Moreno Marzolla’s research while affiliated with University of Bologna and other places

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Publications (122)

Parallel intersection counting on shared-memory multiprocessors and GPUs
  • Article

October 2024

Future Generation Computer Systems

Moreno Marzolla



Gabriele D’Angelo


Figure 6: A sample snapshot of the MATLAB application implementing the heuristic.
Figure 7: Dependence of the execution time on the number of 1s of A. Given ρ A = 0.25 and dimB = 10, this chart shows the linear growth for tavg and t ′ avg depending on the size of C. Showing the matrix dimension in the x-axis could be misleading, the number of edges in A is used instead.
A Heuristic for Direct Product Graph Decomposition
  • Article
  • Full-text available

August 2023


19 Reads

Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications

In this paper we describe a heuristic for decomposing a directed graph into factors according to the direct product (also known as Kronecker, cardinal or tensor product). Given a directed, unweighted graph G with adjacency matrix Adj(G)\mathbf{Adj}(G), our heuristic aims at identifying two graphs G1G_1 and G2G_2 such that G=G1×G2G = G_1 \times G_2, where G1×G2G_1 \times G_2 is the direct product of G1G_1 and G2G_2. For undirected, connected graphs it has been shown that graph decomposition is "at least as difficult" as graph isomorphism; therefore, polynomial-time algorithms for decomposing a general directed graph into factors are unlikely to exist. Although graph factorization is a problem that has been extensively investigated, the heuristic proposed in this paper represents - to the best of our knowledge - the first computational approach for general directed, unweighted graphs. We have implemented our algorithm using the MATLAB environment; we report on a set of experiments that show that the proposed heuristic solves reasonably-sized instances in a few seconds on general-purpose hardware. Although the proposed heuristic is not guaranteed to find a factorization, even if one exists; however, it always succeeds on all the randomly-generated instances used in the experimental evaluation.


Accountable Clouds Through Blockchain

January 2023


61 Reads


2 Citations

IEEE Access

We present a solution for accountability in Cloud infrastructures based on blockchain a . We show that, through smart contracts, it is possible to create an unforgeable log that can be used for auditing and automatic Service Level Agreement (SLA) verification. As a practical case study, we consider Cloud storage services and define interaction protocols for registering the outcome of each file operation in the blockchain. We developed a prototype implementation that runs on the GoQuorum, Hyperledger Besu, and Polygon blockchains, using different consensus protocols. Using a dedicated testbed, we discuss the performance of our implementation in terms of latencies, error rates and gas usage. Results demonstrate the viability of our approach over permissioned blockchains, with better performance for the Polygon and GoQuorum Raft decentralized systems. Our implementation enables interoperability, given that it is supported by the Ethereum Virtual Machine which currently is underlying several blockchain platforms.

A Software Package for Queueing Networks and Markov Chains analysis

September 2022


46 Reads

Queueing networks and Markov chains are widely used for conducting performance and reliability studies. In this paper we describe the queueing package, a free software package for queueing networks and Markov chain analysis for GNU Octave. The queueing package provides implementations of numerical algorithms for computing transient and steady-state performance measures of discrete and continuous Markov chains, and for steady-state analysis of single-station queueing systems and queueing networks. We illustrate the design principles of the queueing package, describe its most salient features and provide some usage examples.

Queueing Networks and Markov Chains Analysis with the Octave queueing package

June 2022


39 Reads


2 Citations

ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review

Queueing networks and Markov chains are a widely used modeling notation that has been successfully applied to many kind of systems. In this paper we describe the queueing package, a free software package for product-form queueing networks and Markov chains analysis written in GNU Octave. The queueing package allows users to compute performance measures of Markov chains, single-station queueing systems and product- and some non product-form Queueing Network (QN) models. We present some practical examples showing how the queueing package can be used for reliability analysis, capacity planning and general systems modeling.

Figure 2: kronGrouping procedure. (a) and (b): The current pivot (yellow) is compared with each other row and column of the matrix. (c) The dimC − 1 rows and columns that are most similar to the pivot (green) are selected as pivot neighbours in the current permutation.
Figure 4: OnionSearch procedure, part 1.. The binary block matrix EF (a) is permuted to maximize the dot product performed against the weight matrix W (b). When the local search reaches 75% of the optimum, the block matrix is deemed to be sufficiently rearranged in a top-left fashion and the procedure terminates (c). As evident from (b), weights are set up to push the maximum number of filled blocks in those layers of the onion that are processed first.
Figure 5: OnionSearch procedure, part 2.. An example of the onionSearch procedure. The block matrix is factorized layer-by-layer. The first layer, composed by a single block B 11 , is implicitly factorized as B 11 = I 1 ⊗ B 11 (a). It is thus used as template during the local search performed on the 2 × 2 blocks submatrix, composed of four blocks (b). As rows and columns swaps may only range in the second layer, the sole feasible solution is the one that permutes each block in accordance to the one serving as template. The procedure steps forward through the third (c), fourth (d) and fifth layer (e). As the local search on the last layer succeeds, the problem is globally solved. The solved factors are shown in (f).
Figure 6: Kronecker factorization application.. A sample snapshot of the MATLAB application implementing the heuristic.
A Heuristic for Direct Product Graph Decomposition

July 2021


131 Reads

In this paper we describe a heuristic for decomposing a directed graph into factors according to the direct product (also known as Kronecker, cardinal or tensor product). Given a directed, unweighted graph~G with adjacency matrix Adj(G), our heuristic searches for a pair of graphs~G1G_1 and~G2G_2 such that G=G1G2G = G_1 \otimes G_2, where G1G2G_1 \otimes G_2 is the direct product of~G1G_1 and~G2G_2. For undirected, connected graphs it has been shown that graph decomposition is "at least as difficult" as graph isomorphism; therefore, polynomial-time algorithms for decomposing a general directed graph into factors are unlikely to exist. Although graph factorization is a problem that has been extensively investigated, the heuristic proposed in this paper represents -- to the best of our knowledge -- the first computational approach for general directed, unweighted graphs. We have implemented our algorithm using the MATLAB environment; we report on a set of experiments that show that the proposed heuristic solves reasonably-sized instances in a few seconds on general-purpose hardware.

Citations (68)

... Notably, simulations are crucial in the ongoing efforts to reduce CO2e. A systematic literature review conducted by Serena et al. (2023) focused on multi-stage modeling and simulation of human mobility and behavior. The objective was to discern research trends and comprehensively understand the methods, techniques, and terminology prevalent in this evolving field. ...


A strategic optimizing carbon neutrality within profit and emission reduction efficiency: a stackelberg game analysis under a cap-and-trade scheme
A review of multilevel modeling and simulation for human mobility and behavior
  • Citing Article
  • May 2023

Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory

... Sub-themes References Digitation in accounting, cloud accounting and security issues in accounting Investigate how cybersecurity measures and accounting sector regulatory compliance requirements interact (Zichichi et al., 2023) Examine the ways that businesses can use to achieve compliance while protecting financial data from cyber assaults (Li et al., 2019) Determine and evaluate the typical cybersecurity risks that accounting systems must deal with (Rabie et al., 2023) Examine the possible dangers that insider threats in accounting businesses may present ...

Accountable Clouds Through Blockchain

IEEE Access

... Over the last fifty years, a wide range of traffic flow theories and models have been developed as tools to solve the economic and social problems arising from high vehicular demand. Research aims to optimize the efficiency of existing traffic systems, thereby increasing vehicle capacity [17,18]. ...

Queueing Networks and Markov Chains Analysis with the Octave queueing package
  • Citing Article
  • June 2022

ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review

... It has recently been shown in [3] that deciding whether an undirected, unweighted, non-bipartite graph G is composite according to the direct product, i.e., whether there exist nontrivial graphs G 1 , G 2 such that G = G 1 × G 2 , is at least "as difficult as" deciding whether two graphs are isomorphic (a graph is nontrivial if it has more than one node). More formally, the graph isomorphism problem is polynomial-time many-one reducible to the graph compositeness testing problem (the complement of the graph primality testing problem). ...

Direct product primality testing of graphs is GI-hard
  • Citing Article
  • January 2021

Theoretical Computer Science

... By the requirements of tractor testing, the generic tractor virtual test system must encompass various functions such as distributed modeling, a test operation support framework, data management, test process management, and test result evaluation. Additionally, it should possess attributes of real-time capability, reusability, interoperability, and expandability [16]. By employing HLA technology, the tractor virtual test system standardizes the interaction process among distinct commercial software simulation models. ...

Parallel Data Distribution Management on Shared-memory Multiprocessors

ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation

... A descriptive analysis approach that was conducted in Italian universities underlined the gender gap that is still prevalent regarding Computer Science, Computer Engineering and other STEM fields among university professors and students [6]. Data analysis showed that women overall score low towards their representation. ...

Gender balance in computer science and engineering in Italian universities
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • September 2019

... optimization, but the effectiveness of mobile MIP solvers is still far from that of the desktop ones [20]. On the contrary, in our case Lagrangian optimization is much less computationally demanding and can be made easily available implementing a Lagrangian heuristic [21], even using web popular languages such as javascript. ...

Client-side Computational Optimization
  • Citing Article
  • April 2019

ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software






... Confidentiality and anonymity play an important 0. This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the article: "Gabriele D ' role in certain simulation contexts, e.g. highly classified warfare simulation [18]. In a distributed simulation, how can we make sure that the data exchanged among the hosts cannot be intercepted or tampered with? ...

Anonymity and Confidentiality in Secure Distributed Simulation

... To detect the fault, the cloud or Fog statuses are regularly monitored and various responses, such as replication, checkpoint, and resubmission, are recorded [8]. Gabriele et al. [9] suggested the use of a Fault-Tolerance Generic Adaptive Interaction Architecture (FT-GAIA) software-based FT method for parallel and distributed environments. Mainly, this method deals with Byzantine faults and crash errors with the help of server restoration in the cloud layer, and this is achieved with the help of a replication mechanism. ...

Fault Tolerant Adaptive Parallel and Distributed Simulation through Functional Replication

Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory

... Due to the vast number of applications that blockchain technologies offer across many distributed systems and networks, the hype surrounding them is increasing [1][2][3]. It is being used in many different scenarios, including traceability, auditing, attestation-as-a-service, regulation, and cooperation, in addition to the fintech applications that made it famous. ...

A Blockchain-based Flight Data Recorder for Cloud Accountability