November 2024
158 Reads
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
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November 2024
158 Reads
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
August 2024
64 Reads
Academy of Management Proceedings
August 2024
13 Reads
Academy of Management Proceedings
July 2024
52 Reads
1 Citation
Journal of Consumer Psychology
The present research demonstrates a novel driver of the growing demand for counterfeit luxury goods: perceptions of income inequality. Across five studies, using different samples and counterfeit luxury goods, we find that as perceptions of income inequality increase, consumers value counterfeit luxury products for their “egalitarian value”—a value associated with counterfeits' perceived ability to restore equality in society. Consumers perceive both public and private counterfeit luxury goods to have egalitarian value, suggesting that their value manifests itself beyond consumers' attempts to signal status via consumption. Moreover, the egalitarian value increases consumers' motivation to purchase counterfeit luxury goods beyond their hedonic, utilitarian, economic, or status signaling value. Finally, the positive effect of the egalitarian value of counterfeit luxury goods on purchase preference is greater among consumers who think equality is more desirable and attainable (i.e., those low in social dominance orientation). Our results outline one psychological mechanism underlying consumers' interests in counterfeit luxury goods, explaining how egalitarian value may link two important societal issues: growing income inequality and increased demand for counterfeits.
March 2024
1 Read
Journal of Consumer Psychology
Six studies explore the psychology of borrowing and lending. Across two different contexts—friends lending to friends and taxpayers bailing out businesses—lenders are angrier with borrowers who specifically make hedonic (as opposed to utilitarian) purchases with loaned money. This anger is pronounced enough that lenders' negative feelings toward borrowers who made past hedonic (vs. utilitarian) purchases remains even after they have been fully repaid. Undergirding lender anger is deserved oversight —a novel construct capturing people's belief that they deserve control and say over another's decision‐making. Borrowers and lenders do not agree on who deserves oversight over how the loaned funds are spent in large part because they differ in how much perceived ownership they each feel over the money. When lenders are yet to be repaid, their desire for oversight extends even to purchases made separately from the loaned amount. Finally, these processes and consequences are most powerful when money is lent compared with other forms of exchange, such as gifting money or being paid for work.
January 2024
62 Reads
SSRN Electronic Journal
June 2023
44 Reads
1 Citation
Journal of Marketing Research
This paper tests the effect of a novel credit card payment format – repayment-by-purchase – on consumers’ payments toward credit card debt. In contrast to typical balance repayment, where consumers make repayments relative to a total amount owed, repayment-by-purchase prompts consumers to select items (e.g., a Starbucks coffee) or categories of purchase (e.g., restaurant and café purchases), and to make payments toward their related debt. A field experiment first suggests that customers who opted into repayment-by-purchase paid 12.18% more toward their statement balance than a control group. Subsequently, five lab experiments show that consumers repaying-by-purchase increase repayment by an average of 22.47% over typical balance repayment. Process evidence suggests that these differences may be driven by repayment-by-purchase’s power to increase purchase salience, which in turns increases perceptions of progress toward reducing debt. Consistent with this theory, the effect of repayment-by-purchase on bill repayment emerges regardless of whether consumers repay durable vs. non-durable goods, and for specific items or categories of purchases, as long as the bill uses labels that are concrete enough to raise past purchase salience.
April 2023
30 Reads
Journal of Consumer Psychology
This work examines the trade‐offs that consumers in relationships make between the overall quality of an activity (i.e., experience quality) and the ability to share the activity in physical proximity to a relationship partner (i.e., togetherness). A pilot study and five experiments demonstrate that consumers value togetherness (vs. experience quality) relatively more when they share the experience with a close (vs. distant) relationship partner. Importantly, this work documents a novel mechanism underlying the value that consumers place on togetherness: a desire to create shared memories. Supportive of this mechanism, the extent to which consumers value togetherness (vs. experience quality) is increased when outcomes for the self and the partner are asymmetrical (vs. symmetrical) if choosing to be apart and is reduced when the experience is framed as utilitarian (vs. hedonic) and when consumers are reminded that they can create shared memories even when apart. Taken together, this work extends previous research on shared consumption by documenting a desire to create shared memories as a novel driver of consumer decision‐making in the context of close relationships.
October 2022
631 Reads
19 Citations
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
We document a link between the relational diversity of one's social portfolio-the richness and evenness of relationship types across one's social interactions-and well-being. Across four distinct samples, respondents from the United States who completed a preregistered survey (n = 578), respondents to the American Time Use Survey (n = 19,197), respondents to the World Health Organization's Study on Global Aging and Adult Health (n = 10,447), and users of a French mobile application (n = 21,644), specification curve analyses show that the positive relationship between social portfolio diversity and well-being is robust across different metrics of well-being, different categorizations of relationship types, and the inclusion of a wide range of covariates. Over and above people's total amount of social interaction and the diversity of activities they engage in, the relational diversity of their social portfolio is a unique predictor of well-being, both between individuals and within individuals over time.
