Mohammad Furqon Hidayatullah’s research while affiliated with Sebelas Maret University and other places

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Publications (16)

The development of various fields of paralympic sports: a systematic review
  • Article
  • Full-text available

November 2024


40 Reads


Ulfa Fatahara Laras Fadian



Mohammad Furqon Hidayatullah


The objective of this research is to describe the evolution of financial support and infrastructure for Paralympic sport, the challenges and strategies associated with this sport, and the technological and innovative developments within it. This type of qualitative research uses a systematic literature review method. The research procedures entail the following steps: compilation of research questions, conducting literature searches through the Scopus database with the help of the Publish or Perish application and Mendeley Desktop with Boolean keywords, screening, and coding selected articles, analyzing and synthesizing selected articles, conducting quality control, namely selected and feasible articles, compiling discussions, looking at the validity and reliability of the data, namely bias correction if less than 20 articles are found, the data will be corrected for bias. The findings of the systematic literature review indicated that: (1) Financial support and infrastructure: interesting studies have found that athletes with disabilities have faced inadequate infrastructure to balance training and work due to insufficient salaries and constraints on transportation aspects; (2) The challenges and strategies employed to address the complexity of issues such as budget constraints, decentralized experience, and personal life. Athletes must be able to communicate effectively, develop detailed plans, create contingency plans, and manage specific expectations. They must also be able to understand the specific roles and boundaries of their coaches and colleagues. Finally, they must be able to trust their coaches; (3) Technology and innovation: A qualitative analysis of the ergonomic aspects of a tool may be considered a contributing factor to the success of wheelchair racing, as evidenced by the analysis of wheel type, rim diameter, and wheel size. The research findings indicated that financial and infrastructural support increased in line with the development and profile of the sport, which in turn led to an increase in funding for the Paralympics. Besides that, technological advancement and innovative approaches have also been employed to enhance the ergonomics of a tool, develop the eHealth concept for the collection of injury reporting data, and conduct fitness analysis that benefits athletes with disabilities.


Test of Differences in Test Scores Between Small Scale and Large Scale
Development of basic futsal skills test instruments

August 2024


104 Reads


Andri Arif Kustiawan


Mohammad Furqon Hidayatullah





Mirna Larasati

The purpose of this study in general is to reveal the level of validity and reliability of the basic futsal skills test for U-23 futsal players. In particular, this study aims to reveal the level of validity and reliability of the futsal skills test for futsal players U-23 PORPROV Central Java. In the research that the authors did, researchers used research and development methods to produce certain products, and tested the effectiveness of these products to achieve goals (validation function). The sample was taken by purposive sampling because there were several criteria that were determined, namely, players in the U-23 category in each district throughout Central Java. The research results show a fairly high level of validity and reliability. It is necessary to revise the instrument to produce a better test in terms of reliability and validity in the development of an instrument model for testing the basic techniques of U-23 futsal. Keywords: Development, Instruments, Futsal.

Table 2 .
Table 4 .
Results of KMO & Bartlett and MSA Tests
Validity and reliability of motor competence assessment as an instrument measuring fundamental motor skills for 12-year-olds in Indonesia

July 2024


66 Reads


1 Citation


The research aims to assess the validity and reliability of the Motor Competence Assessment (MCA) instrument for 12-year-olds. The validity and reliability test provides a comprehensive framework for objectively measuring motor competence and identifying areas for intervention to enhance motor skill development. The study included 321 participants (156 male and 165 fe-male) from diverse Indonesian elementary school backgrounds. Motor competence assessment involved six test components, each conducted with two trials. Validity was assessed through exploratory factor analysis (EFA), and reliability was assessed via Cronbach's alpha, with raw data converted to a scale for EFA. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) & Bartlett Test results and the Sampling Ade-quacy (MSA) measure are suitable for running EFA because they show more than 0.50. The standards for each item were met in the Communalities test by showing an extraction of >0.50 for each item. The MCA instrument proved valid because each test item (variable) firmly attaches to one instrument. Reliability tests, using Cronbach's Alpha, show that MCA instruments are reliable and usable. The Motor Competence Assessment (MCA) instrument demonstrates validity and reliability in measuring motor skills. Ex-ploratory factor analysis (EFA) identifies two main components: locomotor skills and stability and manipulative motor skills. Cronbach's alpha further confirms MCA's reliability. Its effectiveness in various contexts, including physical education and rehabilitation, supports targeted interventions. Understanding motor skill development with MCA enhances tailored approaches for individu-als, promoting physical well-being and performance. Keywords: physical education, motor skill, elementary school, assessment.

Table 1 .
Summary of physical literacy articles on esports
Physical literacy needs in esports: literature review

July 2024


114 Reads


2 Citations


This study aims to identify the needs and the importance of physical literacy in esports and to develop a new understanding of the forms of physical literacy that can be applied to esports athletes. This qualitative research used literature review approach from various databases in the Esports Research Network (ERN), Frontier, MDPI, PLOS, Human Kinetick, PubMed, ResearchGate, and Taylor & Francis. There are 12 research results from the databases. The results identified crucial physical needs for esports athletes, such as strength, endurance, balance, and flexibility. In addition, this study also found several existing forms of physical literacy, such as directed physical exercise programs and health education, but not necessarily all athletes have sufficient access or understanding of this literacy. Based on these findings, it is recommended to develop a physical exercise program which suits individual needs, and attention should be paid to the packaging of physical literacy with the right media to be delivered to athletes effectively. The implications of this study include benefits for esports athletes, coaches, esports organizations, researchers, media, and the public in increasing understanding of the importance of physical health and physical literacy in esports. By following the suggestions proposed, more effective efforts can be made to improve the health, performance, and well-being of esports athletes in the future. Keywords: esports, physical literacy, , athlete performance

Development of Paralympic Sport 2008-2022 through Systematic Literature Review

July 2024


73 Reads


1 Citation

KnE Social Sciences

This study aims to analyze (1) the development of paralympic sports participation and achievement, and (2) the self-discovery and quality of life of athletes with disabilities through a systematic literature review (SLR). The SLR stages begin with formulating research questions, conducting a literature search through the Scopus database assisted with the publish or perish application and Mendeley desktop, screening and coding selected articles, analyzing and synthesizing selected articles, conducting quality control namely selected and eligible articles, compiling discussions, and determining the validity and reliability of the data. The results of the analysis show that (1) Paralympic participation and achievements have significant results that can be observed from the enthusiasm of athletes, officials, and spectators, with millions participating in enjoying and watching the euphoria of the biggest Paralympic event, as well as increased achievements with sharpening results, time records, and even breaking records. (2) Self-discovery and quality of life: Paralympic events stimulate social development, benefit the host community, and alter public negative perceptions of disability to positive things. Disabled athletes strive for independence, quality of life, and a sense of self. A systematic review of the literature compiled in original research summarized in the Scopus database can provide an overview of developments focusing on participation, achievement, identity, and quality of life of athletes with disabilities. Overall, this systematic literature review research can become a reference for sources and further research. Keywords: athletes with disabilities, paralympic achievements, paralympic participation, paralympic sports, systematic literature review

Table 5 .
Instrument of Interview Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS)
Results of Pain Intensity Measurement using NRS
Effectiveness of Tendo-Muscular Massage for Pain Reduction and ROM Improvement Post-Injury Knee Joint

July 2024


59 Reads


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of tendo-muscular massage. The method used in the research is descriptive quantitative. The sample in this study amounted to 30 people who had mild to moderate knee injuries during sports and other physical activities. The order of data collection, namely starting with the pretest measurement, then given a one-time tendo-muscullar massage treatment which is carried out for 8 minutes and ends with a posttest measurement. The research data that has been obtained is then analysed with descriptive quantitative. Interval and ratio scale data that met the normality test were analysed using the paired sample t-test parametric statistical test, while data that did not meet the normality test using the wilcoxon non-parametric statistical tests. The results of measurements with the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) experienced an average pain reduction of 2.5 and a significance of 0.000 <0.05, while the range of motion measured with a goniometer experienced an average increase of 6 degrees, T count of 6,819 and Significance 0.000 in flexion movements and an average increase of 0.88 degrees, T count of 7,848 and Significance 0.000 in extension movements, as well as an increase in joint motion function of 28.83%. So it can be concluded that Tendo-muscular massage has a significant effect on reducing pain and increasing the range of motion (ROM) of the knee joint. Keyword. Effectiveness, Tendo-Muscular Massage, Pain Reduction, ROM Improvement, Knee

An Operative Analysis of Influence on Human Physical Activities Using Ubiquitous Ambulatory Electrocardiogram

September 2023


20 Reads

SN Computer Science

Reproductive-aged adults are increasingly likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease and cardiac abnormalities as a result of today's stressful lifestyles and competitive contests. A wearable ambulatory electrocardiogram recorder, often known as an A-ECG plotter, is one example of a device that is both physiologically useful and crucial. Due to the advances in telemedicine, modern A-ECG recorders can also send a notification to the doctor whenever an abnormal cardiac event or arrhythmia is detected, in addition to collecting the ECG signals and other pertinent physiological data. The focus of this study has been on the modifications to the A-ECG data that result from the use of a portable ambulatory ECG plotter. The primary goal of this study was to classify the various types of BMAs and analyse their impact on the A-ECG data. Motion artefacts in the A-ECG signal have been linked to a number of issues. Our key areas of focus were on motion artefact phantom reading, motion artefact abstraction beginning with electrocardiogram data, motion artefact topography extraction and the development of several methods for BMA classification. Recorded A-ECGs' residuals after principal component analysis (PCA) with 5, 10 and 15 main components are regarded as signals owing to motion artefacts. As soon as an electrocardiogram (ECG) is captured by a wearable device for the purpose of ambulatory cardiac monitoring, the signal will inevitably be tainted by motion artefacts from the user's own physical activity (PA) or body movement activities (BMAs). The impact of these BMAs on the A-ECG and the classification of BMAs have been accomplished after the motion artefacts were removed from the signal. The study concluded that by isolating the motion artefacts from the A-ECG signal, the effect of these BMAs is effectively perceptible.

Characteristics of Age, BMI, Resting Heart Rate, IQ, and Strength
Profile of Arm Strength, IQ, and Tennis Drive.
The Normality of Forehand, Backhand drive, arm strength, and Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
Paired T-Test
The effects of massed and distributed drills, muscle strength, and intelligence quotients towards tennis groundstroke skills of sport students

November 2022


130 Reads


19 Citations

Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports

Background and Study Aim. Basic forehand and backhand technical skills are the main requirements that must be mastered in playing tennis. Physical condition and intellectual intelligence were found to be the factors that affect the quality of tennis. On the other hand, limited learning time, and the number of teaching staff and facilities are classic challenges in the implementation of learning. This study describes the different effects of massed and distributed exercise, arm strength, and intellectual on the forehand and backhand skills of sports students. Material and Methods. A quasi-experimental method with two group pretest and posttest design approached the 64 volunteers of male sports students (age 19.3±1.7, BMI 20.17±1.47), who had attended the tennis course. The sample is divided into 2 groups of Massed Practices (MP) and Distributed Practices (DP) according to the score of the upper-arm strength and intelligence test. The anthropometrics were evaluated through digital microtome stature, the arm strength was evaluated with a push-up test and the kinesthetic perception was confirmed with the intelligence quotient (IQ) test. The prerequisite test employed Kolmogorov-Smirnov, while Bivariate analysis utilized the Independent Sample T-test and Paired Sample T-test of the SPSS 20.0 version. Results. The study showed that MP and DP had different positive contribution values to the tennis drive (p=0.003, p<0.05), while distributed gave a better contribution to the tennis drive with a significant value (p=0.001, p<0.05). The high arm muscle strength provides high accuracy in groundstroke (p=0.003, p<0.05), also for the high score on the intelligence test significantly affect the accuracy of tennis strokes (p=0.000, p<0.05). Conclusions. The results showed that there are differences in exercise methods, arm muscle strength, and intelligence quotient against tennis drive punches.

Assessment of Physical Capacity before and after Functional Training
Results of KMO and Bartlett's Test
Factors Affecting Self-Confidence in Mentally retarded Athletes of 1500 m Run
Self-confidence and Physical Capacity of 1500 Meters Running of Mentally Retarded Athletes after Functional Training

October 2022


83 Reads


4 Citations

International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences

Explain the self-confidence and physical capacity of mentally retarded athletes of 1500 meter run after functional training. Materials and methods: The research method used a quantitative study with a survey design. Totally, 20 mentally retarded athletes of 1500 meter run participated in a functional training program for 8 weeks. Researchers used the Personal Evaluation Inventory to explain self-confidence. Physical capacity was tested by a 3-min step test, knee push-ups, and a timed get-up and go (TGUG) test. Self-confidence data were analyzed by KMO factor analysis and Bartlett's Test. Paired t-test was used to evaluate differences in the training groups. Results: A statistically significant difference was found in the physical capacity of mentally retarded athletes after undergoing functional training for 8 weeks (p-value < 0.05). Furthermore, there is a relationship between the self-confidence variable and each subscale (p-value = 0.001 for athletics, 0.002 for mood, 0.005 for general). Conclusions: During participating in the 1500 m running sport, the self-confidence of mentally retarded athletes can develop. To support the self-confidence of mentally retarded athletes, functional training was needed. Through functional training, the physical capacity of mentally retarded athletes increases so as to increase the self-confidence of mentally retarded athletes and produce maximum performance in their sports, so athletics is a sports field where they excel, do not feel worried and anxious in sports, feel better than their age, do not humble themselves, feel optimistic and positive, do not have self-doubt, and are able to handle problems successfully. The research findings have explained the reasons for the self-confidence of mentally retarded athletes of 1500 m run which can be a new understanding in building the self-confidence of mentally retarded athletes, especially in the 1500 m running sport. Keywords Self-confidence, Physical Capacity, Functional Training, 1500 M Run, Mentally Retarded

Citations (9)

... Previous study asserts (Wulan et al., 2023) that physical literacy includes such things as motivation, self-confidence, physical competence, knowledge, and understanding to appreciate and be responsible for participation in physical activity throughout life. With physical literacy, individuals can manage their health more independently, make better decisions about physical activity, and take necessary actions to maintain health and fitness (Kurniawan et al., 2024). Physical literacy, especially for high school teenagers, is believed to be the foundation for developing good physical activity habits in the long run. ...


Physical literacy: physical literacy knowledge and its relationship to physical fitness of senior high school students
Physical literacy needs in esports: literature review


... Estos resultados son concordantes con hallazgos previos de (Ciampolini et al., 2017) en que el 93,5% de los tenistas en silla de ruedas tiene una percepción positiva de su CV, como también, deportistas paralímpicos de atletismo, boccia, y tenis en silla con un 91,9% y el 76,7% de satisfacción con su CV y ES respectivamente (Ciampolini et al., 2018). A pesar de que alto rendimiento conlleva una serie de exigencias físicas, psicológicas y sociales, los deportistas paralímpicos tienen una marcada tendencia hacia la búsqueda de la independencia y la autorrealización a través de su desarrollo y éxitos en el PD, desembocando en la mejora de su CV independiente del para-deporte practicado (Fadian et al., 2024). La relación entre CV y ES (r=0.42, ...

Development of Paralympic Sport 2008-2022 through Systematic Literature Review

KnE Social Sciences

... In this study, data were collected simultaneously to see the relationship of items to variables. However, the data used in this research is secondary data based on the results of previous descriptive research (Sari et al., 2023) . The results of each item in the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children (PAQ-C) variable will determine the level of validity and reliability of PAQ-C in Indonesian using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). ...

Physical Activity Levels of Children Aged 9–11 Years in Indonesia
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2024

... Kemajuan perempuan dalam sepak bola masih amat sering ditandai dengan sikap merendahkan dan konfrontasi, penyangkalan dan pembangkangan, pembatasan dan kegigihan. Kondisi ini menyebabkan kemajuan sepak bola perempuan tidak berjalan mulus dengan semestinya (Sapta et al., 2022). Hal ini tidak lepas dari stereotip gender yang masih mengakar luas dimasyarakat. ...

Kontribusi Strategis Fakultas Keolahragaan Untuk Mendorong Sepakbola Wanita Menjadi Gaya Hidup di Kota Surakarta


... Rigozzi et al. [19] focused on determining the current applications of wearable technology in athlete movement analysis through two research questions. Djoko Nugroho et al. [20] described the different effects of concentrated and dispersed practice, arm strength, and intelligence on the forehand and backhand skills of sports students. There are also studies examining the role of various indicators in the development of shoulder discomfort in professional volleyball players [21]. ...

The effects of massed and distributed drills, muscle strength, and intelligence quotients towards tennis groundstroke skills of sport students

Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports

... Confidence in oneself is among the most crucial psychological concepts often studied in sports [15]. Selfconfidence serves as an indicator of how capable individuals believe themselves to be, because they can control their cognitive functions and the pressures they face [16]. Individuals with self-confidence can maintain their mental health, enhance resilience, develop social skills, and realize their maximum potential [17]- [20]. ...

Self-confidence and Physical Capacity of 1500 Meters Running of Mentally Retarded Athletes after Functional Training

International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences

... Sepak bola merupakan salah satu permainan olahraga yang menyenangkan. Olahraga sepak bola dapat dimainkan oleh banyak kalangan, baik tua maupun muda, laki-laki maupun perempuan, serta seseorang dengan tubuh normal maupun abnormal (disabilitas) (Umar et al., 2020). CP football adalah olahraga tim di mana para pemain diklasifikasikan dalam kelas-kelas olahraga berdasarkan sejauh mana gangguan kontrol motorik yang menyebabkan pembatasan aktivitas yang permanen dan dapat diverifikasi yang mempengaruhi kinerja keterampilan sepak bola (Reina et al., 2016). ...

Increasing Speed and Agility of Cerebral Palsy Football Indonesian Player with UMAC-CPF Exercise Model

International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences

... Cakmakcı et al. (2011) also investigated the effects of aerobic dance exercises on body composition in sedentary women and found a significant reduction in percent body fat. Octaviana and colleagues also found that low impact aerobic dance significantly reduced the percent body fat in obese women (Octaviana et al., 2020). The reducing effect of aerobic dance exercise on percent body fat of stage one hypertensive adults as a contributing factor to hypertension in Africa has barely been investigated. ...

  • Citing Article
  • May 2020

Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine

... The role of aerobic capacity in fatigue development during training sessions for young gymnasts further supports the need for a well-rounded training regimen that includes endurance training to enhance performance and delay fatigue (Sawczyn, et al, 2018). Moreover, the study on the dominant factors of physical ability determining the achievement of artistic gymnastic techniques highlighted the importance of leg muscle strength, which is vital for executing complex aerobic gymnastics routines (Qomarrullah, et al, 2018). ...

Dominant Factors of Physical Ability Determining the Achievement of Artistic Gymnastic Techniques