the western Anatolia. Zircon U-Pb ages from the KMC were in the range 21.91 Ma and 21.52 Ma, indicating Miocene emplacement. 40Ar/39Ar dating results of biotites from the same samples show a narrow range of ages between 20.0 and 22.7 and a weighted mean of 21.41 ± 0.40 Ma, and those of hornblende analysis yield ages between 21.52 and 31.19 Ma with a weighted mean of 22.70 ± 0.99 Ma, are interpreted as the cooling age of the KMC. The average (U-Th/He) ages from the KMC yielded an average of 21.5 Ma and 19.8 Ma. These new age data indicate rapid cooling following the emplacement of the KMC at ~21 Ma. We suggest that the cooling was due to rapid uplift in the western Anatolia. The studied monzonitic, syenitic and alkaline subvolcanic rocks of the northern KMC are characterized by high K2O (4.34–10.7 wt%), low to moderate SiO2 (50.0–69.9 wt%), and P2O5 (0.03–1.07 wt%). They have moderate initial 87Sr/86Sr (0.707245–0.707875) and high initial 143Nd/144Nd (0.512441–0.512508) ratios, consistent with some crustal contamination. The studied rocks are enriched in Th (up to 204 ppm), U (up to 54.9 ppm), REE (up to 565.9 ppm) and, some LILE's including K (up to 8.85%), Rb (up to 447.1 ppm), Sr (up to 2053 ppm) and Ba (up to 2578 ppm). The geochemical and isotopic data suggest that the magmatic evolution of KMC is dominated by events including post-collisional tectonics, flux induced partial melting, fractional crystallization. The enrichments of incompatible elements are mostly caused by the fractional crystallization and K-metasomatism that affected the earlier magmatic phases during the cooling of the complex.
June 2023
97 Reads
Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi
Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, Türkiye'nin kuzeybatısındaki Kocaseyit bölgesindeki (Balkesir-Havran ilçesi) polimetalik Cu-As-Ni-Pb damar tipi mineralizasyonunun kökenini daha iyi anlamaktır. Bu, mineralizasyonun ve ilişkili olduğu hidrotermal alterasyon türlerinin mineralojik, petrolojik ve jeokimyasal özelliklerinin incelenmesiyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kocaseyit bölgesi, Üst Paleozoik yaşlı Kalabak Formasyonu, Jura yaşlı Bayırköy ve Bilecik Formasyonları ile Oligosen-Miyosen yaşlı Düztarla granitoyitleri tarafından kesilen Paleosen-Eosen yaşlı Bağburun Formasyonundan oluşmaktadır. Düztarla granitoyitleri ile dokanaktaki Balya Formasyonu'ndaki (arkozik kumtaşları) KD-GB fay zonu boyunca lokalize olan polimetalik Cu-As-Ni-Pb damar tipi cevherleşme göstermektedir. Cevherleşme ile ilişkili olarak az miktarda karbonatlaşma ve kloritleşme ile birlikte yoğun serisitleşme, kaolinleşme ve piritleşme, çalışma alanında gözlenen baskın alterasyon tipleridir. Çalışma alanında üç cevherleşme fazı belirlenmiştir.Magmatik-hidrotermal fazda, pentlandit, pirit ve bazı arsenopirit minerallerinin oluştuğu gözlenmektedir. Hidrotermal fazda, pirit, arsenopirit, kalkopirit ve sfalerit mineralleri oluşmuştur. Süpergen faz döneminde ise kalkopirit ve piritten sonra sırasıyla malakit, kovellit ve götit oluşumları belirlenmiştir. Granitoyid kayaçlar, kalk-alkali metaalumina I-tipi granitlere özgü özellikler sergilemektedir. Granodiyorit örnekleri granodiyorit, monzonit ve kuvars-monzonit, granit örnekleri ise granit olarak sınıflandırılmış, manyetit serileri ile uyumlu ve geç orojenik ortamda oluşmuşlardır. Alterasyona uğramış kayaçların jeokimyasal özellikleri, bunların Mn-karbonat-serisit-klorit alterasyonu ile birlikte serisit-pirit-klorit alterasyonundan güçlü bir şekilde etkilendiklerini ortaya koymuştur. Alterasyon indeksi ve K2O indeksinin Hafif nadir toprak elementleri (HNTE) ve Ağır nadir toprak elementleri (ANTE) ile korelasyonlarına göre ya HNTE'lerin hidrotermal çözeltilerden kayalara taşınabildiğini ya da HNTE'lerinin kayalarda zenginleştiğini göstermektedir. MgO indeksinin HNTE ve ANTE arasındaki ilişkiye göre, serisitleşme (K bakımından zengin) oluşumunun kloritleşme oluşumundan daha yaygın ve yoğun bir şekilde meydana geldiğini göstermektedir.
May 2023
113 Reads
International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches
The Southeast Anatolian Orogenic Belt (SAOB), one of the most important belts in Turkey, is located north of the Bitlis-Zagros Suture Zone. Major iron mineralizations are also observed along this belt. The Pertek (Tunceli) region is one of the dominant Fe-Skarn mineralizations. Keban Metamorphites of Permo-Carboniferous age forms the basement of the region. It is mainly represented by metacarbonates, marbles and schists, respectively. This unit is also cut by intrusive rocks from the Upper Cretaceous Elazığ Magmatic Complex (EMC). Tertiary volcanic rocks and sedimentary rocks also overlie both units with angular unconformity. Fe-Skarn was formed at the contact of carbonates belonging to Keban Metamorphites and diorites belonging to EMC. Macroscopically, magnetite crystals and garnet can be observed in the skarn formation, which is easily distinguished by its colour. Polarizing microscopy revealed quartz, calcite, garnet, pyroxene, chlorite and opaque minerals. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis revealed that the garnet is andraditic, and the ore minerals are magnetite and hematite. In the ore microscopy, it was determined that magnetite was first transformed into hematite and then hematite into goethite. Regarding the major oxide concentrations of the samples taken from the region, it was determined that the Fe2O3 value reached a maximum of 60% (average 21.94%), SiO2 (average 38.20%) and CaO (average 23.58%) concentrations were high, and Al2O3 concentration was generally low. Al2O3 concentration reaches 17.96 % in the sample where clayification is common. The findings of this study provide a baseline for identifying the origin of the Pertek Fe-Skarn formation.
April 2023
72 Reads
International Conference on Scientific and Innovative Studies
The Southeast Anatolian Orogenic Belt (SAOB), one of the most important belts in Turkey, islocated north of the Bitlis-Zagros Suture Zone. Major iron mineralizations are also observed along this belt.The Pertek (Tunceli) region is one of the dominant Fe-Skarn mineralisations. Keban Metamorphites ofPermo-Carboniferous age forms the basement of the region. It is mainly represented by metacarbonates,marbles and schists, respectively. This unit is also cut by intrusive rocks from the Upper Cretaceous ElazığMagmatic Complex (EMC). Tertiary volcanic rocks and sedimentary rocks also overlie both units withangular unconformity. Fe-Skarn was formed at the contact of carbonates belonging to KebanMetamorphites and diorites belonging to EMC. Macroscopically, magnetite crystals and garnet can beobserved in the skarn formation, which is easily distinguished by its colour. Polarizing microscopy revealedquartz, calcite, garnet, pyroxene, chlorite and opaque minerals. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis revealedthat the garnet is andraditic, and the ore minerals are magnetite and hematite. In the ore microscopy, it wasdetermined that magnetite was first transformed into hematite and then hematite into goethite. Regardingthe major oxide concentrations of the samples taken from the region, it was determined that the Fe2O3 valuereached a maximum of 60% (average 21.94%), SiO2 (average 38.20%) and CaO (average 23.58%)concentrations were high, and Al2O3 concentration was generally low. Al2O3 concentration reaches 17.96% in the sample where clayification is common. The findings of this study provide a baseline foridentifying the origin of the Pertek Fe-Skarn formation.
February 2023
318 Reads
4 Citations
Stromatolites are the oldest recognized fossil recordings of life on Earth. Therefore, their study of them represents one of the most interesting topic that investigates the physio-chemical environmental conditions (formations and precipitations) at which the stromatolites formed. This work deals with the rare earth elements (REEs) geochemical characteristics and the redox-sensitive trace elements behavior of the stromatolites newly formed in Salda Lake, a closed system alkaline lake surrounded by serpentinite rocks in SW Turkey. The representative stromatolite samples collected from Salda Lake show higher contents of MgO (up to 41.5 wt.%), CO2+OH (up to 56.6 wt.%), and MgO/CaO ratio (up to 42.2 wt.%) referring to the stromatolites had been controlled by microorganisms and deposited in subtidal areas having hydro-magnesite and aragonite mineralogy. The average trace element contents of the stromatolites are 8.4 ppm V, 0.09 ppm Cr, 3.50 ppm Co, 95.6 ppm Ni, 0.73 ppm Cu, 1.55 ppm Rb, 37.6 ppm Sr, 0.59 ppm Y, 17.7 ppm Zr, 3.60 ppm Nb, 21 ppm Ba, 0.05 ppm Hf, 3.5 ppm As, 0.02 ppm Cd, 0.05 ppm U, 0.05 ppm Th, 2.85 ppm Pb, and 6.60 ppm Zn. The Post-Archean Australian Shale (PAAS)-normalized REE patterns of the stromatolites reveal that the heavy REEs (HREEs) are enriched relative to the light REEs (LREEs) with highly negative Y and Ce-anomalies and positive Eu-anomalies. This refers to the stromatolites formed in predominantly oxidizing environmental conditions at partially warm lake waters. In addition, the hydromagnesite composition of the Salda Lake stromatolites indicates that they were precipitated from the waters influenced by Mg-rich meteoric waters fed from the serpentinite rocks around the Lake.
June 2022
57 Reads
January 2022
185 Reads
European Journal of Science and Technology
January 2022
215 Reads
19 Citations
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
E-waste (EW) from discarded electrical and electronic devices is a potential source of rare earth elements (REEs) that might be recovered from urban and industrial wastes. REEs are essential raw materials for emerging and high technologies. China currently dominates global REE production with a proportion of 97%. To increase the independence of REE supply and eliminate the environmental impacts related to REE mining, methods for an efficient REE recovery from secondary sources like EW are needed. In this work, we examine improvements in pre-treatment and acidic leaching processes to recover REEs and other valuable metals. EW was crushed and ground prior to the sieving. The materials obtained were then subjected to acid leaching. The parameters used to optimize the conditions for leaching were as follows: acid type (HCl, HNO3, and aqua regia), particle size, and waste-to-acid ratio. The maximum leaching efficiency was obtained from the ground, sieved, and undersized part of e-waste by using HCl with a W:A of 12.5 mg/mL. The total REE concentration was 435 mg/kg. Several treatment scenarios are identified with promise for improving REE recovery at full scale in EW recovery plants and thereby advancing goals for a sustainable, circular economy.
... The actual physicochemical character of a soda pan depends on factors like climate and underlying geology. The presence of soda pans and other saline-alkaline systems has been reported worldwide, with notable cases being the East African Rift Valley [4,5], Eastern Europe [3,6], the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China [7], the USA (California and Nevada) and the Caribbean Plateau in Canada [8]. ...
February 2023
... The choice of acid and process conditions is critical, as it determines the selectivity of metal dissolution and influences the efficiency of subsequent metal recovery steps. Acid leaching is particularly effective in liberating valuable metals like gold, silver, and copper from e-waste matrices [39]. ...
