Ming-Chen Hsu’s research while affiliated with Iowa State University and other places

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Publications (130)

Mesh-driven resampling and regularization for robust point cloud-based flow analysis directly on scanned objects
  • Article

December 2024


24 Reads


1 Citation

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering


Ashton M. Corpuz


Ming-Chen Hsu

a Left half of the wing-body-tail CRM CAD geometry model used to simulate the tail buffeting problem. b CAD geometry and computational structural mechanics mesh of the horizontal tail based on NURBS. The connection between the horizontal tail root and the fuselage is simulated using a clamped boundary condition. c Computational domain and boundary conditions to simulate aircraft pitching. Freestream conditions are applied to all outer boundary surfaces of the fluid domain
Computational fluid mechanics mesh for the aircraft buffeting simulation
Time history of the prescribed input Angle of Attack (AOA) and horizontal tail tip displacement in the z-direction
Displacement magnitude contour of the horizontal tail overlapped with its reference configuration (colored in gray). The deformation is scaled up 5 times for visualization. The view angle is rotated to align with the pitch angle
Fluid flow velocity contour along the midspan of the horizontal tail at different time instances


Fluid–structure interaction modeling with nonmatching interface discretizations for compressible flow problems: simulating aircraft tail buffeting
  • Article
  • Publisher preview available

February 2024


206 Reads


3 Citations

Computational Mechanics

Manoj R. Rajanna






Ming-Chen Hsu

Many aerospace applications involve complex multiphysics in compressible flow regimes that are challenging to model and analyze. Fluid–structure interaction (FSI) simulations offer a promising approach to effectively examine these complex systems. In this work, a fully coupled FSI formulation for compressible flows is summarized. The formulation is developed based on an augmented Lagrangian approach and is capable of handling problems that involve nonmatching fluid–structure interface discretizations. The fluid is modeled with a stabilized finite element method for the Navier–Stokes equations of compressible flows and is coupled to the structure formulated using isogeometric Kirchhoff–Love shells. To solve the fully coupled system, a block-iterative approach is used. To demonstrate the framework’s effectiveness for modeling industrial-scale applications, the FSI methodology is applied to the NASA Common Research Model (CRM) aircraft to study buffeting phenomena by performing an aircraft pitching simulation based on a prescribed time-dependent angle of attack.

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Bayesian Optimization-Based Inverse Finite Element Analysis for Atrioventricular Heart Valves

November 2023


36 Reads


8 Citations

Annals of Biomedical Engineering

Inverse finite element analysis (iFEA) of the atrioventricular heart valves (AHVs) can provide insights into the in-vivo valvular function, such as in-vivo tissue strains; however, there are several limitations in the current state-of-the-art that iFEA has not been widely employed to predict the in-vivo, patient-specific AHV leaflet mechanical responses. In this exploratory study, we propose the use of Bayesian optimization (BO) to study the AHV functional behaviors in-vivo. We analyzed the efficacy of Bayesian optimization to estimate the isotropic Lee–Sacks material coefficients in three benchmark problems: (i) an inflation test, (ii) a simplified leaflet contact model, and (iii) an idealized AHV model. Then, we applied the developed BO-iFEA framework to predict the leaflet properties for a patient-specific tricuspid valve under a congenital heart defect condition. We found that the BO could accurately construct the objective function surface compared to the one from a 20×2020\times 20 grid search analysis. Additionally, in all cases the proposed BO-iFEA framework yielded material parameter predictions with average element errors less than 0.02 mm/mm (normalized by the simulation-specific characteristic length). Nonetheless, the solutions were not unique due to the presence of a long-valley minima region in the objective function surfaces. Parameter sets along this valley can yield functionally equivalent outcomes (i.e., closing behavior) and are typically observed in the inverse analysis or parameter estimation for the nonlinear mechanical responses of the AHV. In this study, our key contributions include: (i) a first-of-its-kind demonstration of the BO method used for the AHV iFEA; and (ii) the evaluation of a candidate AHV in-silico modeling approach wherein the chordae could be substituted with equivalent displacement boundary conditions, rendering the better iFEA convergence and a smoother objective surface.

Heat flux prediction for hypersonic flows using a stabilized formulation

Computational Mechanics

This work focuses on the heat flux prediction in hypersonic flow regimes using the finite-element based Streamline-Upwind Petrov–Galerkin formulation enhanced with a discontinuity-capturing operator and weak enforcement of the Dirichlet boundary condition. The numerical formulation is validated on several benchmark cases including Mach 14 compression corner at 15∘1515^\circ and 24∘2424^\circ , 2D Mach 17 cylinder and 3D Mars Pathfinder re-entry vehicle at Mach 14. The numerical results are in very good agreement with the experiments or data available in the literature, showing the robustness of the numerical framework. Moreover, the newly proposed weak imposition of the no-slip boundary condition at the surface shows great potential for near-wall modeling of high-speed compressible flows.

Direct Flow Simulation of Objects Represented by Point Clouds

June 2023


8 Reads

In this chapter, we present a recently proposed approach for performing multiphysics analysis using immersogeometric analysis (IMGA) on complex geometries represented by point clouds. Point cloud objects are represented by unstructured points in Euclidean space with orientation information. However, due to the absence of topological information, there are no guarantees for the geometric representation to be watertight or 2-manifold or to have consistent normals. This chapter provides the mathematical foundations of IMGA and introduces a method for estimating inside-outside information and surface normals directly from point clouds. Additionally, a technique is presented for computing the Jacobian determinant for surface integration over the point cloud, enabling the weak enforcement of Dirichlet boundary conditions. The proposed approach is tested on benchmark problems with a wide range of Reynolds and Mach numbers, demonstrating its robustness and accuracy. Furthermore, the framework is applied to a large industrial-scale construction vehicle represented by a point cloud containing over 12 million points, highlighting its applicability to real-world problems. This novel method provides a more flexible and direct approach for performing CFD simulations using complex geometric information, eliminating the need for well-defined B-rep CAD models.

Direct immersogeometric fluid flow and heat transfer analysis of objects represented by point clouds

February 2023


72 Reads


9 Citations

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

Immersogeometric analysis (IMGA) is a geometrically flexible method that enables one to perform multiphysics analysis directly using complex computer-aided design (CAD) models. While the IMGA approach is well-studied and has a remarkable advantage over traditional CFD, IMGA still requires a well-defined B-rep model to represent the geometry. Obtaining such a model can sometimes be equally as challenging as creating a body-fitted mesh. To address this issue, we develop a novel IMGA approach for the simulation of incompressible and compressible flows around complex geometries represented by point clouds in this work. The point cloud representation of geometries is a direct method for digitally acquiring geometric information using LiDAR scanners, optical scanners, or other passive methods such as multi-view stereo images. The point cloud object’s geometry is represented using a set of unstructured points in the Euclidean space with (possible) orientation information in the form of surface normals. Due to the absence of topological information in the point cloud model, there are no guarantees for the geometric representation to be watertight or 2-manifold or to have consistent normals. To perform IMGA directly using point cloud geometries, we first develop a method for estimating the inside–outside information and the surface normals directly from the point cloud. We also propose a method to compute the Jacobian determinant for the surface integration (over the point cloud) necessary for the weak enforcement of Dirichlet boundary conditions. We validate these geometric estimation methods by comparing the geometric quantities computed from the point cloud with those obtained from analytical geometry and tessellated CAD models. In this work, we also develop thermal IMGA to simulate heat transfer in the presence of flow over complex geometries. The proposed framework is tested for a wide range of Reynolds and Mach numbers on benchmark problems of geometries represented by point clouds, showing the robustness and accuracy of the method. Finally, we demonstrate the applicability of our approach by performing IMGA on large industrial-scale construction machinery represented using a point cloud of more than 12 million points.

A computational framework for transmission risk assessment of aerosolized particles in classrooms

January 2023


160 Reads


5 Citations

Engineering with Computers

Unlabelled: Infectious airborne diseases like the recent COVID-19 pandemic render confined spaces high-risk areas. However, in-person activities like teaching in classroom settings and government services are often expected to continue or restart quickly. It becomes important to evaluate the risk of airborne disease transmission while accounting for the physical presence of humans, furniture, and electronic equipment, as well as ventilation. Here, we present a computational framework and study based on detailed flow physics simulations that allow straightforward evaluation of various seating and operating scenarios to identify risk factors and assess the effectiveness of various mitigation strategies. These scenarios include seating arrangement changes, presence/absence of computer screens, ventilation rate changes, and presence/absence of mask-wearing. This approach democratizes risk assessment by automating a key bottleneck in simulation-based analysis-creating an adequately refined mesh around multiple complex geometries. Not surprisingly, we find that wearing masks (with at least 74% inward protection efficiency) significantly reduced transmission risk against unmasked and infected individuals. While the use of face masks is known to reduce the risk of transmission, we perform a systematic computational study of the transmission risk due to variations in room occupancy, seating layout and air change rates. In addition, our findings on the efficacy of face masks further support use of face masks. The availability of such an analysis approach will allow education administrators, government officials (courthouses, police stations), and hospital administrators to make informed decisions on seating arrangements and operating procedures. Supplementary information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00366-022-01773-9.

Citations (82)

... This approach decouples the computational grid from geometric complexity, allowing researchers to perform simulations and testing with greater efficiency. However, traditional IBM implementations, such as the Finite Cell Method (FCM) [21][22][23][24][25][26] and immersogeometric analysis (IMGA) [27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36], face inherent challenges. Issues such as the small-cut cell (or Intercepted element) problem and load balancing inefficiencies arise because elements intersected by the geometry often require a disproportionately large number of integration points, leading to uneven computational loads across processors. ...


