December 2024
15 Reads
Abdominal Radiology
When antispasmodics are unavailable, the periodically rotated overlapping parallel lines with enhanced reconstruction (PROPELLER; called BLADE by Siemens Healthineers) or half Fourier single-shot turbo spin echo (HASTE) is clinically used in gynecologic MRI. However, their imaging qualities are limited compared to Turbo Spin Echo (TSE) with antispasmodics. Even with antispasmodics, TSE can be artifact-affected, necessitating a rapid backup sequence. This study aimed to investigate the utility of HASTE with deep learning reconstruction and variable flip angle evolution (iHASTE) compared to conventional sequences with and without antispasmodics. This retrospective study included MRI scans without antispasmodics for 79 patients who underwent iHASTE, HASTE, and BLADE and MRI scans with antispasmodics for 79 case–control matched patients who underwent TSE. Three radiologists qualitatively evaluated image quality, robustness to artifacts, tissue contrast, and uterine lesion margins. Tissue contrast was also quantitatively evaluated. Quantitative evaluations revealed that iHASTE exhibited significantly superior tissue contrast to HASTE and BLADE. Qualitative evaluations indicated that iHASTE outperformed HASTE in overall quality. Two of three radiologists judged iHASTE to be significantly superior to BLADE, while two of three judged TSE to be significantly superior to iHASTE. iHASTE demonstrated greater robustness to artifacts than both BLADE and TSE. Lesion margins in iHASTE had lower scores than BLADE and TSE. iHASTE is a viable clinical option in patients undergoing gynecologic MRI with anti-spasmodics. iHASTE may also be considered as a useful add-on sequence in patients undergoing MRI with antispasmodics.