January 2022
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
... The Kızılcaören LREE-Th-fluorite-barite deposit is a product of an alkaline tearing-rifting mechanism that was active in the Eocene-Late Miocene period [30]. On the other hand, a few numbers of potassic-alkaline volcanic-related LREE enrichments (fly ash placers and ignimbritic flow deposits) were also detected in the Isparta region of SW Turkey, which is located on the southern part of the same Eocene-Late Miocene tearing zone [31]. The two alkaline intrusion-related REE deposits, Malatya-Kuluncak and Sivas-Karaçayır are located on the East of the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex (CACC) and are closely related to Late Cretaceous post-collisional magmatism [32,33]. ...
August 2021
Acta Geochimica
... (7) After the test is completed, the new mudstone sample and saturated salt solution are replaced, and the test steps (3) to (6) is repeated until all the tests are completed. ...
August 2021
Journal of Earth Science
... Öztürk et al., [19] examined microthermometric measurements from magnesite observed in these fault zones and revealed that homogenization temperature (Th, o C) ranged from 282-348 o C and % NaCl salinity equivalents ranged from 4.2-8.0. They also state that the solution system of liquid inclusions is H2O-MgCl2-CaCl2, and the density of liquids ranges between 0.58 and 0.74 g/cm 3 . ...
July 2021
Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi
... Coal from the Jungar Coalfield, China, has a total REY content of over 0.1%; combustion of this coal in power plants could potentially supply around 12,000 tons of rare earth oxides in the form of coal ash with an average REY content of 0.14% (Huang et al. 2023). Yuksekdag et al. (2021) found that among the various industrial wastes, coal combustion residue had the highest total REY content of 379 mg/kg, wherein 76% of them are critical REYs. Strzałkowska (2023) found that the class F (<18% CaO) ashes from Poland had a concentration of REYs (353 mg/kg) comparable to the world coal ash average (426 mg/kg). ...
February 2021
The Science of The Total Environment
... Pleistocene: (Caldara, 1986). Attuale: Cipro (Meriç et al., 2021); Italia, Mediterraneo centrale (Giannuzzi-Savelli et al., 2014), Sicilia (Vazzana, 2010;Giacobbe & Renda, 2018); Spagna (Peñas et al., 1996;Capdevila & Folch, 2009); Mare di Alboran (Peñas et al., 2006). ...
December 2020
Bulletin Of The Mineral Research and Exploration
... However, the occurrence of limestone-1 underground caused it to behave as if it still occurred at the quarry, but as a result of the exposure of limestone-2 above the ground level to atmospheric conditions, the stone absorbed CO 2, and carbonation occurred. The formation of CaCO 3 could explain the increased strength properties and hardness of limestone-2 [109][110][111]. The strength and hardness classes of both stones mostly remained within the limits reported in the literature. ...
January 2019
Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi
... With further research, the impact of porosity on electrical properties has also been found to be substantial, particularly organic matter pores (Wang et al., 2016;Yang et al., 2020;Zhu et al., 2021Zhu et al., , 2022Zhang et al., 2023). Some researchers have employed geochemical methods to reconstruct the paleoenvironment of shale deposition, revealing a connection between mineral and organic matter content and the paleoenvironment (Loucks and Ruppel, 2007;Dowey and Taylor, 2017;Doner et al., 2019). Nevertheless, the precise in uence of the paleoenvironment on shale resistivity and polarizability properties remains somewhat unclear. ...
December 2018
Marine and Petroleum Geology
... Palaeo-Tethys and Neotethys) (Kuşçu & Gedikoğlu, 1989;Öztürk, 1997;Öztürk & Hein, 1997;Gültekin et al., 1998;Gültekin & Balcı, 2018;Öksüz, 2011a, b;Öksüz & Okuyucu, 2014;Şaşmaz et al., 2014;Öztürk et al., 2019;Aydoğan, 2022). Along the IAESZ in northern Turkey, a number of the deposits outcrop as irregular-shaped lenses and layers within host rocks (radiolarian chert) in different mélange units exposed at or near this suture zone (Öztürk, 1997;Koç et al., 2000;Öksüz, 2011a, b;Öksüz & Okuyucu, 2014;Kılıç et al., 2018;Öztürk et al., 2019, and references therein). ...
October 2018
Arabian Journal of Geosciences