Muhammad Manaqib’s research while affiliated with Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta and other places

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Publications (28)

Model Matematika Penyebaran Penyakit COVID-19 dengan Vaksinasi, Isolasi Madiri, dan Karantina Rumah Sakit
  • Article

December 2024

Jurnal Matematika Integratif

Irma Fauziah


Muhammad Manaqib


Maghvirotul Azizah

Penelitian ini mengembangkan model SEIR untuk memodelkan penyebaran penyakit COVID-19 dengan menambahkan faktor penggunaan vaksinasi, isolasi mandiri, dan karantina di rumah sakit. Populasi dibagi menjadi tujuh subpopulasi yaitu subpopulasi rentan, subpopulasi yang telah melakukan vaksinasi dua tahap, subpopulasi laten, subpopulasi terinfeksi, subpopulasi karantina yaitu isolasi mandiri dan karantina di rumah sakit, dan subpopulasi sembuh. Dari model matematika yang dibentuk diperoleh dua titik ekuilibrium yaitu titik ekuilibrium bebas penyakit dan titik ekuilibrium endemik dan bilangan reproduksi dasar . Titik ekuilibrium bebas penyakit stabil asimtotik lokal ketika . Simulasi numerik titik ekuilibrium bebas penyakit dilakukan untuk memberikan gambaran geometris terkait hasil yang telah dianalisis dengan nilai parameter yang diambil dari beberapa sumber. Hasil simulasi numerik sejalan dengan analisis yang dilakukan bahwa penyakit akan menghilang jika dan menetap dalam populasi jika . Dari analisis model diperoleh bahwa upaya yang dapat dilakukan agar penyakit tidak mewabah yaitu mengurangi kontak langsung dengan individu terinfeksi, selalu menjaga kebersihan, melakukan isolasi mandiri atau karantina di rumah sakit dan selalu menjaga jarak.

Figure 1. Flowchart
Figure 2. Notational Representation of Vertices and Edges in The Scale Graph í µí±º í µí¿,í µí²“ (í µí±ª í µí¿‘ )
Figure 4. Product Cordial Labeling of Scale Graph í µí±º í µí¿,í µí¿’ (í µí±ª í µí¿‘ )
Figure 5. Product Cordial Labeling of Scale Graph í µí±º í µí¿,í µí¿• (í µí±ª í µí¿‘ )
Figure 6. Product Cordial Labeling of Scale Graph í µí±º í µí¿,í µí¿– (í µí±ª í µí¿‘ )
Product Cordial Labeling Of Scale Graph S_{1,r}\left(C_3\right) For r\geq3
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 2024


17 Reads

Mathline Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika

Yanne Irene


Winda Ayu Mei Lestari


Mahmudi Mahmudi




Gustina Elfiyanti

Graph theory plays a crucial role in various fields, including communication systems, computer networks, and integrated circuit design. One important aspect of this theory is product cordial labeling, which involves assigning labels to the vertices and edges of a graph in a specific way to achieve a balance. Despite extensive research, the product cordial labeling of scale graphs has not been thoroughly explored. This study aims to fill this gap by investigating whether the scale graph can be labeled in a product cordial manner. To achieve this, we followed a three-step methodology: first, we identified the vertices and edge notations of the scale graph ; second, we assigned binary labels (0 and 1) to each vertex and edge to identify a pattern; and third, we proved that this pattern meets the criteria for product cordial labeling. Our findings reveal that the scale graph does indeed support product cordial labeling, thus confirming it as a product cordial graph. This research not only advances our understanding of graph labeling but also provides practical insights that can be applied to optimize network structures and address complex problems in science and engineering.Graph theory plays a crucial role in various fields, including communication systems, computer networks, and integrated circuit design. One important aspect of this theory is product cordial labeling, which involves assigning labels to the vertices and edges of a graph in a specific way to achieve a balance. Despite extensive research, the product cordial labeling of scale graphs has not been thoroughly explored. This study aims to fill this gap by investigating whether the scale graph can be labeled in a product cordial manner. To achieve this, we followed a three-step methodology: first, we identified the vertices and edge notations of the scale graph ; second, we assigned binary labels (0 and 1) to each vertex and edge to identify a pattern; and third, we proved that this pattern meets the criteria for product cordial labeling. Our findings reveal that the scale graph does indeed support product cordial labeling, thus confirming it as a product cordial graph. This research not only advances our understanding of graph labeling but also provides practical insights that can be applied to optimize network structures and address complex problems in science and engineering.


Analysis Of Korteweg-Type Compressible Fluid Model With Slip Boundary Conditions In 3-Dimensional Half-Space

November 2024


5 Reads

CAUCHY Jurnal Matematika Murni dan Aplikasi

The Korteweg fluid model is typically used to describe the flow of two-phase fluids, where phase transitions occur at the interface, recognized by capillary effects. Korteweg extended the Navier-Stokes equations by incorporating capillarity into the equations. This article will demonstrate the solution operator for the resolvent system of the Navier-Stokes-Korteweg model with slip boundary conditions in a 3-dimensional half-space, given the coefficient condition dengan . The steps to find the solution operator for the resolvent system include reducing the inhomogeneous resolvent system, followed by performing a partial Fourier transform on the homogeneous resolvent system to yield a simple ordinary differential equation solution.

An Analysis of Infiltration in Furrow Irrigation Channels With Root Water Uptake

September 2024


48 Reads

This study discusses infiltration in six irrigation channel types with root water uptake in four types of roots. The mathematical model for the infiltration problem is the Richards equation. This equation is then transformed into a modified Helmholtz equation using the Kirchhoff transformation, dimensionless variables. Subsequently, a numerical solution of the modified Helmholtz equation is obtained using the Dual Reciprocity Boundary Element Method (DRBEM) with a predictor–corrector scheme to result in the numerical values of suction potential, water content, and root water uptake function. In addition, the amount of water absorbed by each root and the water distribution pattern in the channel can be obtained and compared. The results indicate that the minimum water content values occur in both impermeable rectangular and trapezoidal channels, and the highest water uptake values are also observed in the impermeable channels. This is consistent with the physical conditions; as in impermeable channels, water loss downward is limited, and water tends to flow toward the plants.

Soil Structure.
Parameters for each type of soil.
Minimum and maximum suction potential and water content values for the four types of soil.
An Analysis of Water Infiltration in Furrow Irrigation Channels with Plants in Various Types of Soil in the Special Region of Yogyakarta Using Dual Reciprocity Boundary Element Method

July 2024


14 Reads

JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika)

The analysis of water infiltration channels requires significant time and cost when conducted through laboratory experiments. Alternatively, mathematical modeling followed by numerical method can be employed. The mathematical model of water infiltration in furrow irrigation channels takes the form of a boundary value problem, with the Helmholtz equation serving as the governing equation. The Dual Reciprocity Boundary Element Method (DRBEM) is a numerical method derived from the Boundary Element Method (BEM), utilized for solving partial differential equations encountered in mathematical physics and engineering. This research employs DRBEM to analyze infiltration in trapezoidal irrigation channels with root-water uptake across various homogeneous soil types prevalent in agricultural lands in each District/City of the Yogyakarta Special Region Province. The results demonstrate that DRBEM provides numerical solutions for suction potential, water content, and root water absorption for each soil type. It was found that sandy soil exhibits high water content but has a low rate of root water absorption. On the other hand, clayey soil has low water content but a higher rate of root water uptake. These findings indicate that sandy soil, such as those found in Sleman District and Yogyakarta city, are less efficient in water usage when employing the furrow irrigation system, whereas clayey soil, as found in Gunung Kidul regency, is more effective.

Figure 3. Transfer Diagram of HIV/AIDS Disease Spread Model with Public Awareness Theorem 1. All solutions of the HIV/AIDS model with public awareness (1) that depend on non-negative initial values are non-negative and bounded. Proof. First, we will prove that the solutions of system (1) are non-negative í µí±† 1 (í µí±¡) ≥ 0, í µí±† 2 (í µí±¡) ≥ 0, í µí°¼(í µí±¡) ≥ 0, í µí±ƒ(í µí±¡) ≥ 0, í µí±‡(í µí±¡) ≥ 0, í µí°´(í µí±¡) ≥ 0, í µí± (í µí±¡) ≥ 0. The first and second equations of system (1) are í µí±‘í µí±† 1 (í µí±¡) í µí±‘í µí±¡ = í µí¼‹ + í µí¼‚í µí±† 2 (í µí±¡) − (í µí¼‡ + í µí¼ƒ + í µí»½í µí°¼(í µí±¡) í µí± ) í µí±† 1 (í µí±¡),
Figure 5. Numerical Simulation Toward the Endemic Equilibrium Point of the Disease
List of Parameters for the HIV/AIDS Disease Spread Model with Public Awareness
Parameter Sensitivity Index
Mathematical Modeling of HIV/AIDS Disease Spread with Public Awareness

May 2024


69 Reads


1 Citation

CAUCHY Jurnal Matematika Murni dan Aplikasi

This study develops mathematical model for the spread of HIV/AIDS by the population is divided into seven sub-populations, namely the susceptible unaware HIV subpopulation, the susceptible aware HIV sub-population, the infected sub-population, the pre-AIDS sub-population, the ARV treatment sub-population, the AIDS sub-population, and unlikely to be infected with HIV/AIDS sub-population. In this mathematical model, two equilibrium points are obtained, namely the disease-free equilibrium point and the disease-endemic equilibrium point and the basic reproduction number . The stability analysis shows that the disease-free equilibrium point is locally asymptotically stable if and the disease-endemic equilibrium point is locally asymptotically stable if . Numerical simulations of the equilibrium points are carried out to provide an overview of the analyzed results with parameter values from several sources. Based on the sensitivity analysis, the parameters that significantly affect the spread of HIV/AIDS are the contact rate of HIV-unaware individuals with infected individuals and the transmission rate of HIV infection

COVID-19 Epidemic Model Parameters with Isolation
Parameter Values for Numerical Simulation of the Spread of COVID-19

December 2023


23 Reads


This research developed the SIR model with self-isolation and hospital isolation. The analysis is carried out through the disease-free and endemic equilibrium point analysis and the sensitivity analysis of the basic reproduction number. Based on the disease-free equilibrium point analysis, for a certain period of time the population will be free from COVID-19 if the basic reproduction number is less than 1. If the basic reproduction number is more than 1, the disease will persist in the population, this will lead to an endemic equilibrium point. Based on the sensitivity analysis of parameter values on the basic reproduction number, the parameter for the isolation rate of individually infected individuals in hospitals is -0.4615166040, and the self-isolation rate at home is -0.01853667767. This indicates that isolation in hospitals is more effective than self-isolation in suppressing the spread of COVID-19.

List of Parameters for the Measles Disease Spread Model with Two-Dose Vaccination and Treatment
The parameter and unit are used in the simulation

November 2023


108 Reads


1 Citation

Journal of Fundamental Mathematics and Applications (JFMA)

This study developed a model for the spread of measles based on the SEIR model by adding the factors of using the first dose of vaccination, the second dose of vaccination, and treatment. Making this model begins with making a compartment diagram of the spread of the disease, which consists of seven subpopulations, namely susceptible subpopulations, subpopulations that have received the first dose of vaccination, subpopulations that have received the second dose vaccination, exposed subpopulations, infected subpopulations, subpopulations that have received treatment, and subpopulations healed. After the model is formed, the disease-free equilibrium point, endemic equilibrium point, and basic reproduction number (R_0) are obtained. Analysis of the stability of the disease-for equilibrium point was locally asymptotically stable when (R_0)<1. The backward bifurcation analysis occurs when (R_C) is present and R_C<R_0. Numerical simulations of disease-free and endemic equilibrium points are carried out to provide an overview of the results analyzed with parameter values from several sources. The results of the numerical simulation are in line with the analysis carried out. From the model analysis, the disease will disappear more quickly when the level of vaccine used and individuals who carry out treatment are enlarged.

Citations (12)

... Currently, a health problem throughout the world in Indonesia is hepatitis [1]. Hepatitis is an infectious disease of liver cells caused by viral infectious microorganisms, drugs, toxins, and chemicals [2]. There are various types of hepatitis, namely Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. WHO (World Health Organization) said that this disease will spread to the world's population and is transmitted orally due to a lack of knowledge about clean and healthy living [3]. ...


Stochastic Modeling with Poisson Hidden Markov in Hepatitis B Cases

Journal of Fundamental Mathematics and Applications (JFMA)

... One key area of focus is the immune status of individuals, which plays a critical role in determining the [16], the distinction between individuals with strong immune responses (hybrid-immune) and those with weaker immune systems (immunodeficient) has not been thoroughly explored using deterministic modeling approaches. For instance, [17] modeled two susceptible classes based on compliance with preventive guidelines, but no model has yet focused on susceptibility based on immune strength. ...

Mathematical Model and Simulation of the Spread of COVID-19 with Vaccination, Implementation of Health Protocols, and Treatment

Jambura Journal of Biomathematics (JJBM)

... The behavior of three species model with the effect of noise has been examined 31,32 . Researchers have looked at the dynamic behavior of a three-species model including intraspecific rivalry between predators 33,34 . The three-species model's durability and stability were extensively researched by several authors [35][36][37] . ...



... COVID-19 is a respiratory syndrome disease caused by a type of corona virus, namely SARS-CoV-2. COVID-19 can cause mild, moderate and severe symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, respiratory problems, fever which can even be severe enough to cause death due to these symptoms [1]. In general, transmission of this disease is caused by droplets or body fluids or objects around 1-2 meters away when coughing and sneezing. ...

Model matematika penyebaran COVID-19 dengan penggunaan masker kesehatan dan karantina

Jambura Journal of Biomathematics (JJBM)

... In his research, he took cases of the spread of the Covid-19 disease with the lockdown and quarantine treatment. As a result, the spread of the virus can be suppressed if intensive quarantine treatment is carried out and the lockdown area is prolonged [14]. The treatment considering vaccination and disinfection as an action to control the spread of cholera has also been carried out by Sun, et al (2017), with vaccination and disinfection proven to be able to suppress the spread of cholera [15]. ...



... Based on the previous research, Masri et al. (2016) presented a model with three objectives for stochastic vehicle routing problem, where the customers' demand and travel durations between any pairs of nodes were stochastic, and a solution strategy based on the three approaches (a recourse approach, a chance-constrained approach and a GP approach) were designed to deal with randomness. Irawan et al. (2021) proposed a model of capacitated VRPTWs by using a GP approach, which included two sets of goals, i.e., the minimizations of total costs and distribution duration, maximizations of vehicle load and the number of customers served, and the LINGO software was utilized for a small-scale real case to verify the model. A GP model considering both the economic and environmental objectives is proposed in this study, which seeks the most satisfactory solution that comes as close as possible to the goals. ...

Implementation of the Model Capacited Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows with a Goal Programming Approach in Determining the Best Route for Goods Distribution

Jurnal Matematika Statistika dan Komputasi

... Kendala dalam penemuan kasus TBC antara lain keterlambatan pernderita mencari pengobatan, ketidakpatuhan berobat, pengetahuan masyarakat yang rendah, dan stigma masyarakat [4]- [6]. Kendala dari sisi fasilitas kesehatan adalah kurangnya peralatan pemeriksaan diagnosis TBC, rendahnya cakupan layanan, kurangnya tenaga kesehatan, serta kurang optimalnya penetapan Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) pengobatan [7]. ...



... Mathematical modelling is one approach to explain problems that occur in the real world and find solutions [7]. Mathematical modeling is widely applied in various fields to solve the daily life problems [8] [9].The mathematical model of the spread of cholera has been discussed several times in previous studies. Early mathematical research on cholera was carried out by Capasso and Paveri-Pontana [10] with considering the population of infected people and bacteria in the environment. ...

Analysis Infiltration Waters in Various Forms of Irrigation Channels by Using Dual Reciprocity Boundary Element Method

Jurnal Matematika MANTIK

... One approach to understanding and addressing real-world issues is through mathematical modeling (Manaqib et al., 2019). Similarly, the issue of infiltration in irrigation channels can be modeled mathematically. ...

Mathematical Model for MERS-COV Disease Transmission with Medical Mask Usage and Vaccination
  • Citing Article
  • December 2019

InPrime Indonesian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics