Muchammad Nasucha’s research while affiliated with Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia and other places

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Publications (14)

Figure 1: Theoretical framework of media, national and international news frame
Four Approaches to the Study of International News (Hjarvard, 2002)
The Most Visited Media by Indonesian Audiences
Jakarta Image on the title on National (Indonesian) Media Coverage
Jakarta Image on the title on International/Global Media Coverage
Indonesia' Capital City (Jakarta) Image on National and Internasional Media
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 2024


7 Reads

Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia

Muchammad Nasucha


Mohamad Ghozali Moenawar


Gusmia Arianti


Michal Grzegorzewski

The centrality of media amid society has been interrupted by gigantic impact of the internet nowadays. Departing from Lippman’s proposition, the foundation of agenda-setting theory with ecological online sphere consideration, and Galtung’s and devotees’ thought about international media works this research comparing national and international media Jakarta’s image as the capital city of Indonesia. Nevertheless, this essential topic seems neglected by previous research. This study used post-positivism paradigm, mixed-data with content analysis method, online observation. The sample of news taken randomly from the significant media according to for international media (6 media of 50), for Indonesia media was 4 of top 10 media. The selected news portal observed. The displayed news collected, structured, afterward analyzed systematically, objectively, from the title, paragraph, to the picture if any. The data shows both national and international media frame Jakarta’s image differently. International media portray Jakarta in negative way which is in line with Galtung’s and his devotee’s argument, appears as the third world country, framed with the negative attributes and tones as the most polluted city, sinking city, even dangerous city as the residence, workspace, and others. While major national media present Jakarta favorably as the central of national bustles in economy, business, education, and so forth, except one media reported Jakarta in deleterious way. This means the image of thing (capital city) related tightly to the interests or determining factors of media, while international media more complex layers than national media.


Typology of Muslim Audience in Responding to Media Contents Consist of Religious Symbols

October 2024


23 Reads

International Journal of Social Science and Human Research

Audience is one of central terms that related with media according to the historical of the terms and the mass communication discourse. On the other sides, audiences referring to several authors who have given their concerns to it, audience related to economic, business, technology, politic, and etc. interest. Audience came after the media invented. However, the audience dynamic from the previous (ancestor) periods to our current time still relevant to be explored, described, and explained particularly that related to the Muslim community as the increasing community in world and as major community in Indonesia, in this research look through the religious symbols on media contents to be based of category of Muslim audience as the actor related with the media. Therefore, this research tries to find the typology of Muslim audience in responding to media contents consisting of religious symbols. This research using quantitative and qualitative data which was collected through cross-sectional survey. The UG approach and Active audience approach promoted by authors as Biocca being the theoretical based in collecting and analysis data of this research. The descriptive statistic is the quantitative result to be based the typology and the qualitative data to find the enrich and deeper description and explanation about how Muslim use media until researcher be able to make the categorization of Muslim audience regarding how they have responded to media contents consisting religious symbols. Finally, this research got seven big or rough categories of Muslim audiences in responding to media content containing religious symbols. There are clear enough that online platform media, primarily media social as the dominant media looking over the Muslim audience in this research as instagram. Almost 80% the audiences looking for the media content consisting of religious symbols when they are using media. Also the major of the audiences in this research are young people, which have educational background senior high school, and when they are asked through questionnaire they are students the particular sub-topics show us they are hesitated to give their judgment on them. However, even there are a number of interesting findings, two typical result that religious symbols could be used to educational purposes even they think the content usually bring to the controversy in society, at least what we find frequently on media social.

Indonesia’s Communication Study Paradigm (A Preliminary Study)

January 2024


22 Reads

Jurnal Studi Jurnalistik

The paradigm, the foundation and fundamental of science has been examined by scholars since the earliest period, also in communication studies. Referring to some authors, it is part of typologies that necessary to encompass when talking about scientific discipline particularly communication. However, the historical root of the studies is unavoidable evidences has significantly influenced the studies in world including Asian. Some authors have articulated their views regarding to the paradigm and its trivial in the discourse from the need for the studies until the theoretical perspectives and others. Nevertheless, Indonesia as one of the crucial countries in Asia apparently has not been studied widely and intensely. This paper tries to find how Indonesia's paradigm of communication studies that occured and have extended until nowadays, by tracing into many academic practices, in research papers that published through journals, books and educational institutions. Indonesian communication professor[s] as the figure[s] of the discipline considered as the authoritative sources to draw the discipline. Some [public] documents also show the empirical practice related to this matter. Finally, based on the data there are some conclusions designate that Indonesia paradigm of communication studies has been influenced by the Europe and US thought and tradition following the historical roots of the scholars who have studied in US, Europe, and Australia colleges. One of the perspectives about Indonesia’s communication theory is namely archipelago communication as part of Indonesian paradigm of communication study.

Figure 1. The Instagram account under study
Concept Operationalization
Model Summary of Regression Test
The Influence of Community’s Instagram Exposure and Content Towards Mothers’ Attitude on Mental Health

Ultimacomm Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi

The vast improvement of technology opened opportunity for everyone to build community, including mothers. Transition to motherhood is challenging for women’s mental health. Halo Ibu Community is providing media and space for mothers to support each other via @haloibuid. This study aims to find out whether there is influence of exposure and content of Instagram @haloibuid towards the attitude of mothers regarding mental health. The concepts used on this research are namely stimulus response theory, social media exposure, Instagram content, attitude, and mental health. The population of this research is followers of @haloibuid. This research is conducted by distributing the questionnaire to 100 mothers who are followers of and the active member of community. The result noted that coefficient determinant (R2) is 45,8%. This indicates that exposure and content simultaneously contribute to the attitude of mothers on mental health for 45,8%. The coefficient test (T-test) result noted that exposure and content have partially significant influence towards attitude for respectively 35.5% and 37.4%. Direction and value prediction are shown by this multiple regression analysis Y= 6.724 + 0.389 X1 + 0.468 X2. This implies that if the exposure of Instagram is increasing 1 score, then the attitude of mothers is increasing for 0.389 score and if the content Instagram is increasing 1 score, then the attitude of mothers is increasing for 0.468 score. These results illustrate that exposure and content of Instagram have positive and significant influence over the followers’ attitude regarding mental health.


November 2022


91 Reads


1 Citation

Proceedings Of International Conference On Communication Science

The vast improvement of technology opened opportunity for everyone to build community, including mothers. Women’s transition in playing their role as mother is challenging for mental health. Halo Ibu Community is providing media and space for mothers to support each other, one of it is @haloibuid. This study aims to find out whether there is influence of exposure and content of Instagram @haloibuid towards the attitude of mothers regarding mental health.The concepts used on this research are namely stimulus response theory, social media exposure, Instagram content, attitude and mental health. The population of this research is followers of @haloibuid. This research is conducted by distributing the questionnaire to 100 mothers who have become the followers of and the active member of community.The result shows that all hypotheses were accepted. There is significant, positive and quite strong influence simultaneously of exposure and content of Instagram @haloibuid, as well as separately of exposure and of content. When both independent variables tested together, coefficient correlation and influence are slightly stronger than when exposure and content are tested separately. The result indicates that the work of community in educating women regarding maternal mental health through exposure and content of Instagram was worthwhile. Community should keep on improving the content and optimizing their exposure. Other recommendation for community is to expand their target to mothers from lower social economy because these group also required information about mental health.

Ketahanan Keluarga melalui Program Pengolahan Limbah Air Wudhu Berbasis Masjid di DKI Jakarta

February 2022


155 Reads

Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Nita Noriko







Dan Teknologi

Abstrak Pemanfaatan air bersih yang berasal dari tanah di DKI Jakarta semakin meningkat, akan tetapi sangat disayangkan tidak diikuti dengan upaya pengembalian ke dalam tanah. Peningkatan jumlah penduduk menyebabkan kebutuhan lahan untuk tempat tinggal semakin meningkat sehingga berdampak pada semakin menurunnya lahan terbuka untuk peresapan air hujan. Dampak yang terjadi dari kondisi ini adalah penurunan muka air tanah dan intrusi air laut. Keadaan ini perlu segera diatasi dengan teknologi tepat guna dan aplikatif yaitu instalasi pengolahan limbah air wudhu terintegrasi dengan sistem akuaponik.Selain itu instalasi ini juga dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menampung air hujan. Masjid dan mushola sangat berpotensi untuk menerapkan teknologi instalasi yang terintegrasi dengan akuaponik. Oleh sebab itu masjid dapat berperan sebagai penyangga ekologis bagi lingkungan sekitarnya. Sistem akuaponik dapat menjadi contoh program ketahanan keluarga dari aspek kesehatan khususnya untuk kecukupan zat gizi. Potensi fungsi lain dari masjid adalah sebagai solusi terhadap masalah sosial dan ekonomi terutama dalam menghadapi dampak pandemi Covid-19. Hal yang ditemukan di masyarakat terkait dampak tersebut adalah kemiskinan, kasus kekerasan rumahtangga, perceraian, kriminalitas dan kenakalan remaja. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini perlu adanya pemberdayaan masyarakat yang di pelopori dari masjid yang merupakan basis umat. Sejauh ini, peranan masjid sebagai penyangga ekologis, fungsi ketahanan keluarga, solusi bagi permasalahan sosial dan ekonomi masyarakat belum optimal khususnya untuk memberdayakan zakat, infak, sedekah dan wakaf (Ziswaf). Mitra dalam pengabdian masyarakat adalah masjid yang berada di DKI Jakarta yaitu At Tawab di Cakung, Al Hikmah di Cijantung dan Abu Bakar Ash Shiddiq di Pasar Rebo, Al Ikhwan Semanan di Cengkareng dan Istiqomah di Tanah Kusir. Metode yang digunakan adalah program ketahanan keluarga yang terdiri atas penerapan instalasi terintegrasi dengan akuaponik, dan program psikoedukasi termasuk peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat melalui zakat, infak, sedekah dan wakaf, komunikasi dan hukum. Program ini akan dilaksanakan selama 3 minggu. Luaran yang ditargetkan adalah 1 artikel ilmiah, dan 8 video yang terdaftar sebagai HKI.

Menelisik Hoaks Dalam Pemberitaan Konflik Kashmir Di Portal Berita Tahun 2019-2020

January 2022

p> In this era of disruption or digital, various information can be accessed and read widely by anyone connected to the internet, encompassing conflict news in a Country in any part of the world. Unfortunately hoax or fake news is also rampant in cyberspace (online) including appearing in news portals. The assessment of a news story containing hoax information can be seen from several principles of assessment, most fundamentally the inaccuracy in preaching an issue (5W+H: Journalism pattern) in this context is the Kashmir conflict. This has the potential to disrupt mutual harmony, between citizens and between countries because it is charged with humanitarian values or sensitive matters such as religion and belief. The clearest implication is that hoax or fake news can create polarization among the public. Often it seems that some people believe that the hoax is true or does not contain lies, this is what is called as post-truth era. Based on this research the article was created with the aim of finding out if the news hoax kashmir conflict also appeared in the news portal. If so, how and why does the news appear on the news portal. Subsequently, this research article using qualitative research approaches and methods, collecting data online document studies that are news on news portals. The selected case is an identified report containing lies about the Kashmir conflict in the period 2019 – 2020. In sum, based on the data of this study concluded that news portals also do not escape the news hoax, with a variety of news. This happens allegedly to harness the momentum of the conflict in an attempt to attract readers. This is believed to have the potential to greatly polarize public opinion about the Kashmir conflict. </p

Ketahanan Keluarga melalui Program Pengolahan Limbah Air Wudhu Berbasis Masjid di DKI Jakarta

January 2022


161 Reads

Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

p> Pemanfaatan air bersih yang berasal dari tanah di DKI Jakarta semakin meningkat, akan tetapi sangat disayangkan tidak diikuti dengan upaya pengembalian ke dalam tanah. Peningkatan jumlah penduduk menyebabkan kebutuhan lahan untuk tempat tinggal semakin meningkat sehingga berdampak pada semakin menurunnya lahan terbuka untuk peresapan air hujan. Dampak yang terjadi dari kondisi ini adalah penurunan muka air tanah dan intrusi air laut. Keadaan ini perlu segera diatasi dengan teknologi tepat guna dan aplikatif yaitu instalasi pengolahan limbah air wudhu terintegrasi dengan sistem akuaponik. Selain itu instalasi ini juga dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menampung air hujan. Masjid dan mushola sangat berpotensi untuk menerapkan teknologi instalasi yang terintegrasi dengan akuaponik. Oleh sebab itu masjid dapat berperan sebagai penyangga ekologis bagi lingkungan sekitarnya. Sistem akuaponik dapat menjadi contoh program ketahanan keluarga dari aspek kesehatan khususnya untuk kecukupan zat gizi. Potensi fungsi lain dari masjid adalah sebagai solusi terhadap masalah sosial dan ekonomi terutama dalam menghadapi dampak pandemi Covid-19. Hal yang ditemukan di masyarakat terkait dampak tersebut adalah kemiskinan, kasus kekerasan rumahtangga, perceraian, kriminalitas dan kenakalan remaja. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini perlu adanya pemberdayaan masyarakat yang di pelopori dari masjid yang merupakan basis umat. Sejauh ini, peranan masjid sebagai penyangga ekologis, fungsi ketahanan keluarga, solusi bagi permasalahan sosial dan ekonomi masyarakat belum optimal khususnya untuk memberdayakan zakat, infak, sedekah dan wakaf (Ziswaf). Mitra dalam pengabdian masyarakat adalah masjid yang berada di DKI Jakarta yaitu At Tawab di Cakung, Al Hikmah di Cijantung dan Abu Bakar Ash Shiddiq di Pasar Rebo, Al Ikhwan Semanan di Cengkareng dan Istiqomah di Tanah Kusir. Metode yang digunakan adalah program ketahanan keluarga yang terdiri atas penerapan instalasi terintegrasi dengan akuaponik, dan program psikoedukasi termasuk peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat melalui zakat, infak, sedekah dan wakaf, komunikasi dan hukum. Program ini akan dilaksanakan selama 3 minggu. Luaran yang ditargetkan adalah 1 artikel ilmiah, dan 8 video yang terdaftar sebagai HKI. Kata kunci: air bersih, air wudhu, masjid, instalasi, ketahanan keluarga </p


July 2021


84 Reads


3 Citations


Transition to motherhood presents many challenges for women. Negotiating changes and self-identity has become one of the most intriguing ones. During this period, women’s need for information and support increase. ‘Halo Ibu’, the pioneer of the maternal support online community, aims to help women in their transition to motherhood. This research attempts to investigate how mothers’ identity, constructed with the background of their community members as well as to know the role that community, plays in the lives of a mother. The theory used is Mead’s Symbolic Interactionism and the concept of mother identity construction proposed by Laney et al. This is a qualitative study with a constructivist paradigm. This research employed interviews and observation as data gathering processes. The informants were the founder, the content creators, and the coordinator of the community. Results indicated that there was a simultaneous dialectic process between internalization, objectivation, and externalization about the community’s values which are self-love, self-awareness, and non-judgemental support. This process was present during the phase of mother identity construction. Even though it is an online community, the construction of reality regarding community and identity concepts is based on experiences, interactions, and information searched by individuals both online and offline.

Impression Management Komunitas Daring

June 2021


157 Reads


4 Citations

Jurnal Komunikasi Global

Beragam tantangan yang dihadapi ibu masa kini membuat keberadaan komunitas mendapat sambutan hangat. Halo Ibu sebagai komunitas berbasis media daring hadir sebagai tempat bagi ibu saling berbagi dan mendukung. Dalam menjaga eksistensinya, komunitas membutuhkan hubungan baik dengan stakeholder. Penelitian kualitatif deskriptif ini bertujuan mengetahui impression management yang dilakukan komunitas dalam membangun hubungan dengan stakeholder. Konsep utama yang digunakan adalah impression management, stakeholder relations theory, dan komunitas. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui in-depth interview dengan pendiri dan anggota komunitas. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa panggung depan terjadi di Instagram, website, Youtube dan Grup WhatsApp, sementara panggung belakang terjadi saat rapat komunitas. Stakeholder komunitas terbagi menjadi stakeholder utama (ibu) dan stakeholder pendukung (brand, komunitas lain serta selebriti). Strategi impression management dilakukan berbeda untuk kedua stakeholder. Kepada stakeholder utama diterapkan strategi ingratiation, exemplification serta self-supplication. Kemudian strategi self promotion dan exemplification dilakukan pada stakeholder pendukung. Penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa ibu menjadi stakeholder yang paling diprioritaskan dalam upaya impression management. Keberadaan anggota komunitas yang aktif dan suportif menjadi kunci untuk menarik stakeholder pendukung agar bekerja sama. Given modern mothers’s challenges, the existence of community is warmly welcomed. Halo Ibu as online media-based community is there to be place for mothers to share and support each other. In order to exist and thrive community requires good support from stakeholders. Thus, the purpose of this qualitative descriptive research is to acquire the impression management of daring community to build relations with stakeholders. The main concepts used are impression management, stakeholder relations theory and community. Data gathering method used is observasion and in-depth interview with the pendiri and member of community. The results show that front stage of community are community’s onlie media: Instagram, Website, YouTube and WhatsApp Group, while back stage is community’s meeting session. Two stakeholders for community are as follows: main stakeholder (mothers) and supportive stakeholder (brands/sponsors, other community and public figure). Halo Ibu uses different strategy to build and maintain relation with respective stakeholders. With mothers: ingratiation, exemplification and self-supplication. Meanwhile, with supportive stakeholders: self-promotion and exemplification. This research concludes that mothers being the most prioritized stakeholder on impression management because the existence of active and supportive community members is the key to attract supportive stakeholders to work together.

Citations (6)

... Furthermore, the populace is becoming increasingly cognizant of the importance of accessing health-related information in order to enhance understanding and address inquiries regarding various issues, such as cognitive comprehension of dietary intake and nutritional requirements (Erlyn et al., 2021;Nadimin et al., 2020;Puska, 2002;Viviana & Kurniasari, 2024) , particularly in the context of pediatric health (Alamiyah et al., 2021;Zhao, 2024). The rapid dissemination of information through the social media platform Instagram has been found to have a substantial impact on cognitive processes, thereby exerting influence on a mother's behaviors as they relate to supporting her child's optimal growth and development (Arindita & Nasucha, 2022;Syahputra et al., 2023). ...


Online Health Navigation: Study Case of @leonavictoria_ahligizi’s Instagram's Impact on Information Fulfilment for Stunting Prevention

Proceedings Of International Conference On Communication Science

... This process was present during the phase of mother identity construction. Even though it is an online community, the construction of reality regarding community and identity concepts is based on experiences, interactions, and information searched by individuals both online and offline (Arindita et al., 2021). This current study of the same community implies that an online community can also provide sufficient information about certain issue that matters for the member. ...



... It is a fundamental aspect of human interaction, influencing how individuals are perceived, treated, and the opportunities they encounter. (Arindita et al., 2021) Firstly, impression management is pivotal in fostering and maintaining positive relationships. Individuals who present themselves confidently and favorably are more likely to attract others. ...

Impression Management Komunitas Daring

Jurnal Komunikasi Global

... Gender stereotypes are collections of gender-specific attributes or traditional norms that differentiate typical feminine behavior patterns from typical masculine behavior patterns in society. Traditional gender roles are a sort of gender stereotype that set forth the behavioral expectations of both males and females (see also Nasucha and Kertanegara, 2020). The gender identity of most children is shaped by the universally shared beliefs about gender roles that are held by their society. ...

The Audience’s Response to Gender Relation Campaign of Ketchup Brand on Youtube

Ultimacomm Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi

... Democracy in Indonesia has seen a regular practice due to elections held every five years. Turpyn & Nasucha (2020) studied the role of the public sphere in post-truth democracy in Indonesia. They studied the concept of post-truth in Indonesia through qualitative and quantitative analysis of the public sphere. ...

Democracy in Post-Truth Era: The Public Sphere Practice in Indonesian Presidential Election, 2019

... Presenting information objectively through online media can be a means of education for the public (Sadmego & Nasucha, 2019). Objective information can also provide benefits and produce optimal solutions for various problems in the community, especially the problem of unemployment. ...


Jurnal Komunikasi