Monica Martinez’s research while affiliated with Universidade de Sorocaba and other places

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Publications (2)

Life stories as a research methodology: a case study of the biographical narrative of the journalist Lira Neto
  • Article
  • Full-text available

September 2020


21 Reads


1 Citation

Intercom Revista Brasileira de Ciências da Comunicação

Monica Martinez


Aline Albuquerque

The topic of this paper is the application of the life history method, widely used in the social sciences, as a means of gathering news, understanding facts and guiding writing in the field of Communication research and, above all, Journalism. As an object, it employs the life and work of the Brazilian journalist João de Lira Cavalcante Neto. Better known by his family name, Lira Neto is currently considered one of the most successful Brazilian biographers. Data was collected through the technique of the in-depth interview as well as the literature review. On a epistemological level, the textual experimentation of this article starts from the premise that it is possible to merge the density of the theoretical approach on the biographical method with the narrative fluency studied in Literary Journalism, suggesting that an academic text can be both consistent and engaging.


A guerra não tem rosto de mulher

January 2020


74 Reads


5 Citations


Analisamos, em A guerra não tem rosto de mulher, de Svetlana Aleksiévitch, o método pelo qual a autora reconstruiu as narrativas das combatentes do Exército Vermelho na Segunda Guerra Mundial. A hibridização narradora-personagem caracteriza sua escritura. Estudos da memória, da história oral e do jornalismo compõem os referenciais. Os resultados sugerem: a) a força da obra reside na inclusão das vozes das mulheres excluídas nas narrativas de guerra; b) transformadas em narrativas, essa memória oral ressignifica o passado, atualiza o presente, cria vínculos de confiança entre depoentes, narradora e leitores.

Citations (2)

... Its characterisation comprises accounts of a life based on interviews, conversations and reflections; association of consequences with the context (both at the time when they happened and when they are told); meaningful relationship between the researchers and the subjects who tell the story; repeated and calm reading in search of constrictions weighing on the individual or determining conditioning; and construction as a version of the story told to a researcher at a particular time or in the life of the subject being studied (Hernández, Sancho and Creus, 2011;Borboa-Quintero;Charries, 2012;Vidanovic and Osorio, 2018;Martinez and Albuquerque, 2020). One possibility offered by the Life History method is the continuity and updating of the research by taking preceding references. ...


Life-history in musical research. Leo Brouwer: A case study
Life stories as a research methodology: a case study of the biographical narrative of the journalist Lira Neto

Intercom Revista Brasileira de Ciências da Comunicação

... Majoy escreve textos com momentos poéticos: "Foi então que um estrondo arrebentou o ar e esfacelou a paz luminosa... Uma chuva de coisas inesperadas inundou a capota" (Bittencourt, 1951, p. 8); "Pulsam os telegramas como os corações" (Bittencourt, 1951, p. 31). Neste sentido, sua produção está próxima do olhar sobre a guerra da jornalista bielorrussa Svetlana Aleksiévitch (2016), ganhadora do Prêmio Nobel de Literatura de 2015, quando ela observa os pequenos desacontecimentos desimportantes, como combatentes mulheres parando a marcha para recolher pequenas flores em contraste com o registro numérico das grandes fatalidades e dos grandes feitos (Martinez & Heller, 2020). Ou as memórias dos órfãos sobre a guerra (Heller et al., 2022). ...

A guerra não tem rosto de mulher
