Michael P. Lamb’s research while affiliated with California Institute of Technology and other places

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Publications (289)

(a) Map of Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana, with sample sites. Circles indicate main sample sites with sediment concentration–depth and LISST profiles. Stars indicate additional sediment concentration–depth profile sites without LISST and floc cam measurements. The satellite image is from January 2021 – Image © 2021 Planet Labs PBC – at relatively low discharge and tide to highlight the full island extents. (b) Map of the Louisiana coast region. (c) Inset map of Mike Island and Greg Pass. The satellite image is the same as that in panel (a) – Image © 2021 Planet Labs PBC. (d) A 2021 hydrograph of Wax Lake Outlet at Calumet, LA (USGS stream gauge 07381590). Gray bands indicate fieldwork periods.
Floc cam data collection and processing. (a) Floc cam setup. During image collection, the black tarp covered the sampler and frame to block external light. (b) Example floc cam grayscale image. (c) 2D gradient of the grayscale image. High-gradient pixels correspond to particle borders. (d) Binarized particles showing particle displacement between an image pair. The scale in panel (d) also applies to panels (b) and (c). (e) Example scatterplot of squared diameter, D2, and measured displacement. Δz0 indicates the fitted background correction. (f) Time series of corrected displacement for a single tracked particle across multiple image pairs. The corrected displacement isolates the displacement due to gravitational settling from that due to background currents.
Rouse–Vanoni equation results. (a) Example of sediment volume concentration as a function of height above the bed for profile WO spring. We used the full 100 grain size classes in all calculations but reclassified the data into 6 classes for this panel only to improve readability. Curves represent the best-fit Rouse–Vanoni profiles (Eq. 8). Data scatter likely represents spatiotemporal variations in turbulence, bedforms, and/or other natural sources of variability. (b) Grain diameter and Rouse-estimated in situ settling velocity assuming β=1 for concentration–depth profiles with LISST measurements. Black settling velocity theory curves indicate the Ferguson and Church (2004) model with an order of magnitude above and below. Floc cutoff diameter varies between concentration–depth profiles and ranges between 10 and 55 µm for the displayed profiles. Vertical bars represent the propagated 68 % confidence interval on the Rouse number estimates. Points without vertical bars have confidence intervals that overlap with 0.
Example of calculating floc size distribution (black) from suspended sediment grain size distribution (blue) and LISST in situ particle size distribution (orange). Particles include flocs and unflocculated grains. Zones describe the particles in the LISST particle size distribution and are demarcated by the floc cutoff and maximum grain diameters. We identified the floc cutoff diameter as the grain diameter at which the Rouse-estimated settling velocity departs from settling velocity theory for single grains (Sect. 4.5; Fig. 3b). The maximum grain diameter is the maximum diameter of sediment grains measured by grain size analysis of fully dispersed sediment (Sect. 4.1). Data correspond to a suspended sediment sample collected at 1.9 m depth out of 3.8 m total depth from the GP spring 1 profile (Table 2).
LISST results for in situ particles, which include flocs and unflocculated sediment. (a) Profiles of in situ particle volume concentration from LISST, binned into 12 vertical classes (Sect. 4.3). Horizontal bars represent the 95 % bootstrap uncertainty. (b) Profiles of median in situ particle diameter from LISST, binned into 12 vertical classes. Horizontal bars represent the span of the D16 and D84 particle diameters, the diameters for which 16 % and 84 % of particles are finer, respectively. (c) Cumulative distribution functions of depth-averaged particle diameter from LISST. (d) Median depth-averaged grain diameter from sediment samples and median depth-averaged particle diameter from LISST. The legend in panel (c) applies for all panels.


Testing floc settling velocity models in rivers and freshwater wetlands
  • Article
  • Full-text available

November 2024


74 Reads

Justin A. Nghiem


Gen K. Li





Michael P. Lamb

Flocculation controls mud sedimentation and organic carbon burial rates by increasing mud settling velocity. However, calibration and validation of floc settling velocity models in freshwater are lacking. We used a camera, in situ laser diffraction particle sizing, and suspended sediment concentration–depth profiles to measure flocs in Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana. We developed a new workflow that combines our multiple floc data sources to distinguish between flocs and unflocculated sediment and measure floc attributes that were previously difficult to constrain. Sediment finer than ∼10 to 55 µm was flocculated with median floc diameter of 30 to 90 µm, bulk solid fraction of 0.05 to 0.3, fractal dimension of ∼2.1, and floc settling velocity of ∼0.1 to 1 mm s⁻¹, with little variation along water depth. Results are consistent with a semi-empirical model indicating that sediment concentration and mineralogy, organics, water chemistry, and, above all, turbulence control floc settling velocity. Effective primary particle diameter is ∼2µm, about 2 to 6 times smaller than the median primary particle diameter, and is better described using a fractal theory. Flow through the floc increases settling velocity by an average factor of 2 and up to a factor of 7 and can be described by a modified permeability model that accounts for the effect of many primary particle sizes on flow paths. These findings help explain discrepancies between observations and an explicit settling model based on Stokes' law that depends on floc diameter, permeability, and fractal properties.


Permafrost slows Arctic riverbank erosion

October 2024


164 Reads


1 Citation


The rate of river migration affects the stability of Arctic infrastructure and communities1,2 and regulates the fluxes of carbon3,4, nutrients⁵ and sediment6,7 to the oceans. However, predicting how the pace of river migration will change in a warming Arctic⁸ has so far been stymied by conflicting observations about whether permafrost⁹ primarily acts to slow10,11 or accelerate12,13 river migration. Here we develop new computational methods that enable the detection of riverbank erosion at length scales 5–10 times smaller than the pixel size in satellite imagery, an innovation that unlocks the ability to quantify erosion at the sub-monthly timescales when rivers undergo their largest variations in water temperature and flow. We use these high-frequency observations to constrain the extent to which erosion is limited by the thermal condition of melting the pore ice that cements bank sediment¹⁴, a requirement that will disappear when permafrost thaws, versus the mechanical condition of having sufficient flow to transport the sediment comprising the riverbanks, a condition experienced by all rivers¹⁵. Analysis of high-resolution data from the Koyukuk River, Alaska, shows that the presence of permafrost reduces erosion rates by 47%. Using our observations, we calibrate and validate a numerical model that can be applied to diverse Arctic rivers. The model predicts that full permafrost thaw may lead to a 30–100% increase in the migration rates of Arctic rivers.

(a) Lower Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada. GST marks the location of the gravel‐sand transition. (b) Downstream change in water surface and bed elevation. (c) Downstream change in median bed surface grain size D50. (d) Bed surface grain size distributions near Hope (RK 165), at Yaalstrick Bar (RK 100.5 at the location of GST), and at Mission (RK 85). Based on Venditti and Church (2014).
Simulation results for Cases 1–4: (a) longitudinal bed slope at steady state; (b) median bed surface grain size at steady state; (c–f) steady‐state bed surface fractions at different locations, at half‐φ size intervals. For all four cases, steady state is reached before 40 ka. In (c–f), the line colors denote the locations of the bed surface GSD's; the darker shade of blue represents a shorter distance from Sand Heads. Initial condition is also shown (dashed lines).
(a) Sediment mass balance for each grain size range for Case 2, for the entire 130 km reach and over the time interval 0–40 ka. (b) Zoom of Panel (a). (c) Spatial variation of the steady‐state sediment flux in Case 1 and Case 3. (d) Decomposition of Δqt for each size range, with a spatial interval of 20 km from RK93 to RK 73. (e) Decomposition of Δqs and Δqb for non‐gap sand and gap sediment, with a spatial interval of 2 km across the GST. (f) Spatial variation of the bed surface fractions at steady state. A size range of half φ interval is applied. Gray labels show the size range of gap sediment(1–5 mm). Δq = difference between influx and outflux of sediment load per unit width for a spatial interval of interest. Subscripts “t,” “s” and “b” denote total sediment load, suspended load and bedload, respectively. Rqt is defined as the ratio between Δqt and the influx of total sediment load per unit width for the spatial interval of interest.
Summary of Modeling Cases Case Initial bed surface Sediment supply Subsidence rate Flow discharge Flood intermittency Width ratio a Note
Autogenic Formation of Bimodal Grain Size Distributions in Rivers and Its Contribution to Gravel‐Sand Transitions

September 2024


338 Reads


1 Citation

Plain Language Summary The bed surface layer of many rivers is a mixture of sand and gravel. This mixture is described by the probability distribution of grain sizes, and in particular by the median size. Consider the long profile of such a river. Surface median size commonly becomes finer downstream, but often changes abruptly from a value above 5 mm to a value below 1 mm over a short reach. The range 1–5 mm is termed “gap sediment.” Here we explain how this abrupt change evolves, even when there is no deficit of gap sediment supplied to the reach, and even though particle abrasion is not included. The grain size distribution autogenically develops two peaks, one in the sand range and one in the gravel range above 5 mm. When abrupt floodplain widening is included, the gravel peak is stronger in the upper reach and the sand peak is stronger in the lower reach, leading to a relatively abrupt gravel‐sand transition. Gap sediment can be diluted both upstream and downstream by a combination of effects due to bedload and suspended load, so that it dominates nowhere in the grain size distribution.

Mercury stocks in discontinuous permafrost and their mobilization by river migration in the Yukon River Basin

August 2024


71 Reads


1 Citation

Rapid warming in the Arctic threatens to destabilize mercury (Hg) deposits contained within soils in permafrost regions. Yet current estimates of the amount of Hg in permafrost vary by ∼4 times. Moreover, how Hg will be released to the environment as permafrost thaws remains poorly known, despite threats to water quality, human health, and the environment. Here we present new measurements of total mercury (THg) contents in discontinuous permafrost in the Yukon River Basin in Alaska. We collected riverbank and floodplain sediments from exposed banks and bars near the villages of Huslia and Beaver. Median THg contents were 49⁺¹³/−21 ng THg g sediment⁻¹ and 39⁺¹⁶/−18 ng THg g sediment⁻¹ for Huslia and Beaver, respectively (uncertainties as 15th and 85th percentiles). Corresponding THg:organic carbon ratios were 5.4+2.0/−2.4 Gg THg Pg C⁻¹ and 4.2 +2.4/−2.9 Gg THg Pg C⁻¹. To constrain floodplain THg stocks, we combined measured THg contents with floodplain stratigraphy. Trends of THg increasing with smaller sediment size and calculated stocks in the upper 1 m and 3 m are similar to those suggested for this region by prior pan-Arctic studies. We combined THg stocks and river migration rates derived from remote sensing to estimate particulate THg erosional and depositional fluxes as river channels migrate across the floodplain. Results show similar fluxes within uncertainty into the river from erosion at both sites (95⁺¹²/−47 kg THg yr⁻¹ and 26⁺¹⁵⁴/−13 kg THg yr⁻¹ at Huslia and Beaver, respectively), but different fluxes out of the river via deposition in aggrading bars (60⁺⁴⁰/−29 kg THg yr⁻¹ and 10+5.3/−1.7 kg THg yr⁻¹). Thus, a significant amount of THg is liberated from permafrost during bank erosion, while a variable but generally lesser portion is subsequently redeposited by migrating rivers.

Mud cohesion governs unvegetated meander migration rates and deposit architecture

July 2024


8 Reads

Geological Society of America Bulletin

Vegetation is thought to be a main source of riverbank cohesion, enabling meandering and a deposit architecture characterized by sandy channel belts isolated in mudstone. However, early Earth and Mars had meandering rivers without vegetation, implying that other sources of bank strength can allow meandering with potentially different deposit characteristics. Here we studied the Amargosa River in Death Valley, California, USA, as a modern analog of meandering rivers without vegetation. We monitored flow and erosion at two bends and used radiocarbon dating of strandlines to quantify flood frequency. We also sampled cutbank mud and constrained an erosion theory using flume experiments. Cutbank erosion occurred for floods with >2 yr recurrence intervals, and 18 cm occurred for an ∼6 yr reoccurrence, bankfull event. Mud set the rate of meander migration: salt crusts rapidly and completely dissolved during floods, vegetation was absent, and mud entrainment theory matched observed erosion rates. Flood-frequency analysis showed that most bank erosion occurs at flows below bankfull, challenging the threshold channel hypothesis. We used meander migration rates to constrain the time scale of channel-belt formation and compared it to the time scale of avulsion. These calculations, combined with floodplain facies mapping and core sedimentology, indicated a likely deposit architecture of sandy point bar accretion sets intermixed with muddy overbank facies. This deposit architecture is characteristic of vegetated meandering rivers, but due to muddy banks, occurred for the Amargosa River in the absence of plants.

Permafrost Formation in a Meandering River Floodplain

July 2024


279 Reads

Permafrost influences 25% of land in the Northern Hemisphere, where it stabilizes the ground beneath communities and infrastructure and sequesters carbon. However, the coevolution of permafrost, river dynamics, and vegetation in Arctic environments remains poorly understood. As rivers meander, they erode the floodplain at cutbanks and build new land through bar deposition, creating sequences of landforms with distinct formation ages. Here we mapped these sequences along the Koyukuk River floodplain, Alaska, analyzing permafrost occurrence, and landform and vegetation types. We used radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating to develop a floodplain age map. Deposit ages ranged from modern to 10 ka, with more younger deposits near the modern channel. Permafrost rapidly reached 50% areal extent in all deposits older than 200 years then gradually increased up to ∼85% extent for deposits greater than 4 Kyr old. Permafrost extent correlated with increases in black spruce and wetland abundance, as well as increases in permafrost extent within wetland, and shrub and scrub vegetation classes. We developed an inverse model to constrain permafrost formation rate as a function of air temperature. Permafrost extent initially increased by ∼25% per century, in pace with vegetation succession, before decelerating to <10% per millennia as insulating overbank mud and moss slowly accumulated. Modern permafrost extent on the Koyukuk floodplain therefore reflects a dynamic balance between widespread, time‐varying permafrost formation and rapid, localized degradation due to cutbank erosion that might trigger a rapid loss of permafrost with climatic warming.


Introduction: Sedimentary rocks on Mars preserve a record of past depositional and diagenetic conditions that offers an opportunity to investigate the planet's geologic and climate history beyond the limits of the geomorphic and impact crater records. Since 2019, new rover and orbiter observations and analyses of the Martian sedimentary record, along with sediment transport modeling advances, have provided important insights into the environment, climate, and habitability of early Mars. This review presents: (1) key advances in Martian sedimentology and stratigraphy over the past 5 years, (2) current limitations, and (3) priority areas for future research. Advances: Evolution of Mars surface environments through time. The high spatial resolution and ground-based viewing perspective of rovers with access to 100s of meters of stratigraphy has enabled the recognition of environmental and climatic oscillations at an unprecedented level of detail and complexity. In Gale crater, Curiosity data reveal transitions between lacustrine, fluvial, littoral, and aeolian depositional settings within Aeolis Mons (informally, Mount Sharp) strata [1-7], as well as high frequency wet-dry cycling [8] and evidence of seasonal atmospheric changes [9]. In Jezero crater, Perseverance has observed a time-ordered sequence of alluvial, lacustrine, deltaic, and fluvial sedimentary rocks [10] with fluctuations in lake level recorded in this stratigraphy [11]. Significance of mineral stacking patterns observed in orbiter data. Rover observations reveal that mineralogical transitions and associations observed in orbiter data often record diagenesis rather than primary depositional conditions. For example, the clay-sulfate transition in Gale crater results from an increase in the population of diagenetic sulfate-rich veins and concretions [12, 13] formed at depth [14]. The hematite in Vera Rubin ridge, once considered a candidate for deposition in a redox-stratified lake [15], records a concentration of diagenetic hematite [16]. Observations by Perseverance in Jezero crater reveal that clay minerals detected on the upper surface of the fan are not

Geomorphic risk maps for river migration using probabilistic modeling – a framework

May 2024


91 Reads

Lateral migration of meandering rivers poses erosional risks to human settlements, roads, and infrastructure in alluvial floodplains. While there is a large body of scientific literature on the dominant mechanisms driving river migration, it is still not possible to accurately predict river meander evolution over multiple years. This is in part because we do not fully understand the relative contribution of each mechanism and because deterministic mathematical models are not equipped to account for stochasticity in the system. Besides, uncertainty due to model structure deficits and unknown parameter values remains. For a more reliable assessment of risks, we therefore need probabilistic forecasts. Here, we present a workflow to generate geomorphic risk maps for river migration using probabilistic modeling. We start with a simple geometric model for river migration, where nominal migration rates increase with local and upstream curvature. We then account for model structure deficits using smooth random functions. Probabilistic forecasts for river channel position over time are generated by Monte Carlo runs using a distribution of model parameter values inferred from satellite data. We provide a recipe for parameter inference within the Bayesian framework. We demonstrate that such risk maps are relatively more informative in avoiding false negatives, which can be both detrimental and costly, in the context of assessing erosional hazards due to river migration. Our results show that with longer prediction time horizons, the spatial uncertainty of erosional hazard within the entire channel belt increases – with more geographical area falling within 25 % < probability < 75 %. However, forecasts also become more confident about erosion for regions immediately in the vicinity of the river, especially on its cut-bank side. Probabilistic modeling thus allows us to quantify our degree of confidence – which is spatially and temporally variable – in river migration forecasts. We also note that to increase the reliability of these risk maps, we need to describe the first-order dynamics in our model to a reasonable degree of accuracy, and simple geometric models do not always possess such accuracy.

Low But Persistent Organic Carbon Content of Hyperarid River Deposits and Implications for Ancient Mars

Mars has many well‐exposed fluvial ridges and fluvio‐deltaic basins; in two of these locations, the Curiosity and Perseverance rovers are currently searching for signs of habitability. The distribution of organic carbon that might persist in ancient fluvial deposits present on Mars is not well understood. In this study, we set out to assess the preservation potential of organic carbon in a hyperarid fluvial environment with observations and analyses of the Amargosa River in Death Valley, California (United States). The lower reaches of the Amargosa River in Badwater Basin are nearly devoid of plants and contain low gradient, meandering channels, making them a valuable terrestrial analog for early martian fluvial systems. We analyzed sediment taken from fluvial deposits exposed in cutbanks of two bends of a meandering channel. We found total organic carbon abundances that were on average 0.15% up to a meter below the surface. X‐ray diffraction and electron microscopy analyses revealed a suite of high redox potential mineral phases (including iron and manganese oxides) mixed with detrital and authigenic silicates, carbonate, and sulfate salts at or close to redox equilibrium with pore fluids in contact with the atmosphere. This finding highlighted that organic carbon can persist in fluvial deposits at low abundance despite oxidizing conditions and saturated sediments and suggested that ancient fluvial deposits on Mars may retain traces of organics in fine‐grained deposits if they are present during deposition.

A Model for Thaw and Erosion of Permafrost Riverbanks

April 2024


156 Reads


2 Citations

How will bank erosion rates in Arctic rivers respond to a warming climate? Existing physical models predict that bank erosion rates should increase with water temperature as permafrost thaws more rapidly. However, the same theory predicts much faster erosion than is typically observed. We propose that these models are missing a key component: a layer of thawed sediment on the bank that buffers heat transfer and slows erosion. We developed a 1D model for this thawed layer, which reveals three regimes for permafrost riverbank erosion. Thaw‐limited erosion occurs in the absence of a thawed layer, such that rapid pore‐ice melting sets the pace of erosion, consistent with existing models. Entrainment‐limited erosion occurs when pore‐ice melting outpaces bank erosion, resulting in a thawed layer, and the relatively slow entrainment of sediment sets the pace of erosion similar to non‐permafrost rivers. Third, the intermediate regime occurs when the thawed layer goes through cycles of thickening and failure, leading to a transient thermal buffer that slows thaw rates. Distinguishing between these regimes is important because thaw‐limited erosion is highly sensitive to water temperature, whereas entrainment‐limited erosion is not. Interestingly, the buffered regime produces a thawed layer and relatively slow erosion rates like the entrainment‐limited regime, but erosion rates are temperature sensitive like the thaw‐limited regime. The results suggest the potential for accelerating erosion in a warming Arctic where bank erosion is presently thaw‐limited or buffered. Moreover, rivers can experience all regimes annually and transition between regimes with warming, altering their sensitivity to climate change.

Citations (74)

... Note that our simple model assumes that the state of the riverbank is in local equilibrium with the erosion mode (entrainment-limited or thaw-limited). In other words, our model does not include a 'history effect' that could be important in some cases for building up a thawed layer 45 . However, the numerical modelling of ref. 45 suggests that our local equilibrium assumption is a reasonable one most of the time because the thawed layer thickness rapidly adjusts to changes in either thaw rate or entrainment rate (for which we define 'rapid' compared with the temporal forcing from the hydrograph or the seasonal temperature pattern) 45 . ...


Permafrost slows Arctic riverbank erosion
A Model for Thaw and Erosion of Permafrost Riverbanks

... Due to its low density, overburden collapse caused by notch development could not be examined with the experimental setup and is excluded from this paper. The erodible foam has consistent properties, fails in a brittle manner, and has been proven to be effective as a rock analog in experiments simulating abrasion by wind-transported sediment (Bridges et al., 2004;Laity & Bridges, 2009), rockfall (Beer et al., 2024), and sediment-laden unidirectional (Cao et al., 2022;Scheingross et al., 2017Scheingross et al., , 2019 and oscillatory flow (Bramante et al., 2020), where the produced morphologic patterns are similar to those observed in natural rock. Moreover, this type of foam follows the same scaling relation between its volumetric erosion rate (E V ) and tensile strength (σ t ) as observed in natural rock E V ∝ σ 2 t ) (Lamb et al., 2015;Scheingross et al., 2014;Sklar & Dietrich, 2001). ...

A Mechanistic Model and Experiments on Bedrock Incision and Channelization by Rockfall

... It has been recently argued that finer particles entrain coarser par ticles due to a viscous effect. Parker et al. ( 27 ) illustrated how adding sand to a gravel bed can encourage the development of a transitional hydraulically smooth turbulent boundary layer (where viscous forces become important). Gravel beds without much sand typically have hydraulically rough, turbulent bed boundary layers. ...

Dimensionless argument: a narrow grain size range near 2 mm plays a special role in river sediment transport and morphodynamics

... After completing exploration of aqueously altered igneous rocks on the Jezero crater floor (Farley et al., 2022;Sun et al., 2023;Wiens et al., 2022), on Sol ∼416 (April 2022) Perseverance arrived at a sequence of sedimentary rocks exposed along the eastern edge of the western Jezero fan (Figure 1). This sedimentary succession, informally known as the "Shenandoah formation" (all names used here are informal), is approximately 25 m thick and composed of a suite of sedimentary rocks (Stack et al., 2024) that overlie the Crater Floor igneous units, informally known as the Seitah and Maaz formations (Farley et al., 2022;Paige et al., 2024). Sediments of the Shenandoah formation were likely deposited in a range of depositional environments, including alluvial plain, lacustrine, and deltaic settings (Stack et al., 2024). ...

Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Shenandoah Formation, Western Fan, Jezero Crater, Mars

... As the transportation of sediment particles is highly complex, a single Froude number or Reynolds number or both cannot demonstrate the total sediment load under all situations of a channel. Hence, a regression equation derived from measured data to estimate the total sediment load became popular [15,16]. According to Cheng et al. [16], sediment load is changing globally. ...

Gravity‐Driven Differences in Fluvial Sediment Transport on Mars and Earth

... The favored hypothesis for ripple formation is by agitation of sediment on a shallow lake floor by wind driven waves at the surface Weitz et al., 2023). The overlying thickly laminated strata represent subaqueous settling of fines into deeper water ; depositional cyclicity is inferred from the presence of rhythmic laminae . ...


... The CSf to MIf transition represents a shift from marginal lacustrine/fluvial to an ancient eolian depositional environment, as evidenced by the presence of large-scale cross-bedded sandstones Meyer et al., 2024). Strata of the lowest member, the Dunnideer member (where MG was drilled), consist of meter-scale cross-stratified sandstones representative of a dry eolian dune environment, though the lowermost several meters exhibit a strong diagenetic overprint (Figure 3c) Gupta et al., 2023;Meyer et al., 2024). Overlying strata of the Port Logan member of the MIf (where ZE was drilled) are characterized by a lower degree of diagenetic overprinting, providing clearer visibility of cross-stratified sandstones indicative of an eolian dune environment (Figure 3d) Gupta et al., 2022;Meyer et al., 2024). ...


... Given the coincidence of warm, snowy years in 2018 and 2019 with elevated Redness index for the three sampled watersheds ( Supplementary Fig. 4), we hypothesize that climate change-induced permafrost thaw is responsible for the abrupt shifts in stream color and chemistry. Important changes include shifts in the concentration, age, and character of dissolved organic matter 41 , and suspended sediments 6,7,17 . Permafrost thaw has already been linked to dramatic shifts in water quality in Arctic national parks 42 , including increased SO 4 2and Fe concentrations and decreased pH (to <3) 43 , which may be in response to changes in chemical weathering of minerals. ...

Arctic Permafrost Thawing Enhances Sulfide Oxidation

... Additionally, in such rivers, grain sizes equal to or larger than the D 50 are infrequently mobile (e.g., Lisle et al., 2000), so despite the small fraction of finer sizes, they contribute disproportionately to bedload yield. Parker et al. (2023) showed that particles with sizes in the vicinity of 2 mm (i.e., 1-5 mm, "pea gravel") show enhanced relative mobility as bedload and show distinct transport behavior from coarser and finer materials, consistent with Church and Hassan (2023). ...

Dimensionless argument: a narrow grain size range near 2 mm plays a special role in river sediment transport and morphodynamics