September 2022
16 Reads
22 Citations
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research
... Chin and Bruine de Bruin (2019) show that financial disclosure, including graphs with distributional information about the costs of credit cards, improves consumers' understanding of the cost of credit cards. Donnelly, Lamberton, Bush, Chance, and Norton (2024) allow people to repay their credit card debts by expenditure category, with each category shown in a graphical block. While these studies often draw on the idea that graphical representations might enhance comprehension or highlight critical information about credit card payments, they do not specifically test the effects of such graphical elements. ...
June 2023
Journal of Marketing Research
... Others may help to establish networks of various flexible and loose relationships, in the sense of the 'weak ties' that in sociology have been suggested as a central resource for people already 50 years ago (Granovetter, 1973). Weak ties widen the options for exchange, for further contacts, and for both providing and finding variable support when needed (Collins, Hagerty, Quoidbach, Norton, & Brooks, 2022;Moreton, Kelly, & Sandstrom, 2023). ...
October 2022
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
... For example, Bone, Christensen, and Williams (2014) studied the stigmatization of racial and ethnic minorities and found that the self-concept of African American and Hispanic consumers is negatively impacted by financial services providers' poor treatment of minority customers compared to White customers. Other work addressing how consumers have been targeted shows that advertising in a stereotypical manner or using identity-relevant symbols that may be linked to negative mental associations results in negative evaluations from the targeted consumer (Kim et al. 2023;Rank-Christman and Henderson 2019). Crockett (2008) examined how marketers use and portray Blackness in advertising, identifying two strategies: making claims about the brand as a cultural resource or emphasizing differences or similarities to make claims about the viewer. ...
September 2022
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research
... In response to the calls for leveraging both marketing (e.g., Chandy et al., 2021;Madan et al., 2023;Mende & Scott, 2021) and AI for social good and sustainable development (e.g., Cowls et al., 2021;Du & Sen, 2023;Floridi et al., 2018Floridi et al., , 2020Vinuesa et al., 2020), the current paper aims to explore the role of AI in enhancing services (and outcomes) for vulnerable consumers. It also seeks to offer guidance to businesses on best practices for utilizing AI in interactions with vulnerable consumers. ...
September 2022
Marketing Letters
... Finally, higher individual income may be a resource buffering against the adverse effects of separation. Generally, relationship dissolution often comes with an income loss, especially so for women (Manting & Bouman, 2006), and decreases in income are associated with decreases in life satisfaction (Boyce et al., 2013;De Neve et al., 2015). Thus, the level of income may affect how individuals cope with a breakup. ...
January 2015
SSRN Electronic Journal
... Many local food schemes fall within the former category, with appeals to support local farmers and producers (Young, 2022). For beneficiaries outside of the exchange relationship, common types include charitable donations linked to purchases and cause awareness raising campaigns such as those for breast cancer (Donnelly et al., 2021;Singh and Dhir, 2019). ...
December 2021
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
... Research finds that income inequality affects individuals' well-being and behaviors (Schneider, 2016), increasing concerns for fairness and equality (Oishi et al., 2011), and motivating strategies to restore equality in social institutions (Ordabayeva & Lisjak, 2022). Equalitydriven motivations influence both citizenship decisions, such as endorsing tax redistribution policies (Chow & Galak, 2012;Goya-Tocchetto & Payne, 2022), and consumption decisions, such as supporting businesses that are egalitarian oriented (Acar et al., 2021;Ordabayeva & Lisjak, 2022) or rejecting businesses that perpetuate inequality (Hagerty et al., 2022). These behaviors imply that consumer ideologies-the ideas and ideals that consumers hold regarding the marketplace (Schmitt et al., 2022)-underpin decisions to reduce income inequality. ...
October 2021
Journal of Consumer Psychology
... Exercise enhances leptin sensitivity, amplifying its ability to influence neural circuits linked to decision-making and inhibitory control, two core functions of the CEN (Fedewa et al., 2018;Rodrigues et al., 2018;Valladolid-Acebes, 2024). The modulation of hippocampal and prefrontal networks by leptin contributes to the seamless integration of sensory inputs and motor outputs, supporting goal-directed behaviours (Haas et al., 2022;Morrison, 2009;Schmidt et al., 2021;Van Doorn et al., 2017). Moreover leptin's impact on emotional regulation may provide additional protection against stress-induced disruptions in executive function, reinforcing the role of the CEN in maintaining attentional focus and behavioural organization. ...
November 2021
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
... The relationship strength of these social connections is determined by the emotional intimacy and feelings of connectedness shared between individuals (Aron et al., 1992;Granovetter, 1973). Strong social connections typically involve relationships with family members, close friends, and significant others and are characterized by numerous interactions, shared experiences, and feelings of affection (Garcia-Rada et al., 2022;Krackhardt et al., 2003). Weak social connections, on the other hand, typically involve relationships with acquaintances and distant others that are less developed. ...
June 2021
Journal of Consumer Research
... Este bien permite sentirnos más motivados por aquello que hacemos, más allá de los beneficios y bienes individuales que nos puede reportar. En un estudio reciente Kim et al. (2021) confirman que la realización de rituales de grupo es una dinámica organizativa apropiada para experimentar el sentimiento de comunidad dentro el ambiente laboral. De hecho, el trabajo como bien de la comunidad está muy condicionado a cómo se configuran las estructuras organizativas de las empresas. ...
July 2021
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes