October 2024
7 Reads
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
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October 2024
7 Reads
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
September 2023
31 Reads
Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia
Objective to investigate the association of inflammatory biomarkers on the locomotor pattern during obstacle avoidance with different levels of complexity manipulated by the characteristic of the obstacle (solid and fragile) in older adults. Method 17 older adults (≥60 years old) were evaluated in two moments: 1) Analysis of the locomotor pattern during obstacle crossing in two conditions (solid and fragile). The variables studied for trailing and leading limbs were: speed, length, width and duration of the stride, horizontal foot-obstacle distance, horizontal obstacle-foot distance, vertical foot-obstacle distance and Maximum foot elevation. 2) Blood collection, for analysis of the inflammatory biomarkers Interleukin 6 (IL6) and C-Reactive Protein (CRP). Multiple linear regression analysis was performed to verify association between locomotor pattern and inflammatory biomarkers (IL6 and CRP) with a significance level of p≤0.05. Results The regression analysis showed that Interleukin 6 was associated with the following variables: 1) stride width in the solid obstacle condition, 2) maximum foot elevation (leading limb) to avoidance the fragile obstacle, 3) horizontal foot-obstacle distance (trailing limb) in solid obstacle condition, 4) maximum foot elevation (trailing limb) to avoidance the fragile obstacle, 5) maximum foot elevation (trailing limb) to avoidance the solid obstacle. C-Reactive Protein was associated with the horizontal foot-obstacle distance (trailing limb) only for the fragile obstacle condition. Conclusion Inflammatory biomarkers are associated with the locomotor pattern in older adults, regardless of the fragility of the obstacle.
September 2023
53 Reads
Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia
Resumo Objetivo investigar a associação dos biomarcadores inflamatórios na tarefa de ultrapassagem de obstáculos com diferentes níveis de complexidade manipulados pela característica do obstáculo (sólido e frágil) em idosos. Método 17 idosos (≥60 anos) foram avaliados em dois momentos: 1) Análise do padrão locomotor durante a ultrapassagem de obstáculo em duas condições (sólido e frágil). As variáveis estudadas, para membros de abordagem e suporte foram: velocidade, comprimento, largura e duração da passada, distância horizontal pé-obstáculo, distância horizontal obstáculo-pé, distância vertical pé-obstáculo e Máxima elevação do pé. 2) A análise dos biomarcadores interleucina 6 (IL-6) e proteína C Reativa (PCR) foi realizada por meio de coleta de sanguínea. A análise de regressão linear múltipla foi realizada para verificar associação entre o padrão locomotor e os biomarcadores inflamatórios (IL-6 e PCR) com nível de significância de p≤0,05. Resultados A análise de regressão mostrou que a Interleucina 6 apresentou associação com as seguintes variáveis: 1) largura da passada na condição obstáculo sólido, 2) máxima elevação do pé (membro de suporte) para ultrapassagem do obstáculo frágil, 3) distância horizontal pé-obstáculo (membro de abordagem) na condição de obstáculo sólido, 4) máxima elevação do pé (membro de abordagem) para ultrapassagem do obstáculo frágil, 5) máxima elevação do pé (membro de abordagem) para ultrapassagem do obstáculo sólido. A PCR apresentou associação com a variável Distância Horizontal Pé-Obstáculo (membro de abordagem) apenas para a condição de obstáculo frágil. Conclusão Os biomarcadores inflamatórios apresentam uma associação com o comportamento locomotor em idosos, independente da condição de fragilidade do obstáculo.
June 2023
66 Reads
2 Citations
Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior
BACKGROUND: Fear of falling (FOF) is related to worse locomotor performance, is a predictor of decline in functionality, and predisposes falls in older adults. It is necessary to investigate how FOF influences locomotor parameters during walking and in obstacle avoidance in older adults. AIM: To investigate the relationship between FOF and the locomotor variables during walking through and obstacle avoidance with different physical characteristics. METHOD: 22 older adults participated in this study and were invited to perform three tasks: 1) Walking Through; 2) Walking with a solid obstacle and 3) Walking with a fragile obstacle. RESULTS: Correlations were found between FOF and following variables: 1) Walking Through: step velocity (r=-0.640, p=0.003), width (r=0.641, p=0.003), double support time (r=0.523, p=0.022); 2) Solid obstacle: step velocity (r=-0.666, p=0.002), length (r=-0.758, p<0.001), foot-obstacle horizontal distance (r=-0.479, p=0.038), right stride velocity (r=-0.534, p=0.019), length (r=-0.522, p=0.022), left stride velocity (r=-0.551, p=0.014), left stride duration (r=0.561, p=0.012); 3) Fragilid obstacle: step velocity (r=-0.629, p=0.004), length (r=-0.556, p=0.014), foot-obstacle distance (r=-0.540, p=0.017), obstacle-foot distance (r=-0.492, p=0.032), right stride velocity (r=-0.583, p=0.009), length (r=-0.498, p=0.030), left stride velocity (r=-0.574, p=0.010), length (r=-0.462, p=0.047), width (r=-0.514, p=0.024), right stride duration (r=0.479, p=0.038), left stride duration (r=0.646, p=0.003). CONCLUSION: The characteristics of the obstacle did not influence the older adults FOF during walking through and obstacle avoidance. Although they adopt predictive and reactive compensatory adaptations in an attempt to make the task safer, these adaptations actually make the task more dangerous and increase the risk of stumbling and falling.
June 2022
79 Reads
6 Citations
Motriz Revista de Educação Física
Aim: To investigate postural control between active (AOA) and inactive (IOA) older adults and active young adults (YA) due to the difficulty level of the postural task. Methods: 25 active YA, 31 AOA, and 30 IOA were invited to perform postural tasks with eyes open and closed: bipedal stance on a rigid surface, bipedal stance on an unstable surface, semi-tandem stance on a rigid surface, and semi-tandem stance on an unstable surface. Results: IOA (0.74 cm) presented higher COP displacement amplitude in the mediolateral direction than AOA (0.64 cm) only in bipedal stance on an unstable surface with eyes closed condition (p ≤ 0.0001). In relation to frequency variables, IOA (0.37 Hz) presented a greater frequency band with 50% of the spectral power in the mediolateral direction than AOA (0.28 Hz) in all experimental conditions, except for semi-tandem stance on a rigid surface (p ≤ .0001). AOA (0.62 cm | 0.28 Hz) and IOA (0.67 cm | 0.37 Hz) presented an increase in time/frequency variables in both directions (anteriorposterior and mediolateral) than YA (0.52 cm | 0.17 Hz) (p ≤ 0.0001) that indicates a worse performance of postural control as the level of task difficulty increased, such as unstable base with eyes open and closed. Conclusion: Older adults tend to present greater COP sway and velocity when subjected to complex tasks compared with younger, which is more evident in older adults physically inactive. This could be considered an adaptive strategy by older adults to minimize the risk of losing balance and, consequently, falling. © 2022 Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP. All rights reserved.
May 2022
49 Reads
5 Citations
Geriatrics Gerontology and Aging
Objectives: This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate (1) postural control performance in different postural tasks and (2) muscle strength and power of the hip, knee, and ankle of active vs inactive older adults. Methods: The sample consisted of 61 healthy community-dwelling older adults, classified into 2 groups: active, consisting of participants of a multicomponent exercise program offered through the Exercise Orientation Service; and inactive. Participants were considered physically active/inactive in the past 3 months. Postural control was assessed using a force plate in 8 postural tasks. Muscle function was evaluated using an isokinetic dynamometer. T-tests were used to compare clinical characteristics between the groups. ANCOVA and MANCOVA were used to compare differences in variables of postural control and muscle function. Results: Active participants had higher levels of physical activity, clinical balance, and quality of life than inactive participants. The active group had lower values for area (center of pressure) than the inactive group under the following conditions: bipedal stance on an unstable surface with eyes open and with eyes closed, and semi-tandem stance on an unstable surface with eyes open. The active group showed greater muscle power, with higher mean power values for hip abduction and adduction, knee extension, and knee flexion and shorter time to peak torque for hip adduction and ankle dorsiflexion than the inactive group. Conclusions: Multicomponent exercise programs delivered in primary health care settings contributed to improving postural control and muscle power in this sample of older adults, which can potentially help prevent falls and improve quality of life.