Octree-Based Shifted Boundary Method for Multiphysics Simulations Using Linearized Navier-Stokes in Complex Geometries
Mesh-driven resampling and regularization for robust point cloud-based flow analysis directly on scanned objects
  • Citing Article
  • December 2024

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

... In the fields of aeronautics and astronautics, the study of compressible fluid-structure interaction (FSI) is extensively applied to analyze aircraft aerodynamics and structural dynamics. [1][2][3][4] During hypersonic flight, the interaction of airflow with the wings and fuselage can lead to structural deformations, potentially compromising the stability and performance of the aircraft. Consequently, studying compressible FSI is, therefore, crucial for identifying potential issues and implementing measures to enhance the safety and reliability of these systems. ...

Fluid–structure interaction modeling with nonmatching interface discretizations for compressible flow problems: simulating aircraft tail buffeting

Computational Mechanics

... We used these findings to remove CDT from our recent development of an open-source FE shape enforcement method in FEBio [50]. Alternatively, Ross et al. [61] demonstrated a method to directly prescribe leaflet free edge motion from clinical images which substantially improved optimization search results when estimating in vivo leaflet properties. This method performs best when the FE prediction is being matched to an image-derived leaflet surface via shape enforcement or material optimization, but a chordae emulating force needs careful tuning to ensure no unnecessary tensions are applied to the leaflets. ...

Bayesian Optimization-Based Inverse Finite Element Analysis for Atrioventricular Heart Valves
  • Citing Article
  • November 2023

Annals of Biomedical Engineering

... However, image-based CFD analysis has primarily been limited to individual objects in the existing literature (Hackl et al., 2018;Thomas et al., 2019;Wang et al., 2023). For instance, Wang et al. (2023) achieved the CFD analysis of a real-world tower through multi-view image-based 3D reconstruction. ...

Photogrammetry-based computational fluid dynamics
  • Citing Article
  • September 2023

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

... Furthermore, accurately modeling the interaction between airflow and temperature in built environments is essential for ensuring indoor comfort and safety. This is particularly relevant in the context of public health, where effective airflow control is crucial in preventing the spread of infectious diseases [7][8][9][10][11][12]. ...

A computational framework for transmission risk assessment of aerosolized particles in classrooms

Engineering with Computers

... After discretization, boundary terms are added at discrete points on the boundaries within in the cut cells (often called the Intercepted cells) to apply the boundary conditions. Methods like the Sharp-Interface Immersed Boundary Method (SIIB) [23][24][25][26], the Curvilinear Immersed Boundary Method (CURVIB) [27][28][29], the Finite Cell Method (FCM) [30][31][32][33][34][35], Immersogeometric Analysis (IMGA) [36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44], and the Shifted Boundary Method (SBM) [45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56] exemplify this category. ...

Direct immersogeometric fluid flow and heat transfer analysis of objects represented by point clouds
  • Citing Article
  • February 2023

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

... tIGAr has been successfully applied in various fields [54][55][56][57]. Additionally, an open-source fluid-structure interaction framework [58,59] is developed based on tIGAr and shows a good application for prosthetic heart valve simulation with isogeometric leaflets. PENGoLINS employs a penalty-based formulation [24] to couple the non-matching isogeometric Kirchhoff-Love shells, which is automated with the code generation technology in FEniCS. ...

Leveraging code generation for transparent immersogeometric fluid–structure interaction analysis on deforming domains

Engineering with Computers

... Despite these advances, data-driven constitutive laws on soft tissue modeling have mostly focused on the identification of stressstrain and energy-strain relationships for a homogenized material model, and are thus unable to capture the effects of heterogeneity. Because of the importance of heterogeneity in tissue function and failure [35,36], the assumption of homogeneity seriously restricts the capabilities of a constitutive model. ...

A Physics-Guided Neural Operator Learning Approach to Model Biological Tissues From Digital Image Correlation Measurements
  • Citing Article
  • October 2022

Journal of Biomechanical Engineering

... To model and predict aircraft tail buffeting phenomena, this work adopts a validated fully coupled nonmatching interface-based compressible flow FSI methodology developed by Rajanna et al. [17] based on the augmented Lagrangian approach [18]. The FSI framework makes use of the stabilized finite element-based Navier-Stokes equation of compressible flow [19,20] to model the fluid, and the isogeometric analysis (IGA) based rotation-free Kirchhoff-Love thin-shell structural formulation [21][22][23] to model the structure. ...

Fluid-Structure Interaction Modeling with Nonmatching Interface Discretizations for Compressible Flow Problems: Computational Framework and Validation Study
  • Citing Article
  • October 2022

Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences

... The CGIMG was introduced in 2017 [48]. The method name and abbreviation were coined in [31,49]. Most real-world problems require dealing with complex geometries. ...

Computational Cardiovascular Medicine With Isogeometric Analysis

Journal of Advanced Engineering and Computation