November 2014
14 Reads
2 Citations
Journal of Environmental Science International
This study was conducted to evaluate the contents of antioxidative components from pulpy and seed in wild haw (Crataegus pinnatifida B_{UNGE}). Pulpy and seed of haw were smashed, then measured for color properties, antioxidative components of ascorbic acid, phytic acid, proanthocyanidin, anthocyanin, total carotene, {\beta}-carotene, lycopene, chlorophyll a, b and tannin. The a^*, b^* and C^* values of seed were significantly lower than pulpy, but L^* and H^{\circ} values were higher than that of pulpy. Ascorbic acid contents of pulpy and seed were found to be 10.89?1.69mg/100g and 1.45?0.16mg/100g, respectively. Phytic acid, proanthocyanidin, total carotene and tannin contents of pulpy and seed were 689.17?3.63mg/g, 597.78?2.93mg/g; 355.61?19.39mg/g, 49.12?4.97mg/g; 8.32?0.42mg%, 0.80?0.01mg%; 7.53?0.09mg/g, 1.02?0.03mg/g, respectively. Similarly, {\beta}-carotene, lycopene, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b contents of pulpy also displayed higher values than that of seed. On the contrary, anthocyanin content of seed (4.24?0.33mg/L) was remarkably higher than pulpy (0.99?0.62mg/L). The results showed that pulpy could be severed as great natural antioxidant and biohealth functional food.