October 2021
15 Reads
Revista Brasileira de Fisiologia do Exercício
Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar o efeito da dupla tarefa em um protocolo de treinamento nos componentes de Desempenho físico Funcional e mobilidade de idosos. Métodos: Trinta idosos (vinte e três mulheres e sete homens; 66,48 ± 3,85 anos) foram distribuídos em três grupos randomizados: grupo de atividade física multicomponente (AM), grupo de tarefas duplas (DT) e grupo controle (GC). Os participantes foram avaliados antes do treinamento e após 12 semanas de treinamento com os seguintes testes: Mini Exame do Estado Mental, para avaliação das funções cognitivas, bateria de teste AAHPERD - American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, para avaliação de cinco capacidades funcionais, Timed Up and Go, para avaliação da mobilidade funcional e o questionário de Baecke para avaliar o nível de atividade física. Os grupos AM e DT realizaram o mesmo protocolo de treinamento de múltiplos componentes, no entanto, o grupo DT realizou simultaneamente com uma segunda tarefa cognitiva. Resultados: Os grupos que realizaram o protocolo de treinamento melhoraram alguns aspectos do desempenho físico funcional e da mobilidade em comparação ao GC (p < 0,01). Não foi encontrada diferença entre os grupos DT e AM. Conclusão: A realização de duas tarefas simultâneas em um protocolo de treinamento não parece influenciar a capacidade funcional e a mobilidade.
June 2021
36 Reads
Revista Brasileira de Fisiologia do Exercício
Rodrigo Vancini·
Leticia Nascimento Santos Neves·
Jóctan Pimentel CordeiroO I Simpósio Capixaba de Fisiologia e Biomecânica aplicada ao Exercício Físico, evento de caráter profissional e acadêmico, reuniu ações dos campos de conhecimento e intervenção do ensino, da pesquisa e da extensão nas áreas da Educação Física e demais áreas afins, principalmente aquelas que dizem respeito às considerações fisiológicas e biomecânicas aplicadas à saúde e ao esporte de rendimento. O evento visa a divulgação e o fortalecimento de pesquisas científicas no campo da Saúde e de áreas de caráter interdisciplinar que tratem de processos de prevenção, tratamento e reabilitação a partir do exercício físico, bem como sob a perspectiva do rendimento, incentivando a produção de conhecimento sob a ótica de investigações translacionais. Dentro deste contexto, o I Simpósio Capixaba de Fisiologia e Biomecânica aplicada ao Exercício Físico representa um elemento importante das pretensões da UFES no âmbito da Educação Física, constituindo um canal permanente (bianual) e efetivo de diálogo entre a Universidade, a comunidade capixaba e sociedade, aproximando a produção acadêmico-científica das necessidades encontradas no cotidiano das práticas de intervenção profissional nos diferentes contextos da Educação Física.
January 2021
61 Reads
Brazilian Journal of Development
October 2020
79 Reads
Revista Brasileira de Fisiologia do Exercício
Diferentes intervenções motoras têm sido amplamente investigadas no controle do equilíbrio em idosos. Entretanto, ainda não está elucidado qual o tipo de intervenção motora que promove melhoras nos sistemas de controle do equilíbrio em idosos. O objetivo do estudo foi comparar diferentes intervenções motoras do sistema de controle do equilíbrio em idosos. Participaram do estudo 56 idosos, distribuídos em grupo sedentário (SED), grupo ginástica (GG), grupo ioga (GI) e grupo alongamento (GA). Os participantes foram avaliados através da ferramenta Balance Evaluation System Test (BESTest), desenvolvida para avaliar seis itens do sistema de controle do equilíbrio. As variáveis analisadas no estudo foram as pontuações obtidas em cada um dos itens do BESTest. Os resultados mostraram que o GG e GI apresentaram valores maiores no BESTest comparado ao grupo SED. Ainda, para os itens estabilidade da marcha e limites de estabilidade apresentaram valores maiores comparados aos demais itens do BESTest. A conclusão do estudo é que idosos praticantes de ginástica e de ioga, modalidades oferecidas pelo Serviço de Orientação ao Exercício (SOE) tem capacidade de promover benefícios ao sistema de controle do equilíbrio em idosos.
... Although postural control performance has been investigated under different base conditions 9,12,13 or associated with the Special issue: "Manipulation of sensory information on postural control performance of children, young and older adults" movement of grasping the same object without manipulation of characteristics 3,10,11 , there is a gap in the literature on how the complexity of tasks, adjusted in this study by changing the weight of objects, along with changes in the base of support (rigid or unstable), influences postural control performance in the older population. Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate the postural control performance of older people as they performed the grasping movement, with different levels of task difficulty and complexities of the base of support. ...
June 2022
Motriz Revista de Educação Física
... In this context, physical activity programs have been prioritized and implemented in the Unified Health System, with the aim of expanding and improving primary healthcare, contributing to the promotion of health and quality of life, as well as increasing levels of physical activity and socialization, and being associated with balance control benefits (Vieira et al., 2022). ...
May 2022
Geriatrics Gerontology and Aging
... Por ejemplo, existe evidencia de dificultades de procesamiento sensorial en personas con trastorno del espectro autista (Fernandez-Prieto et al., 2020;Little et al., 2018), así como en personas con déficit de atención con y sin hiperactividad (Dellapiazza et al., 2021;Panagiotidi et al., 2018). En el caso de los problemas de aprendizaje en el área de lectoescritura, a pesar de existir evidencia sobre problemas de procesamiento sensorial (Muñetón Ayala et al., 2021;Razuk et al., 2020;Stein, 2019) , en el desarrollo de habilidades de 'automaticidad' (Nicolson & Fawcett, 2019), en el filtrado audio-visual (Armstrong-Gallegos & Nicolson, 2020) y a nivel neuronal que afectan el procesamiento tanto unisensorial como multi-sensorial (Hancock et al., 2017), aun no hay consenso sobre las características del procesamiento sensorial en adultos con DA. ...
November 2019
... Considering that impulsivity is considered an unplanned action [11], in the dual-task paradigm, it is possible to replace this feature with planned action. In the dual-task paradigm, performing mental tasks while performing physical functions can cause a decrease in the speed of gross physical functions; accordingly, simultaneous presentation of these tasks will be a challenge to develop the ability of the brain to control ADHD symptoms [22]. ...
January 2019
Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience
... It has been reported that children with dyslexia have worse postural performance than children with normal development (14)(15)(16). Poor postural performance in children with dyslexia may be due to impairment in visual, proprioceptive, and vestibular systems or to the integration of these sensory cues that contribute to appropriate motor activity (16,17). For this reason, it is important to evaluate posture, gait, general motor skills, and balance skills in children with dyslexia. ...
August 2018
Neuroscience Letters
... 32 46 47 It is therefore surprising that some researchers investigate the effect of coloured filters on populations selected solely because they have a diagnosis of dyslexia or reading difficulties. Several studies are not included in sections of this book (e.g., [48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57] ) because one of the factors in the tables in this chapter means their results are difficult to interpret. ...
Research Priorities and Practice
July 2018
Research in Developmental Disabilities
... 42 Other researchers have also suggested that saccadic abnormalities during reading (e.g., longer fixation durations) may result from constraints in the number of letters dyslexic individuals can process in each fixation. 20 Such visuospatial attention is discussed in Chapter 5. Atypical saccadic eye movements in dyslexia have also been linked with binocular instability and with the deficiency of visual attentional processing discussed above. 6 Bogacz and colleagues found that smooth pursuit eye movements may be abnormal in dyslexia, although they did not consider the possible confounding variable of attention. ...
Controversial Vision Therapies
May 2018
... Participants were required to wear sports clothes, stand on the platform without shoes, and position their heels in line with the sciatic tubercles. In the SwayDA-AP test ( Figure 1A), participants were instructed to face the movable stop on one side and look straight ahead without a fixed target (Moraes et al., 2016). Four sway amplitudes were pre-set on the movable stop: Position 1 was set 2 cm in front of the neutral standing position, and Positions 2, 3, and 4 represented sway distances of 2.5 cm, 3 cm, and 3.5 cm, respectively, in the anteroposterior direction. ...
March 2016
... Dyslexic children were found to present higher variability and worse performance in postural control compared to non-dyslexic children, a condition that did not require active cognitive and conscious awareness. Automaticity differences in the use of visual (Barela et al. 2011) and somatosensory (Viana et al. 2013) cues to control upright stance were observed, which may be related to the difficulties in integrating sensory cues into motor activity (Barela et al. 2014). ...
November 2014
... A line of research has focused on the association between dyslexia and postural control. Razuk and Barela (2014) proposed children with dyslexia and controls to look at a target in a moving room when manipulating the distance between the child and the wall and considering the central/full vision. Results revealed that the clinical population oscillated more than controls in stationary and moving conditions; moreover, the removal of peripheral visual cues led to a deleterious postural control in children with dyslexia. ...
May 2014
Research in Developmental Disabilities