Mikhail Frank’s research while affiliated with University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland and other places

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Publications (13)

Figure 1: Our research platform, the iCub humanoid robot.  
Figure 2: Detection of complex objects, e.g. a tea box, in changing poses, different light and when partially occluded is a hard problem in robot vision.  
Figure 3: The Modular Behavioral Environment Architecture: MoBeE implements low-level control and enforces necessary constraints to keep the robot safe and operational in real-time. Agents (left) are able to send high-level commands, while a kinematic model (top) is driven by the stream of encoder positions (right). The model computes fictitious constraint forces, which repel the robot from collisions, joint limits, and other infeasibilities. These forces, f i (t), are passed to the controller (middle), which computes the attractor dynamics that governs the actual movement of the robot.
Figure 4: The icVision Architecture: The core module (bottom) is mainly for housekeeping and accessing & distributing the robot's camera images and motor positions. Object detection is performed in the filter modules (top), by segmenting the object of interest from the background. A typical work flow is shown (right): input images are retrieved from the cameras, the specific object is detected by a trained Filter Module, before the outputs (together with the robot's current pose) are used to estimate a 3D position using a localisation module. The object is then placed in the world model.
Figure 7: Showing the visual output of the MoBeE world model during one of our experiments. Parts in red indicate (an impeding) collision with the environment (or itself ). The inset shows the actual scene. (See video: https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_qDH5tSe7g)  
Reactive Reaching and Grasping on a Humanoid: Towards Closing the Action-Perception Loop on the iCub
  • Conference Paper
  • Full-text available

September 2014


155 Reads


6 Citations


Mikhail Frank



Jürgen Schmidhuber

We propose a system incorporating a tight integration between computer vision and robot control modules on a complex, high-DOF humanoid robot. Its functionality is showcased by having our iCub humanoid robot pick-up objects from a table in front of it. An important feature is that the system can avoid obstacles - other objects detected in the visual stream - while reaching for the intended target object. Our integration also allows for non-static environments, i.e. the reaching is adapted on-the-fly from the visual feedback received, e.g. when an obstacle is moved into the trajectory. Furthermore we show that this system can be used both in autonomous and tele-operation scenarios.


Curiosity Driven Reinforcement Learning for Motion Planning on Humanoids

January 2014


548 Reads


85 Citations

Frontiers in Neurorobotics

Mikhail Frank






Jürgen Schmidhuber

Most previous work on artificial curiosity (AC) and intrinsic motivation focuses on basic concepts and theory. Experimental results are generally limited to toy scenarios, such as navigation in a simulated maze, or control of a simple mechanical system with one or two degrees of freedom. To study AC in a more realistic setting, we embody a curious agent in the complex iCub humanoid robot. Our novel reinforcement learning (RL) framework consists of a state-of-the-art, low-level, reactive control layer, which controls the iCub while respecting constraints, and a high-level curious agent, which explores the iCub's state-action space through information gain maximization, learning a world model from experience, controlling the actual iCub hardware in real-time. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first ever embodied, curious agent for real-time motion planning on a humanoid. We demonstrate that it can learn compact Markov models to represent large regions of the iCub's configuration space, and that the iCub explores intelligently, showing interest in its physical constraints as well as in objects it finds in its environment.

Fig. 1. The framework is applied to the iCub humanoid [11], resulting in smooth, natural motions. 
Task-relevant roadmaps: A framework for humanoid motion planning

November 2013


63 Reads


19 Citations

Proceedings of the ... IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems

To plan complex motions of robots with many degrees of freedom, our novel, very flexible framework builds task-relevant roadmaps (TRMs), using a new sampling-based optimizer called Natural Gradient Inverse Kinematics (NGIK) based on natural evolution strategies (NES). To build TRMs, NGIK iteratively optimizes postures covering task-spaces expressed by arbitrary task-functions, subject to constraints expressed by arbitrary cost-functions, transparently dealing with both hard and soft constraints. TRMs are grown to maximally cover the task-space while minimizing costs. Unlike Jacobian-based methods, our algorithm does not rely on calculation of gradients, making application of the algorithm much simpler. We show how NGIK outperforms recent related sampling algorithms. A video demo (http://youtu.be/N6x2e1Zf_yg) successfully applies TRMs to an iCub humanoid robot with 41 DOF in its upper body, arms, hands, head, and eyes. To our knowledge, no similar methods exhibit such a degree of flexibility in defining movements.

