April 2022
83 Reads
Academy of Strategic Management Journal
This paper explores the knowledge and understanding of utilization level of strategic management tools and methodsat Jordanian manufacturing companies listed on Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) and nature of its relationship with some organizational characteristics. Researchers provided literature review on the strategic management processes, tools, and techniques in both developed and developing markets and collected data via a survey form, which was distributed on top management of the (86) manufacturing companies included in this studyand obtained (62)of those as valid responses, representing a response rate of (72%). Main results of this research indicate that Jordanian manufacturing companies have inconsistent levels of knowledge about strategic management tools and techniques and engage in strategic management processes using various tools and techniques, where the most knowledgeable toolsusedby Jordanian manufacturing companies are TQM, SWOT Analysis, 5-forces Porter model, PEST Analysis, and CRM. Results revealed that TQM, CRM, Financial Analysis for Companies Owners (FACO), PEST Analysis, CSF Analysis, Scenario Analysis, and 5-forces Porter model to be mostly used tools and techniques. Results also revealed that company's sizehas a positive relationship on the use and awareness of strategic management tools and techniques while the company's age shows less relationship.This study provides empirical evidenceson the use and understanding of tools and techniques related to management strategiesat the manufacturing firms in emerging markets.