August 2023
107 Reads
1 Citation
BME Horizon
The Covid-19 pandemic has become a huge global health crisis. Whole world is suffering from this virus and yet we are unable to find any evident solution of this virus. This paper summarizes the experiences (facts and figures) of the first, second and third waves of Covid-19 across various regions of the World like Asia, Africa, Europe and South America along with detail of how they have utilized the resources/technologies/ methods in order to overcome the effects. Furthermore, solutions (what should be done) are discussed as different regions of the world are already facing the third wave of this deadly virus. More specifically, the large-scale behavior changes, vaccination and adoption of technological assistance from artificial Intelligence and robotics are considered as the possible solutions. This paper has been focused on the work of most advance forms of recent technologies in exploring their role for controlling the pandemic virus like robotics and artificial intelligence. The findings prove that artificial intelligence technique “EVA” helped to track or detect the virus in the people 1.85 times more efficiently than traditional means, whereas robotics including swab robots, aimbots, droid teams and germ zappers are most advance version of controlling spread of virus. This paper also suggests the advent technologies and techniques to be employed for better countering and avoiding the spread of covid-19 in different regions.