Artificial Neural Networks For Spatial Perception: Towards Visual Object Localisation in Humanoid Robots

August 2013


116 Reads


9 Citations

In this paper, we present our on-going research to allow humanoid robots to learn spatial perception. We are using artificial neural networks (ANN) to estimate the location of objects in the robot’s environment. The method is using only the visual inputs and the joint encoder readings, no camera calibration and information is necessary, nor is a kinematic model. We find that these ANNs can be trained to allow spatial perception in Cartesian (3D) coordinates. These lightweight networks are providing estimates that are comparable to current state of the art approaches and can easily be used together with existing operational space controllers.

Learning Visual Object Detection and Localisation Using icVision

July 2013


124 Reads


10 Citations

Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures

Building artificial agents and robots that can act in an intelligent way is one of the main research goals in artificial intelligence and robotics. Yet it is still hard to integrate functional cognitive processes into these systems. We present a framework combining computer vision and machine learning for the learning of object recognition in humanoid robots. A biologically inspired, bottom-up architecture is introduced to facilitate visual perception and cognitive robotics research. It aims to mimic processes in the human brain performing visual cognition tasks. A number of experiments with this icVision framework are described. We showcase both detection and identification in the image plane (2D), using machine learning. In addition we show how a biologically inspired attention mechanism allows for fully autonomous learning of visual object representations. Furthermore localising the detected objects in 3D space is presented, which in turn can be used to create a model of the environment.

Humanoid Learns to Detect Its Own Hands

June 2013


613 Reads


15 Citations

Robust object manipulation is still a hard problem in robotics, even more so in high degree-of-freedom (DOF) humanoid robots. To improve performance a closer integration of visual and motor systems is needed. We herein present a novel method for a robot to learn robust detection of its own hands and fingers enabling sensorimotor coordination. It does so solely using its own camera images and does not require any external systems or markers. Our system based on Cartesian Genetic Programming (CGP) allows to evolve programs to perform this image segmentation task in real-time on the real hardware. We show results for a Nao and an iCub humanoid each detecting its own hands and fingers.

Fig. 1. The iCub robot and the objects to be learned placed on the table.
Fig. 2. (A) Saliency map with the winning location highlighted (blue circle). (B) Salient and visited locations (white blobs) projected into 2D.
Fig. 3. Feature matching between left and right camera images.
Autonomous Learning Of Robust Visual Object Detection And Identification On A Humanoid

November 2012


366 Reads


10 Citations

In this work we introduce a technique for a humanoid robot to autonomously learn the representations of objects within its visual environment. Our approach involves an attention mechanism in association with feature based segmentation that explores the environment and provides object samples for training. These samples are learned for further object identification using Cartesian Genetic Programming (CGP). The learned identification is able to provide robust and fast segmentation of the objects, without using features. We showcase our system and its performance on the iCub humanoid robot.

Fig. 1 Left: The iCub humanoid robot. Right: Architecture of the icVision framework.  
An Integrated, Modular Framework for Computer Vision and Cognitive Robotics Research (icVision)

November 2012


191 Reads


11 Citations

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

We present an easy-to-use, modular framework for performing computer vision related tasks in support of cognitive robotics research on the iCub humanoid robot. The aim of this biologically inspired, bottom-up architecture is to facilitate research towards visual perception and cognition processes, especially their influence on robotic object manipulation and environment interaction. The icVision framework described provides capabilities for detection of objects in the 2D image plane and locate those objects in 3D space to facilitate the creation of a world model.

Fig. 1. 
Fig. 2. The object localisation problem, illustrated according to the kinematic model of the iCub humanoid robot, is to process images from cameras located at the origin of CSL and CSR to express the position of objects with respect to CSWorld . CSK denotes the reference frame for the Katana manipulator. 
Fig. 3. 
Fig. 4. 
Fig. 6. 
Transferring Spatial Perception Between Robots Operating In A Shared Workspace

October 2012


111 Reads


21 Citations

Proceedings of the ... IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems

We use a Katana robotic arm to teach an iCub humanoid robot how to perceive the location of the objects it sees. To do this, the Katana positions an object within the shared workspace, and tells the iCub where it has placed it. While the iCub moves it observes the object, and a neural network then learns how to relate its pose and visual inputs to the object location. We show that satisfactory results can be obtained for localisation even in scenarios where the kine- matic model is imprecise or not available. Furthermore, we demonstrate that this task can be accomplished safely. For this task we extend our collision avoidance software for the iCub to prevent collisions between multiple, independently controlled, heterogeneous robots in the same workspace.

Citations (13)

... Closed-loop approaches have been previously applied to other aspects of robotic manipulation. For example, Leitner et al. (2014) presented a method employing trained visual detectors for closed-loop, real-time reaching and obstacle avoidance on the iCub robot. More recently CNN-based controllers for grasping have been proposed to combine deep learning with closed-loop grasping (Kalashnikov et al., 2018;Levine et al., 2016;Viereck et al., 2017). ...


Learning robust, real-time, reactive robotic grasping
Reactive Reaching and Grasping on a Humanoid: Towards Closing the Action-Perception Loop on the iCub

... More details are provided in ref. [36]. Besides, there are several platforms for humanoids and other robots in studies reported in ref. [37][38][39]. Details of Pioner3-AT bender robotic platform are provided in ref. [40]. ...

Task-relevant roadmaps: A framework for humanoid motion planning

Proceedings of the ... IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems

... The field of intrinsically motivated open-ended learning (IMOL [22]) tackles the problem of developing agents that aim at improving their capabilities to interact with the environment without any specific assigned task. More precisely, Intrinsic Motivations (IMs [23,24]) are a class of selfgenerated signals that have been used to provide robots with autonomous guidance for several different processes, from state-and-action space exploration [25,26], to the autonomous discovery, selection and learning of multiple goals [27][28][29]. In general, IMs guide the agent in acquiring new knowledge independently (or even in the absence) of any assigned task to support open-ended learning processes [30]. ...

Curiosity Driven Reinforcement Learning for Motion Planning on Humanoids

Frontiers in Neurorobotics

... However, for a complete emulation of human numerical cognition, artificial models need to be physically embodied, i.e., instantiated into realistic simulations of the human body that can gesture and interact with the surrounding environment, such as humanoid robots (Lungarella et al., 2003). Some development in this field has been achieved with robots being able to detect their own hands, solely using the embedded cameras (Leitner et al., 2013). ...

Humanoid Learns to Detect Its Own Hands

... Con el objetivo de permitirle a la réplica del robot humanoide InMoov aprender la percepción espacial de un entorno doméstico controlado, se desarrolló una arquitectura de redes neuronales convolucionales (CNN) para encontrar el objeto, segmentarlo y estimar sus coordenadas cartesianas relativas (X, Y, Z) con respecto al robot, utilizando como punto de partida las metodologías planteadas por Leitner, et al. (2013) y Demby's, et al. (2019. ...

Artificial Neural Networks For Spatial Perception: Towards Visual Object Localisation in Humanoid Robots
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • August 2013

... This is done using Markov Random Field (MRF) learning algorithm. Leitner et al. [7] tackle the problem of localizing objects from vision system on a humanoid robot. They compare the performance of the approaches Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Genetic Programming. ...

Learning Spatial Object Localization from Vision on a Humanoid Robot

... The developed visual system actively explores the unfamiliar environment and pro-vides the robot with the ability to learn visual representation for objects in the scene in an autonomous fashion. A prototype version of this system was presented at the International Conference on Developmental Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL/EpiRob) [Leitner et al., 2012a]. The following experiment show the achieved results using a combination of techniques required to create a more autonomous learning system for CGP-IP: ...

Autonomous Learning Of Robust Visual Object Detection And Identification On A Humanoid

... The A* path planning algorithm is an example of a gridbased algorithm [20], [21]. The algorithm starts from the starting point and then gives a cost value for each neighbor grid-point. ...

An Integrated, Modular Framework for Computer Vision and Cognitive Robotics Research (icVision)

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

... Instead of fencing off the robots, the concept of Industry 4.0 is aimed at having a new era of collaborative robots, which are safe to operate in shared workspaces with humans [1]. The concept of a shared workspace has been an active research area for many years, which is still highly relevant today [2] [3]. The industry is catching up to research with robotic platforms like Baxter and Sawyer, which are known to be fully safe to operate around humans. ...

Transferring Spatial Perception Between Robots Operating In A Shared Workspace

Proceedings of the ... IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems