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Publications (1)

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August 2024


24 Reads

Malaysian Journal of Syariah and Law


Mohd Nizam Sahad


Mohammad Amir Wan Harun

Often in commentaries on the Aceh Code, researchers relate it to the status of existing applicable laws and regulations as well as the principles of Human Rights (HAM). As a result, the Aceh Code has been criticized as not being in line with the law; it is even seen as radical, extreme, and contrary to human rights values. However, it is a law built based on Islamic principles. In order to counter this perception of the Aceh Code, this study analyzes the relationship between the Aceh Code and the practice of takzir punishment by 'Umar bin al-Khattab. The researcher used a qualitative method with a documentary research design to collect data from primary documents, namely the Acehnese Qanun and various legal jurisprudence reference books that contain the practice of 'Umar's takzir. Next, an analysis was made to compare the Aceh Code with the practice of takzir punishment by 'Umar bin al-Khattab. The results of the document analysis found that there are similarities between the Aceh Code and 'Umar's takzir practice in the execution of punishments, including flogging, imprisonment, and fines. The Acehnese Qanun even implements these punishments by adapting them to the conditions, culture, and local traditions of the Acehnese community. In conclusion, this study highlights the Aceh Code’s strong foundation in Islamic jurisprudence by drawing parallels between its punishments and the takzir practices of 'Umar bin al-Khattab. Contrary to common criticisms, the Aceh Code is not inherently radical or extreme but reflects a careful adaptation of Islamic legal principles to the cultural and societal context of Aceh. By demonstrating the Code's alignment with both traditional Islamic law and local practices, this research provides a deeper understanding of how Shariah-based laws can be integrated within contemporary legal frameworks while maintaining respect for cultural diversity. Abstrak Seringkali dalam ulasan mengenai Qanun Aceh, para penyelidik mengaitkannya dengan status undang-undang dan peraturan terpakai sedia ada serta prinsip-prinsip Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM). Akibatnya, Qanun Aceh telah dikritik sebagai tidak selaras dengan undang-undang tersebut, bahkan ia dilihat sebagai radikal, ekstrim, dan bertentangan dengan nilai-nilai HAM, sedangkan ia adalah undang-undang yang dibina berdasarkan prinsip Islam. Bagi menangkis persepsi ini terhadap Qanun Aceh, kajian ini menganalisis hubungan Qanun Aceh dengan amalan hukuman takzir ‘Umar bin al-Khattab. Pengkaji menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan reka bentuk kajian dokumentar untuk mengumpulkan data daripada dokumen primer, iaitu Qanun Aceh dan pelbagai buku rujukan fiqh undang-undang yang mengandungi amalan takzir ‘Umar. Seterusnya analisis dibuat bagi membandingkan Qanun Aceh dengan praktik hukuman takzir ‘Umar bin al-Khattab. Hasil analisis dokumen mendapati bahawa wujud persamaan antara Qanun Aceh dengan praktik takzir Umar dalam pelaksanaan hukuman merangkumi hukuman sebatan, penjara dan denda. Bahkan Qanun Aceh melaksanakan hukuman-hukuman ini dengan turut menyesuaikannya dengan kondisi, budaya, dan tradisi setempat masyarakat Aceh. Sebagai kesimpulan, kajian ini menekankan asas kukuh Qanun Aceh dalam jurisprudens Islam dengan menunjukkan persamaan antara hukuman-hukumannya dan amalan takzir yang telah dilaksanakan oleh 'Umar bin al-Khattab. Qanun Aceh bukanlah radikal atau ekstrem namun mencerminkan adaptasi dan penyesuaian prinsip undang-undang Islam kepada konteks budaya dan masyarakat Aceh. Kajian ini memberikan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang bagaimana undang-undang berasaskan Syariah dapat diintegrasikan dalam rangka perundangan moden sambil kekal menghormati kepelbagaian budaya.
