July 2024
4 Reads
1 Citation
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July 2024
4 Reads
1 Citation
June 2024
19 Reads
March 2024
110 Reads
2 Citations
March 2024
122 Reads
18 Citations
September 2023
157 Reads
11 Citations
Personnel Psychology
Self‐efficacy exerts a positive impact on several self‐regulatory functions to support goal accomplishment and performance. However, in contexts that are characterized by uncertainty and ambiguity, such as entrepreneurship, there might be a tipping point to this relationship, prompting calls for deeper investigations on the nonlinear effect. In particular, the underlying mechanisms explaining why and when the nonlinear effect occurs are unclear. Drawing on theories of self‐regulation, we examine the nonlinear effect of entrepreneurial self‐efficacy on venture goal progress through the entrepreneur's active feedback‐seeking and venture effort. We also propose that the entrepreneur's state error mastery orientation moderates the nonlinear effect. Conducting a six‐wave repeated measures study among 84 early‐stage entrepreneurs in a business accelerator in the Philippines, we use a within‐person approach to test our hypotheses and research model. Results suggest that self‐regulatory mechanisms in terms of feedback seeking, effort, and state error mastery orientation help to unpack why and when self‐efficacy exerts a nonlinear effect on performance outcomes.
August 2023
43 Reads
2 Citations
Academy of Management Proceedings
January 2023
60 Reads
17 Citations
Journal of Business Venturing
While most participants benefit from action-oriented entrepreneurship training, such programs can paradoxically also have negative effects. Training programs in which participants actively engage in entrepreneurship involve facing problems that might be too difficult to overcome, potentially decreasing trainees' entrepreneurial self-efficacy. Based on theories of self-regulation, we argue that error mastery orientation is a factor that explains under which condition problems do or do not lead to decreases in entrepreneurial self-efficacy during training. To test our model, we conducted a 12-week action-oriented training program and applied a longitudinal design with one baseline measurement, seven measurements during training, and one measurement after training. Analyses based on 415 lagged observations from 109 training participants indicated that participants with low error mastery orientation experienced decreases in entrepreneurial self-efficacy during training when facing problems. In contrast, participants high in error mastery orientation could buffer the negative effects of problems on entrepreneurial self-efficacy. Our results suggest that error mastery orientation is a critical factor to understand why participants' episodic experiences of problems during training negatively influence their entrepreneurial self-efficacy. Shedding light on these self-regulatory factors advances the understanding of the potential dark side of action-oriented entrepreneurship training.
January 2023
5 Reads
Ein beachtlicher Teil von Absolventen, die sich für die Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie interessieren, entscheidet sich nach Beendigung des Masterstudiums für eine weitere Ausbildung in der Forschung und somit für die Erlangung eines Doktorgrads. Die Gründe für eine weitere wissenschaftliche Ausbildung sind dabei vielfältig: Etliche beschäftigen sich gegen Ende ihres Studiums mit der Frage, ob sie sich eine weitere Zeit an der Universität vorstellen können. Manche Studierende haben bereits während ihres Studiums als wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft an einem Lehrstuhl gearbeitet und kennen entsprechend die Arbeit als Wissenschaftler und entdecken spätestens beim Schreiben ihrer Abschlussarbeit, ob sie sich vorstellen können, dieser Arbeit weiterhin nachzugehen. Andere Absolventen wiederum sehen vielleicht ihre langfristige Zukunft nicht unbedingt in der Forschung, erhoffen sich aber Expertenwissen in einem bestimmten Bereich, was einen späteren Jobeinstieg in der Wirtschaft erleichtern könnte.
December 2022
104 Reads
18 Citations
How do episodes of transformational leadership transform followers? To address this question, we build on theories of affective events and affect regulation and develop a research model that explicates a mechanism of the transformation process implicit in transformational leadership theory. Specifically, the model explains how experiencing episodes of transformational leadership transforms (i.e., changes) followers’ positive affect and eventually their work engagement by fulfilling followers’ basic psychological needs. We tested our model in two independent longitudinal samples using daily and weekly measurement designs with 214 (N = 75) and 147 (N = 54) lagged observations, respectively. In support of our model, experiencing episodes of transformational leadership was associated with basic need fulfilment and led to a change in positive affect, which predicted changes in work engagement. Our findings suggest that a focus on affective dynamics can advance theories of leadership.
November 2022
116 Reads
... Meanwhile, Kraiger et al. (1993), and Schick et al. (2024) perceived training effectiveness as the learning acquisition in training. In addition, Kontoghiorghes (2004), and Gielnik and Bohlayer (2024), perceived training effectiveness as training transfer or the trainees' behavioural changes. Additionally, Al-Nuseirat and Biygautane (2014), and Ismael et al. (2021), perceived training effectiveness as results or the impact of training on organizational effectiveness. ...
July 2024
... Despite the recognition of the relationship between entrepreneurial passion and performance in NVTs, a more comprehensive examination of cross-level interactions (Cardon & Murnieks, 2020;Newman et al., 2021) and the cyclical nature of entrepreneurial passion (Gielnik et al., 2015;Uy et al., 2021) within NVTs could enhance our understanding. First, there is a research gap in our knowledge of the contingent roles of team-level passion constructs in the passion-performance link (Cardon & Murnieks, 2020;Jachimowicz et al., 2022). ...
March 2024
... 375). The time and resources that are spent on developing or writing business plans could have arguably been spent on other valuable activities (Ashamalla, Orife, & Abel, 2008;Carter et al., 1996;Frese & Gielnik, 2014Karlsson & Honig, 2009). Thus, looking at the fact that the teams that worked together to develop the business plan had core responsibilities such as teaching, research, and other community service responsibilities, with some being students, it was not surprising that they were complaining about the constraint of time impeding their development of the business plan. ...
March 2024
... Efforts to find the will and ability from within oneself are called self-efficacy. Uy et al (2024), explain that a person's conviction in their ability to effectively carry out and realize the targeted behaviour is known as their self-efficacy. Insole models, such as role models through perspective and mastery of experience, also accompany this. ...
September 2023
Personnel Psychology
... Specifically, we consider individual-, firm-, and macrolevel antecedents as well as individual-and firm-level outcomes neglected in previous review studies and meta-analyses (e.g., Pollack et al., 2020). Notably, scholars adopt different approaches to studying entrepreneurial passion (Naumann et al., 2023;Pollack et al., 2020;Zhao & Liu, 2023). Some focus their investigations on specific domains of passion, while others aggregate passion scores across the domains to establish an overall construct of entrepreneurial passion (i.e., this approach is particularly applicable when entrepreneurial activities are perceived as interdependent). ...
August 2023
Academy of Management Proceedings
... Importantly, values such as ethics and respect are common in this type of leader and, in turn, encourage their employees to become better people professionally and personally (Afriyie et al., 2014). According to Bader et al., (2023), those who practice this type of Mediators Authorised by the IPFSA in Portugal (2020-2022) ...
December 2022
... EI, defined as 'a state of mind directing a person´s attention […] toward a specific object […] or a path in order to achieve something' (Bird, 1988, p. 442), is an essential motivational pre-condition for an entrepreneurial career. Due to the innate complexity of an entrepreneurial founding process (Frese & Gielnik, 2023;Stephan et al., 2015), high EI levels do not guarantee actual founding (see Meoli et al., 2020). However, the existence of an EI equals the potential of future entrepreneurial activity (cf. ...
November 2022
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior
... When individuals perceive entrepreneurship as an attractive and promising choice, they are more likely to demonstrate positive entrepreneurial intentions. Bohlayer and Gielnik (2023) suggest that when individuals have a high level of entrepreneurship self-efficacy, they are more confident in facing challenges and overcoming difficulties, which improves entrepreneurial intentions. The increase in self-confidence makes individuals more inclined to pursue entrepreneurship opportunities because they believe they can cope with uncertainty and risks. ...
January 2023
Journal of Business Venturing
... Current research primarily employs an error-focused approach to explain this phenomenon [54]. An error-focused orientation can divert entrepreneurs' attention from their goals when errors occur, leading them to abandon resource reflection and recovery strategies [55]. ...
May 2021
Academy of Management Learning and Education
... Entrepreneurship training in developing countries varies in curriculum, program length, and the cultural and economic context in which it is offered. Research reporting the results of such training differs in focus, sample size, methods, and quality, making comparisons and generalizations difficult (Martin et al., 2013;Nabi et al., 2017;Weers & Gielnik, 2021). Although the expectation is that training will lead to entrepreneurial intent if not business initiation (Montes et al., 2023), several studies in Latin America have shown no correlation between training and entrepreneurial intentions (Cassol et al., 2022;Vélez et al., 2020;Montes et al., 2023), with similar results in Indonesia (Atmono et al., 2023) Vietnam (Duong, 2021), and Malaysia (Dobson & Muhammad, 2022). ...
December 2020