August 2024
8 Reads
Journal La Multiapp
The freshness of vegetables is a very important factor in maintaining the quality, taste and nutritional benefits of vegetables. When fresh vegetables are consumed, we can feel the softness, richer taste, and get optimal nutritional benefits. The research methodology used in this research is a quantitative method, the main focus of which involves the use of numerical data, statistical analysis, and quantitative measurements throughout the research process. This research adopts a structured research framework, starting from data collection using the Fresh and Stale Images of Fruits and Vegetables dataset from Kaggle. In this research, the model process that occurs in the CNN algorithm consists of 2 parts, namely feature learning and classification. Data that has undergone feature extraction will be processed in convolution layer 1, after going through the feature learning process in convolutional layer 1, the image data will then be processed again in the max pooling layer which aims to reduce the size of the image data, so that the designed CNN model can understand more details regarding data on fresh and non-fresh vegetables. The feature learning process is carried out in 4 layers, after passing through feature learning the image will be converted into a vector in the flatten layer with the aim that the results of feature learning can be used as input values at the classification stage.