Mohd Sahandri’s research while affiliated with Universiti Putra Malaysia and other places

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Publications (15)

  • Article
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May 2022


511 Reads


2 Citations

Journal of Institutional Research South East Asia


Tajularipin Sulaiman


Mohd Sahandri




The study investigates the effectiveness of cognitive restructuring (CR) and study-skill training (SST) on test anxiety and academic achievement among university students. The study design was an experimental design using randomized pre, post, and follow-up tests with the control group. A total of 94 participants participated in this study. They were selected randomly and assessed quantitatively three times by State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and one time by cumulative grade point average (CGPA). The ANOVA repeated measures analysis revealed significant differences between SST and CR's effects on anxiety and academic achievement. The results indicated that students who received the SST intervention treatment showed a substantial decrease in state and trait anxiety in the post-test and consequently improved their academic achievements. While the CR intervention treatment group significantly reduced trait anxiety in post-test and follow-up, there was no effect on state anxiety and academic achievements compared to the control group. This study underlines our contention that CR and SST psycho-educational intervention significantly affects students' test anxiety and academic achievement. Additionally, the findings suggest that SST influenced students' state and trait anxiety levels while CR just influenced students' trait anxiety. Although this study does not include qualitative research to provide a deeper understanding, the findings provide a valuable framework for psychologists, counselors, and lecturers to successfully implement psycho-educational interventions in higher education to enhance students' academic achievement and decrease anxiety levels.


Attention, Perception, Memory, and Creativity: Understanding the Impact of Culture and Their Diversity in Cognitive Processes

September 2021


1,954 Reads


1 Citation

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

The purpose of the review article is to deepen the understanding of cultural diversity in terms of cognitive processes to avoid cultural conflicts such as misunderstanding and miscommunication. In this review, we found that there is a link that connected some cognitive processes with culture from various perspectives in our recent findings. The overall research findings suggested that there are pieces of evidence of how culture can play a role and differ from other cultures in cognitive processes such as perception, attention, memory, and creativity. Evaluation and the measurement of the culture and cognition by the researchers in the studies were included in this review together with the results of the findings and some future implications for further research proposed by the researchers of the study in some studies reviewed. We will also review how people of various cultures adapt their cognition which differs them from other cultures in some studies. In conclusion, we hope that more factors should be considered for cross-cultural studies in cognition, and further critical interpretation is needed in this review article to made people realize the diversity of cognition in culture and accept it.

A New Cognitive Restructuring and Critical Thinking Intervention on Test Anxiety

November 2020


1,195 Reads


2 Citations

This article was written as a conceptual paper to present a new combinational therapeutic approach on the base of cognitive restructuring and critical thinking intervention due to assisting students to combat proficiently with test anxiety. Regarding to cognitive approach, anxious students suffer from test anxiety because they engage with some irrational thoughts and difficulties in concentration on task-relevant thought. Thus, if students are trained to manage their irrational thoughts and substitute with rational thoughts, they will experience a low level of test anxiety during their study journey. Although there are various treatments and interventions in the cognitive approach, cognitive restructuring and critical thinking skills were considered in this article for some reasons. Cognitive restructuring is one of the techniques in cognitive approach therapy as a learning process to convert cognitive misrepresentations, or fundamental of faulty thinking with the goal of replacing irrational thoughts and beliefs with beneficial rational thoughts. Moreover, critical thinking can classify as a reasonable and reflective thinking process which is directed to make a decision about our beliefs or actions, and also about a certain situation or problem. The present intervention involves the combination of two related cognitive restructuring sub-models (rational emotive behavior therapy and systematic rational restructuring) and critical thinking skills. Through this intervention as a cognitive process, students could evaluate their cognitions, emotions and behaviors are true.

State and Trait Anxiety as Mediators in the Relationship among Cognitive Restructuring and Study Skills Training with Academic Achievement

June 2019


82 Reads


1 Citation

International Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Science

The aim of the study was to determine the role of state and trait anxiety as mediators in the relationship between cognitive restructuring and study skills training with academic achievement. Ninety-four high school students were randomly selected as a sample to receive either a CR or SST psycho-educational group therapy. The mediation analyses indicated that anxiety (state and trait anxiety post-test) could not be considered as significant mediators and this mediation was not a partial mediation. Furthermore, the results revealed that state anxiety follow-up could be considered as a significant mediator and this mediation was a partial mediation. However, trait anxiety follow-up could not be considered as a significant mediator and this mediation was not a partial mediation. However, the present study founded evidence of effects of state anxiety as a mediator on academic achievement. In conclusion, CR and SST were effective treatments for anxiety and academic achievement. `

Figure 1 of 1

June 2014


23,381 Reads


4 Citations

Abstrak Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membina satu instrumen penilaian bagi menilai amalan pentaksiran guru Matematik sekolah menengah. Instrumen ini adalah berbentuk rubrik dua lapis. Berdasarkan tinjauan literatur, instrumen kajian dibina merangkumi dua komponen utama: (1) ciri-ciri sedia ada yang dimiliki guru; serta (2) amalan yang dilakukan. Komponen pertama terdiri daripada empat konstruk iaitu kepercayaan dan nilai guru, pengetahuan, kemahiran dan sikap. Komponen kedua, amalan yang dilakukan guru terdiri daripada lima konstruk iaitu blueprint mata pelajaran, hasil pembelajaran, hasil sasaran yang dijangka, folio A dan folio B. Adalah diharapkan artikel ini dapat memberi gambaran mengenai instrumen penilaian amalan pentaksiran guru Matematik sekolah menengah yang dibina. Kata kunci pentaksiran, pembinaan instrumen, guru Matematik Abstract The purpose of this study was to develop an assessment instrument to assess secondary school mathematics teacher's assessment practices. The instrument employed a two-layer rubric scale. Based on literature, this instrument was developed with two main components: (1) mathematics teacher's characteristics; and (2) mathematics teacher's assessment practices. For the first component, the mathematics teacher's characteristics encompassed of four constructs including teachers' beliefs and values, teacher's knowledge, teacher's skills and teacher's attitudes. The second component, teacher's practices comprised of five constructs including subjects blueprint, learning outcomes, expected target result, folio A and folio B. It is hoped that this article will provide an overview of an instrument to assess secondary school mathematics teachers assessment practice developed.

The Effects of Cognitive Restructuring Intervention on State and Trait Anxiety among Iranian High School Students

December 2013


342 Reads


8 Citations

World Applied Sciences Journal

The aim of this study was to examine the effects of cognitive restructuringon state and trait anxiety among Iranian high school students. In this study, 94 boy high school students were randomly selected to receive cognitive restructuring through eight psycho-educational sessions. Two-way repeated measure ANOVA indicated that cognitive restructuring has significant effect on trait anxiety symptoms across pre-test, post-test and follow-up. However, the present study found that cognitive restructuringhas not significant effect on students' state anxiety symptoms across pre-test, post-test and follow-up. Despite these and other limitations, we conclude that cognitive restructuringis effective intervention in order to decrease students'trait anxiety symptoms.

Table 1 : Rank order of the most and least frequently used categories of strategies 
Table 2 : Rank order of the most and least frequently used strategies 
Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Iranian Undergraduate EFL Students and its Relation to their Vocabulary Size.

November 2009


14,590 Reads


105 Citations

The main objective of this study is to evaluate undergraduate EFL learners' vocabulary learning strategies and its relation to the learners' vocabulary size. There are five different categories of vocabulary learning strategies as determination, memory, social, cognitive, and metacognitive. These categories cover an overall 35 strategies included in vocabulary learning strategies questionnaire. The reliability index obtained for vocabulary learning strategies showed a reliability coefficient of 0.74. The other instrument used in the current study, vocabulary size test, is a standardized test developed by Nation (2007). A total of 125 Iranian undergraduate students majoring in TEFL participated in the study. Cluster sampling was used to select participants of the study. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation) and statistical multiple regression at significant of p<0.05. The findings of this study led to some suggestions to enhance students' vocabulary learning, increase their vocabulary size, and subsequently improve their English learning.

Exploring Perceptions and Expectations of the International Postgraduates Regarding with the English Course at University Putra Malaysia

November 2009


52 Reads


1 Citation

Designing courses for unknown audiences is a very particular task which necessitates course designers to acquire new perspectives from which to see the issues (Dubin and Olshtin, 1988). Course development becomes more demanding especially if it is aimed at international students from different cultural and educational backgrounds. In fact, this is the situation at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) in which 1,846 international postgraduates from 48 different countries are currently pursuing their master and doctorate degrees. Out of this number, nearly a minority of 15% is exempted from UPM English Placement Test if they hold an IELTS (6) or TOEFL (550) certificate. The rest of the candidates are required to register for a prescribed English course which meets six hours a week during a fourteen-week semester. To plan and prepare an appropriate curriculum for such a considerably variant population, the curriculum developers and course designers should primarily diagnose international postgraduates' needs and formulate course objectives so that they meet the audiences' needs (Taba, 1962). Moreover, longitudinal evaluation should be carried out by curriculum and program developers to determine whether their materials and programs continuously meet their students' requirements and expectations or not. To explore perceptions and expectations of UPM international postgraduates regarding their perceptions of the prescribed English course, the whole population of international postgraduates at UPM was emailed an online questionnaire to respond. The questionnaire initiates with a demographical section which is followed by a few yes/no questions to make sure whether a respondent has experienced the prescribed English course or not. The rest of the questionnaire is 22 statements based on a six-point scale (a) to explore perceptions of international postgraduates regarding their teachers, (b) to explore perceptions of international postgraduates regarding their prescribed English course, and (c) to explore international postgraduates' suggestions for the prescribed English course to meet their needs and expectations.

Effectiveness of the selected techniques in enhancing the achievement in science among the children with learning disabilities: Sharing experiences

January 2009


7 Reads

In national perception, education is essentially for all. This is fundamental to all-round development, material and spiritual. It refines sensitivities and perceptions that contribute to national cohesion, a scientific temper and independence of mind and spirit—thus furthering the goals of socialism secularism and democracy enshrined in our constitution. The objective of the study focuses on achievement of children with learning disability in science. There are 5 null hypothesis tested in this research. The sample used in this study includes 35 children with learning disabilities in experimental group and 42 children with learning disabilities in control group. The different views taken on special education have ignited spark of controversies over segregating some children from the mainstream and providing them with extra opportunities. There are arguments for and against both special education and integrated education. Special education means the specifically designed instruction that meets the unusual needs of special children. It requires special materials, teaching, techniques, equipment and facilities. The design was an experimental research pre and post-test equivalent group. The research shows that there is no significant difference in all learning objective such as knowledge, comprehension and skill between control group and experimental group in the pre-test. This two sample groups also did not show any significant difference in the pre-test irrespective of gender, educational qualification of the teacher, years of experience of the teacher, parents' education, parents' profession, parents' income, type of management and type of school. On the other hand, for the post-test all the characteristics show that there are significant differences. This shows that there are effects on the treatment group in learning objective. Furthermore the experimental group showed significantly higher gain score than the control group with regard to the learning objective which comprises of knowledge, comprehension, application and skill.

Citations (11)

... Training represents a systematic effort to enhance knowledge, skills, and work attitudes through a structured learning process, with evaluations measuring progress towards the expected changes in performance behavior. [16][17][18] This study aimed to analyze the effect of early detection training on the risk of obstetrics on improving the competence (knowledge and skills in early obstetric risk detection) of midwives in primary health care facilities. ...


Effect of midwife competence training in primary healthcare facilities on obstetric risk early detection

Journal of Institutional Research South East Asia

... But it has been highlighted and there is evidence if a child spends time more in physical activity emerging better health, motor skills and cognitive. Moreover, from the physical activity, a child will be gaining a process of improvement and exploration which enhance the motor skills in problem solving and creativity (Motevalli et al., 2021). Children performing physical movement regularly achieved higher learning outcomes especially in recalling a memory, high satisfaction in sports and exposure to pre-school setting increase the social behaviour by learning a new language and new fine motor skills. ...

Attention, Perception, Memory, and Creativity: Understanding the Impact of Culture and Their Diversity in Cognitive Processes

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

... Furthermore, a similar study investigated the impact of exam anxiety and academic achievement on techniques such as cognitive restructuring and study skill training in Science and revealed that cognitive restructuring and study skills training have a good impact on students' academic performance while having a negative impact on anxiety symptoms in Science [52]. Cognitive restructuring techniques like relaxation can help in reducing science anxiety [53]. ...

State and Trait Anxiety as Mediators in the Relationship among Cognitive Restructuring and Study Skills Training with Academic Achievement
  • Citing Article
  • June 2019

International Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Science

... In educational psychology, there are a considerable number of interventions to reduce anxiety levels among students and, at the same time, increase their academic achievement. One of these interventions is cognitive restructuring (CR) (Motevalli et al., 2020), which is a learning process to disprove cognitive distortions or the fundamentals of 'faulty thinking' to replace one's irrational, counter-factual beliefs with more accurate and profitable ones (Motevalli et al., 2020;Motevalli et al., 2021). However, it is remarkable to consider that CR does not entirely mention the reorganization of irrational thoughts in the brain. ...

A New Cognitive Restructuring and Critical Thinking Intervention on Test Anxiety

... Shahrill (2013) also stated that students can improve their thinking when teachers apply different levels of questions in the classroom. The multi-level oral questioning use by teachers as teaching and learning strategies stimulates student thinking and enables teachers to understand student achievement levels (Abdullah et al., 2014). ...


... Another therapy based on the skill-deficit model is study-skills training (SST). Some studies argue that poor study habits and test-taking abilities may cause some students to experience higher test anxiety (Gharamaleki, 2006;Spielberger & Vagg, 1995a;Motevalli et al., 2013b;Yusefzadeh et al., 2019). In addition, there are several advantages of study skills interventions to students, such as recovering and increasing the study and test-taking habits and skills to improve students' cognitive processes. ...

The Effects of Cognitive Restructuring Intervention on State and Trait Anxiety among Iranian High School Students

World Applied Sciences Journal

... Good communication skills support other added values (Morshidi et al., 2011;Lim and Muszafarshah, 2013;Lim and Normizan, 2004;Lim, 2007;Lim, 2010;and Lim, 2011). Good communication skills help employees to conduct themselves well in complicated working situations (Mohd Sahandri & Saifuddin, 2009;Yassin et al., 2008;and Nabi & Bagley, 1998). Even the Australian Chamber of Commerce has ascertained that professional workers are required to have proficiency in a variety of generic skills (Mohd Sahandri & Saifuddin, 2009). ...

Generic Skills Needed to Produce Human Capital with "First Class Mentality"
  • Citing Article

... The globalisation of the sector of higher education comes through the mobility of students and institutions (Min et al. 2012). In Malaysia, increasing the linguistic composition and the ethnic diversity of the students' population is the widest indicator for globalisation of education in the Malaysian universities (Hamzah 2009). ...

Exploring Perceptions and Expectations of the International Postgraduates Regarding with the English Course at University Putra Malaysia
  • Citing Article
  • November 2009

... This study investigates spelling economy and orality in Facebook language among undergraduates by utilizing the Grounded Theory of Glaser and Strauss (1969) and the categories created by Hamzah, Ghorbani, and Abdullah (2009).This study explores spelling economy and orality on Facebook's commentary boxes, contributing to understanding how language learners navigate spelling complexities in the digital realm. The study aims to fill a literature gap by examining the specific types of spelling errors commonly encountered by university-level students on Facebook. ...

The impact of electronic communication technology on written language

... Hence, the Arts Stream students are perceived as less capable in mathematics performance, especially those from the rural schools. This is evidenced when [50] found that the performance of rural Arts Stream secondary school students was significantly lower compared to their counterparts of the urban secondary school for the Mathematics test (t = 19.10, P = .000). ...

Teachers' Teaching Status and Achievements of Students of Teaching and Learning of Mathematics and Science in English (PPSMI) in Primary and Rural Secondary Schools
  • Citing Article